// -----------------     ----------------     ----------------     ----------------    ----------------     ----------------      // 
	// Manages All Necessiary Attributes And Qualities On Awake
	void Awake () 
	// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
	// Checks Whether A Suitable Animation Has Been Selected
	animation = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AntAnimation> ();
	movement  = this.gameObject.GetComponent <MoveObject> ();
	// -----------------     ----------------     ----------------     ----------------    ----------------     ----------------      // 
	// Defines All Attributes And Instances That'll Be Run On Awake
	void Start () 
	// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
	// Attaches The Specified Creature To The 'Creature Management' Creature List
	CreatureManagement.Heirachy (this.gameObject);
	// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
	// Defines All Necessiary Attributes
	if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <AnimationManagement> () != null)
	animation                                        = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AnimationManagement> ();
	// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
	if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <AntAnimation> () != null)
	acronophobia                                     = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AntAnimation> ();
Beispiel #3
        public void SwitchAnimation(string aAnimationName)
            if (aAnimationName != _currentAnimation.name)
                bool animationFound = false;
                for (int i = 0, n = animations.Length; i < n; i++)
                    if (animations [i].name == aAnimationName)
                        animationFound    = true;
                        _currentAnimation = animations [i];
                        _currentFrame     = 1.0f;
                        _prevFrame        = -1;

                if (!animationFound)
                    Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Can't find animation \"{0}\".", aAnimationName));
	// -----------------     ----------------     ----------------     ----------------    ----------------     ----------------      // 
	// Connects With This Creatures Registered Spline And Calculates All Necessiary Spline Animations 
    public void Move (Vector3 position, Spline spline)
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Calculates The Direction Between The Creature And The Spline Point Position
		Vector3 direction               = position - this.transform.position;
		float   magnitude               = direction.magnitude;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		direction                       = direction.normalized;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Determines Certain Attribute Values On Awake
		if (!awake)
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		rotation                        = transform.rotation;
		axis                            = Quaternion.LookRotation (direction, motion);
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		point                           = position;
		creature                        = transform.position;	
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		velocity                        = speed;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		animation                       = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AntAnimation> ();
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		awake                           = true;
        // ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
        // Determines The Creature Orientation Along The Spline
		if (transistor >= moment)
        rotation                        = transform.rotation;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		if (direction                  != Vector3.zero)
		axis                            = Quaternion.LookRotation (direction, motion);
	    // ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
	    transistor                      = zero;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
//		Mathematics.Logged ("Spline Rotation Reached");  
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Clamps The Creature Rotation Between Certain Parameters
		if (direction                  != Vector3.zero)
		contempory                      = Quaternion.LookRotation (direction, motion);
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		if (Quaternion.Angle (history, contempory) >= clamp)
		moment                          = zero;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
//		Mathematics.Logged ( "Spline Rotation Exceeded Clamp" + Quaternion.Angle (rotation, axis) ); 
		moment                          = 0.2f;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Manuevers The Selected Creature Rotation Along The Spline Over An Interval Of Time
		transistor                     += Time.deltaTime;
		transform.rotation              = Quaternion.Lerp (rotation, axis, transistor * orientation);

	    // ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
	    // Dictates The Creature Position Along The Spline
        if (transform.position - point  == Vector3.zero)
        point                           = position;
        creature                        = transform.position;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		transistion                     = zero;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
//        Mathematics.Logged ("Spline Point Reached");  

		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Manuevers The Selected Creature Position Along The Spline Over An Interval Of Time
		transistion                   += Time.deltaTime;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		if (velocity                   > zero)
        transform.position             = Vector3.Lerp (creature, point, transistion * speed);
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Traces The Former Rotational Quaternion Of The Spline Position
		if (direction                  != Vector3.zero)
		history                         = Quaternion.LookRotation (direction, motion);
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Draws A Representative Symbol On The Spline For Each Defined Animation Trigger
		// Sets The Selected Animation That's Attributed To The Discovered Spline
		foreach (Transistion transit in node)
			// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
			// Determines All Necessiary Attributes Needed
			float   percentage  =   transit.percentage / 100.00f;
			int     place       =   (int) Mathematics.limitation (transit.point, zero, sploot.spline.Length - 1);
			int		branch      =   (int) Mathematics.limitation (transit.branch, zero, sploot.spline.GetSubwaysLength (place) - 1);
			// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
			Vector3 note        =   sploot.spline.GetPointAtTime (percentage, place, branch);
			// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		    Vector3 maximum     = Vector3.zero + (Vector3.one / approximate);
			Vector3 minimum     = Vector3.zero - (Vector3.one / approximate);
			float   distance    = Vector3.Distance (transform.position, note);
		    // ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		    // Determines Certain Distance Approxizations Between The Creature And The Animation Trigger
			// Determines The Set Motion Of The Animation, As Determined By The Current Creature Animation Behaviour
		    if (distance        >= minimum.x && distance  <= maximum.x)
			if (distance        >= minimum.y && distance  <= maximum.y)
			if (distance        >= minimum.z && distance  <= maximum.z)
		    animation.motion     = transit.animation;
			// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
			// Determines The Speed Of The Animation
			if (transit.pause        > zero)
			if (animation.motion    == transit.animation)
			if (animation.behaviour == transit.animation.ToString () )
			pause.speed              = transit.speed;
			pause.pause              = transit.pause;	
			// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //	
			pause.animation          = transit.animation;
		// -----------------     ----------------     ----------------     ----------------    ----------------     ----------------      // 
		// Deciphers The Momentum Of Certain Animations As They're Concievably Triggered
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Deciphers Whether The Momentum Is In Dire Wish Of Some Change
		if (pause.animation         != null )
		if (animation.motion        == pause.animation)
		time                       += Time.deltaTime;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		if (time                    < pause.pause)
		velocity                    = Mathf.Lerp (speed, pause.speed, time * 2.00f);
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		time                        = zero;		
		animation.motion            = AntAnimation.Motion.walk;
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		// Transistions Back Into A Pre-Determined Motion 
		if (pause.animation         != null )
		if (animation.behaviour     != pause.animation.ToString () )
		sand                        += Time.deltaTime;
        velocity                     = Mathf.Lerp (pause.speed, speed, sand * 3.00f);    
		// ----------  ----------    ----------   ---------- //
		sand                         = zero;
 private void Awake()
     antAnimation = GetComponent <AntAnimation>();
Beispiel #6
 private void Awake()
     selectedGameObject = transform.Find("Selected").gameObject;
     antAnimation       = GetComponent <AntAnimation>();