Beispiel #1
        public static void UpdateVision(Bot bot, IEnumerable <Bot> allBots)
            foreach (var e in bot.Eyes)

            foreach (var otherBot in allBots.Where(b => b != bot))
                var distanceVector  = otherBot.Position - bot.Position;
                var distanceSquared = distanceVector.LengthSquared();
                if (distanceSquared < VisionLimitSquared)
                    // Take the bearing to the centre of the other bot
                    var angleToOtherBot = (float)Math.Atan2(distanceVector.Y, distanceVector.X);
                    var relativeAngle   = AngleHelper.NormaliseAngle(angleToOtherBot - bot.Orientation);
                    // Translate to within -pi to +pi (move the discontinuity to outside the edges of vision)
                    if (relativeAngle > Math.PI)
                        relativeAngle -= 2 * (float)Math.PI;

                    // Calculate what arc the other bot should fill
                    var distance          = Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
                    var radiusAngle       = Math.Atan2(otherBot.Radius, distance);
                    var visibleAngleStart = relativeAngle - radiusAngle;
                    var visibleAngleStop  = relativeAngle + radiusAngle;

                    for (var i = 0; i < Bot.EyeCount; i++)
                        var eyePosition = i - Bot.EyeCount / 2;
                        var eyeStart    = (eyePosition * Bot.EyeAngle * 2) - Bot.EyeAngle;
                        var eyeStop     = (eyePosition * Bot.EyeAngle * 2) + Bot.EyeAngle;

                        if (
                            visibleAngleStart > eyeStart && visibleAngleStart < eyeStop || // Other bot start edge is in the eye
                            visibleAngleStop > eyeStart && visibleAngleStop < eyeStop || // Other bot stop edge is in the eye
                            visibleAngleStart < eyeStart && visibleAngleStop > eyeStop    // Other bot completely covers the eye
                            bot.Eyes[i].Add(new EyeEntry(otherBot, (float)distance));

            bot.EyeDistances = bot.Eyes.Select(e => e.Any() ? Bot.VisionLimit - e.Min(n => n.Distance) : 0).ToArray();

            var middleEye = bot.Eyes[bot.FocusEye];

            if (middleEye.Any())
                bot.FocussedBot = middleEye.OrderBy(e => e.Distance).First().OtherBot;
                bot.FocussedBot = null;
Beispiel #2
        public void NormaliseAngleLeavesSmallAngle()
            const float TestAngle = 2.0f;

            var result = AngleHelper.NormaliseAngle(TestAngle);

            result.Should().BeApproximately(TestAngle, AngleTolerance);
Beispiel #3
        public void NormaliseAngleReducesVeryPositiveAngle()
            const float TestAngle = 2.0f;

            var result = AngleHelper.NormaliseAngle(TestAngle + (float)Math.PI * 6);

            result.Should().BeApproximately(TestAngle, AngleTolerance);
Beispiel #4
        public void NormaliseAngleIncreasesVeryNegativeAngle()
            const float TestAngle = 2.0f;

            var result = AngleHelper.NormaliseAngle(TestAngle - (float)Math.PI * 6);

            result.Should().BeApproximately(TestAngle, AngleTolerance);
Beispiel #5
        public static void UpdateBot(Bot bot)
            bot.Orientation = AngleHelper.NormaliseAngle(bot.Orientation + AngleHelper.IntToAngle(bot.Memory[(int)MemoryAddresses.TurnRight] - bot.Memory[(int)MemoryAddresses.TurnLeft]));

            // Right and down are positive x and y respectively
            var netForce = new Vector2(
                bot.GetFromMemory(MemoryAddresses.MoveUp) - bot.GetFromMemory(MemoryAddresses.MoveDown),
                bot.GetFromMemory(MemoryAddresses.MoveRight) - bot.GetFromMemory(MemoryAddresses.MoveLeft));

            var rotation = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(bot.Orientation);

            bot.Force += Vector2.Transform(netForce, rotation);