public AnimationHelperTrack EncodeTrack(Animation.KeyGroup Group, AnimTrackType Type)
            AnimationHelperTrack t = new AnimationHelperTrack();

            t.TrackType = Type;
            foreach (Animation.KeyFrame kf in Group.Keys)
                AnimationHelperKeyFrame f = new AnimationHelperKeyFrame();
                f.Frame = (int)kf.Frame;
                f.Value = kf.Value;
                f.Tan   = kf.In;
                switch (kf.InterType)
                case Animation.InterpolationType.CONSTANT: f.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.Constant; break;

                case Animation.InterpolationType.HERMITE: f.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.Hermite; break;

                case Animation.InterpolationType.LINEAR:
                    if (Group.Keys.Count == 1)
                        f.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.Constant;
                        f.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.Linear;
                    } break;

                case Animation.InterpolationType.STEP: f.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.Step; break;
Beispiel #2
        public void LoadAnim(ShaderParamAnim anim, AnimationType type)

            Text = anim.Name;

            AnimType = type;

            FrameCount      = anim.FrameCount;
            ShaderParamAnim = anim;
            foreach (ShaderParamMatAnim matAnim in anim.ShaderParamMatAnims)
                MaterialAnimEntry matNode = new MaterialAnimEntry(matAnim.Name);
                matNode.materialAnimData = matAnim;

                //Param info determines which curves to use for each param
                //Add the curves and keys for left/right for interpolating after
                foreach (var param in matAnim.ParamAnimInfos)
                    BfresParamAnim paramInfo = new BfresParamAnim(param.Name);
                    paramInfo.Type = type;

                    //Get constant anims
                    for (int constant = 0; constant < param.ConstantCount; constant++)
                        Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = new Animation.KeyGroup();
                        keyGroup.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                            InterType = InterpolationType.CONSTANT,
                            Frame     = 0,
                            Value     = matAnim.Constants[constant].Value,

                        paramInfo.Values.Add(new Animation.KeyGroup()
                            AnimDataOffset = matAnim.Constants[constant].AnimDataOffset,
                            Keys           = keyGroup.Keys,

                    for (int curve = 0; curve < param.FloatCurveCount + param.IntCurveCount; curve++)
                        int index = curve + param.BeginCurve;

                        Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = CurveHelper.CreateTrackWiiU(matAnim.Curves[index]);
                        keyGroup.AnimDataOffset = matAnim.Curves[index].AnimDataOffset;
                        paramInfo.Values.Add(new Animation.KeyGroup()
                            AnimDataOffset = keyGroup.AnimDataOffset,
                            Keys           = keyGroup.Keys,
Beispiel #3
        public void LoadKeyData(Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup)
            acitveGroup = keyGroup;

            stListView1.View        = View.Details;
            stListView1.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.None;
            foreach (var key in keyGroup.Keys)
                stListView1.Items.Add($"Frame: [{key.Frame}] Value: {key.Value}");
        private static AnimCurve SetAnimationCurve(Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup)
            AnimCurve curve = new AnimCurve();

            curve.Frames         = new float[(int)keyGroup.Keys.Count];
            curve.FrameType      = AnimCurveFrameType.Single;
            curve.KeyType        = AnimCurveKeyType.Single;
            curve.EndFrame       = keyGroup.FrameCount;
            curve.AnimDataOffset = 0;
            curve.Delta          = 0;
            curve.Scale          = 1;
            curve.StartFrame     = 0;
            curve.Offset         = 0;

            var frame        = keyGroup.GetKeyFrame(0);
            int valuesLength = 1;

            if (frame.InterType == Animation.InterpolationType.HERMITE)
                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.Cubic;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 4];
                for (int k = 0; k < keyGroup.Keys.Count; k++)
                    float value = keyGroup.GetValue(keyGroup.Keys[k].Frame);
                    curve.Keys[k, 0] = value;
                    curve.Keys[k, 1] = 0;
                    curve.Keys[k, 2] = 0;
                    curve.Keys[k, 3] = 0;

                    curve.Frames[k] = keyGroup.Keys[k].Frame;
            if (frame.InterType == Animation.InterpolationType.LINEAR)
                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.Linear;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 2];
            if (frame.InterType == Animation.InterpolationType.STEP)
                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.StepInt;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 1];
            if (frame.InterType == Animation.InterpolationType.STEPBOOL)
                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.StepBool;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 1];
Beispiel #5
            public void LoadAnim(ResU.CameraAnim anim)

                CameraAnimU = anim;

                Text = anim.Name;

                FrameCount  = anim.FrameCount;
                AspectRatio = anim.BaseData.AspectRatio;
                ClipFar     = anim.BaseData.ClipFar;
                ClipNear    = anim.BaseData.ClipNear;
                FieldOfView = anim.BaseData.FieldOfView;
                Position    = Utils.ToVec3(anim.BaseData.Position);
                Rotation    = Utils.ToVec3(anim.BaseData.Rotation);
                Twist       = anim.BaseData.Twist;
                if (anim.Flags.HasFlag(CameraAnimFlags.EulerZXY))
                    settings |= Settings.EulerZXY;
                if (anim.Flags.HasFlag(CameraAnimFlags.Perspective))
                    settings |= Settings.Perspective;

                for (int curve = 0; curve < anim.Curves.Count; curve++)
                    Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = CurveHelper.CreateTrackWiiU(anim.Curves[curve]);
                    keyGroup.AnimDataOffset = anim.Curves[curve].AnimDataOffset;
                    Values.Add(new Animation.KeyGroup()
                        AnimDataOffset = keyGroup.AnimDataOffset,
                        Keys           = keyGroup.Keys,
Beispiel #6
        private void LoadAnim(MaterialAnim anim)

            MaterialAnim = anim;
            FrameCount   = MaterialAnim.FrameCount;
            Text         = anim.Name;

            if (anim.TextureNames != null)
                foreach (var name in anim.TextureNames)

            foreach (var matanim in anim.MaterialAnimDataList)
                var mat = new MaterialAnimEntry(matanim.Name);
                mat.MaterialAnimData = matanim;

                foreach (var param in matanim.ParamAnimInfos)
                    FSHU.BfresParamAnim paramInfo = new FSHU.BfresParamAnim(param.Name);

                    paramInfo.Type = AnimationType.ShaderParam;

                    //There is no better way to determine if the param is a color type afaik
                    if (param.Name.Contains("Color") || param.Name.Contains("color") || param.Name == "multi_tex_reg2")
                        paramInfo.Type = AnimationType.Color;
                    else if (AnimType == AnimationType.TexturePattern)
                        paramInfo.Type = AnimationType.TexturePattern;
                    else if (AnimType == AnimationType.TextureSrt)
                        paramInfo.Type = AnimationType.TextureSrt;
                        paramInfo.Type = AnimationType.ShaderParam;

                    //Get constant anims
                    for (int constant = 0; constant < param.ConstantCount; constant++)
                        int index = constant + param.BeginConstant;

                        Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = new Animation.KeyGroup();
                        keyGroup.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                            InterType = InterpolationType.CONSTANT,
                            Frame     = 0,
                            Value     = matanim.Constants[index].Value,

                        paramInfo.Values.Add(new Animation.KeyGroup()
                            AnimDataOffset = matanim.Constants[index].AnimDataOffset,
                            Keys           = keyGroup.Keys,

                    for (int curve = 0; curve < param.FloatCurveCount + param.IntCurveCount; curve++)
                        int index = curve + param.BeginCurve;

                        Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = CurveHelper.CreateTrack(matanim.Curves[index]);
                        keyGroup.AnimDataOffset = matanim.Curves[index].AnimDataOffset;

                        paramInfo.Values.Add(new Animation.KeyGroup()
                            AnimDataOffset = keyGroup.AnimDataOffset,
                            Keys           = keyGroup.Keys,

                foreach (TexturePatternAnimInfo SamplerInfo in matanim.TexturePatternAnimInfos)
                    BfresSamplerAnim sampler = new BfresSamplerAnim(SamplerInfo.Name, this, mat);

                    int textureIndex = 0;

                    if (SamplerInfo.BeginConstant != 65535)
                        textureIndex = matanim.Constants[SamplerInfo.BeginConstant].Value;

                        sampler.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                            Frame = 0, Value = textureIndex
                        sampler.Constant       = true;
                        sampler.AnimDataOffset = matanim.Constants[SamplerInfo.BeginConstant].AnimDataOffset;
                    if (SamplerInfo.CurveIndex != 65535)
                        int index = (int)SamplerInfo.CurveIndex;

                        Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = CurveHelper.CreateTrack(matanim.Curves[index]);

                        sampler.AnimDataOffset = matanim.Curves[index].AnimDataOffset;
                        sampler.Keys           = keyGroup.Keys;
        public static Animation.KeyGroup CreateTrackWiiU(ResU.AnimCurve animCurve)
            Animation.KeyGroup track = new Animation.KeyGroup();
            track.AnimDataOffset = animCurve.AnimDataOffset;
            track.Scale          = animCurve.Scale;
            track.Offset         = animCurve.Offset;
            track.StartFrame     = animCurve.StartFrame;
            track.EndFrame       = animCurve.EndFrame;
            track.Delta          = animCurve.Delta;

            float tanscale = animCurve.Delta;

            if (tanscale == 0)
                tanscale = 1;

            if (animCurve.Scale == 0)
                animCurve.Scale = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < (ushort)animCurve.Frames.Length; i++)
                switch (animCurve.CurveType)
                case ResU.AnimCurveType.Cubic:     //4 elements are stored for cubic
                    track.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.HERMITE;
                    track.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                        IsKeyed   = true,
                        InterType = InterpolationType.HERMITE,
                        Frame     = (int)animCurve.Frames[i],
                        Value     = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale),
                        Slope1    = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 1] * animCurve.Scale),
                        Slope2    = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 2] * animCurve.Scale),
                        Delta     = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 3] * animCurve.Scale),

                case ResU.AnimCurveType.Linear:     //2 elements are stored for linear
                    track.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.LINEAR;
                    track.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                        IsKeyed   = true,
                        InterType = InterpolationType.LINEAR,
                        Frame     = (int)animCurve.Frames[i],
                        Value     = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale),
                        Delta     = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 1] * animCurve.Scale),

                case ResU.AnimCurveType.StepInt:     //1 element are stored for step
                    track.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.STEP;
                    track.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                        IsKeyed   = true,
                        InterType = InterpolationType.STEP,
                        Frame     = (int)animCurve.Frames[i],
                        Value     = (int)animCurve.Offset + (int)animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale,
                        Value1    = (int)animCurve.Offset + (int)animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale,

                    Console.WriteLine($"Frame {animCurve.Frames[i]} Offset " + (int)animCurve.Offset + " " + ((int)animCurve.Offset + (int)animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale));

                    throw new Exception("Unsupported anim type!");

Beispiel #8
        private void LoadAnimData(ResU.SkeletalAnim ska)

            CanLoop = ska.FlagsAnimSettings.HasFlag(ResU.SkeletalAnimFlags.Looping);

            foreach (ResU.BoneAnim bn in ska.BoneAnims)
                BoneAnimNode bone = new BoneAnimNode(bn.Name, false);
                bone.BoneAnimU = bn;
                bone.UseSegmentScaleCompensate = bn.ApplySegmentScaleCompensate;

                //    Nodes.Add(bone);

                if (ska.FlagsRotate == ResU.SkeletalAnimFlagsRotate.EulerXYZ)
                    bone.RotType = Animation.RotationType.EULER;
                    bone.RotType = Animation.RotationType.QUATERNION;

                if (bn.FlagsBase.HasFlag(ResU.BoneAnimFlagsBase.Scale))
                    bone.XSCA.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Scale.X, IsKeyed = true
                    bone.YSCA.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Scale.Y, IsKeyed = true
                    bone.ZSCA.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Scale.Z, IsKeyed = true
                if (bn.FlagsBase.HasFlag(ResU.BoneAnimFlagsBase.Rotate))
                    bone.XROT.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Rotate.X, IsKeyed = true
                    bone.YROT.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Rotate.Y, IsKeyed = true
                    bone.ZROT.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Rotate.Z, IsKeyed = true
                    bone.WROT.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Rotate.W, IsKeyed = true
                if (bn.FlagsBase.HasFlag(ResU.BoneAnimFlagsBase.Translate))
                    bone.XPOS.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Translate.X, IsKeyed = true
                    bone.YPOS.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Translate.Y, IsKeyed = true
                    bone.ZPOS.Keys.Add(new KeyFrame()
                        Frame = 0, Value = bn.BaseData.Translate.Z, IsKeyed = true

                for (int curve = 0; curve < bn.Curves.Count; curve++)
                    Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = CurveHelper.CreateTrackWiiU(bn.Curves[curve]);
                    keyGroup.AnimDataOffset = bn.Curves[curve].AnimDataOffset;
                    switch (keyGroup.AnimDataOffset)
                    case (int)TrackType.XPOS: bone.XPOS.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.YPOS: bone.YPOS.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.ZPOS: bone.ZPOS.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.XROT: bone.XROT.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.YROT: bone.YROT.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.ZROT: bone.ZROT.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.WROT: bone.WROT.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.XSCA: bone.XSCA.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.YSCA: bone.YSCA.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    case (int)TrackType.ZSCA: bone.ZSCA.Keys.AddRange(keyGroup.Keys); break;

                    default: throw new Exception("Unknown Anim Offset " + keyGroup.AnimDataOffset);
Beispiel #9
        private static AnimCurve SetAnimationCurve(Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup, uint DataOffset)
            if (keyGroup.Keys.Count <= 1)

            AnimCurve curve = new AnimCurve();

            curve.Frames         = new float[(int)keyGroup.Keys.Count];
            curve.FrameType      = AnimCurveFrameType.Single;
            curve.KeyType        = AnimCurveKeyType.Single;
            curve.AnimDataOffset = DataOffset;
            curve.Scale          = 1;
            curve.StartFrame     = 0;
            curve.Offset         = 0;

            var keyFrame = keyGroup.GetKeyFrame(0);

            if (keyFrame.InterType == InterpolationType.HERMITE)
                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.Cubic;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 4];
                curve.Frames    = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count];

                for (int k = 0; k < keyGroup.Keys.Count; k++)
                    float Delta = 0;
                    float frame = keyGroup.Keys[k].Frame;

                    if (k < keyGroup.Keys.Count - 1)
                        Delta = keyGroup.GetValue(k + 1) - keyGroup.GetValue(k);

                    float value = keyGroup.GetValue(frame);
                    curve.Keys[k, 0] = value;
                    curve.Keys[k, 1] = 0;
                    curve.Keys[k, 2] = 0;
                    curve.Keys[k, 3] = Delta;

                    curve.Frames[k] = keyGroup.Keys[k].Frame;
            else if (keyFrame.InterType == InterpolationType.LINEAR)
                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.Linear;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 2];
                curve.Frames    = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count];

                for (int k = 0; k < keyGroup.Keys.Count; k++)
                    float frame = keyGroup.Keys[k].Frame;

                    float Delta = 0;

                    if (k < keyGroup.Keys.Count - 1)
                        Delta = keyGroup.GetValue(k + 1) - keyGroup.GetValue(k);

                    curve.Keys[k, 0] = keyGroup.GetValue(frame);
                    curve.Keys[k, 1] = Delta;
                    curve.Frames[k]  = frame;
            else if (keyFrame.InterType == InterpolationType.STEPBOOL)
                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.StepBool;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 1];

                curve.CurveType = AnimCurveType.StepInt;
                curve.Keys      = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count, 1];
                curve.Frames    = new float[keyGroup.Keys.Count];

                for (int k = 0; k < keyGroup.Keys.Count; k++)
                    float frame = keyGroup.Keys[k].Frame;

                    curve.Keys[k, 0] = keyGroup.GetValue(frame);
                    curve.Frames[k]  = frame;

            //Difference of last and first key value
            if (curve.Keys.Length > 0)
                curve.Delta = curve.Keys[keyGroup.Keys.Count - 1, 0] - curve.Keys[0, 0];

            curve.EndFrame = curve.Frames.Max();

        public virtual Animation GetAnimation()
            Animation a = new Smash_Forge.Animation(Text);

            a.FrameCount = (int)DatAnimation.FrameCount;

            int bid = 0;

            foreach (DatAnimationNode bone in DatAnimation.Nodes)
                Animation.KeyNode node = new Animation.KeyNode("Bone_" + bid++);
                //Console.WriteLine(node.Text + " " + bone.Tracks.Count);
                node.RotType = Animation.RotationType.EULER;

                AnimationHelperTrack[] helper;
                    helper = AnimationKeyFrameHelper.DecodeKeyFrames(bone);
                catch (Exception)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error Loading animation");
                    helper = new AnimationHelperTrack[0];

                foreach (AnimationHelperTrack track in helper)
                    float prevValue            = 0;
                    float prevTan              = 0;
                    Animation.KeyFrame prevkey = null;
                    Animation.KeyGroup Group   = new Animation.KeyGroup();

                    foreach (AnimationHelperKeyFrame key in track.KeyFrames)
                        Animation.KeyFrame f = new Animation.KeyFrame();
                        f.Frame = key.Frame;
                        f.Value = key.Value;
                        f.In    = key.Tan;
                        switch (key.InterpolationType)
                        case InterpolationType.Constant: f.InterType = Animation.InterpolationType.CONSTANT; break;

                        case InterpolationType.Hermite: f.InterType = Animation.InterpolationType.HERMITE; break;

                        case InterpolationType.Linear: f.InterType = Animation.InterpolationType.LINEAR; break;

                        case InterpolationType.Step: f.InterType = Animation.InterpolationType.STEP; break;

                        case InterpolationType.HermiteValue:
                            f.InterType = Animation.InterpolationType.HERMITE;
                            f.In        = prevTan;

                        case InterpolationType.HermiteCurve:
                            prevkey.Out = key.Tan;
                        prevValue = key.Value;
                        prevTan   = key.Tan;
                        prevkey   = f;

                    switch (track.TrackType)
                    case AnimTrackType.XPOS: node.XPOS = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.YPOS: node.YPOS = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.ZPOS: node.ZPOS = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.XROT: node.XROT = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.YROT: node.YROT = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.ZROT: node.ZROT = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.XSCA: node.XSCA = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.YSCA: node.YSCA = Group; break;

                    case AnimTrackType.ZSCA: node.ZSCA = Group; break;

Beispiel #11
        private void LoadAnim(TexPatternAnim anim)
            CanReplace = true;
            CanExport  = true;
            CanDelete  = true;
            CanRename  = true;

            Text = anim.Name;

            TexPatternAnim = anim;
            FrameCount     = anim.FrameCount;

            if (anim.TextureRefNames != null)
                foreach (var tex in anim.TextureRefNames)

            if (anim.TextureRefs != null)
                foreach (var tex in anim.TextureRefs)

            foreach (TexPatternMatAnim matanim in anim.TexPatternMatAnims)
                var mat = new MaterialAnimEntry(matanim.Name);
                mat.TexPatternMatAnim = matanim;

                foreach (PatternAnimInfo SamplerInfo in matanim.PatternAnimInfos)
                    BfresSamplerAnim sampler = new BfresSamplerAnim(SamplerInfo.Name, this);

                    int textureIndex = 0;

                    if (SamplerInfo.SubBindIndex != -1)
                        textureIndex = SamplerInfo.SubBindIndex;

                        sampler.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                            Frame = 0, Value = textureIndex
                        sampler.Constant = true;
                    if (SamplerInfo.CurveIndex != -1)
                        int index = (int)SamplerInfo.CurveIndex;

                        Animation.KeyGroup keyGroup = CurveHelper.CreateTrackWiiU(matanim.Curves[index]);
                        sampler.AnimDataOffset = matanim.Curves[index].AnimDataOffset;
                        sampler.Keys           = keyGroup.Keys;

                        foreach (var ind in keyGroup.Keys)
                            Console.WriteLine($"{SamplerInfo.Name} {ind.Value}");
Beispiel #12
        public static Animation.KeyGroup CreateTrack(AnimCurve animCurve)
            Animation.KeyGroup track = new Animation.KeyGroup();
            track.AnimDataOffset = animCurve.AnimDataOffset;
            track.Scale          = animCurve.Scale;
            track.Offset         = animCurve.Offset;
            track.StartFrame     = animCurve.StartFrame;
            track.EndFrame       = animCurve.EndFrame;
            track.Delta          = animCurve.Delta;

            float tanscale = animCurve.Delta;

            if (tanscale == 0)
                tanscale = 1;

            if (animCurve.Scale == 0)
                animCurve.Scale = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < (ushort)animCurve.Frames.Length; i++)
                switch (animCurve.CurveType)
                case AnimCurveType.Cubic:     //4 elements are stored for cubic
                    track.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.HERMITE;
                    var coef0  = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale);
                    var coef1  = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 1] * animCurve.Scale);
                    var coef2  = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 2] * animCurve.Scale);
                    var coef3  = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 3] * animCurve.Scale);
                    var slopes = GetSlopes(animCurve, i);

                    var inSlope  = slopes[0] * animCurve.Scale + animCurve.Offset;
                    var outSlope = slopes[1] * animCurve.Scale + animCurve.Offset;

                    track.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                        IsKeyed   = true,
                        InterType = InterpolationType.HERMITE,
                        Frame     = (int)animCurve.Frames[i],
                        Value     = coef0,
                        Slope1    = inSlope,
                        Slope2    = outSlope,

                case AnimCurveType.Linear:     //2 elements are stored for linear
                    track.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.LINEAR;
                    track.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                        IsKeyed   = true,
                        InterType = InterpolationType.LINEAR,
                        Frame     = (int)animCurve.Frames[i],
                        Value     = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale),

                        Value1 = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale),
                        Delta  = animCurve.Offset + (animCurve.Keys[i, 1] * animCurve.Scale),

                case AnimCurveType.StepInt:     //1 element are stored for step
                    track.InterpolationType = InterpolationType.STEP;
                    track.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                        IsKeyed   = true,
                        InterType = InterpolationType.STEP,
                        Frame     = (int)animCurve.Frames[i],
                        Value     = (int)animCurve.Offset + (int)animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale,
                        Value1    = (int)animCurve.Offset + (int)animCurve.Keys[i, 0] * animCurve.Scale,

                    throw new Exception("Unsupported anim type!");
