public override void SetFromChannel(Channel channel, int preIndex, int postIndex, float interpFactor, Accessor transformAccessor)
            // TODO: This can be made to resemble more closely the implementations in
            // the other NamedTransform subclasses, but it involves separating terms
            // of the quaternion. I don't want to deal with this yet, but it should be done.

            // Set orientation
            ApplyChannelToQuaternion(transformAccessor, channel.TargetParam, channel.TargetMember, preIndex);
            Quaternion preOrient = Rotate;

            ApplyChannelToQuaternion(transformAccessor, channel.TargetParam, channel.TargetMember, postIndex);
            Quaternion postOrient = Rotate;

            Quaternion interpOrient =
                (Quaternion)AnimableValue.InterpolateValues(interpFactor, AnimableType.Quaternion, preOrient, postOrient);

            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(1.0 - interpOrient.Norm) < .001);

            // Make sure the axis is not perturbed when we set the rotation
            Vector3 preAxis = Axis;

            // NOTE: setting Rotate has a side-effect of altering the Axis
            Rotate = interpOrient;

            Vector3 interpAxis = Axis;

            if ((interpAxis - preAxis).Length > .001)
                Debug.Assert(false, "pre axis and interp axis mismatch");

                Rotate = interpOrient;
        public override void SetFromChannel(Channel channel, int preIndex, int postIndex, float interpFactor, Accessor transformAccessor)
            Vector3 preScale = BuildScaleFromAccessor(transformAccessor, channel.TargetParam, preIndex);;

            Vector3 postScale = BuildScaleFromAccessor(transformAccessor, channel.TargetParam, postIndex);;

            Scale = (Vector3)AnimableValue.InterpolateValues(interpFactor, AnimableType.Vector3, preScale, postScale);
        public override void SetFromChannel(Channel channel, int preIndex, int postIndex, float interpFactor, Accessor transformAccessor)
            Vector3 preTrans = BuildTranslationFromAccessor(transformAccessor, channel.TargetParam, preIndex);

            Vector3 postTrans = BuildTranslationFromAccessor(transformAccessor, channel.TargetParam, postIndex);

            Vector3 interpTrans =
                (Vector3)AnimableValue.InterpolateValues(interpFactor, AnimableType.Vector3, preTrans, postTrans);

            Translate = interpTrans;