public override string ToString()
            GrammarAST decisionASTNode = probe.dfa.DecisionASTNode;

            line = decisionASTNode.Line;
            charPositionInLine = decisionASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
            string fileName = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.FileName;

            if (fileName != null)
                file = fileName;

            StringTemplate st       = GetMessageTemplate();
            string         ruleName = probe.dfa.NFADecisionStartState.enclosingRule.Name;

            st.SetAttribute("ruleName", ruleName);
            List <int> sortedAlts = new List <int>();

            st.SetAttribute("alts", sortedAlts);

Beispiel #2
        /** Return a String containing a DOT description that, when displayed,
         *  will show the incoming state machine visually.  All nodes reachable
         *  from startState will be included.
        public virtual string GenerateGraph(State startState)
            if (startState == null)
            // The output DOT graph for visualization
            StringTemplate dot = null;

            markedStates = new HashSet <int>();
            if (startState is DFAState)
                dot = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "dfa"));
                WalkCreatingDFADOT(dot, (DFAState)startState);
                dot = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "nfa"));
                WalkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot, startState);
            dot.SetAttribute("rankdir", rankdir);
Beispiel #3
        public override string ToString()
            line = 0;
            charPositionInLine = 0;
            if (offendingToken != null)
                line = offendingToken.Line;
                charPositionInLine = offendingToken.CharPositionInLine;
            if (g != null)
                file = g.FileName;
            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();

            if (arg != null)
                st.SetAttribute("arg", arg);
            if (arg2 != null)
                st.SetAttribute("arg2", arg2);
Beispiel #4
        public override String ToString()
            GrammarAST decisionASTNode = probe.dfa.DecisionASTNode;

            line = decisionASTNode.Line;
            charPositionInLine = decisionASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
            String fileName = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.FileName;

            if (fileName != null)
                file = fileName;

            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();

            st.SetAttribute("targetRules", targetRules);
            st.SetAttribute("alt", alt);
            st.SetAttribute("callSiteStates", callSiteStates);

            var    labels = probe.GetSampleNonDeterministicInputSequence(sampleBadState);
            String input  = probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay(labels);

            st.SetAttribute("input", input);

Beispiel #5
        public virtual StringTemplate GetDependencies()
            StringTemplate dependenciesST = templates.GetInstanceOf("dependencies");

            dependenciesST.SetAttribute("in", GetDependenciesFileList());
            dependenciesST.SetAttribute("out", GetGeneratedFileList());
            dependenciesST.SetAttribute("grammarFileName", grammar.fileName);
        public override String ToString()
            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();

            st.SetAttribute("listOfCycles", cycles);
Beispiel #7
        protected StringTemplate GetRuleElementST(string name,
                                                  string ruleTargetName,
                                                  GrammarAST elementAST,
                                                  GrammarAST ast_suffix,
                                                  string label)
            string suffix = GetSTSuffix(elementAST, ast_suffix, label);

            name += suffix;
            // if we're building trees and there is no label, gen a label
            // unless we're in a synpred rule.
            Rule r = grammar.GetRule(currentRuleName);

            if ((grammar.BuildAST || suffix.Length > 0) && label == null &&
                (r == null || !r.isSynPred))
                // we will need a label to do the AST or tracking, make one
                label = generator.CreateUniqueLabel(ruleTargetName);
                CommonToken labelTok = new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.ID, label);
                grammar.DefineRuleRefLabel(currentRuleName, labelTok, elementAST);
            StringTemplate elementST = templates.GetInstanceOf(name);

            if (label != null)
                elementST.SetAttribute("label", label);
Beispiel #8
        /** Do a depth-first walk of the state machine graph and
         *  fill a DOT description template.  Keep filling the
         *  states and edges attributes.
        protected virtual void WalkCreatingDFADOT(StringTemplate dot,
                                                  DFAState s)
            if (markedStates.Contains(s.stateNumber))
                return; // already visited this node

            markedStates.Add(s.stateNumber);   // mark this node as completed.

            // first add this node
            StringTemplate st;

            if (s.IsAcceptState)
                st = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "stopstate"));
                st = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "state"));
            st.SetAttribute("name", GetStateLabel(s));
            dot.SetAttribute("states", st);

            // make a DOT edge for each transition
            for (int i = 0; i < s.NumberOfTransitions; i++)
                Transition edge = (Transition)s.Transition(i);
                //Console.Out.WriteLine( "dfa " + s.dfa.decisionNumber + " edge from s"
                //    + s.stateNumber + " [" + i + "] of " + s.NumberOfTransitions );
                if (StripNonreducedStates)
                    if ( is DFAState &&
                        ((DFAState) != DFA.REACHABLE_YES)
                        continue; // don't generate nodes for terminal states
                st = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "edge"));
                st.SetAttribute("label", GetEdgeLabel(edge));
                st.SetAttribute("src", GetStateLabel(s));
                st.SetAttribute("target", GetStateLabel(;
                st.SetAttribute("arrowhead", arrowhead);
                dot.SetAttribute("edges", st);
                WalkCreatingDFADOT(dot, (DFAState);   // keep walkin'
Beispiel #9
        /** Return a String containing a DOT description that, when displayed,
         *  will show the incoming state machine visually.  All nodes reachable
         *  from startState will be included.
        public string GetRuleNFADOT(State startState)
            // The output DOT graph for visualization
            StringTemplate dot = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "nfa"));

            markedStates = new HashSet <object>();
            dot.SetAttribute("startState", startState.stateNumber);
            walkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot, startState);
Beispiel #10
        public override string ToString()
            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();

            if (arg != null)
                st.SetAttribute("arg", arg);
            if (arg2 != null)
                st.SetAttribute("arg2", arg2);
            if (e != null)
                st.SetAttribute("exception", e);
                st.SetAttribute("stackTrace", e.getStackTrace());
        public override string ToString()
            GrammarAST decisionASTNode = probe.dfa.DecisionASTNode;

            line = decisionASTNode.Line;
            charPositionInLine = decisionASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
            string fileName = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.FileName;

            if (fileName != null)
                file = fileName;
            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();
            // convert to string key to avoid 3.1 ST bug
            var        altToLocationsWithStringKey = new SortedList <string, ICollection <IToken> >(StringComparer.Ordinal);
            List <int> alts = new List <int>();

            foreach (int altI in alts)
                altToLocationsWithStringKey[altI.ToString()] = altToLocations.get(altI);
                //List<string> tokens = new List<string>();
                //foreach ( IToken t in altToLocations.get( altI ) )
                //    tokens.Add( t.ToString() );
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "tokens=\n" + tokens );
            st.SetAttribute("altToLocations", altToLocationsWithStringKey);

            var    sampleInputLabels = problemState.dfa.probe.GetSampleNonDeterministicInputSequence(problemState);
            string input             = problemState.dfa.probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay(sampleInputLabels);

            st.SetAttribute("upon", input);

            st.SetAttribute("hasPredicateBlockedByAction", problemState.dfa.hasPredicateBlockedByAction);

Beispiel #12
        protected FileResult FileExcel(Antlr3.ST.StringTemplate st, string fileName)
            Response.AppendCookie(new HttpCookie("fileDownload", "true")
                Path = "/"
            st.SetAttribute("FileTitle", fileName);
            var str = st.ToString();

            byte[] fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
            return(File(fileContents, "application/", $"{fileName}.xls"));
        public string Convert(Model.TemplateSource.PropertyModel source)
            string result = "";
            string templateString = sourceStructure.GetPropertyTemplate(source.TypeName);

            Antlr3.ST.StringTemplate template = new Antlr3.ST.StringTemplate();
            template.Template = templateString;
            template.SetAttribute("property", source);

            result = template.ToString();
            return result;
Beispiel #14
        protected override void GenRecognizerFile(AntlrTool tool,
                                                  CodeGenerator generator,
                                                  Grammar grammar,
                                                  StringTemplate outputFileST)
            // Before we write this, and cause it to generate its string,
            // we need to add all the string literals that we are going to match
            outputFileST.SetAttribute("literals", _strings);
            string fileName = generator.GetRecognizerFileName(, grammar.type);

            generator.Write(outputFileST, fileName);
Beispiel #15
        protected StringTemplate GetTokenElementST(string name,
                                                   string elementName,
                                                   GrammarAST elementAST,
                                                   GrammarAST ast_suffix,
                                                   string label)
            bool tryUnchecked = false;

            if (name == "matchSet" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementAST.enclosingRuleName) && Rule.GetRuleType(elementAST.enclosingRuleName) == RuleType.Lexer)
                if ((elementAST.Parent.Type == ANTLRLexer.ALT && elementAST.Parent.Parent.Parent.Type == RULE && elementAST.Parent.Parent.ChildCount == 2) ||
                    (elementAST.Parent.Type == ANTLRLexer.NOT && elementAST.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Type == RULE && elementAST.Parent.Parent.Parent.ChildCount == 2))
                    // single alt at the start of the rule needs to be checked
                    tryUnchecked = true;

            string suffix = GetSTSuffix(elementAST, ast_suffix, label);
            // if we're building trees and there is no label, gen a label
            // unless we're in a synpred rule.
            Rule r = grammar.GetRule(currentRuleName);

            if ((grammar.BuildAST || suffix.Length > 0) && label == null &&
                (r == null || !r.isSynPred))
                label = generator.CreateUniqueLabel(elementName);
                CommonToken labelTok = new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.ID, label);
                grammar.DefineTokenRefLabel(currentRuleName, labelTok, elementAST);

            StringTemplate elementST = null;

            if (tryUnchecked && templates.IsDefined(name + "Unchecked" + suffix))
                elementST = templates.GetInstanceOf(name + "Unchecked" + suffix);
            if (elementST == null)
                elementST = templates.GetInstanceOf(name + suffix);

            if (label != null)
                elementST.SetAttribute("label", label);
Beispiel #16
        public override String ToString()
            GrammarAST decisionASTNode = probe.dfa.DecisionASTNode;

            line = decisionASTNode.Line;
            charPositionInLine = decisionASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
            String fileName = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.FileName;

            if (fileName != null)
                file = fileName;

            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();

            if (probe.dfa.IsTokensRuleDecision)
                // alts are token rules, convert to the names instead of numbers
                for (int i = 0; i < alts.Length; i++)
                    int    altI      = alts[i];
                    String tokenName = probe.GetTokenNameForTokensRuleAlt(altI);
                    // reset the line/col to the token definition
                    NFAState ruleStart = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.GetRuleStartState(tokenName);
                    line = ruleStart.associatedASTNode.Line;
                    charPositionInLine = ruleStart.associatedASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
                    st.SetAttribute("tokens", tokenName);
                // regular alt numbers, show the alts
                st.SetAttribute("alts", alts);

        public override string ToString()
            GrammarAST decisionASTNode = probe.dfa.DecisionASTNode;

            line = decisionASTNode.Line;
            charPositionInLine = decisionASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
            string fileName = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.FileName;

            if (fileName != null)
                file = fileName;
            var            labels = probe.GetSampleNonDeterministicInputSequence(problemState);
            string         input  = probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay(labels);
            StringTemplate st     = GetMessageTemplate();
            List <int>     alts   = new List <int>();

            st.SetAttribute("danglingAlts", alts);
            st.SetAttribute("input", input);

Beispiel #18
        public virtual string ToString(StringTemplate messageST)
            // setup the location
            locationST      = ErrorManager.GetLocationFormat();
            reportST        = ErrorManager.GetReportFormat();
            messageFormatST = ErrorManager.GetMessageFormat();
            bool locationValid = false;

            if (line != -1)
                locationST.SetAttribute("line", line);
                locationValid = true;
            if (charPositionInLine != -1)
                locationST.SetAttribute("column", charPositionInLine + 1);
                locationValid = true;
            if (file != null)
                locationST.SetAttribute("file", file);
                locationValid = true;

            messageFormatST.SetAttribute("id", msgID);
            messageFormatST.SetAttribute("text", messageST);

            if (locationValid)
                reportST.SetAttribute("location", locationST);
            reportST.SetAttribute("message", messageFormatST);
            reportST.SetAttribute("type", ErrorManager.GetMessageType(msgID));

Beispiel #19
            public override StringTemplate GenExpr(CodeGenerator generator,
                                                   StringTemplateGroup templates,
                                                   DFA dfa)
                StringTemplate eST = null;

                if (templates != null)
                    if (_synpred)
                        eST = templates.GetInstanceOf("evalSynPredicate");
                        eST = templates.GetInstanceOf("evalPredicate");
                    string predEnclosingRuleName = predicateAST.enclosingRuleName;

                     * String decisionEnclosingRuleName =
                     *  dfa.getNFADecisionStartState().getEnclosingRule();
                     * // if these rulenames are diff, then pred was hoisted out of rule
                     * // Currently I don't warn you about this as it could be annoying.
                     * // I do the translation anyway.
                    //eST.setAttribute("pred", this.toString());
                    if (generator != null)
                                         generator.TranslateAction(predEnclosingRuleName, predicateAST));
                    eST = new StringTemplate("$pred$");
                    eST.SetAttribute("pred", this.ToString());
                if (generator != null)
                    string description =
                    eST.SetAttribute("description", description);
Beispiel #20
        public override string ToString()
            GrammarAST decisionASTNode = probe.dfa.DecisionASTNode;

            line = decisionASTNode.Line;
            charPositionInLine = decisionASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
            string fileName = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.FileName;

            if (fileName != null)
                file = fileName;
            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();


Beispiel #21
        public override String ToString()
            line = 0;
            charPositionInLine = 0;
            if (offendingToken != null)
                line = offendingToken.Line;
                charPositionInLine = offendingToken.CharPositionInLine;
            // TODO: actually set the right Grammar instance to get the filename
            // TODO: have to update all v2 grammar files for this. or use errormanager and tool to get the current grammar
            if (g != null)
                file = g.FileName;
            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();

            if (arg != null)
                st.SetAttribute("arg", arg);
Beispiel #22
        /** Do a depth-first walk of the state machine graph and
         *  fill a DOT description template.  Keep filling the
         *  states and edges attributes.  We know this is an NFA
         *  for a rule so don't traverse edges to other rules and
         *  don't go past rule end state.
        protected virtual void WalkRuleNFACreatingDOT( StringTemplate dot,
                                              State s )
            if ( markedStates.Contains( s.stateNumber ) )
                return; // already visited this node

            markedStates.Add( s.stateNumber ); // mark this node as completed.

            // first add this node
            StringTemplate stateST;
            if ( s.IsAcceptState )
                stateST = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "stopstate" ) );
                stateST = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "state" ) );
            stateST.SetAttribute( "name", GetStateLabel( s ) );
            dot.SetAttribute( "states", stateST );

            if ( s.IsAcceptState )
                return; // don't go past end of rule node to the follow states

            // special case: if decision point, then line up the alt start states
            // unless it's an end of block
            if ( ( (NFAState)s ).IsDecisionState )
                GrammarAST n = ( (NFAState)s ).associatedASTNode;
                if ( n != null && n.Type != ANTLRParser.EOB )
                    StringTemplate rankST = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "decision-rank" ) );
                    NFAState alt = (NFAState)s;
                    while ( alt != null )
                        rankST.SetAttribute( "states", GetStateLabel( alt ) );
                        if ( alt.transition[1] != null )
                            alt = (NFAState)alt.transition[1].target;
                            alt = null;
                    dot.SetAttribute( "decisionRanks", rankST );

            // make a DOT edge for each transition
            StringTemplate edgeST = null;
            for ( int i = 0; i < s.NumberOfTransitions; i++ )
                Transition edge = (Transition)s.GetTransition( i );
                if ( edge is RuleClosureTransition )
                    RuleClosureTransition rr = ( (RuleClosureTransition)edge );
                    // don't jump to other rules, but display edge to follow node
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "edge" ) );
                    if ( rr.rule.grammar != grammar )
                        edgeST.SetAttribute( "label", "<" + + "." + rr.rule.Name + ">" );
                        edgeST.SetAttribute( "label", "<" + rr.rule.Name + ">" );
                    edgeST.SetAttribute( "src", GetStateLabel( s ) );
                    edgeST.SetAttribute( "target", GetStateLabel( rr.followState ) );
                    edgeST.SetAttribute( "arrowhead", arrowhead );
                    dot.SetAttribute( "edges", edgeST );
                    WalkRuleNFACreatingDOT( dot, rr.followState );
                if ( edge.IsAction )
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "action-edge" ) );
                else if ( edge.IsEpsilon )
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "epsilon-edge" ) );
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "edge" ) );
                edgeST.SetAttribute( "label", GetEdgeLabel( edge ) );
                edgeST.SetAttribute( "src", GetStateLabel( s ) );
                edgeST.SetAttribute( "target", GetStateLabel( ) );
                edgeST.SetAttribute( "arrowhead", arrowhead );
                dot.SetAttribute( "edges", edgeST );
                WalkRuleNFACreatingDOT( dot, ); // keep walkin'
Beispiel #23
        /** Do a depth-first walk of the state machine graph and
         *  fill a DOT description template.  Keep filling the
         *  states and edges attributes.
        protected virtual void WalkCreatingDFADOT( StringTemplate dot,
                                          DFAState s )
            if ( markedStates.Contains( s.stateNumber ) )
                return; // already visited this node

            markedStates.Add( s.stateNumber ); // mark this node as completed.

            // first add this node
            StringTemplate st;
            if ( s.IsAcceptState )
                st = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "stopstate" ) );
                st = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "state" ) );
            st.SetAttribute( "name", GetStateLabel( s ) );
            dot.SetAttribute( "states", st );

            // make a DOT edge for each transition
            for ( int i = 0; i < s.NumberOfTransitions; i++ )
                Transition edge = (Transition)s.Transition( i );
                //Console.Out.WriteLine( "dfa " + s.dfa.decisionNumber + " edge from s"
                //    + s.stateNumber + " [" + i + "] of " + s.NumberOfTransitions );
                if ( StripNonreducedStates )
                    if ( is DFAState &&
                        ( (DFAState) ).AcceptStateReachable != DFA.REACHABLE_YES )
                        continue; // don't generate nodes for terminal states
                st = stlib.GetInstanceOf( Path.Combine( dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "edge" ) );
                st.SetAttribute( "label", GetEdgeLabel( edge ) );
                st.SetAttribute( "src", GetStateLabel( s ) );
                st.SetAttribute( "target", GetStateLabel( ) );
                st.SetAttribute( "arrowhead", arrowhead );
                dot.SetAttribute( "edges", st );
                WalkCreatingDFADOT( dot, (DFAState) ); // keep walkin'
Beispiel #24
        public virtual string ToString( StringTemplate messageST )
            // setup the location
            locationST = ErrorManager.GetLocationFormat();
            reportST = ErrorManager.GetReportFormat();
            messageFormatST = ErrorManager.GetMessageFormat();
            bool locationValid = false;
            if ( line != -1 )
                locationST.SetAttribute( "line", line );
                locationValid = true;
            if ( charPositionInLine != -1 )
                locationST.SetAttribute( "column", charPositionInLine + 1 );
                locationValid = true;
            if ( file != null )
                locationST.SetAttribute( "file", file );
                locationValid = true;

            messageFormatST.SetAttribute( "id", msgID );
            messageFormatST.SetAttribute( "text", messageST );

            if ( locationValid )
                reportST.SetAttribute( "location", locationST );
            reportST.SetAttribute( "message", messageFormatST );
            reportST.SetAttribute( "type", ErrorManager.GetMessageType( msgID ) );

            return reportST.ToString();
Beispiel #25
 public override StringTemplate GenExpr( CodeGenerator generator,
                               StringTemplateGroup templates,
                               DFA dfa )
     StringTemplate eST = null;
     if ( templates != null )
         if ( _synpred )
             eST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "evalSynPredicate" );
             eST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "evalPredicate" );
             generator.grammar.decisionsWhoseDFAsUsesSemPreds.Add( dfa );
         string predEnclosingRuleName = predicateAST.enclosingRuleName;
         String decisionEnclosingRuleName =
         // if these rulenames are diff, then pred was hoisted out of rule
         // Currently I don't warn you about this as it could be annoying.
         // I do the translation anyway.
         //eST.setAttribute("pred", this.toString());
         if ( generator != null )
             eST.SetAttribute( "pred",
                              generator.TranslateAction( predEnclosingRuleName, predicateAST ) );
         eST = new StringTemplate( "$pred$" );
         eST.SetAttribute( "pred", this.ToString() );
         return eST;
     if ( generator != null )
         string description =
    this.ToString() );
         eST.SetAttribute( "description", description );
     return eST;
Beispiel #26
        /** Given the grammar to which we are attached, walk the AST associated
         *  with that grammar to create NFAs.  Then create the DFAs for all
         *  decision points in the grammar by converting the NFAs to DFAs.
         *  Finally, walk the AST again to generate code.
         *  Either 1 or 2 files are written:
         * 		recognizer: the main parser/lexer/treewalker item
         * 		header file: language like C/C++ need extern definitions
         *  The target, such as JavaTarget, dictates which files get written.
        public virtual StringTemplate GenRecognizer()
            //[email protected]("### generate "" recognizer");
            LoadTemplates( language );
            if ( templates == null )
                return null;

            if ( ErrorManager.DoNotAttemptAnalysis() )
                return null;
            target.PerformGrammarAnalysis( this, grammar );

            // some grammar analysis errors will not yield reliable DFA
            if ( ErrorManager.DoNotAttemptCodeGen() )
                return null;

            // OPTIMIZE DFA
            DFAOptimizer optimizer = new DFAOptimizer( grammar );

            // OUTPUT FILE (contains recognizerST)
            outputFileST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "outputFile" );

            // HEADER FILE
            if ( templates.IsDefined( "headerFile" ) )
                headerFileST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "headerFile" );
                // create a dummy to avoid null-checks all over code generator
                headerFileST = new StringTemplate( templates, "" );
                headerFileST.Name = "dummy-header-file";

            bool filterMode = grammar.GetOption( "filter" ) != null &&
                                  grammar.GetOption( "filter" ).Equals( "true" );
            bool canBacktrack = grammar.composite.GetRootGrammar().atLeastOneBacktrackOption ||
                                   grammar.SyntacticPredicates != null ||

            // TODO: move this down further because generating the recognizer
            // alters the model with info on who uses predefined properties etc...
            // The actions here might refer to something.

            // The only two possible output files are available at this point.
            // Verify action scopes are ok for target and dump actions into output
            // Templates can say <actions.parser.header> for example.
            var actions = grammar.Actions;
            VerifyActionScopesOkForTarget( actions );
            // translate $x::y references
            TranslateActionAttributeReferences( actions );
            StringTemplate gateST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "actionGate" );
            if ( filterMode )
                // if filtering, we need to set actions to execute at backtracking
                // level 1 not 0.
                gateST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "filteringActionGate" );
            grammar.SetSynPredGateIfNotAlready( gateST );

            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "actions", actions );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "actions", actions );

            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "buildTemplate", grammar.BuildTemplate );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "buildTemplate", grammar.BuildTemplate );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "buildAST", grammar.BuildAST );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "buildAST", grammar.BuildAST );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "rewriteMode", grammar.RewriteMode );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "rewriteMode", grammar.RewriteMode );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "backtracking", canBacktrack );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "backtracking", canBacktrack );
            // turn on memoize attribute at grammar level so we can create ruleMemo.
            // each rule has memoize attr that hides this one, indicating whether
            // it needs to save results
            string memoize = (string)grammar.GetOption( "memoize" );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "memoize",
                                      ( grammar.atLeastOneRuleMemoizes ||
                                      ( memoize != null && memoize.Equals( "true" ) ) &&
                                                  canBacktrack ) );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "memoize",
                                      ( grammar.atLeastOneRuleMemoizes ||
                                      ( memoize != null && memoize.Equals( "true" ) ) &&
                                                  canBacktrack ) );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "trace", trace );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "trace", trace );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "profile", profile );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "profile", profile );

            // RECOGNIZER
            if ( grammar.type == GrammarType.Lexer )
                recognizerST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "lexer" );
                outputFileST.SetAttribute( "LEXER", true );
                headerFileST.SetAttribute( "LEXER", true );
                recognizerST.SetAttribute( "filterMode", filterMode );
            else if ( grammar.type == GrammarType.Parser ||
                grammar.type == GrammarType.Combined )
                recognizerST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "parser" );
                outputFileST.SetAttribute( "PARSER", true );
                headerFileST.SetAttribute( "PARSER", true );
                recognizerST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "treeParser" );
                outputFileST.SetAttribute( "TREE_PARSER", true );
                headerFileST.SetAttribute( "TREE_PARSER", true );
                recognizerST.SetAttribute( "filterMode", filterMode );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "recognizer", recognizerST );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "recognizer", recognizerST );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "actionScope",
                                      grammar.GetDefaultActionScope( grammar.type ) );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "actionScope",
                                      grammar.GetDefaultActionScope( grammar.type ) );

            string targetAppropriateFileNameString =
                target.GetTargetStringLiteralFromString( grammar.FileName );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "fileName", targetAppropriateFileNameString );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "fileName", targetAppropriateFileNameString );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "ANTLRVersion", AntlrTool.AssemblyVersion );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "ANTLRVersion", AntlrTool.AssemblyVersion );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "generatedTimestamp", AntlrTool.GetCurrentTimeStamp() );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "generatedTimestamp", AntlrTool.GetCurrentTimeStamp() );

                // GENERATE RECOGNIZER
                // Walk the AST holding the input grammar, this time generating code
                // Decisions are generated by using the precomputed DFAs
                // Fill in the various templates with data
                CodeGenTreeWalker gen = new CodeGenTreeWalker( new Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTreeNodeStream( grammar.Tree ) );
                    gen.grammar_( grammar,
                                headerFileST );
                catch ( RecognitionException re )
                    ErrorManager.Error( ErrorManager.MSG_BAD_AST_STRUCTURE,
                                       re );

            GenTokenTypeConstants( recognizerST );
            GenTokenTypeConstants( outputFileST );
            GenTokenTypeConstants( headerFileST );

            if ( grammar.type != GrammarType.Lexer )
                GenTokenTypeNames( recognizerST );
                GenTokenTypeNames( outputFileST );
                GenTokenTypeNames( headerFileST );

            // Now that we know what synpreds are used, we can set into template
            HashSet<string> synpredNames = null;
            if ( grammar.synPredNamesUsedInDFA.Count > 0 )
                synpredNames = grammar.synPredNamesUsedInDFA;
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "synpreds", synpredNames );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "synpreds", synpredNames );

            // all recognizers can see Grammar object
            recognizerST.SetAttribute( "grammar", grammar );

            // WRITE FILES
                target.GenRecognizerFile( tool, this, grammar, outputFileST );
                if ( templates.IsDefined( "headerFile" ) )
                    StringTemplate extST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "headerFileExtension" );
                    target.GenRecognizerHeaderFile( tool, this, grammar, headerFileST, extST.ToString() );
                // write out the vocab interchange file; used by antlr,
                // does not change per target
                StringTemplate tokenVocabSerialization = GenTokenVocabOutput();
                string vocabFileName = VocabFileName;
                if ( vocabFileName != null )
                    Write( tokenVocabSerialization, vocabFileName );
                //[email protected](outputFileST.getDOTForDependencyGraph(false));
            catch ( IOException ioe )
                ErrorManager.Error( ErrorManager.MSG_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE,
                                   ioe );
            [email protected]("num obj.prop refs: "+ ASTExpr.totalObjPropRefs);
            [email protected]("num reflection lookups: "+ ASTExpr.totalReflectionLookups);

            return outputFileST;
Beispiel #27
        /** Generate a token vocab file with all the token names/types.  For example:
         *  ID=7
         *  FOR=8
         *  'for'=8
         *  This is independent of the target language; used by antlr internally
        protected virtual StringTemplate GenTokenVocabOutput()
            StringTemplate vocabFileST =
                new StringTemplate( vocabFilePattern,
                                   typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
            vocabFileST.Name = "vocab-file";
            // make constants for the token names
            foreach ( string tokenID in grammar.TokenIDs )
                int tokenType = grammar.GetTokenType( tokenID );
                if ( tokenType >= Label.MIN_TOKEN_TYPE )
                    vocabFileST.SetAttribute( "tokens.{name,type}", tokenID, tokenType );

            // now dump the strings
            foreach ( string literal in grammar.StringLiterals )
                int tokenType = grammar.GetTokenType( literal );
                if ( tokenType >= Label.MIN_TOKEN_TYPE )
                    vocabFileST.SetAttribute( "tokens.{name,type}", literal, tokenType );

            return vocabFileST;
Beispiel #28
 /** Generate a token names table that maps token type to a printable
  *  name: either the label like INT or the literal like "begin".
 protected virtual void GenTokenTypeNames( StringTemplate code )
     for ( int t = Label.MIN_TOKEN_TYPE; t <= grammar.MaxTokenType; t++ )
         string tokenName = grammar.GetTokenDisplayName( t );
         if ( tokenName != null )
             tokenName = target.GetTargetStringLiteralFromString( tokenName, true );
             code.SetAttribute( "tokenNames", tokenName );
Beispiel #29
 // T O K E N  D E F I N I T I O N  G E N E R A T I O N
 /** Set attributes tokens and literals attributes in the incoming
  *  code template.  This is not the token vocab interchange file, but
  *  rather a list of token type ID needed by the recognizer.
 protected virtual void GenTokenTypeConstants( StringTemplate code )
     // make constants for the token types
     foreach ( string tokenID in grammar.TokenIDs )
         int tokenType = grammar.GetTokenType( tokenID );
         if ( tokenType == Label.EOF ||
              tokenType >= Label.MIN_TOKEN_TYPE )
             // don't do FAUX labels 'cept EOF
             code.SetAttribute( "tokens.{name,type}", tokenID, tokenType );
Beispiel #30
 /** Translate an action like [3,"foo",a[3]] and return a List of the
  *  translated actions.  Because actions are themselves translated to a list
  *  of chunks, must cat together into a StringTemplate>.  Don't translate
  *  to strings early as we need to eval templates in context.
 public virtual List<StringTemplate> TranslateArgAction( string ruleName,
                                        GrammarAST actionTree )
     string actionText = actionTree.Token.Text;
     List<string> args = GetListOfArgumentsFromAction( actionText, ',' );
     List<StringTemplate> translatedArgs = new List<StringTemplate>();
     foreach ( string arg in args )
         if ( arg != null )
             IToken actionToken =
                 new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, arg );
             ActionTranslator translator =
                 new ActionTranslator( this, ruleName,
                                           actionTree.outerAltNum );
             IList chunks = translator.TranslateToChunks();
             chunks = target.PostProcessAction( chunks, actionToken );
             StringTemplate catST = new StringTemplate( templates, "<chunks>" );
             catST.SetAttribute( "chunks", chunks );
             translatedArgs.Add( catST );
     if ( translatedArgs.Count == 0 )
         return null;
     return translatedArgs;
Beispiel #31
        /** Do a depth-first walk of the state machine graph and
         *  fill a DOT description template.  Keep filling the
         *  states and edges attributes.  We know this is an NFA
         *  for a rule so don't traverse edges to other rules and
         *  don't go past rule end state.
        protected virtual void WalkRuleNFACreatingDOT(StringTemplate dot,
                                                      State s)
            if (markedStates.Contains(s.stateNumber))
                return; // already visited this node

            markedStates.Add(s.stateNumber);   // mark this node as completed.

            // first add this node
            StringTemplate stateST;

            if (s.IsAcceptState)
                stateST = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "stopstate"));
                stateST = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "state"));
            stateST.SetAttribute("name", GetStateLabel(s));
            dot.SetAttribute("states", stateST);

            if (s.IsAcceptState)
                return; // don't go past end of rule node to the follow states

            // special case: if decision point, then line up the alt start states
            // unless it's an end of block
            if (((NFAState)s).IsDecisionState)
                GrammarAST n = ((NFAState)s).associatedASTNode;
                if (n != null && n.Type != ANTLRParser.EOB)
                    StringTemplate rankST = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "decision-rank"));
                    NFAState       alt    = (NFAState)s;
                    while (alt != null)
                        rankST.SetAttribute("states", GetStateLabel(alt));
                        if (alt.transition[1] != null)
                            alt = (NFAState)alt.transition[1].target;
                            alt = null;
                    dot.SetAttribute("decisionRanks", rankST);

            // make a DOT edge for each transition
            StringTemplate edgeST = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < s.NumberOfTransitions; i++)
                Transition edge = (Transition)s.GetTransition(i);
                if (edge is RuleClosureTransition)
                    RuleClosureTransition rr = ((RuleClosureTransition)edge);
                    // don't jump to other rules, but display edge to follow node
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "edge"));
                    if (rr.rule.grammar != grammar)
                        edgeST.SetAttribute("label", "<" + + "." + rr.rule.Name + ">");
                        edgeST.SetAttribute("label", "<" + rr.rule.Name + ">");
                    edgeST.SetAttribute("src", GetStateLabel(s));
                    edgeST.SetAttribute("target", GetStateLabel(rr.followState));
                    edgeST.SetAttribute("arrowhead", arrowhead);
                    dot.SetAttribute("edges", edgeST);
                    WalkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot, rr.followState);
                if (edge.IsAction)
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "action-edge"));
                else if (edge.IsEpsilon)
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "epsilon-edge"));
                    edgeST = stlib.GetInstanceOf(Path.Combine(dfaTemplateDirectoryName, "edge"));
                edgeST.SetAttribute("label", GetEdgeLabel(edge));
                edgeST.SetAttribute("src", GetStateLabel(s));
                edgeST.SetAttribute("target", GetStateLabel(;
                edgeST.SetAttribute("arrowhead", arrowhead);
                dot.SetAttribute("edges", edgeST);
                WalkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot,;   // keep walkin'
Beispiel #32
 public void TestEscapedLessThanInAction()
     Grammar g = new Grammar();
     AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
     CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
     string action = "i<3; '<xmltag>'";
     ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator( generator, "a",
                                                                  new CommonToken( ANTLRParser.ACTION, action ), 0 );
     string expecting = action;
     string rawTranslation =
     StringTemplateGroup templates =
         new StringTemplateGroup( ".", typeof( AngleBracketTemplateLexer ) );
     StringTemplate actionST = new StringTemplate( templates, "<action>" );
     actionST.SetAttribute( "action", rawTranslation );
     string found = actionST.ToString();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
Beispiel #33
        public override string ToString()
            GrammarAST decisionASTNode = probe.dfa.DecisionASTNode;

            line = decisionASTNode.Line;
            charPositionInLine = decisionASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
            string fileName = probe.dfa.nfa.grammar.FileName;

            if (fileName != null)
                file = fileName;

            StringTemplate st = GetMessageTemplate();
            // Now fill template with information about problemState
            var    labels = probe.GetSampleNonDeterministicInputSequence(problemState);
            string input  = probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay(labels);

            st.SetAttribute("input", input);

            if (probe.dfa.IsTokensRuleDecision)
                var disabledAlts = probe.GetDisabledAlternatives(problemState);
                foreach (int altI in disabledAlts)
                    string tokenName =
                    // reset the line/col to the token definition (pick last one)
                    NFAState ruleStart =
                    line = ruleStart.associatedASTNode.Line;
                    charPositionInLine = ruleStart.associatedASTNode.CharPositionInLine;
                    st.SetAttribute("disabled", tokenName);
                st.SetAttribute("disabled", probe.GetDisabledAlternatives(problemState));

            var      nondetAlts = probe.GetNonDeterministicAltsForState(problemState);
            NFAState nfaStart   = probe.dfa.NFADecisionStartState;
            // all state paths have to begin with same NFA state
            int firstAlt = 0;

            if (nondetAlts != null)
                foreach (int displayAltI in nondetAlts)
                    if (DecisionProbe.verbose)
                        int tracePathAlt =
                        if (firstAlt == 0)
                            firstAlt = tracePathAlt;
                        IList path =
                                        displayAltI, path);
                        if (probe.dfa.IsTokensRuleDecision)
                            // alts are token rules, convert to the names instead of numbers
                            string tokenName =
                            st.SetAttribute("conflictingTokens", tokenName);
                            st.SetAttribute("conflictingAlts", displayAltI);
            st.SetAttribute("hasPredicateBlockedByAction", problemState.dfa.hasPredicateBlockedByAction);
        protected virtual StringTemplate WalkFixedDFAGeneratingStateMachine(
            StringTemplateGroup templates,
            DFA dfa,
            DFAState s,
            int k)
            //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "walk " + s.stateNumber + " in dfa for decision " + dfa.decisionNumber );
            if (s.IsAcceptState)
                StringTemplate dfaST2 = templates.GetInstanceOf("dfaAcceptState");
                dfaST2.SetAttribute("alt", s.GetUniquelyPredictedAlt());

            // the default templates for generating a state and its edges
            // can be an if-then-else structure or a switch
            string dfaStateName              = "dfaState";
            string dfaLoopbackStateName      = "dfaLoopbackState";
            string dfaOptionalBlockStateName = "dfaOptionalBlockState";
            string dfaEdgeName = "dfaEdge";

            if (parentGenerator.CanGenerateSwitch(s))
                dfaStateName              = "dfaStateSwitch";
                dfaLoopbackStateName      = "dfaLoopbackStateSwitch";
                dfaOptionalBlockStateName = "dfaOptionalBlockStateSwitch";
                dfaEdgeName = "dfaEdgeSwitch";

            StringTemplate dfaST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaStateName);

            if (dfa.NFADecisionStartState.decisionStateType == NFAState.LOOPBACK)
                dfaST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaLoopbackStateName);
            else if (dfa.NFADecisionStartState.decisionStateType == NFAState.OPTIONAL_BLOCK_START)
                dfaST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaOptionalBlockStateName);
            dfaST.SetAttribute("k", k);
            dfaST.SetAttribute("stateNumber", s.stateNumber);

             * string description = dfa.getNFADecisionStartState().Description;
             * description = description );
             * //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "DFA: " + description + " associated with AST " + dfa.getNFADecisionStartState() );
             * if ( description != null )
             * {
             *  dfaST.SetAttribute( "description", description );
             * }
            int      EOTPredicts = NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER;
            DFAState EOTTarget   = null;

            //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "DFA state " + s.stateNumber );
            for (int i = 0; i < s.NumberOfTransitions; i++)
                Transition edge = (Transition)s.Transition(i);
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "edge " + s.stateNumber + "-" + edge.label.ToString() + "->" + );
                if (edge.label.Atom == Label.EOT)
                    // don't generate a real edge for EOT; track alt EOT predicts
                    // generate that prediction in the else clause as default case
                    EOTTarget   = (DFAState);
                    EOTPredicts = EOTTarget.GetUniquelyPredictedAlt();

                     * System.Console.Out.WriteLine("DFA s"+s.stateNumber+" EOT goes to s"+
                     *       " predicates alt "+
                     *                 EOTPredicts);
                StringTemplate edgeST = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaEdgeName);
                // If the template wants all the label values delineated, do that
                if (edgeST.GetFormalArgument("labels") != null)
                    List <string> labels = edge.Label.Set.Select(value => parentGenerator.GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel(value)).ToList();
                    edgeST.SetAttribute("labels", labels);
                { // else create an expression to evaluate (the general case)
                                        parentGenerator.GenLabelExpr(templates, edge, k));

                // stick in any gated predicates for any edge if not already a pred
                if (!edge.label.IsSemanticPredicate)
                    DFAState        target = (DFAState);
                    SemanticContext preds  =
                    if (preds != null)
                        //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "preds=" + target.getGatedPredicatesInNFAConfigurations() );
                        StringTemplate predST = preds.GenExpr(parentGenerator,
                        edgeST.SetAttribute("predicates", predST);

                StringTemplate targetST =
                                                       k + 1);
                edgeST.SetAttribute("targetState", targetST);
                dfaST.SetAttribute("edges", edgeST);
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "back to DFA " + dfa.decisionNumber + "." + s.stateNumber );

            // HANDLE EOT EDGE
            if (EOTPredicts != NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER)
                // EOT unique predicts an alt
                dfaST.SetAttribute("eotPredictsAlt", EOTPredicts);
            else if (EOTTarget != null && EOTTarget.NumberOfTransitions > 0)
                // EOT state has transitions so must split on predicates.
                // Generate predicate else-if clauses and then generate
                // NoViableAlt exception as else clause.
                // Note: these predicates emanate from the EOT target state
                // rather than the current DFAState s so the error message
                // might be slightly misleading if you are looking at the
                // state number.  Predicates emanating from EOT targets are
                // hoisted up to the state that has the EOT edge.
                for (int i = 0; i < EOTTarget.NumberOfTransitions; i++)
                    Transition     predEdge = (Transition)EOTTarget.Transition(i);
                    StringTemplate edgeST   = templates.GetInstanceOf(dfaEdgeName);
                                        parentGenerator.GenSemanticPredicateExpr(templates, predEdge));
                    // the target must be an accept state
                    //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "EOT edge" );
                    StringTemplate targetST =
                                                           k + 1);
                    edgeST.SetAttribute("targetState", targetST);
                    dfaST.SetAttribute("edges", edgeST);