//mxd. This changes slope angle. Amount is in radians!
 protected override void ChangeAngle(float amount)
     mode.CreateUndo("Change ceiling slope angle", UndoGroup.AngleChange, Sector.Sector.Index);
     Sector.Sector.SetFlag(General.Map.FormatInterface.SectorFlags.Sloped, true, false);
     Sector.Sector.CeilingSlope = General.Clamp(Sector.Sector.CeilingSlope - amount, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinSlope, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxSlope);
     mode.SetActionResult("Changed ceiling slope angle to " + Math.Round(Angle2D.RadToDeg(Sector.Sector.CeilingSlope) - 90, 1) + ".");
        //mxd. This calculates wall brightness level with doom-style shading
        public int CalculateBrightness(int level, Sidedef sd)
            if (level < 253 && sd != null)
                bool evenlighting   = General.Map.Data.MapInfo.EvenLighting;
                bool smoothlighting = General.Map.Data.MapInfo.SmoothLighting;

                //check for possiburu UDMF overrides
                if (General.Map.UDMF)
                    if (sd.IsFlagSet("lightabsolute") && sd.Fields.ContainsKey("light"))
                        evenlighting = true;
                        if (sd.IsFlagSet("nofakecontrast"))
                            evenlighting = true;
                        if (sd.IsFlagSet("smoothlighting"))
                            smoothlighting = true;

                if (!evenlighting)
                    //all walls are shaded by their angle
                    if (smoothlighting)
                        float ammount  = Math.Abs((float)Math.Sin(sd.Angle));
                        int   hAmmount = (int)((1.0f - ammount) * General.Map.Data.MapInfo.HorizWallShade);
                        int   vAmmount = (int)(ammount * General.Map.Data.MapInfo.VertWallShade);

                        level = General.Clamp(level - hAmmount - vAmmount, 0, 255);
                    else                     //only horizontal/verticel walls are shaded
                        switch ((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(sd.Angle))
                        // Horizontal wall
                        case 90:
                        case 270:
                            level = General.Clamp(level + General.Map.Data.MapInfo.HorizWallShade, 0, 255);

                        // Vertical wall
                        case 180:
                        case 0:
                            level = General.Clamp(level + General.Map.Data.MapInfo.VertWallShade, 0, 255);

 //mxd. This updates the sprite frame to be rendered
 internal void UpdateSpriteFrame()
     if (textures.Length != 8)
         spriteframe = 0;
         spriteframe = (General.ClampAngle((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg((General.Map.VisualCamera.Position - thing.Position).GetAngleXY()) - thing.AngleDoom + 292)) / 45;                 // Convert to [0..7] range; 292 == 270 + 45/2
Beispiel #4
        internal SlopeArchForm(SlopeArcher slopearcher)
            this.slopearcher = slopearcher;

            oldtheta             = originaltheta = Math.Round(Angle2D.RadToDeg(this.slopearcher.Theta), 2);
            oldoffset            = originaloffset = Math.Round(Angle2D.RadToDeg(this.slopearcher.OffsetAngle), 2);
            oldscale             = originalscale = this.slopearcher.Scale;
            originalheightoffset = this.slopearcher.HeightOffset;

            theta.Text        = originaltheta.ToString();
            offset.Text       = originaloffset.ToString();
            scale.Text        = (originalscale * 100.0).ToString();
            heightoffset.Text = originalheightoffset.ToString();
        // This updates the text
        protected virtual void UpdateText()
            Vector2D delta = end - start;

            // Update label text
            float length = delta.GetLength();

            if (showangle)
                int displayangle = General.ClampAngle((int)Math.Round(Angle2D.RadToDeg(delta.GetAngle())));
                label.Text = "L:" + length.ToString(VALUE_FORMAT) + "; A:" + displayangle;
                label.Text = length.ToString(VALUE_FORMAT);
Beispiel #6
        // This sets the dynamic values
        public void ShowCurrentValues(Vector2D pos, Vector2D relpos, Vector2D size, Vector2D relsize, float rotation)
            // Set values
            this.abspos = pos;
            this.relpos = relpos;
            this.abssize = size;
            this.relsize = relsize;
            this.absrotate = Angle2D.RadToDeg(rotation);

            // Set controls
            absposx.Text = pos.x.ToString("0.#");
            absposy.Text = pos.y.ToString("0.#");
            relposx.Text = relpos.x.ToString("0.#");
            relposy.Text = relpos.y.ToString("0.#");
            abssizex.Text = size.x.ToString("0.#");
            abssizey.Text = size.y.ToString("0.#");
            relsizex.Text = relsize.x.ToString("0.#");
            relsizey.Text = relsize.y.ToString("0.#");
            absrot.Text = this.absrotate.ToString("0.#");

            userinput = false;
Beispiel #7
        // Texture offset change
        public virtual void OnChangeTextureOffset(int horizontal, int vertical, bool doSurfaceAngleCorrection)
            if (horizontal == 0 && vertical == 0)
                return;                                              //mxd
            if (!General.Map.UDMF)
                General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Floor/ceiling texture offsets cannot be changed in this map format!");

            if ((General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo == null) || (General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo.TicketID != undoticket))
                undoticket = mode.CreateUndo("Change texture offsets");

            changed = true;

            if (doSurfaceAngleCorrection)
                Point p     = new Point(horizontal, vertical);
                float angle = Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY);
                if (GeometryType == VisualGeometryType.CEILING)
                    angle += level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationceiling", 0f);
                    angle += level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0f);

                angle = General.ClampAngle(angle);

                if (angle > 315 || angle < 46)
                    //already correct
                else if (angle > 225)
                    vertical   = p.X;
                    horizontal = -p.Y;
                else if (angle > 135)
                    horizontal = -p.X;
                    vertical   = -p.Y;
                    vertical   = -p.X;
                    horizontal = p.Y;

            // Apply offsets
            MoveTextureOffset(-horizontal, -vertical);

            // Rebuild sector
            BaseVisualSector vs;

            if (mode.VisualSectorExists(level.sector))
                vs = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(level.sector);
                //mxd. Need this to apply changes to 3d-floor even if control sector doesn't exist as BaseVisualSector
                vs = mode.CreateBaseVisualSector(level.sector);

            if (vs != null)
Beispiel #8
        // Apply clicked
        private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <string> defaultflags = new List <string>();
            string        undodesc     = "thing";

            // Verify the tag
            if (General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingTag && ((tag.GetResult(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag) || (tag.GetResult(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag)))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing tag must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Verify the type
            if (((thingtype.GetResult(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType) || (thingtype.GetResult(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType)))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing type must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Verify the action
            if (General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingAction && ((action.Value < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction) || (action.Value > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction)))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing action must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Make undo
            if (things.Count > 1)
                undodesc = things.Count + " things";
            General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Edit " + undodesc);

            // Go for all the things
            foreach (Thing t in things)
                // Thing type index
                t.Type = General.Clamp(thingtype.GetResult(t.Type), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType);

                // Coordination
                t.Move(t.Position.x, t.Position.y, (float)height.GetResult((int)t.Position.z));

                // Apply all flags
                foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
                    if (c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                        t.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), true);
                    else if (c.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                        t.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);

                // Action/tags
                t.Tag = tag.GetResult(t.Tag);
                if (!action.Empty)
                    t.Action = action.Value;
                t.Args[0] = arg0.GetResult(t.Args[0]);
                t.Args[1] = arg1.GetResult(t.Args[1]);
                t.Args[2] = arg2.GetResult(t.Args[2]);
                t.Args[3] = arg3.GetResult(t.Args[3]);
                t.Args[4] = arg4.GetResult(t.Args[4]);

                // Custom fields

                // Update settings

            // Set as defaults
            foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
                if (c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
            General.Settings.DefaultThingType  = thingtype.GetResult(General.Settings.DefaultThingType);
            General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle = Angle2D.DegToRad((float)angle.GetResult((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle) - 90) + 90);

            // Done
            General.Map.IsChanged = true;
            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Beispiel #9
        // This makes sure we are updated with the source linedef information
        public override void Update()
            ThingData td = data.Mode.GetThingData(thing);
            Thing     t  = thing;

            // Floor slope thing
            if (t.Type == 9502)
                if (t.Sector != null)
                    //mxd. Vertex zheight overrides this effect
                    if (General.Map.UDMF && t.Sector.Sidedefs.Count == 3)
                        foreach (Sidedef side in t.Sector.Sidedefs)
                            if (!double.IsNaN(side.Line.Start.ZFloor) || !double.IsNaN(side.Line.End.ZFloor))

                    double   angle         = Angle2D.DoomToReal((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(t.Angle));
                    double   vangle        = Angle2D.DegToRad(General.Clamp(t.Args[0], 0, 180));            //mxd. Don't underestimate user stupidity (or curiosity)!
                    Vector2D point         = new Vector2D(t.Position.x + Math.Cos(angle) * Math.Sin(vangle), t.Position.y + Math.Sin(angle) * Math.Sin(vangle));
                    Vector2D perpendicular = new Line2D(t.Position, point).GetPerpendicular();

                    Vector3D v1 = new Vector3D(t.Position.x, t.Position.y, t.Position.z + t.Sector.FloorHeight);

                    Vector3D v2 = new Vector3D(
                        point.x + perpendicular.x,
                        point.y + perpendicular.y,
                        t.Position.z + t.Sector.FloorHeight + Math.Cos(vangle)

                    Vector3D v3 = new Vector3D(
                        point.x - perpendicular.x,
                        point.y - perpendicular.y,
                        t.Position.z + t.Sector.FloorHeight + Math.Cos(vangle)

                    SectorData sd = data.Mode.GetSectorData(t.Sector);
                    sd.AddUpdateSector(data.Sector, true);
                    if (!sd.Updated)
                    td.AddUpdateSector(t.Sector, true);
                    sd.Floor.plane = new Plane(v1, v2, v3, true);
            // Ceiling slope thing
            else if (t.Type == 9503)
                if (t.Sector != null)
                    //mxd. Vertex zheight overrides this effect
                    if (General.Map.UDMF && t.Sector.Sidedefs.Count == 3)
                        foreach (Sidedef side in t.Sector.Sidedefs)
                            if (!double.IsNaN(side.Line.Start.ZCeiling) || !double.IsNaN(side.Line.End.ZCeiling))

                    double   angle         = Angle2D.DoomToReal((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(t.Angle));
                    double   vangle        = Angle2D.DegToRad(General.Clamp(t.Args[0], 0, 180));            //mxd. Don't underestimate user stupidity (or curiosity)!
                    Vector2D point         = new Vector2D(t.Position.x + Math.Cos(angle) * Math.Sin(vangle), t.Position.y + Math.Sin(angle) * Math.Sin(vangle));
                    Vector2D perpendicular = new Line2D(t.Position, point).GetPerpendicular();

                    Vector3D v1 = new Vector3D(t.Position.x, t.Position.y, t.Position.z + t.Sector.CeilHeight);

                    Vector3D v2 = new Vector3D(
                        point.x + perpendicular.x,
                        point.y + perpendicular.y,
                        t.Position.z + t.Sector.CeilHeight + Math.Cos(vangle)

                    Vector3D v3 = new Vector3D(
                        point.x - perpendicular.x,
                        point.y - perpendicular.y,
                        t.Position.z + t.Sector.CeilHeight + Math.Cos(vangle)

                    SectorData sd = data.Mode.GetSectorData(t.Sector);
                    sd.AddUpdateSector(data.Sector, true);
                    if (!sd.Updated)
                    td.AddUpdateSector(t.Sector, true);
                    sd.Ceiling.plane = new Plane(v1, v2, v3, false);
        // Apply clicked
        private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            List <string> defaultflags = new List <string>();

            // Verify the tag
            if (General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingTag)  //mxd
                tagSelector.ValidateTag();                //mxd
                if (((tagSelector.GetTag(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag) || (tagSelector.GetTag(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag)))
                    General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing tag must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Verify the type
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thingtype.TypeStringValue) && ((thingtype.GetResult(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType) || (thingtype.GetResult(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType)))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing type must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Verify the action
            if (General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingAction && ((action.Value < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction) || (action.Value > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction)))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing action must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Go for all the things
            int offset = 0;             //mxd

            foreach (Thing t in things)
                // Coordination
                if (cbRandomAngle.Checked)                //mxd
                    int newangle = General.Random(0, 359);
                    if (General.Map.Config.DoomThingRotationAngles)
                        newangle = newangle / 45 * 45;

                //mxd. Check position
                float px = General.Clamp(t.Position.x, General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.RightBoundary);
                float py = General.Clamp(t.Position.y, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary, General.Map.Config.TopBoundary);
                if (t.Position.x != px || t.Position.y != py)
                    t.Move(new Vector2D(px, py));

                // Apply all flags
                foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
                    switch (c.CheckState)
                    case CheckState.Checked: t.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), true); break;

                    case CheckState.Unchecked: t.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false); break;

                // Action/tags
                t.Tag = General.Clamp(tagSelector.GetSmartTag(t.Tag, offset), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag);                 //mxd
                if (!action.Empty)
                    t.Action = action.Value;

                //mxd. Apply args
                argscontrol.Apply(t, offset);

                // Update settings

                //mxd. Increase offset...

            // Set as defaults
            foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
                if (c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
            General.Settings.DefaultThingType  = thingtype.GetResult(General.Settings.DefaultThingType);
            General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle = Angle2D.DegToRad((float)angle.GetResult((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle) - 90) + 90);

            // Done
            General.Map.IsChanged = true;
            if (OnValuesChanged != null)
                OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);                                         //mxd
            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        // Apply clicked
        private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //mxd. Make Undo

            List <string> defaultflags = new List <string>();

            // Verify the tag
            if (General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingTag)  //mxd
                tagSelector.ValidateTag();                //mxd
                if (((tagSelector.GetTag(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag) || (tagSelector.GetTag(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag)))
                    General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing tag must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Verify the type
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thingtype.TypeStringValue) && ((thingtype.GetResult(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType) || (thingtype.GetResult(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType)))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing type must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Verify the action
            if (General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingAction && ((action.Value < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction) || (action.Value > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction)))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing action must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Go for all the things
            int offset = 0;             //mxd

            foreach (Thing t in things)
                // Coordination
                //mxd. Randomize rotations?
                if (cbrandomangle.Checked)
                    int newangle = General.Random(0, 359);
                    if (General.Map.Config.DoomThingRotationAngles)
                        newangle = newangle / 45 * 45;
                if (cbrandompitch.Checked)
                    t.SetPitch(General.Random(0, 359));
                if (cbrandomroll.Checked)
                    t.SetRoll(General.Random(0, 359));

                //mxd. Check position
                double px = General.Clamp(t.Position.x, General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.RightBoundary);
                double py = General.Clamp(t.Position.y, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary, General.Map.Config.TopBoundary);
                if (t.Position.x != px || t.Position.y != py)
                    t.Move(new Vector2D(px, py));

                // Action/tags
                t.Tag = General.Clamp(tagSelector.GetSmartTag(t.Tag, offset), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag);                 //mxd
                if (!action.Empty)
                    t.Action = action.Value;

                //mxd. Apply args
                argscontrol.Apply(t, offset);

                //mxd. Custom fields
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationID.Text))
                    UniFields.SetInteger(t.Fields, "conversation", conversationID.GetResult(t.Fields.GetValue("conversation", 0)), 0);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(floatbobphase.Text))
                    UniFields.SetInteger(t.Fields, "floatbobphase", General.Clamp(floatbobphase.GetResult(t.Fields.GetValue("floatbobphase", -1)), -1, 63), -1);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gravity.Text))
                    UniFields.SetFloat(t.Fields, "gravity", gravity.GetResultFloat(t.Fields.GetValue("gravity", 1.0)), 1.0);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(health.Text))
                    UniFields.SetInteger(t.Fields, "health", health.GetResult(t.Fields.GetValue("health", 1)), 1);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(score.Text))
                    UniFields.SetInteger(t.Fields, "score", score.GetResult(t.Fields.GetValue("score", 0)), 0);

                //mxd. User vars. Should be called after fieldslist.Apply()
                ThingTypeInfo ti = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
                if (ti != null && ti.Actor != null && ti.Actor.UserVars.Count > 0)
                    fieldslist.ApplyUserVars(ti.Actor.UserVars, t.Fields);

                color.ApplyTo(t.Fields, t.Fields.GetValue("fillcolor", 0));

                //mxd. Comments

                // Update settings

                //mxd. Increase offset...

            // Set as defaults
            foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
                if (c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
            General.Settings.DefaultThingType  = thingtype.GetResult(General.Settings.DefaultThingType);
            General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle = Angle2D.DegToRad((float)angle.GetResult((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle) - 90) + 90);

            // Done
            General.Map.IsChanged = true;
            if (OnValuesChanged != null)
                OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);                                     //mxd
            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Beispiel #12
        // OK clicked
        private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify properties
            if (!VerifyValue(hitag.GetResult(0), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag, "Sector hitag"))
            if (!VerifyValue(lotag.GetResult(0), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag, "Sector lotag"))
            if (!VerifyValue(extra.GetResult(0), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinExtra, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxExtra, "Sector extra"))
            if (!VerifyValue(ceilpalette.GetResult(0), 0, 255, "Ceiling palette"))
            if (!VerifyValue(floorpalette.GetResult(0), 0, 255, "Floor palette"))

            // Make undo
            General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Edit " + (sectors.Count > 1 ? sectors.Count + " sectors" : "sector"));

            // Collect flags...
            Dictionary <string, CheckState> floorflagsstate = new Dictionary <string, CheckState>();

            foreach (CheckBox c in floorflags.Checkboxes)
                floorflagsstate[c.Tag.ToString()] = c.CheckState;

            Dictionary <string, CheckState> ceilflagsstate = new Dictionary <string, CheckState>();

            foreach (CheckBox c in ceilflags.Checkboxes)
                ceilflagsstate[c.Tag.ToString()] = c.CheckState;

            // Update slope flags?
            float ceilslopedeg = ceilslope.GetResultFloat(VALUE_MISMATCH);

            if (ceilslopedeg != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                ceilflagsstate[General.Map.FormatInterface.SectorFlags.Sloped] = (ceilslopedeg != 0 ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked);

            float floorslopedeg = floorslope.GetResultFloat(VALUE_MISMATCH);

            if (floorslopedeg != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                floorflagsstate[General.Map.FormatInterface.SectorFlags.Sloped] = (floorslopedeg != 0 ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked);

            // Go for all sectors
            foreach (Sector s in sectors)
                // Floor/ceiling
                s.FloorHeight   = floorheight.GetResult(s.FloorHeight);
                s.CeilingHeight = ceilheight.GetResult(s.CeilingHeight);
                s.Visibility    = visibility.GetResult(s.Visibility);

                // Ceiling
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CheckState> group in ceilflagsstate)
                    switch (group.Value)
                    case CheckState.Checked: s.SetFlag(group.Key, true, false); break;

                    case CheckState.Unchecked: s.SetFlag(group.Key, false, false); break;

                s.CeilingTileIndex    = General.Clamp(ceiltex.GetResult(s.CeilingTileIndex), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTileIndex, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTileIndex);
                s.CeilingOffsetX      = General.Wrap(ceiloffsetx.GetResult(s.CeilingOffsetX), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinImageOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxImageOffset);
                s.CeilingOffsetY      = General.Wrap(ceiloffsety.GetResult(s.CeilingOffsetY), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinImageOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxImageOffset);
                s.CeilingShade        = General.Clamp(ceilshade.GetResult(s.CeilingShade), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinShade, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxShade);
                s.CeilingPaletteIndex = ceilpalette.GetResult(s.CeilingPaletteIndex);
                s.CeilingSlope        = General.Clamp(Angle2D.DegToRad(ceilslope.GetResultFloat(Angle2D.RadToDeg(s.CeilingSlope) - 90) + 90), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinSlope, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxSlope);

                // Floor
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CheckState> group in floorflagsstate)
                    switch (group.Value)
                    case CheckState.Checked: s.SetFlag(group.Key, true, true); break;

                    case CheckState.Unchecked: s.SetFlag(group.Key, false, true); break;

                s.FloorTileIndex    = General.Clamp(floortex.GetResult(s.FloorTileIndex), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTileIndex, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTileIndex);
                s.FloorOffsetX      = General.Wrap(flooroffsetx.GetResult(s.FloorOffsetX), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinImageOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxImageOffset);
                s.FloorOffsetY      = General.Wrap(flooroffsety.GetResult(s.FloorOffsetY), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinImageOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxImageOffset);
                s.FloorShade        = General.Clamp(floorshade.GetResult(s.FloorShade), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinShade, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxShade);
                s.FloorPaletteIndex = floorpalette.GetResult(s.FloorPaletteIndex);
                s.FloorSlope        = General.Clamp(Angle2D.DegToRad(floorslope.GetResultFloat(Angle2D.RadToDeg(s.FloorSlope) - 90) + 90), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinSlope, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxSlope);

                // Identification
                s.HiTag = hitag.GetResult(s.HiTag);
                s.LoTag = lotag.GetResult(s.LoTag);
                s.Extra = extra.GetResult(s.Extra);

            // Update the used textures

            // Done
            General.Map.IsChanged = true;
            this.DialogResult     = DialogResult.OK;
Beispiel #13
        protected void AlignTextureToClosestLine(bool alignx, bool aligny)
            if (!(mode.HighlightedObject is BaseVisualSector))

            // Do we need to align this? (and also grab texture scale while we are at it)
            float scaleX, scaleY;
            bool  isFloor = (geometrytype == VisualGeometryType.FLOOR);

            if (mode.HighlightedTarget is VisualFloor)
                VisualFloor target = (VisualFloor)mode.HighlightedTarget;

                // Check texture
                if (target.Sector.Sector.FloorTexture != (isFloor ? Sector.Sector.FloorTexture : Sector.Sector.CeilTexture))

                scaleX = target.Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("xscalefloor", 1.0f);
                scaleY = target.Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("yscalefloor", 1.0f);
                VisualCeiling target = (VisualCeiling)mode.HighlightedTarget;

                // Check texture
                if (target.Sector.Sector.CeilTexture != (isFloor ? Sector.Sector.FloorTexture : Sector.Sector.CeilTexture))

                scaleX = target.Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("xscaleceiling", 1.0f);
                scaleY = target.Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("yscaleceiling", 1.0f);

            //find a linedef to align to
            Vector2D hitpos = mode.GetHitPosition();

            if (!hitpos.IsFinite())

            //align to line of highlighted sector, which is closest to hitpos
            Sector         highlightedSector = ((BaseVisualSector)mode.HighlightedObject).Sector;
            List <Linedef> lines             = new List <Linedef>();

            foreach (Sidedef side in highlightedSector.Sidedefs)

            Linedef targetLine = MapSet.NearestLinedef(lines, hitpos);

            if (targetLine == null)

            bool isFront = targetLine.SideOfLine(hitpos) > 0;


            //find an angle to rotate texture
            float sourceAngle = (float)Math.Round(General.ClampAngle(isFront ? -Angle2D.RadToDeg(targetLine.Angle) + 90 : -Angle2D.RadToDeg(targetLine.Angle) - 90), 1);

            if (!isFront)
                sourceAngle = General.ClampAngle(sourceAngle + 180);

            //update angle
            UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "rotationfloor" : "rotationceiling"), sourceAngle, 0f);

            //set scale
            UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "xscalefloor" : "xscaleceiling"), scaleX, 1.0f);
            UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "yscalefloor" : "yscaleceiling"), scaleY, 1.0f);

            //update offset
            float    distToStart = Vector2D.Distance(hitpos, targetLine.Start.Position);
            float    distToEnd   = Vector2D.Distance(hitpos, targetLine.End.Position);
            Vector2D offset      = (distToStart < distToEnd ? targetLine.Start.Position : targetLine.End.Position).GetRotated(Angle2D.DegToRad(sourceAngle));

            if (alignx)
                if (Texture != null && Texture.IsImageLoaded)
                    offset.x %= Texture.Width / scaleX;
                UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "xpanningfloor" : "xpanningceiling"), (float)Math.Round(-offset.x), 0f);

            if (aligny)
                if (Texture != null && Texture.IsImageLoaded)
                    offset.y %= Texture.Height / scaleY;
                UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "ypanningfloor" : "ypanningceiling"), (float)Math.Round(offset.y), 0f);

            //update geometry
        // Texture offset change
        public virtual void OnChangeTextureOffset(int horizontal, int vertical, bool doSurfaceAngleCorrection)
            if (horizontal == 0 && vertical == 0)
                return;                                              //mxd
            if (!General.Map.UDMF)
                General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Floor/ceiling texture offsets cannot be changed in this map format!");

            if ((General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo == null) || (General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo.TicketID != undoticket))
                undoticket = mode.CreateUndo("Change texture offsets");

            if (doSurfaceAngleCorrection)
                Point p     = new Point(horizontal, vertical);
                float angle = Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY);
                if (GeometryType == VisualGeometryType.CEILING)
                    angle += level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationceiling", 0f);
                    angle += level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0f);

                angle = General.ClampAngle(angle);

                if (angle > 315 || angle < 46)
                    //already correct
                else if (angle > 225)
                    vertical   = p.X;
                    horizontal = -p.Y;
                else if (angle > 135)
                    horizontal = -p.X;
                    vertical   = -p.Y;
                    vertical   = -p.X;
                    horizontal = p.Y;

            // Apply offsets
            MoveTextureOffset(new Point(-horizontal, -vertical));

            // Update sector geometry
            Sector s = GetControlSector();

            if (s.Index != Sector.Sector.Index)
                s.UpdateNeeded = true;
                BaseVisualSector vs = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(s);

            Sector.Sector.UpdateNeeded = true;
Beispiel #15
        // This moves the selected things relatively
        // Returns true when things has actually moved
        private bool MoveThingsRelative(Vector2D offset, bool snapgrid, bool snapgridincrement, bool snapnearest, bool snapcardinal)
            //mxd. If snap to cardinal directions is enabled, modify the offset
            if (snapcardinal)
                float angle = Angle2D.DegToRad((General.ClampAngle((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(offset.GetAngle()) + 44)) / 90 * 90);
                offset            = new Vector2D(0, -offset.GetLength()).GetRotated(angle);
                snapgridincrement = true;                 // We don't want to move Things away from the cardinal directions

            Vector2D oldpos = dragitem.Position;
            Vector2D tl, br;

            // don't move if the offset contains invalid data
            if (!offset.IsFinite())

            // Find the outmost things
            tl = br = oldpositions[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < oldpositions.Count; i++)
                if (oldpositions[i].x < tl.x)
                    tl.x = (int)oldpositions[i].x;
                if (oldpositions[i].x > br.x)
                    br.x = (int)oldpositions[i].x;
                if (oldpositions[i].y > tl.y)
                    tl.y = (int)oldpositions[i].y;
                if (oldpositions[i].y < br.y)
                    br.y = (int)oldpositions[i].y;

            // Snap to nearest?
            if (snapnearest)
                // Find nearest unselected item within selection range
                Thing nearest = MapSet.NearestThingSquareRange(unselectedthings, mousemappos, BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale);
                if (nearest != null)
                    // Move the dragged item

                    // Adjust the offset
                    offset = (Vector2D)nearest.Position - dragitemposition;

                    // Do not snap to grid!
                    snapgrid          = false;
                    snapgridincrement = false;                     //mxd

            // Snap to grid?
            if (snapgrid || snapgridincrement)
                // Move the dragged item
                dragitem.Move(dragitemposition + offset);

                // Snap item to grid increment (mxd)
                if (snapgridincrement)
                    dragitem.Move(General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(dragitemposition + offset) - dragstartoffset);
                else                 // Or to the grid itself

                // Adjust the offset
                offset += (Vector2D)dragitem.Position - (dragitemposition + offset);

            // Make sure the offset is inside the map boundaries
            if (offset.x + tl.x < General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary)
                offset.x = General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary - tl.x;
            if (offset.x + br.x > General.Map.Config.RightBoundary)
                offset.x = General.Map.Config.RightBoundary - br.x;
            if (offset.y + tl.y > General.Map.Config.TopBoundary)
                offset.y = General.Map.Config.TopBoundary - tl.y;
            if (offset.y + br.y < General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary)
                offset.y = General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary - br.y;

            // Drag item moved?
            if ((!snapgrid && !snapgridincrement) || ((Vector2D)dragitem.Position != oldpos))
                int i = 0;

                // Move selected geometry
                foreach (Thing t in selectedthings)
                    // Move vertex from old position relative to the
                    // mouse position change since drag start
                    t.Move(oldpositions[i] + offset);

                    // Next

                // Moved
                // No changes
        protected void AlignTextureToClosestLine(bool alignx, bool aligny)
            if (!(mode.HighlightedObject is BaseVisualSector))

            // Do we need to align this? (and also grab texture scale while we are at it)
            float scaleX, scaleY;
            bool  isFloor = (geometrytype == VisualGeometryType.FLOOR);

            if (mode.HighlightedTarget is VisualFloor)
                Sector      target;
                VisualFloor vf = (VisualFloor)mode.HighlightedTarget;

                // Use the control sector if the floor belongs to a 3D floor
                if (vf.ExtraFloor == null)
                    target = vf.Sector.Sector;
                    target = vf.GetControlSector();

                // Check texture
                if (target.FloorTexture != (isFloor ? Sector.Sector.FloorTexture : Sector.Sector.CeilTexture))

                scaleX = target.Fields.GetValue("xscalefloor", 1.0f);
                scaleY = target.Fields.GetValue("yscalefloor", 1.0f);
                Sector        target;
                VisualCeiling vc = (VisualCeiling)mode.HighlightedTarget;

                // Use the control sector if the ceiling belongs to a 3D floor
                if (vc.ExtraFloor == null)
                    target = vc.Sector.Sector;
                    target = vc.GetControlSector();

                // Check texture
                if (target.CeilTexture != (isFloor ? Sector.Sector.FloorTexture : Sector.Sector.CeilTexture))

                scaleX = target.Fields.GetValue("xscaleceiling", 1.0f);
                scaleY = target.Fields.GetValue("yscaleceiling", 1.0f);

            //find a linedef to align to
            Vector2D hitpos = mode.GetHitPosition();

            if (!hitpos.IsFinite())

            //align to line of highlighted sector, which is closest to hitpos
            Sector         highlightedSector = ((BaseVisualSector)mode.HighlightedObject).Sector;
            List <Linedef> lines             = new List <Linedef>();

            foreach (Sidedef side in highlightedSector.Sidedefs)

            Linedef targetLine = MapSet.NearestLinedef(lines, hitpos);

            if (targetLine == null)

            bool isFront = targetLine.SideOfLine(hitpos) > 0;


            //find an angle to rotate texture
            float sourceAngle = (float)Math.Round(General.ClampAngle(isFront ? -Angle2D.RadToDeg(targetLine.Angle) + 90 : -Angle2D.RadToDeg(targetLine.Angle) - 90), 1);

            if (!isFront)
                sourceAngle = General.ClampAngle(sourceAngle + 180);

            //update angle
            UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "rotationfloor" : "rotationceiling"), sourceAngle, 0f);

            // Scale texture if it's a slope and the appropriate option is set
            if (level.plane.Normal.z != 1.0f && BuilderPlug.Me.ScaleTexturesOnSlopes != 2)
                Vector2D basescale = new Vector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);

                // User wants to use the current scale as a base?
                if (BuilderPlug.Me.ScaleTexturesOnSlopes == 1)
                    basescale.x = scaleX;
                    basescale.y = scaleY;

                // Create a unit vector of the direction of the target line in 3D space
                Vector3D targetlinevector = new Line3D(new Vector3D(targetLine.Start.Position, level.plane.GetZ(targetLine.Start.Position)), new Vector3D(targetLine.End.Position, level.plane.GetZ(targetLine.End.Position))).GetDelta().GetNormal();

                // Get a perpendicular vector of the target line in 3D space. This is used to get the slope angle relative to the target line
                Vector3D targetlineperpendicular = Vector3D.CrossProduct(targetlinevector, level.plane.Normal);

                if (alignx)
                    scaleX = Math.Abs(basescale.x * (1.0f / (float)Math.Cos(targetlinevector.GetAngleZ())));

                if (aligny)
                    scaleY = Math.Abs(basescale.y * (1.0f / (float)Math.Cos(targetlineperpendicular.GetAngleZ())));

            //set scale
            UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "xscalefloor" : "xscaleceiling"), scaleX, 1.0f);
            UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "yscalefloor" : "yscaleceiling"), scaleY, 1.0f);

            //update offset
            float    distToStart = Vector2D.Distance(hitpos, targetLine.Start.Position);
            float    distToEnd   = Vector2D.Distance(hitpos, targetLine.End.Position);
            Vector2D offset      = (distToStart < distToEnd ? targetLine.Start.Position : targetLine.End.Position).GetRotated(Angle2D.DegToRad(sourceAngle));

            if (alignx)
                if (Texture != null && Texture.IsImageLoaded)
                    offset.x %= Texture.Width / scaleX;
                UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "xpanningfloor" : "xpanningceiling"), (float)Math.Round(-offset.x), 0f);

            if (aligny)
                if (Texture != null && Texture.IsImageLoaded)
                    offset.y %= Texture.Height / scaleY;
                UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "ypanningfloor" : "ypanningceiling"), (float)Math.Round(offset.y), 0f);

            //update geometry
Beispiel #17
        // This moves the selected geometry relatively
        // Returns true when geometry has actually moved
        private bool MoveGeometryRelative(Vector2D offset, bool snapgrid, bool snapgridincrement, bool snapnearest, bool snapcardinal)
            //mxd. If snap to cardinal directions is enabled, modify the offset
            if (snapcardinal)
                double angle = Angle2D.DegToRad((General.ClampAngle((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(offset.GetAngle()) + 44)) / 90 * 90);
                offset            = new Vector2D(0, -offset.GetLength()).GetRotated(angle);
                snapgridincrement = true;                 // We don't want to move the geometry away from the cardinal directions

            Vector2D oldpos = dragitem.Position;
            Vector2D anchorpos = dragitemposition + offset;
            Vector2D tl, br;

            // don't move if the offset contains invalid data
            if (!offset.IsFinite())

            // Find the outmost vertices
            tl = br = oldpositions[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < oldpositions.Count; i++)
                if (oldpositions[i].x < tl.x)
                    tl.x = (int)oldpositions[i].x;
                if (oldpositions[i].x > br.x)
                    br.x = (int)oldpositions[i].x;
                if (oldpositions[i].y > tl.y)
                    tl.y = (int)oldpositions[i].y;
                if (oldpositions[i].y < br.y)
                    br.y = (int)oldpositions[i].y;

            // Snap to nearest?
            if (snapnearest)
                // Find nearest unselected vertex within range
                Vertex nv = MapSet.NearestVertexSquareRange(unselectedverts, anchorpos, BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale);
                if (nv != null)
                    // Move the dragged item

                    // Adjust the offset
                    offset = nv.Position - dragitemposition;

                    // Do not snap to grid!
                    snapgrid            = false;
                    snaptogridincrement = false;                     //mxd
                    // Find the nearest unselected line within range
                    Linedef nl = MapSet.NearestLinedefRange(snaptolines, anchorpos, BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale);
                    if (nl != null)
                        // Snap to grid?
                        if (snapgrid || snapgridincrement)
                            // Get grid intersection coordinates
                            List <Vector2D> coords = nl.GetGridIntersections(snapgridincrement ? dragstartoffset : new Vector2D(),
                                                                             General.Map.Grid.GridRotate, General.Map.Grid.GridOriginX, General.Map.Grid.GridOriginY);

                            // mxd. Do the rest only if we actually have some coordinates
                            if (coords.Count > 0)
                                // Find nearest grid intersection
                                double   found_distance = double.MaxValue;
                                Vector2D found_coord    = new Vector2D();

                                foreach (Vector2D v in coords)
                                    Vector2D delta = anchorpos - v;
                                    if (delta.GetLengthSq() < found_distance)
                                        found_distance = delta.GetLengthSq();
                                        found_coord    = v;

                                // Move the dragged item

                                // Align to line here
                                offset = found_coord - dragitemposition;

                                // Do not snap to grid anymore
                                snapgrid          = false;
                                snapgridincrement = false;                                 //mxd
                            // Move the dragged item

                            // Align to line here
                            offset = nl.NearestOnLine(anchorpos) - dragitemposition;

            // Snap to grid or grid increment?
            if (snapgrid || snapgridincrement)
                // Move the dragged item

                // Snap item to grid increment
                if (snapgridincrement)                //mxd
                    dragitem.Move(General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(dragitem.Position) - dragstartoffset);
                else                 // Or to the grid itself

                // Adjust the offset
                offset += dragitem.Position - anchorpos;

            // Make sure the offset is inside the map boundaries
            if (offset.x + tl.x < General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary)
                offset.x = General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary - tl.x;
            if (offset.x + br.x > General.Map.Config.RightBoundary)
                offset.x = General.Map.Config.RightBoundary - br.x;
            if (offset.y + tl.y > General.Map.Config.TopBoundary)
                offset.y = General.Map.Config.TopBoundary - tl.y;
            if (offset.y + br.y < General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary)
                offset.y = General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary - br.y;

            // Drag item moved?
            if ((!snapgrid && !snapgridincrement) || (dragitem.Position != oldpos))
                int i = 0;

                // Move selected geometry
                foreach (Vertex v in selectedverts)
                    // Move vertex from old position relative to the mouse position change since drag start
                    v.Move(oldpositions[i++] + offset);

                //mxd. Move selected things
                i = 0;
                foreach (Thing t in thingstodrag)
                    t.Move(oldthingpositions[i++] + offset);

                // Update labels
                int index = 0;
                foreach (Linedef l in unstablelines)
                    labels[index++].Move(l.Start.Position, l.End.Position);

                // Moved

            // No changes
Beispiel #18
        // This makes sure we are updated with the source linedef information
        public override void Update()
            SectorData sd = data.Mode.GetSectorData(linedef.Front.Sector);

            if (!sd.Updated)
            sd.AddUpdateSector(data.Sector, true);

            if (floor == null)
                floor = new SectorLevel(sd.Floor);

            if (ceiling == null)
                ceiling = new SectorLevel(sd.Ceiling);

            // For non-vavoom types, we must switch the level types
            if (linedef.Args[1] != (int)FloorTypes.VavoomStyle)
                //mxd. check for Swimmable/RenderInside/RenderAdditive flags
                renderadditive = (linedef.Args[2] & (int)Flags.RenderAdditive) == (int)Flags.RenderAdditive;
                renderinside   = ((((linedef.Args[1] & (int)FloorTypes.Swimmable) == (int)FloorTypes.Swimmable) && (linedef.Args[1] & (int)FloorTypes.NonSolid) != (int)FloorTypes.NonSolid)) ||
                                 ((linedef.Args[1] & (int)FloorTypes.RenderInside) == (int)FloorTypes.RenderInside);
                ignorebottomheight = ((linedef.Args[2] & (int)Flags.IgnoreBottomHeight) == (int)Flags.IgnoreBottomHeight);

                vavoomtype = false;
                alpha      = General.Clamp(linedef.Args[3], 0, 255);
                floor.type    = SectorLevelType.Floor;
                floor.plane   = sd.Ceiling.plane.GetInverted();
                ceiling.type  = SectorLevelType.Ceiling;
                ceiling.plane = (ignorebottomheight ? sd.Ceiling.plane : sd.Floor.plane.GetInverted());                 //mxd. Use upper plane when "ignorebottomheight" flag is set

                clipsides = (!renderinside && !renderadditive && alpha > 254 && !ignorebottomheight);

                // A 3D floor's color is always that of the sector it is placed in
                // (unless it's affected by glow) - mxd
                if (sd.CeilingGlow == null || !sd.CeilingGlow.Fullbright)
                    floor.color = 0;
                vavoomtype     = true;
                renderadditive = false;           //mxd
                clipsides      = true;            //mxd
                floor.type     = SectorLevelType.Ceiling;
                floor.plane    = sd.Ceiling.plane;
                ceiling.type   = SectorLevelType.Floor;
                ceiling.plane  = sd.Floor.plane;
                alpha          = 255;

                // A 3D floor's color is always that of the sector it is placed in
                // (unless it's affected by glow) - mxd
                if (sd.FloorGlow == null || !sd.FloorGlow.Fullbright)
                    ceiling.color = 0;

            // Apply alpha
            floor.alpha   = alpha;
            ceiling.alpha = alpha;

            floor.extrafloor   = true;
            ceiling.extrafloor = true;
            floor.splitsides   = !clipsides;
            ceiling.splitsides = (!clipsides && !ignorebottomheight);             // if "ignorebottomheight" flag is set, both ceiling and floor will be at the same level and sidedef clipping with floor level will fail resulting in incorrect light props transfer in some cases

            //mxd. Check slopes, cause GZDoom can't handle sloped translucent 3d floors...
            sloped3dfloor = ((alpha < 255 || renderadditive) &&
                             (Angle2D.RadToDeg(ceiling.plane.Normal.GetAngleZ()) != 270 ||
                              Angle2D.RadToDeg(floor.plane.Normal.GetAngleZ()) != 90));

            // Do not adjust light? (works only for non-vavoom types)
            if (!vavoomtype)
                bool disablelighting  = ((linedef.Args[2] & (int)Flags.DisableLighting) == (int)Flags.DisableLighting);             //mxd
                bool restrictlighting = ((linedef.Args[2] & (int)Flags.RestrictLighting) == (int)Flags.RestrictLighting);           //mxd
                floor.resetlighting = ((linedef.Args[2] & (int)Flags.ResetLighting) == (int)Flags.ResetLighting);                   //mxd

                if (disablelighting || restrictlighting)
                    floor.restrictlighting = restrictlighting; //mxd
                    floor.disablelighting  = disablelighting;  //mxd

                    if (disablelighting)                       //mxd
                        floor.color           = 0;
                        floor.brightnessbelow = -1;
                        floor.colorbelow      = PixelColor.FromInt(0);

                    ceiling.disablelighting  = disablelighting;                    //mxd
                    ceiling.restrictlighting = restrictlighting;                   //mxd

                    ceiling.color           = 0;
                    ceiling.brightnessbelow = -1;
                    ceiling.colorbelow      = PixelColor.FromInt(0);
Beispiel #19
        // Apply clicked
        private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify properties
            if (!VerifyValue(hitag.GetResult(0), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag, "Sprite hitag"))
            if (!VerifyValue(lotag.GetResult(0), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag, "Sprite lotag"))
            if (!VerifyValue(extra.GetResult(0), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinExtra, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxExtra, "Sprite extra"))
            if (!VerifyValue(palette.GetResult(0), 0, 255, "Sprite palette"))

            // Verify the coordinates
            int px = posx.GetResult(0);
            int py = -posy.GetResult(0);

            if ((px < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinCoordinate) || (px > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate) ||
                (py < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinCoordinate) || (py > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate))
                General.ShowWarningMessage("Sprite coordinates must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinCoordinate + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Make undo
            General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Edit " + (sprites.Count > 1 ? sprites.Count + " sprites" : "sprite"));

            // Collect flags...
            Dictionary <string, CheckState> flagsstate = new Dictionary <string, CheckState>();

            foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
                flagsstate[c.Tag.ToString()] = c.CheckState;

            bool applyposition = (posx.ApplyMode != NumericTextboxApplyMode.NO_VALUE ||
                                  posy.ApplyMode != NumericTextboxApplyMode.NO_VALUE ||
                                  posz.ApplyMode != NumericTextboxApplyMode.NO_VALUE);

            bool applyvelocity = (velx.ApplyMode != NumericTextboxApplyMode.NO_VALUE ||
                                  vely.ApplyMode != NumericTextboxApplyMode.NO_VALUE ||
                                  velz.ApplyMode != NumericTextboxApplyMode.NO_VALUE);

            // Apply to all sprites...
            foreach (Thing s in sprites)
                // Type
                s.TileIndex = General.Clamp(tex.GetResult(s.TileIndex), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTileIndex, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTileIndex);

                // Properties
                s.OffsetX      = General.Wrap(offsetx.GetResult(s.OffsetX), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinSpriteOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxSpriteOffset);
                s.OffsetY      = General.Wrap(offsety.GetResult(s.OffsetY), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinSpriteOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxSpriteOffset);
                s.RepeatX      = General.Clamp(repeatx.GetResult(s.RepeatX), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinSpriteRepeat, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxSpriteRepeat);
                s.RepeatY      = General.Clamp(repeaty.GetResult(s.RepeatY), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinSpriteRepeat, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxSpriteRepeat);
                s.Shade        = General.Clamp(shade.GetResult(s.Shade), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinShade, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxShade);
                s.PaletteIndex = palette.GetResult(s.PaletteIndex);
                s.Owner        = owner.GetResult(s.Owner);

                // Position and velocity
                if (applyposition)
                    s.Move(new Vector3D(posx.GetResultFloat(s.Position.x), -posy.GetResultFloat(-s.Position.y), posz.GetResultFloat(s.Position.z)));
                if (applyvelocity)
                    s.Velocity = new Vector3D(velx.GetResultFloat(s.Velocity.x), vely.GetResultFloat(s.Velocity.y), velz.GetResultFloat(s.Velocity.z));

                // Angle
                s.Angle = Angle2D.DegToRad(General.Wrap(angle.GetResultFloat(Angle2D.RadToDeg(s.Angle)), 0f, 359f));

                // Identification
                s.HiTag = hitag.GetResult(s.HiTag);
                s.LoTag = lotag.GetResult(s.LoTag);
                s.Extra = extra.GetResult(s.Extra);

                // Flags
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CheckState> group in flagsstate)
                    switch (group.Value)
                    case CheckState.Checked: s.SetFlag(group.Key, true); break;

                    case CheckState.Unchecked: s.SetFlag(group.Key, false); break;

                // Update settings

            // Update defaults
            var defaultflags = new List <string>();

            foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
                if (c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
            General.Map.Config.DefaultSpriteTile  = spritetype.GetResult(General.Map.Config.DefaultSpriteTile);
            General.Map.Config.DefaultSpriteAngle = Angle2D.DegToRad((float)angle.GetResult((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Map.Config.DefaultSpriteAngle) - 90) + 90);
            General.Map.Config.DefaultSpriteFlags = defaultflags;

            // Done
            General.Map.IsChanged = true;
            this.DialogResult     = DialogResult.OK;
Beispiel #20
        public virtual void OnChangeScale(int incrementX, int incrementY)
            if (!General.Map.UDMF || !Texture.IsImageLoaded)

            changed = true;

            if ((General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo == null) || (General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo.TicketID != undoticket))
                undoticket = mode.CreateUndo("Change texture scale");

            // Adjust to camera view
            float angle = Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY);

            if (GeometryType == VisualGeometryType.CEILING)
                angle += level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationceiling", 0f);
                angle += level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0f);
            angle = General.ClampAngle(angle);

            if (angle > 315 || angle < 46)
                ChangeTextureScale(incrementX, incrementY);
            else if (angle > 225)
                ChangeTextureScale(incrementY, incrementX);
            else if (angle > 135)
                ChangeTextureScale(incrementX, incrementY);
                ChangeTextureScale(incrementY, incrementX);

            // Rebuild sector
            BaseVisualSector vs;

            if (mode.VisualSectorExists(level.sector))
                vs = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(level.sector);
                //mxd. Need this to apply changes to 3d-floor even if control sector doesn't exist as BaseVisualSector
                vs = mode.CreateBaseVisualSector(level.sector);

            if (vs != null)
        // This shows the info
        public void ShowInfo(Thing s)
            infopanel.Text = " Sprite " + s.Index + (s.Sector != null ? " (sector " + s.Sector.Index + ") " : " ");
            General.DisplayZoomedImage(spritetex, General.Map.Data.GetImageData(s.TileIndex).GetPreview());
            spritename.Text = s.TileIndex.ToString();

            var  info            = General.Map.Data.GetSpriteInfoEx(s.TileIndex);
            bool havedefinedtype = (info != null);

            type.Text         = (havedefinedtype ? info.Title : "--");
            type.Enabled      = havedefinedtype;
            typelabel.Enabled = havedefinedtype;

            // Determine z info to show
            string zinfo = (s.Sector != null ? s.Position.z + s.Sector.FloorPlane.GetZ(s.Position) : s.Position.z).ToString();

            position.Text     = s.Position.x + ", " + (-s.Position.y) + ", " + zinfo;
            angle.Text        = (int)Math.Round(Angle2D.RadToDeg(s.Angle)) + "\u00B0";
            clipdistance.Text = s.ClipDistance.ToString();
            owner.Text        = s.Owner.ToString();

            offsetx.Text = s.OffsetX.ToString();
            offsety.Text = s.OffsetY.ToString();
            repeatx.Text = s.RepeatX.ToString();
            repeaty.Text = s.RepeatY.ToString();

            hitag.Text   = s.HiTag.ToString();
            lotag.Text   = s.LoTag.ToString();
            extra.Text   = s.Extra.ToString();
            shade.Text   = s.Shade.ToString();
            palette.Text = s.PaletteIndex.ToString();

            // Disable identification labels when showing default values
            hitag.Enabled      = s.HiTag > 0;
            hitaglabel.Enabled = s.HiTag > 0;
            lotag.Enabled      = s.LoTag > 0;
            lotaglabel.Enabled = s.LoTag > 0;
            extra.Enabled      = s.Extra != -1;
            extralabel.Enabled = s.Extra != -1;
            owner.Enabled      = s.Owner != -1;
            ownerlabel.Enabled = s.Owner != -1;

            offsetx.Enabled      = s.OffsetX != 0;
            offsetxlabel.Enabled = s.OffsetX != 0;
            offsety.Enabled      = s.OffsetY != 0;
            offsetylabel.Enabled = s.OffsetY != 0;

            repeatx.Enabled      = s.RepeatX != 0;
            repeatxlabel.Enabled = s.RepeatX != 0;
            repeaty.Enabled      = s.RepeatY != 0;
            repeatylabel.Enabled = s.RepeatY != 0;

            palette.Enabled      = s.PaletteIndex > 0;
            palettelabel.Enabled = s.PaletteIndex > 0;

            // Flags
            List <string> flagnames = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> group in General.Map.Config.SpriteFlags)
                if (s.IsFlagSet(group.Key))

            // Show the whole thing
Beispiel #22
        // This is called to update UV dragging
        protected virtual void UpdateDragUV()
            float u_ray = 1.0f;

            // Calculate intersection position
            this.Level.plane.GetIntersection(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position, General.Map.VisualCamera.Target, ref u_ray);
            Vector3D intersect = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position + (General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position) * u_ray;

            // Calculate offsets
            Vector3D dragdelta = intersect - dragorigin;
            float    offsetx   = dragdelta.x;
            float    offsety   = dragdelta.y;

            bool lockX = General.Interface.CtrlState && !General.Interface.ShiftState;
            bool lockY = !General.Interface.CtrlState && General.Interface.ShiftState;

            if (lockX || lockY)
                float camAngle = Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY);

                if (camAngle > 315 || camAngle < 46)
                    if (lockX)
                        offsetx = 0;
                    if (lockY)
                        offsety = 0;
                else if (camAngle > 225)
                    if (lockX)
                        offsety = 0;
                    if (lockY)
                        offsetx = 0;
                else if (camAngle > 135)
                    if (lockX)
                        offsetx = 0;
                    if (lockY)
                        offsety = 0;
                    if (lockX)
                        offsety = 0;
                    if (lockY)
                        offsetx = 0;

            //mxd. Modify offsets based on surface and camera angles
            float angle;

            if (GeometryType == VisualGeometryType.CEILING)
                angle = Angle2D.DegToRad(level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationceiling", 0f));
                angle = Angle2D.DegToRad(level.sector.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0f));

            Vector2D v = new Vector2D(offsetx, offsety).GetRotated(angle);

            offsetx = (int)Math.Round(v.x);
            offsety = (int)Math.Round(v.y);

            // Calculate deltas
            int deltax, deltay;

            if (General.Interface.CtrlState && General.Interface.ShiftState)
                //mxd. Clamp to grid size?
                int newoffsetx = startoffsetx - (int)Math.Round(offsetx);
                int newoffsety = startoffsety + (int)Math.Round(offsety);
                deltax = prevoffsetx - newoffsetx;
                deltay = prevoffsety - newoffsety;

                if (Math.Abs(deltax) >= General.Map.Grid.GridSize)
                    deltax      = General.Map.Grid.GridSize * Math.Sign(deltax);
                    prevoffsetx = newoffsetx;
                    deltax = 0;

                if (Math.Abs(deltay) >= General.Map.Grid.GridSize)
                    deltay      = General.Map.Grid.GridSize * Math.Sign(deltay);
                    prevoffsety = newoffsety;
                    deltay = 0;
                int newoffsetx = startoffsetx - (int)Math.Round(offsetx);
                int newoffsety = startoffsety + (int)Math.Round(offsety);

                deltax = prevoffsetx - newoffsetx;
                deltay = prevoffsety - newoffsety;

                prevoffsetx = newoffsetx;
                prevoffsety = newoffsety;

            //mxd. Apply offset?
            if (deltax != 0 || deltay != 0)
                mode.ApplyFlatOffsetChange(deltax, deltay);
        // This returns the aligned and snapped draw position
        public static DrawnVertex GetCurrentPosition(Vector2D mousemappos, bool snaptonearest, bool snaptogrid, bool snaptocardinal, bool usefourcardinaldirections, IRenderer2D renderer, List <DrawnVertex> points)
            DrawnVertex p = new DrawnVertex();

            p.stitch       = true;                                 //mxd. Setting these to false seems to be a good way to create invalid geometry...
            p.stitchline   = true;                                 //mxd
            snaptocardinal = (snaptocardinal && points.Count > 0); //mxd. Don't snap to cardinal when there are no points

            //mxd. If snap to cardinal directions is enabled and we have points, modify mouse position
            Vector2D vm, gridoffset;

            if (snaptocardinal)
                Vector2D offset = mousemappos - points[points.Count - 1].pos;

                float angle;
                if (usefourcardinaldirections)
                    angle = Angle2D.DegToRad((General.ClampAngle((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(offset.GetAngle()))) / 90 * 90 + 45);
                    angle = Angle2D.DegToRad((General.ClampAngle((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(offset.GetAngle()) + 22)) / 45 * 45);

                offset = new Vector2D(0, -offset.GetLength()).GetRotated(angle);
                vm     = points[points.Count - 1].pos + offset;

                //mxd. We need to be snapped relative to initial position
                Vector2D prev = points[points.Count - 1].pos;
                gridoffset = prev - General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(prev);
                vm         = mousemappos;
                gridoffset = new Vector2D();

            float vrange = BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale;

            // Snap to nearest?
            if (snaptonearest)
                // Go for all drawn points
                foreach (DrawnVertex v in points)
                    if (Vector2D.DistanceSq(vm, v.pos) < (vrange * vrange))
                        p.pos = v.pos;

                // Try the nearest vertex
                Vertex nv = General.Map.Map.NearestVertexSquareRange(vm, vrange);
                if (nv != null)
                    //mxd. Line angle must stay the same
                    if (snaptocardinal)
                        Line2D ourline = new Line2D(points[points.Count - 1].pos, vm);
                        if (Math.Round(ourline.GetSideOfLine(nv.Position), 1) == 0)
                            p.pos = nv.Position;
                        p.pos = nv.Position;

                // Try the nearest linedef. mxd. We'll need much bigger stitch distance when snapping to cardinal directions
                Linedef nl = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedefRange(vm, BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale);
                if (nl != null)
                    //mxd. Line angle must stay the same
                    if (snaptocardinal)
                        Line2D   ourline      = new Line2D(points[points.Count - 1].pos, vm);
                        Line2D   nearestline  = new Line2D(nl.Start.Position, nl.End.Position);
                        Vector2D intersection = Line2D.GetIntersectionPoint(nearestline, ourline, false);
                        if (!float.IsNaN(intersection.x))
                            // Intersection is on nearestline?
                            float u = Line2D.GetNearestOnLine(nearestline.v1, nearestline.v2, intersection);

                            if (u < 0f || u > 1f)
                                p.pos = new Vector2D((float)Math.Round(intersection.x, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals),
                                                     (float)Math.Round(intersection.y, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals));
                    // Snap to grid?
                    else if (snaptogrid)
                        // Get grid intersection coordinates
                        List <Vector2D> coords = nl.GetGridIntersections(General.Map.Grid.GridRotate,
                                                                         General.Map.Grid.GridOriginX, General.Map.Grid.GridOriginY);

                        // Find nearest grid intersection
                        bool     found          = false;
                        float    found_distance = float.MaxValue;
                        Vector2D found_coord    = new Vector2D();
                        foreach (Vector2D v in coords)
                            Vector2D delta = vm - v;
                            if (delta.GetLengthSq() < found_distance)
                                found_distance = delta.GetLengthSq();
                                found_coord    = v;
                                found          = true;

                        if (found)
                            // Align to the closest grid intersection
                            p.pos = found_coord;
                        // Aligned to line
                        p.pos = nl.NearestOnLine(vm);
                // Always snap to the first drawn vertex so that the user can finish a complete sector without stitching
                if (points.Count > 0)
                    if (Vector2D.DistanceSq(vm, points[0].pos) < (vrange * vrange))
                        p.pos = points[0].pos;

            // if the mouse cursor is outside the map bondaries check if the line between the last set point and the
            // mouse cursor intersect any of the boundary lines. If it does, set the position to this intersection
            if (points.Count > 0 &&
                (mousemappos.x < General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary || mousemappos.x > General.Map.Config.RightBoundary ||
                 mousemappos.y > General.Map.Config.TopBoundary || mousemappos.y < General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary))
                Line2D        dline             = new Line2D(mousemappos, points[points.Count - 1].pos);
                bool          foundintersection = false;
                float         u      = 0.0f;
                List <Line2D> blines = new List <Line2D>();

                // lines for left, top, right and bottom boundaries
                blines.Add(new Line2D(General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary, General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.TopBoundary));
                blines.Add(new Line2D(General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.TopBoundary, General.Map.Config.RightBoundary, General.Map.Config.TopBoundary));
                blines.Add(new Line2D(General.Map.Config.RightBoundary, General.Map.Config.TopBoundary, General.Map.Config.RightBoundary, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary));
                blines.Add(new Line2D(General.Map.Config.RightBoundary, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary, General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary));

                // check for intersections with boundaries
                for (int i = 0; i < blines.Count; i++)
                    if (!foundintersection)
                        // only check for intersection if the last set point is not on the
                        // line we are checking against
                        if (blines[i].GetSideOfLine(points[points.Count - 1].pos) != 0.0f)
                            foundintersection = blines[i].GetIntersection(dline, out u);

                // if there was no intersection set the position to the last set point
                if (!foundintersection)
                    vm = points[points.Count - 1].pos;
                    vm = dline.GetCoordinatesAt(u);

            // Snap to grid?
            if (snaptogrid)
                // Aligned to grid
                p.pos = General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(vm - gridoffset) + gridoffset;

                // special handling
                if (p.pos.x > General.Map.Config.RightBoundary)
                    p.pos.x = General.Map.Config.RightBoundary;
                if (p.pos.y < General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary)
                    p.pos.y = General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary;

                // Normal position
                p.pos.x = (float)Math.Round(vm.x);                 //mxd
                p.pos.y = (float)Math.Round(vm.y);                 //mxd

Beispiel #24
        protected void AlignTextureToSlopeLine(Linedef slopeSource, float slopeAngle, bool isFront, bool alignx, bool aligny)
            bool isFloor = (geometrytype == VisualGeometryType.FLOOR);

            float sourceAngle = (float)Math.Round(General.ClampAngle(isFront ? -Angle2D.RadToDeg(slopeSource.Angle) + 90 : -Angle2D.RadToDeg(slopeSource.Angle) - 90), 1);

            if (isFloor)
                if ((isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.FloorHeight > slopeSource.Back.Sector.FloorHeight) ||
                    (!isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.FloorHeight < slopeSource.Back.Sector.FloorHeight))
                    sourceAngle = General.ClampAngle(sourceAngle + 180);
                if ((isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.CeilHeight < slopeSource.Back.Sector.CeilHeight) ||
                    (!isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.CeilHeight > slopeSource.Back.Sector.CeilHeight))
                    sourceAngle = General.ClampAngle(sourceAngle + 180);

            //update angle
            UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "rotationfloor" : "rotationceiling"), sourceAngle, 0f);

            //update scaleY
            string xScaleKey = (isFloor ? "xscalefloor" : "xscaleceiling");
            string yScaleKey = (isFloor ? "yscalefloor" : "yscaleceiling");

            float scaleX = Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue(xScaleKey, 1.0f);
            float scaleY;

            //set scale
            if (aligny)
                scaleY = (float)Math.Round(scaleX * (1 / (float)Math.Cos(slopeAngle)), 2);
                UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, yScaleKey, scaleY, 1.0f);
                scaleY = Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue(yScaleKey, 1.0f);

            //update texture offsets
            Vector2D offset;

            if (isFloor)
                if ((isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.FloorHeight < slopeSource.Back.Sector.FloorHeight) ||
                    (!isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.FloorHeight > slopeSource.Back.Sector.FloorHeight))
                    offset = slopeSource.End.Position;
                    offset = slopeSource.Start.Position;
                if ((isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.CeilHeight > slopeSource.Back.Sector.CeilHeight) ||
                    (!isFront && slopeSource.Front.Sector.CeilHeight < slopeSource.Back.Sector.CeilHeight))
                    offset = slopeSource.End.Position;
                    offset = slopeSource.Start.Position;

            offset = offset.GetRotated(Angle2D.DegToRad(sourceAngle));

            if (alignx)
                if (Texture != null && Texture.IsImageLoaded)
                    offset.x %= Texture.Width / scaleX;
                UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "xpanningfloor" : "xpanningceiling"), (float)Math.Round(-offset.x), 0f);

            if (aligny)
                if (Texture != null && Texture.IsImageLoaded)
                    offset.y %= Texture.Height / scaleY;
                UniFields.SetFloat(Sector.Sector.Fields, (isFloor ? "ypanningfloor" : "ypanningceiling"), (float)Math.Round(offset.y), 0f);

            //update geometry
Beispiel #25
        // This sets up the form to edit the given sectors
        public void Setup(ICollection <Sector> sectors)
            // Keep this list
            this.sectors = sectors;
            if (sectors.Count > 1)
                this.Text = "Edit sectors (" + sectors.Count + ")";

            // Use the first sector as a reference
            BuildSector first = new BuildSector(General.GetFirst(sectors));
            Dictionary <string, int> intflagsceiling = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> intflagsfloor   = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var group in General.Map.Config.SectorFlags)
                intflagsceiling[group.Key] = (first.CeilingFlags.ContainsKey(group.Key) && first.CeilingFlags[group.Key] ? 1 : 0);
                intflagsfloor[group.Key]   = (first.FloorFlags.ContainsKey(group.Key) && first.FloorFlags[group.Key] ? 1 : 0);

            // Go for all sectors to compare properties
            foreach (Sector s in sectors)
                // Floor/ceiling
                if (first.FloorHeight != s.FloorHeight)
                    first.FloorHeight = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.CeilingHeight != s.CeilingHeight)
                    first.CeilingHeight = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.Visibility != s.Visibility)
                    first.Visibility = VALUE_MISMATCH;

                // Identification
                if (first.HiTag != s.HiTag)
                    first.HiTag = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.LoTag != s.LoTag)
                    first.LoTag = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.Extra != s.Extra)
                    first.Extra = VALUE_MISMATCH;

                // Ceiling
                foreach (string flagname in General.Map.Config.SectorFlags.Keys)
                    int flag = (s.IsFlagSet(flagname, false) ? 1 : 0);
                    if (flag != intflagsceiling[flagname])
                        intflagsceiling[flagname] = VALUE_MISMATCH;

                if (first.CeilingTileIndex != s.CeilingTileIndex)
                    first.CeilingTileIndex = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.CeilingOffsetX != s.CeilingOffsetX)
                    first.CeilingOffsetX = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.CeilingOffsetY != s.CeilingOffsetY)
                    first.CeilingOffsetY = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.CeilingShade != s.CeilingShade)
                    first.CeilingShade = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.CeilingPaletteIndex != s.CeilingPaletteIndex)
                    first.CeilingPaletteIndex = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.CeilingSlope != s.CeilingSlope)
                    first.CeilingSlope = VALUE_MISMATCH;

                // Floor
                foreach (string flagname in General.Map.Config.SectorFlags.Keys)
                    int flag = (s.IsFlagSet(flagname, true) ? 1 : 0);
                    if (flag != intflagsfloor[flagname])
                        intflagsfloor[flagname] = VALUE_MISMATCH;

                if (first.FloorTileIndex != s.FloorTileIndex)
                    first.FloorTileIndex = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.FloorOffsetX != s.FloorOffsetX)
                    first.FloorOffsetX = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.FloorOffsetY != s.FloorOffsetY)
                    first.FloorOffsetY = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.FloorShade != s.FloorShade)
                    first.FloorShade = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.FloorPaletteIndex != s.FloorPaletteIndex)
                    first.FloorPaletteIndex = VALUE_MISMATCH;
                if (first.FloorSlope != s.FloorSlope)
                    first.FloorSlope = VALUE_MISMATCH;

            // Update interface

            // Floor/ceiling
            if (first.FloorHeight != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                floorheight.Text = first.FloorHeight.ToString();
            if (first.CeilingHeight != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                ceilheight.Text = first.CeilingHeight.ToString();
            if (first.Visibility != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                visibility.Text = first.Visibility.ToString();

            // Identification
            //TODO: handlers
            if (first.HiTag != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                hitag.Text = first.HiTag.ToString();
            if (first.LoTag != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                lotag.Text = first.LoTag.ToString();
            if (first.Extra != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                extra.Text = first.Extra.ToString();

            // Ceiling
            foreach (CheckBox c in ceilflags.Checkboxes)
                switch (intflagsceiling[c.Tag.ToString()])
                case 1:
                    c.Checked = true;

                case VALUE_MISMATCH:
                    c.ThreeState = true;
                    c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;

            ceiltex.TextureName = (first.CeilingTileIndex != VALUE_MISMATCH ? first.CeilingTileIndex.ToString() : "");
            if (first.CeilingOffsetX != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                ceiloffsetx.Text = first.CeilingOffsetX.ToString();
            if (first.CeilingOffsetY != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                ceiloffsety.Text = first.CeilingOffsetY.ToString();
            if (first.CeilingShade != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                ceilshade.Text = first.CeilingShade.ToString();
            if (first.CeilingPaletteIndex != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                ceilpalette.Text = first.CeilingPaletteIndex.ToString();
            if (first.CeilingSlope != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                ceilslope.Text = ((float)Math.Round(General.Wrap(Angle2D.RadToDeg(first.CeilingSlope) - 90, -90, 90), 1)).ToString();

            // Floor
            foreach (CheckBox c in floorflags.Checkboxes)
                switch (intflagsfloor[c.Tag.ToString()])
                case 1:
                    c.Checked = true;

                case VALUE_MISMATCH:
                    c.ThreeState = true;
                    c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;

            floortex.TextureName = (first.FloorTileIndex != VALUE_MISMATCH ? first.FloorTileIndex.ToString() : "");
            if (first.FloorOffsetX != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                flooroffsetx.Text = first.FloorOffsetX.ToString();
            if (first.FloorOffsetY != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                flooroffsety.Text = first.FloorOffsetY.ToString();
            if (first.FloorShade != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                floorshade.Text = first.FloorShade.ToString();
            if (first.FloorPaletteIndex != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                floorpalette.Text = first.FloorPaletteIndex.ToString();
            if (first.FloorSlope != VALUE_MISMATCH)
                floorslope.Text = ((float)Math.Round(General.Wrap(Angle2D.RadToDeg(first.FloorSlope) - 90, -90, 90), 1)).ToString();


            // Show sector height
Beispiel #26
        // This restores all sectors to original values
        private void RestoreSectors()
            int index = 0;

            foreach (Sector s in selection)
                SectorInfo si = sectorinfo[index];
                s.Fields[RotationName] = new UniValue(UniversalType.AngleDegreesFloat, Angle2D.RadToDeg(si.rotation));
                s.Fields[XScaleName]   = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.scale.x);
                s.Fields[YScaleName]   = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.scale.y);
                s.Fields[XOffsetName]  = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.offset.x);
                s.Fields[YOffsetName]  = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, -si.offset.y);
                s.UpdateNeeded         = true;
        // This shows the info
        public void ShowInfo(Sector s)
            // Lookup effect description in config
            if (s.LoTag != 0 && General.Map.Config.SectorEffects.ContainsKey(s.LoTag))
                lotag.Text      = General.Map.Config.SectorEffects[s.LoTag].ToString();
                lotaglabel.Text = "Effect:";
                lotag.Text      = s.LoTag.ToString();
                lotaglabel.Text = "LoTag:";

            // Sector info
            sectorinfo.Text = " Sector " + s.Index + " (" + (s.Sidedefs != null ? s.Sidedefs.Count.ToString() : "no") + " walls)";
            firstwall.Text  = (s.FirstWall != null ? s.FirstWall.Index.ToString() : "--");
            hitag.Text      = s.HiTag.ToString();
            extra.Text      = s.Extra.ToString();
            ceiling.Text    = s.CeilingHeight.ToString();
            floor.Text      = s.FloorHeight.ToString();
            height.Text     = (s.CeilingHeight - s.FloorHeight).ToString();
            visibility.Text = s.Visibility.ToString();

            // Floor info
            General.DisplayZoomedImage(floortex, General.Map.Data.GetImageData(s.FloorTileIndex).GetPreview());
            floorname.Text    = s.FloorTileIndex.ToString();
            flooroffsetx.Text = s.FloorOffsetX.ToString();
            flooroffsety.Text = s.FloorOffsetY.ToString();
            floorshade.Text   = s.FloorShade.ToString();
            floorpalette.Text = s.FloorPaletteIndex.ToString();
            floorslope.Text   = Math.Round(General.Wrap(Angle2D.RadToDeg(s.FloorSlope) - 90, -90, 90), 1) + "\u00B0";

            // Ceiling info
            General.DisplayZoomedImage(ceiltex, General.Map.Data.GetImageData(s.CeilingTileIndex).GetPreview());
            ceilname.Text    = s.CeilingTileIndex.ToString();
            ceiloffsetx.Text = s.CeilingOffsetX.ToString();
            ceiloffsety.Text = s.CeilingOffsetY.ToString();
            ceilshade.Text   = s.CeilingShade.ToString();
            ceilpalette.Text = s.CeilingPaletteIndex.ToString();
            ceilslope.Text   = Math.Round(General.Wrap(Angle2D.RadToDeg(s.CeilingSlope) - 90, -90, 90), 1) + "\u00B0";

            // Disable identification labels when showing default values
            hitag.Enabled      = s.HiTag > 0;
            hitaglabel.Enabled = s.HiTag > 0;
            lotag.Enabled      = s.LoTag > 0;
            lotaglabel.Enabled = s.LoTag > 0;
            extra.Enabled      = s.Extra != -1;
            extralabel.Enabled = s.Extra != -1;

            flooroffsetx.Enabled      = s.FloorOffsetX != 0;
            flooroffsetxlabel.Enabled = s.FloorOffsetX != 0;
            flooroffsety.Enabled      = s.FloorOffsetY != 0;
            flooroffsetylabel.Enabled = s.FloorOffsetY != 0;

            ceiloffsetx.Enabled      = s.CeilingOffsetX != 0;
            ceiloffsetxlabel.Enabled = s.CeilingOffsetX != 0;
            ceiloffsety.Enabled      = s.CeilingOffsetY != 0;
            ceiloffsetylabel.Enabled = s.CeilingOffsetY != 0;

            floorpalette.Enabled      = s.FloorPaletteIndex > 0;
            floorpalettelabel.Enabled = s.FloorPaletteIndex > 0;

            bool floorsloped = (s.FloorSloped && s.FloorSlope != 0);

            floorslope.Enabled      = floorsloped;
            floorslopelabel.Enabled = floorsloped;

            ceilpalette.Enabled      = s.CeilingPaletteIndex > 0;
            ceilpalettelabel.Enabled = s.CeilingPaletteIndex > 0;

            bool ceilsloped = (s.CeilingSloped && s.CeilingSlope != 0);

            ceilslope.Enabled      = ceilsloped;
            ceilslopelabel.Enabled = ceilsloped;

            // Floor flags
            List <string> floorflagnames = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> group in General.Map.Config.SectorFlags)
                if (s.IsFlagSet(group.Key, true))

            // Ceiling flags
            List <string> ceilingflagnames = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> group in General.Map.Config.SectorFlags)
                if (s.IsFlagSet(group.Key, false))

            // Resize and reposition
            if (floorflagnames.Count > 0)
                ceilinggroup.Left = floorflags.Right + floorflags.Margin.Right + ceilinggroup.Margin.Left;
                ceilinggroup.Left = floorgroup.Right + floorgroup.Margin.Right + ceilinggroup.Margin.Left;

            if (ceilingflagnames.Count > 0)
                ceilingflags.Left = ceilinggroup.Right + ceilinggroup.Margin.Right + ceilingflags.Margin.Left;
                this.Width        = ceilingflags.Right + ceilingflags.Margin.Right;
                this.Width = ceilinggroup.Right + ceilinggroup.Margin.Right;

            // Show the whole thing