public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, double doubleX, double doubleY, double doubleAltitide)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();
            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)
            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe globe = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;

            IGlobeCamera globeCamera = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;
            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();
                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;
                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueInt(0, 0);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(1, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(2, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(3, -1d *
                                                   unitConverter.ConvertUnits(globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius, esriUnits.esriMeters,
                                                           globe.GlobeUnits)); // (globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius / -1000));
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(4, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(5, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(6, doubleAltitide);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(7, 30);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(8, 0);

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                ////=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar,
                                      dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                                      dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs);  //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location";
                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;
                // Add The New Track To The Scene
                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }
            return animationTrack;
Beispiel #2
        public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, IBookmark3D pBookmark3D)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();

            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)globeDisplay;

            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe           globe           = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;
            IGlobeCamera     globeCamera     = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;

            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();

                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;

                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                //// Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                //pBookmark3D.Apply(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer as ISceneViewer, false, 0);

                //IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                //keyframe3.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);

                IKeyframe keyframe3 = CreateKeyframefromBook(globeDisplay.Globe, pBookmark3D) as IKeyframe;

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                //    dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs);          //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location From Bookmark";

                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;

                // Add The New Track To The Scene

                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }
        public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, IBookmark3D pBookmark3D)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();

            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)globeDisplay;

            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe globe = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;
            IGlobeCamera globeCamera = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;

            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();
                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;

                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                //// Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                //pBookmark3D.Apply(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer as ISceneViewer, false, 0);

                //IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                //keyframe3.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);

                IKeyframe keyframe3 = CreateKeyframefromBook(globeDisplay.Globe, pBookmark3D) as IKeyframe;

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                //    dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs);          //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location From Bookmark";

                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;

                // Add The New Track To The Scene

                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }
            return animationTrack;
Beispiel #4
        public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, double doubleX, double doubleY, double doubleAltitide)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();
            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)
            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe           globe           = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;

            IGlobeCamera globeCamera = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;
            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();

                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;
                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueInt(0, 0);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(1, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(2, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(3, -1d *
                                                  unitConverter.ConvertUnits(globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius, esriUnits.esriMeters,
                                                                             globe.GlobeUnits)); // (globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius / -1000));
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(4, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(5, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(6, doubleAltitide);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(7, 30);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(8, 0);

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                ////=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar,
                                                           dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                                                           dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs); //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location";
                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;
                // Add The New Track To The Scene
                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }