Beispiel #1
        protected void PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(string code, AnalyzerOutput expected, bool isCSharp, Profile profileOverload)
            var pos = code.IndexOf("*", StringComparison.Ordinal);

            var syntaxTree = isCSharp ? CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code.Replace("*", string.Empty))
                                      : VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(code.Replace("*", string.Empty));


            var semModel = isCSharp ? CSharpCompilation.Create(string.Empty).AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTree).GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree, true)
                                    : VisualBasicCompilation.Create(string.Empty).AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTree).GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree, true);

            var analyzer = isCSharp ? new CSharpAnalyzer(DefaultTestLogger.Create()) as IDocumentAnalyzer : new VisualBasicAnalyzer(DefaultTestLogger.Create());

            var actual = analyzer.GetSingleItemOutput(syntaxTree.GetRoot(), semModel, pos, profileOverload);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.OutputType, actual.OutputType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Name, actual.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Output, actual.Output);
Beispiel #2
        public void GetCustomPropertyWithSpecificMapping()
            var orderProfile = new Profile
                Name              = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping     = "Grid",
                FallbackOutput    = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />",
                SubPropertyOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_$name$\" />",
                Mappings          = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "Order",
                        NameContains = "",
                        Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"$name$\" x:Order=\"true\" />",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1
        ☆Public Property LastOrder As Order☆
    End Class

    Public Class Order
        Public Property OrderId As Int
        Public Property OrderDescription As String
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "LastOrder",
                Output     = "<TextBlock Text=\"LastOrder\" x:Order=\"true\" />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, orderProfile);
        public void Check_GridWithRowDefsIndicator_IsNotCaseSensitive()
            var gridProfile = new Profile
                Name              = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping     = "GrId-PlUs-RoWdEfS",
                FallbackOutput    = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />",
                SubPropertyOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_$name$\" />",
                Mappings          = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "string",
                        NameContains = "",
                        Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"$name$\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" />",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
Public Class Class100 *
        Public Property Property1 As String
End Class";

            var expectedOutput = "<Grid>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<Grid.RowDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<RowDefinition Height=\"*\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</Grid.RowDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property1\" Grid.Row=\"0\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</Grid>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class100",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, gridProfile);
        public void GetClassAndSubPropertiesInGenericList_ForClassInExternalLibrary()
            var recurseProfile = new Profile
                Name              = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping     = "Grid",
                FallbackOutput    = "<TextBlock Text=\"FB_$name$\" />",
                SubPropertyOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_$name$\" />",
                Mappings          = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "ObservableCollection<T>",
                        NameContains = "",
                        Output       = "<ListView><ListView.ItemTemplate><DataTemplate><StackPanel>$subprops$</StackPanel></DataTemplate></ListView.ItemTemplate></ListView>",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
Pu*blic Class Class1
        Public Property PastOrders As ObservableCollection(Of TestLibrary.TestClass)
End Class";

            var expectedOutput = "<Grid>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<ListView><ListView.ItemTemplate><DataTemplate><StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_TestProperty\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_BaseTestProperty\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel></DataTemplate></ListView.ItemTemplate></ListView>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</Grid>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpectedUsingAdditonalLibraries(code, expected, recurseProfile, TestLibraryPath);
Beispiel #5
        public void ClassGroupingWithExtraProperties()
            var extraGroupPropertiesProfile = new Profile
                Name           = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel Orientation=\"Horizontal\"",
                FallbackOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />",
                Mappings       = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "string",
                        NameContains = "",
                        Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"$name$\" />",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class100 *
        public string Property1 { get; set; }

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel Orientation=\"Horizontal\">"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class100",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, extraGroupPropertiesProfile);
Beispiel #6
        public void GetGenericListProperty()
            var code = @"
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Namespace tests
    Class Class1
        ☆Public Property MyListProperty As List(Of String)☆
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name   = "MyListProperty",
                Output = "<ItemsControl ItemsSource=\"{x:Bind MyListProperty}\">" + Environment.NewLine +
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected);
Beispiel #7
        public void GetIntProperty()
            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        ☆public int SomeProperty { get; set; }☆

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name   = "SomeProperty",
                Output =
                    "<Slider Minimum=\"0\" Maximum=\"100\" x:Name=\"SomeProperty\" Value=\"{x:Bind SomeProperty, Mode=TwoWay}\" />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected);
        protected void SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(string code, AnalyzerOutput expected, bool isCSharp, Profile profileOverload)
            var startPos = code.IndexOf("*", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            var endPos   = code.LastIndexOf("*", StringComparison.Ordinal) - 1;

            var syntaxTree = isCSharp ? CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code.Replace("*", string.Empty))
                                      : VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(code.Replace("*", string.Empty));


            var semModel = isCSharp ? CSharpCompilation.Create(string.Empty).AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTree).GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree, true)
                                    : VisualBasicCompilation.Create(string.Empty).AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTree).GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree, true);

            var analyzer = isCSharp ? new CSharpAnalyzer(DefaultTestLogger.Create()) as IDocumentAnalyzer : new VisualBasicAnalyzer(DefaultTestLogger.Create());

            var actual = analyzer.GetSelectionOutput(syntaxTree.GetRoot(), semModel, startPos, endPos, new TestVisualStudioAbstraction().XamlIndent, profileOverload);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.OutputType, actual.OutputType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Name, actual.Name);
            StringAssert.AreEqual(expected.Output, actual.Output);
        public void CanHandleMultipleNumberReplacementsForClass()
            var gridProfile = new Profile
                Name              = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping     = "Grid",
                FallbackOutput    = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />",
                SubPropertyOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_$name$\" />",
                Mappings          = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "string",
                        NameContains = "",
                        Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"$name$\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" />",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
Public Class Class100*
        Public Property Property1 As String
        Public Property Property2 As String
End Class";

            var expectedOutput = "<Grid>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property1\" Grid.Row=\"0\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property2\" Grid.Row=\"1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</Grid>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class100",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, gridProfile);
        public void GetClassAllPropertyOptions()
            var code = @"
Public Class Class1
        Private _property8 As String    *

        Public Property Property1 As String          // include NOT readonly
        Public ReadOnly Property Property2 As String // include readonly
        Protected Property Property3 As String       // DO NOT include
        Private Property Property4 As String         // DO NOT include
        Public Property Property5 As Integer         // include NOT readonly
        Public Property Property6 As List(Of String) // include NOT readonly
        Friend Property Property7 As String          // DO NOT include
        Public Property Property8 As String
                Return _property8
            End Get
                _property8 = value
            End Set
        End Property  // include NOT readonly
End Class";

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property1, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<Slider Minimum=\"0\" Maximum=\"100\" x:Name=\"Property5\" Value=\"{x:Bind Property5, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<ItemsControl ItemsSource=\"{x:Bind Property6}\"></ItemsControl>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property8, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected);
        public void MappingSupportsGenericTypeInVBAndCSFormats()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<Int>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Int />",
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List(Of String)",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<String />",

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        ☆public List<Int> SomeInts { get; set; }
        public List<String> SomeStrings { get; set; }☆

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name   = "SomeInts and SomeStrings",
                Output = "<Int />" + Environment.NewLine
                         + "<String />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Beispiel #12
        public void HandleSubPropertiesOfSimpleProperty()
            var recurseProfile = new Profile
                Name              = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping     = "Grid",
                FallbackOutput    = "<TextBlock Text=\"FB_$name$\" />",
                SubPropertyOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_$name$\" />",
                Mappings          = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "string",
                        NameContains = "LastOrder",
                        Output       = "<StackPanel>$subprops$</StackPanel>",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Public Class Class1
        ☆Public Property LastOrder As String☆
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"SP_\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "LastOrder",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, recurseProfile);
        public void GetArrayPropertiesInClass()
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Cla*ss1
        Public Property MyBool As Boolean 
        Public Property MyArray As Array
        Public Property MyArrayBool() As Boolean
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = @"<Bool />
<Array />
<ArrayBool />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, this.ArrayTestsProfile);
Beispiel #14
        public void GetNullablePropertyLonghand()
            var code = @"
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace tests
    class Class1
        public Nullable<bool> MyNull☆ableBool { get; set; }

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "MyNullableBool",
                Output     = "<NullBool />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, this.NullableTestsProfile);
Beispiel #15
        public void GetGenericListProperty()
            var code = @"
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace tests
    class Class1
        *public List<string> MyListProperty { get; set; }*

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "MyListProperty",
                Output     = "<ItemsControl ItemsSource=\"{x:Bind MyListProperty}\"></ItemsControl>",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected);
        public void GetArrayPropertiesInSelection()
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1
       *Public Property MyBool As Boolean 
        Public Property MyArray As Array
        Public Property MyArrayBool() As Boolean*
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "MyBool, MyArray and 1 other property",
                Output     = @"<Bool />
<Array />
<ArrayBool />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, this.ArrayTestsProfile);
        public void GetInheritedPropertiesInOtherFilesOverMultipleLevels()
            var code = @"
Public Class Class1
    Inherits Base*Class

    Public Property Property1 As String
    Public Property Property2 As String
End Class

            var code2 = @"
Public Class BaseClass
    Inherits SuperBaseClass

    Public Property BaseProperty As String
End Class";

            var code3 = @"
Public Class SuperBaseClass
    Public Property SuperBaseProperty As String
End Class";

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property1, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property2, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind BaseProperty, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind SuperBaseProperty, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpectedUsingAdditonalFiles(code, expected, profileOverload: null, additionalCode: new[] { code2, code3 });
        protected void PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(string code, AnalyzerOutput expected, bool isCSharp, Profile profileOverload)

            var(pos, actualCode) = this.GetCodeAndCursorPos(code);

            var syntaxTree = isCSharp ? CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(actualCode)
                                     : VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(actualCode);


            var semModel = isCSharp ? CSharpCompilation.Create(string.Empty).AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTree).GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree, true)
                                    : VisualBasicCompilation.Create(string.Empty).AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTree).GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree, true);

            var indent   = new TestVisualStudioAbstraction().XamlIndent;
            var analyzer = isCSharp ? new CSharpAnalyzer(DefaultTestLogger.Create(), indent) as IDocumentAnalyzer
                                    : new VisualBasicAnalyzer(DefaultTestLogger.Create(), indent);

            var actual = analyzer.GetSingleItemOutput(syntaxTree.GetRoot(), semModel, pos, profileOverload);

            this.AssertOutput(expected, actual);
Beispiel #19
        public void GetSelectionOfStructProperties()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<String Name=\"$name$\" />",
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "integer",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Int Name=\"$name$\" />",

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Structure StructViewModel
        *Public Property Property1 As String
        Public Property Property2 As Integer*
    End Structure
End Namespace";

            var expectedOutput = "<String Name=\"Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<Int Name=\"Property2\" />";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Property1 and Property2",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Beispiel #20
        public void GetNullablePropertyShorthand()
            var code = @"
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace tests
    class Class1
        public bool? MyBoo*lQ { get; set; }

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "MyBoolQ",
                Output     = @"<BoolQ />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, this.NullableTestsProfile);
        public void GetArrayPropertyLonghand()
            var code = @"
using System;

namespace tests
    class Class1
        public Array<bool> MyAr*rayBool { get; set; }

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "MyArrayBool",
                Output     = @"<ArrayBool />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, this.ArrayTestsProfile);
Beispiel #22
        public void GetNonExistentPropertyProperty()
            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        ☆public InvalidType LastOrder { get; set; }☆

            var invalidTypeProfile = new Profile
                Name              = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping     = "Grid",
                FallbackOutput    = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />",
                SubPropertyOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_$name$\" />",
                Mappings          = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "InvalidType",
                        NameContains = "",
                        Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"$name$\" x:InvalidType=\"true\" />",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "LastOrder",
                Output     = "<TextBlock Text=\"LastOrder\" x:InvalidType=\"true\" />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, invalidTypeProfile);
Beispiel #23
        public void MappingSupportsGenericTypeInVBAndCSFormats()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<Int>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Int />",
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List(Of String)",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<String />",

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1
        *Public Property SomeInts As List(Of int)
        Public Property SomeStrings As List(Of String)*
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "SomeInts and SomeStrings",
                Output     = @"<Int />
<String />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void GetSelectionOfMultipleProperties()
            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class SomeClass
        private string _property8;    ☆
        public string Property1 { get; set; }
        public string Property2 { get; private set; }
        string Property3 { get; }
        private string Property4 { get; set; }
        public int Property5 { get; set; }
        public List<string> Property6 { get; set; }
        internal string Property7 { get; set; }
        public string Property8 { get => _property8; set => _property8 = value; } ☆

            var expectedOutput = "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property1, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property4, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<Slider Minimum=\"0\" Maximum=\"100\" x:Name=\"Property5\" Value=\"{x:Bind Property5, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<ItemsControl ItemsSource=\"{x:Bind Property6}\">"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</ItemsControl>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property7, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property8, Mode=TwoWay}\" />";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Property1, Property2 and 6 other properties",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected);
Beispiel #25
        public void GetCustomProperty()
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1
        ☆Public Property LastOrder As Order☆
    End Class

    Public Class Order
        Public Property OrderId As Int
        Public Property OrderDescription As String
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "LastOrder",
                Output     = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_LastOrder\" />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected);
Beispiel #26
        public void GetClassWithDynamicListProperty()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping     = "form";
            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<dynamic>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Dyno>$subprops$</Dyno>",

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    *class Class1
        public List<dynamic> SomeList { get; set; }

            // A single "DymnProp" with no value indicates that no sub-properties of the dynamic type were found
            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = @"<form>
<DymnProp Value="""" />
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Beispiel #27
        public MainWindow()

            Logger.LogReceived += log;

            var configObj = Application.Current.Resources["Config"];

            updateConfig(configObj as Config);

            var bmpsObj = Application.Current.Resources["Bitmaps"];

            bitmaps = bmpsObj as Bitmaps;

            var analyzerOutObj = Application.Current.Resources["AnalyzerOuput"];

            analyzerOutput = analyzerOutObj as AnalyzerOutput;
            var  useGPUObj = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseGPU"];
            bool useGPU    = false;

            if (useGPUObj != null)
                bool.TryParse(useGPUObj.ToString(), out useGPU);
            analyzer = new Analyzer(bitmaps, analyzerOutput, useGPU);

            var cogObj = Application.Current.Resources["CognitiveData"];

            cognitiveData       = cogObj as CognitiveData;
            cognitiveController = new CognitiveController(bitmaps, cognitiveData);

            Closed += MainWindow_Closed;

            frameTimer = new DispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20), DispatcherPriority.Normal, timerElapsed, this.Dispatcher);
Beispiel #28
        public void GetClassAllPropertyOptions()
            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        private string _property8;    *

        public string Property1 { get; set; }          // include NOT readonly
        public string Property2 { get; private set; }  // include readonly
        string Property3 { get; }                      // DO NOT include
        private string Property4 { get; set; }         // DO NOT include
        public int Property5 { get; set; }             // include NOT readonly
        public List<string> Property6 { get; set; }    // include NOT readonly
        internal string Property7 { get; set; }        // DO NOT include
        public string Property8 { get => _property8; set => _property8 = value; } // include NOT readonly

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property1, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBlock Text=\"Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<Slider Minimum=\"0\" Maximum=\"100\" x:Name=\"Property5\" Value=\"{x:Bind Property5, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<ItemsControl ItemsSource=\"{x:Bind Property6}\"></ItemsControl>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<TextBox Text=\"{x:Bind Property8, Mode=TwoWay}\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected);
Beispiel #29
        public void GetNonExistantProperty()
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1
        ☆Public Property LastOrder As DneType☆
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var dneProfile = new Profile
                Name              = "GridTestProfile",
                ClassGrouping     = "Grid",
                FallbackOutput    = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />",
                SubPropertyOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"SP_$name$\" />",
                Mappings          = new ObservableCollection <Mapping>
                    new Mapping
                        Type         = "DneType",
                        NameContains = "",
                        Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"$name$\" x:DneType=\"true\" />",
                        IfReadOnly   = false,

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "LastOrder",
                Output     = "<TextBlock Text=\"LastOrder\" x:DneType=\"true\" />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, dneProfile);
        public void GetSelectionWithDynamicListProperty()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<dynamic>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Dyno>$subprops$</Dyno>",

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        ☆public List<dynamic> SomeList { get; set; }☆

            var expectedXaml = "<Dyno>"
                               + Environment.NewLine + "    <DymnProp Value=\"\" />"
                               + Environment.NewLine + "</Dyno>";

            // A single "DymnProp" with no value indicates that no sub-properties of the dynamic type were found
            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "SomeList",
                Output     = expectedXaml,
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);