//List<Animal> animalList;        //Although we need to work for Cattle in the project, but polymorphism will allow animalList to contain Cattle objects. 02-Jan
        public AnimalEntryView()

            //Added - 2 Jan, 2015

            animalHandler = new AnimalsHandler();
            //animalList = new List<Animal>();

            comboBoxAnimalType.ItemsSource = animalHandler.GetAnimalTypes();
            comboBoxBreed.ItemsSource      = animalHandler.GetAnimalBreeds();
            comboBoxSource.ItemsSource     = animalHandler.GetAnimalSources();

            //Commented on April-01
            //Statuses should be on the basis of the gender
            //comboBoxStatus.ItemsSource = animalHandler.GetAnimalStatuses();

            List <string> genderList = new List <string>();


            comboBoxGender.ItemsSource = genderList;

            //Commented on 31-March. Now Gender will not be FK anymore
            //comboBoxGender.ItemsSource = animalHandler.GetGenders();
        //List<Animal> animalList;        //Although we need to work for Cattle in the project, but polymorphism will allow animalList to contain Cattle objects. 02-Jan
        public CalfEntryView()

            //Added - 2 Jan, 2015

            animalHandler = new AnimalsHandler();
            //animalList = new List<Animal>();

            comboBoxAnimalType.ItemsSource = animalHandler.GetAnimalTypes();

            comboBoxBreed.ItemsSource  = animalHandler.GetAnimalBreeds();
            comboBoxSource.ItemsSource = animalHandler.GetAnimalSources();

            //Commented on 01-Apr. No Status required for Calf
            //comboBoxStatus.ItemsSource = animalHandler.GetAnimalStatuses();
            comboBoxGender.ItemsSource = animalHandler.GetGenders();

            //Added on 01-April - Add Artificial Insemination in Fathers Tab
            List <Cattle> maleCattleList = new List <Cattle>();

            maleCattleList = animalHandler.GetCattlesMale();

            Cattle artificialInsemnation = new Cattle();

            artificialInsemnation.TagNo = "Artificial Insemnation";

            comboBoxFather.ItemsSource = maleCattleList;

            //Added on 02-April - Add Artificial Insemination in Fathers Tab
            List <Cattle> femaleCattleList = new List <Cattle>();

            femaleCattleList = animalHandler.GetCattlesFemale();

            Cattle otherFarm = new Cattle();

            otherFarm.TagNo = "Other Farm";

            comboBoxMother.ItemsSource = femaleCattleList;