Beispiel #1
        public void testAssetOrNothingHaugValues()
            // Testing asset-or-nothing barrier options against Haug's values

            BinaryOptionData[] values =
                /* The data below are from
                 * "Option pricing formulas 2nd Ed.", E.G. Haug, McGraw-Hill 2007 pag. 180 - cases 15,16,19,20,23,24,27,28
                 * Note:
                 * q is the dividend rate, while the book gives b, the cost of carry (q=r-b)
                //    barrierType, barrier,  cash,         type, strike,   spot,    q,    r,   t,  vol,   value, tol
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 37.2782, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 45.8530, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 44.5294, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 54.9262, 1e-4),
                // 19,20
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 27.5644, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 18.9896, 1e-4),
                // following value is wrong in book.
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 33.1723, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 22.7755, 1e-4),
                // 23,24
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 39.9391, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 40.1574, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.2676, 1e-4),
                // 27,28
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.2183, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00, 105.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 17.2983, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 0.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00,  95.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 17.0306, 1e-4),

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(100.0);
            SimpleQuote           qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.04);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.01);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.25);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new AssetOrNothingPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike);
                Date     exDate          = today + Convert.ToInt32(values[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise amExercise      = new AmericanExercise(today, exDate, true);


                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(
                    new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                    new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticBinaryBarrierEngine(stochProcess);

                BarrierOption opt = new BarrierOption(values[i].barrierType, values[i].barrier, 0, payoff, amExercise);


                double calculated = opt.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - values[i].result);
                if (error > values[i].tol)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, amExercise, values[i].barrierType,
                                   values[i].barrier, values[i].s,
                                   values[i].q, values[i].r, today, values[i].v,
                                   values[i].result, calculated, error, values[i].tol);
Beispiel #2
        public void testCashOrNothingHaugValues()
            // Testing cash-or-nothing barrier options against Haug's values

            BinaryOptionData[] values =
                /* The data below are from
                 * "Option pricing formulas 2nd Ed.", E.G. Haug, McGraw-Hill 2007 pag. 180 - cases 13,14,17,18,21,22,25,26
                 * Note:
                 * q is the dividend rate, while the book gives b, the cost of carry (q=r-b)
                //    barrierType, barrier,  cash,         type, strike,   spot,    q,    r,   t,  vol,   value, tol
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  4.9289, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  6.2150, 1e-4),
                // following value is wrong in book.
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  5.8926, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  7.4519, 1e-4),
                // 17,18
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  4.4314, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  3.1454, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  5.3297, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  3.7704, 1e-4),
                // 21,22
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  4.8758, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  4.9081, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0407, 1e-4),
                // 25,26
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0323, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  3.0461, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  3.0054, 1e-4),

                // other values calculated with book vba
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00,  95.00, -0.14, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  8.6806, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call, 102.00,  95.00,  0.03, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  5.3112, 1e-4),
                // degenerate conditions (barrier touched)
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00,  95.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  7.4926, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00, 105.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20, 11.1231, 1e-4),
                // 17,18
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownIn,  100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00,  98.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  7.1344, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpIn,    100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,  102.00, 101.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  5.9299, 1e-4),
                // 21,22
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00,  99.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Call,  98.00, 101.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),
                // 25,26
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.DownOut, 100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00,  99.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),
                new BinaryOptionData(Barrier.Type.UpOut,   100.00, 15.00, Option.Type.Put,   98.00, 101.00,  0.00, 0.10, 0.5, 0.20,  0.0000, 1e-4),

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(100.0);
            SimpleQuote           qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.04);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.01);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.25);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new CashOrNothingPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike, values[i].cash);

                Date     exDate     = today + Convert.ToInt32(values[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise amExercise = new AmericanExercise(today, exDate, true);


                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(
                    new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                    new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticBinaryBarrierEngine(stochProcess);

                BarrierOption opt = new BarrierOption(values[i].barrierType, values[i].barrier, 0, payoff, amExercise);


                double calculated = opt.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - values[i].result);
                if (error > values[i].tol)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, amExercise, values[i].barrierType,
                                   values[i].barrier, values[i].s,
                                   values[i].q, values[i].r, today, values[i].v,
                                   values[i].result, calculated, error, values[i].tol);
Beispiel #3
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(AnalyticBinaryBarrierEngine obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);