Beispiel #1
    public AnalysisGraph getAnalysisGraph()
        AnalysisGraph toReturn = new AnalysisGraph();

        Dictionary <Vector3, AnalysisNode> tempIndex = new Dictionary <Vector3, AnalysisNode>();

        foreach (VoronoiNode node in workingVoronoi)
            AnalysisNode temp = new AnalysisNode(node.getPosition(), node.getRadius());
            tempIndex.Add(node.getPosition(), temp);

        foreach (VoronoiNode node in workingVoronoi)
            AnalysisNode temp = tempIndex[node.getPosition()];

            foreach (VoronoiNode neighbour in node.getNeighbours())
                if (tempIndex.ContainsKey(neighbour.getPosition()))

Beispiel #2
        static void ShowMobilityScorePairs()
            Game game = new Game();

            game.Begin(null, null, 10);

            AnalysisGraph analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();

            analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);

            foreach (var p in game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid.Amazon1Points.Union(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid.Amazon2Points))

            Random rnd = new Random();

            while (!game.IsComplete())
                int randomMoveNum = rnd.Next(0, game.CurrentMoves.Count - 1);

                analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);

                foreach (var p in game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid.Amazon1Points.Union(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid.Amazon2Points))
Beispiel #3
        public static void PlayFourRandomMovesAhead()
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            AnalysisGraph analysisGraph          = new AnalysisGraph();
            List <(Game, IAnalysisResult)> games = new List <(Game, IAnalysisResult)>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                Random rnd  = new Random();
                Game   game = new Game();
                game.Begin(null, null, 10);
                int n = 4;
                while (n > 0 && !game.IsComplete())
                    int randomMoveNum = rnd.Next(0, game.CurrentMoves.Count - 1);

                games.Add((game, analysisGraph.Analyze(game.CurrentBoard)));

            Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed: {sw.Elapsed}");
Beispiel #4
        static void PlayRandomGame()
            Game game = new Game();

            game.Begin(null, null, 10);

            AnalysisGraph analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();

            analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);

            AmazonConsoleRenderer.Render(game, analysisGraph);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            while (!game.IsComplete())
                int randomMoveNum = rnd.Next(0, game.CurrentMoves.Count - 1);

                analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);

                AmazonConsoleRenderer.Render(game, analysisGraph);
Beispiel #5
 private void gizmosPrintAnalysisGraph(AnalysisGraph a)
     foreach (AnalysisNode node in a.getGraph())
         Gizmos.DrawSphere(node.getPosition(), 10f);
         foreach (AnalysisNode node2 in node.getNeighbours())
             Gizmos.DrawLine(node.getPosition(), node2.getPosition());
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Game game = new Game();

            game.Begin(null, null, 10);

            foreach (Move move in game.CurrentMoves)
                var analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();
                analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, Owner.Player1);
Beispiel #7
    private void gizmosPrintAnalysisGraphWithAttribute(AnalysisGraph a, string attributeId)
        foreach (AnalysisNode node in a.getGraph())
            Gizmos.DrawSphere(node.getPosition(), node.getAttribute(attributeId).getValue() * 30);

            foreach (AnalysisNode node2 in node.getNeighbours())
                Gizmos.DrawLine(node.getPosition(), node2.getPosition());
        public void AllFirstMovesAnalyzed()
            Game game = new Game();

            game.Begin(null, null, 10);

            Parallel.ForEach(game.CurrentMoves, (move) =>
                var analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();
                Board nextBoard   = game.CurrentBoard.Clone();
                analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(nextBoard.PieceGrid, Owner.Player1);
        public void EvaluationValues()
            PieceGrid grid          = GetPieceGrid();
            var       analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();

            analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(grid, Owner.Player1);
            Assert.AreEqual("43.38", $"{analysisGraph.W:0.00}");
            Assert.AreEqual("8.40", $"{analysisGraph.T1:0.00}");
            Assert.AreEqual("-3.20", $"{analysisGraph.T2:0.00}");
            Assert.AreEqual("3.88", $"{analysisGraph.C1:0.00}");
            Assert.AreEqual("1.83", $"{analysisGraph.C2:0.00}");
            Assert.AreEqual("0.87", $"{analysisGraph.T:0.00}");
            Assert.AreEqual("17.51", $"{analysisGraph.M:0.00}");
            Assert.AreEqual("18.38", $"{analysisGraph.T + analysisGraph.M:0.00}");
Beispiel #10
        static void PlayRandomVsOptimusDeepGame()
            Game game = new Game();

            game.Begin(null, null, 10);

            AnalysisGraph analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();

            analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);

            AmazonConsoleRenderer.Render(game, analysisGraph);
            OptimusDeep optimusDeep = new OptimusDeep(3, analysisGraph);

            optimusDeep.BeginNewGame(Owner.Player2, 10);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            while (!game.IsComplete())
                int randomMoveNum = rnd.Next(0, game.CurrentMoves.Count - 1);

                analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);

                AmazonConsoleRenderer.Render(game, analysisGraph);

                if (game.IsComplete())

                var cancellationTokenSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
                var bestMoveTask         = Task <Move> .Run(() => optimusDeep.PickBestMoveAsync(game.CurrentBoard, cancellationTokenSrc.Token));

                if (!bestMoveTask.IsCompleted)
                Move bestMove = bestMoveTask.Result;

                analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);
                AmazonConsoleRenderer.Render(game, analysisGraph);
        public void Distances()
            Dictionary <Point, double> player1QueenDistancesAnswer = new Dictionary <Point, double> {
                { Point.Get(0, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 2), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(0, 4), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(0, 7), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 8), 1 }, { Point.Get(0, 9), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 7), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 8), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 9), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(2, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(2, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(3, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(3, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 5), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(4, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(4, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 8), 3 }, { Point.Get(5, 9), 3 }, { Point.Get(6, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 5), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 8), 3 }, { Point.Get(6, 9), 3 }, { Point.Get(7, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 5), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 8), 3 }, { Point.Get(7, 9), 3 }, { Point.Get(8, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 8), 3 }, { Point.Get(8, 9), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(9, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(9, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(9, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 6), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 7), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 8), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 9), 2 },
            Dictionary <Point, double> player2QueenDistancesAnswer = new Dictionary <Point, double> {
                { Point.Get(0, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(0, 2), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(0, 6), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 7), 4 }, { Point.Get(0, 8), 4 }, { Point.Get(0, 9), 4 }, { Point.Get(1, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 7), 4 }, { Point.Get(1, 8), 5 }, { Point.Get(1, 9), 5 }, { Point.Get(2, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(2, 5), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(3, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 4), 2 }, { Point.Get(4, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 8), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 9), 2 }, { Point.Get(6, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 5), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 8), 2 }, { Point.Get(6, 9), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(7, 6), 2 }, { Point.Get(7, 8), 2 }, { Point.Get(7, 9), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 2), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 4), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 8), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 9), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(9, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 4), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 6), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 7), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 8), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 9), 2 },
            Dictionary <Point, double> player1KingDistancesAnswer = new Dictionary <Point, double> {
                { Point.Get(0, 1), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 2), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 3), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 4), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 6), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 7), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 8), 2 }, { Point.Get(0, 9), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 0), 3 }, { Point.Get(1, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 5), 3 }, { Point.Get(1, 7), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 8), 1 }, { Point.Get(1, 9), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 0), 3 }, { Point.Get(2, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(2, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(3, 0), 3 }, { Point.Get(3, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(3, 6), 3 }, { Point.Get(4, 0), 3 }, { Point.Get(4, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(4, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 4), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 0), 3 }, { Point.Get(5, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 2), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 8), 8 }, { Point.Get(5, 9), 8 }, { Point.Get(6, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(6, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 5), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 8), 7 }, { Point.Get(6, 9), 7 }, { Point.Get(7, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 5), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 8), 6 }, { Point.Get(7, 9), 6 }, { Point.Get(8, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 3), 1 }, { Point.Get(8, 4), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 8), 5 }, { Point.Get(8, 9), 6 }, { Point.Get(9, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 4), 2 }, { Point.Get(9, 5), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 6), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 7), 4 }, { Point.Get(9, 8), 5 }, { Point.Get(9, 9), 6 },
            Dictionary <Point, double> player2KingDistancesAnswer = new Dictionary <Point, double> {
                { Point.Get(0, 1), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 2), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 3), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 4), 3 }, { Point.Get(0, 6), 4 }, { Point.Get(0, 7), 5 }, { Point.Get(0, 8), 6 }, { Point.Get(0, 9), 7 }, { Point.Get(1, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(1, 5), 3 }, { Point.Get(1, 7), 5 }, { Point.Get(1, 8), 6 }, { Point.Get(1, 9), 7 }, { Point.Get(2, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(2, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(2, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(3, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(3, 4), 3 }, { Point.Get(3, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(3, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(4, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(4, 4), 3 }, { Point.Get(4, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(5, 6), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 8), 1 }, { Point.Get(5, 9), 2 }, { Point.Get(6, 0), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 2), 1 }, { Point.Get(6, 3), 2 }, { Point.Get(6, 5), 2 }, { Point.Get(6, 8), 2 }, { Point.Get(6, 9), 2 }, { Point.Get(7, 1), 1 }, { Point.Get(7, 5), 3 }, { Point.Get(7, 6), 3 }, { Point.Get(7, 8), 3 }, { Point.Get(7, 9), 3 }, { Point.Get(8, 0), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 1), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 2), 2 }, { Point.Get(8, 3), 3 }, { Point.Get(8, 4), 4 }, { Point.Get(8, 5), 4 }, { Point.Get(8, 8), 4 }, { Point.Get(8, 9), 4 }, { Point.Get(9, 0), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 1), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 3), 3 }, { Point.Get(9, 4), 4 }, { Point.Get(9, 5), 5 }, { Point.Get(9, 6), 5 }, { Point.Get(9, 7), 5 }, { Point.Get(9, 8), 5 }, { Point.Get(9, 9), 5 },

            PieceGrid grid = GetPieceGrid();

            var analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();

            analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(grid, Owner.Player1);

            foreach (var kvp in player1QueenDistancesAnswer)
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, analysisGraph.Player1QueenMinDistances[kvp.Key]);
            foreach (var kvp in player2QueenDistancesAnswer)
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, analysisGraph.Player2QueenMinDistances[kvp.Key]);
            foreach (var kvp in player1KingDistancesAnswer)
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, analysisGraph.Player1KingMinDistances[kvp.Key]);
            foreach (var kvp in player2KingDistancesAnswer)
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, analysisGraph.Player2KingMinDistances[kvp.Key]);
Beispiel #12
        static void RenderSpecificState()
            Point[] arrowPoints = { Point.Get(2, 9), Point.Get(4, 9), Point.Get(3, 8), Point.Get(4, 8), Point.Get(2, 7), Point.Get(3, 7), Point.Get(5, 7), Point.Get(6, 7), Point.Get(7, 7), Point.Get(8, 7), Point.Get(1, 6), Point.Get(2, 6), Point.Get(4, 6), Point.Get(8, 6), Point.Get(0, 5), Point.Get(5, 5), Point.Get(1, 4), Point.Get(2, 4), Point.Get(5, 4), Point.Get(6, 4), Point.Get(7, 4), Point.Get(7, 3), Point.Get(1, 2), Point.Get(9, 2), Point.Get(0, 0), Point.Get(7, 0), };
            Dictionary <Point, Amazon> amazonsDict = new Dictionary <Point, Amazon> {
                { Point.Get(2, 8), AmazonPlayer1.Get() }, { Point.Get(6, 6), AmazonPlayer1.Get() }, { Point.Get(3, 3), AmazonPlayer1.Get() }, { Point.Get(7, 2), AmazonPlayer1.Get() },
                { Point.Get(3, 9), AmazonPlayer2.Get() }, { Point.Get(4, 7), AmazonPlayer2.Get() }, { Point.Get(3, 1), AmazonPlayer2.Get() }, { Point.Get(6, 1), AmazonPlayer2.Get() }
            PieceGrid grid = new PieceGrid(10, amazonsDict);

            foreach (Point p in arrowPoints)
                grid.PointPieces[p] = ArrowPlayer1.Get();

            Game game = new Game();

            game.Begin(null, null, 10);
            game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid = grid;

            AnalysisGraph analysisGraph = new AnalysisGraph();

            analysisGraph.BuildAnalysis(game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid, game.CurrentPlayer);
            AmazonConsoleRenderer.Render(game, analysisGraph);
Beispiel #13
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        #region Basic Initialization
        terrain              = gameObject.GetComponent <Terrain>();
        maxTraversableSlope *= Mathf.Min(gridXPercentage, gridYPercentage);

        terrainXGrid = 100f / gridXPercentage;
        terrainYGrid = 100f / gridYPercentage;

        gridXSpacing = terrainX / 100f * gridXPercentage;
        gridYSpacing = terrainY / 100f * gridYPercentage;

        #region Algorithm
        //Create grid of heights
        grid = new float[(int)terrainXGrid, (int)terrainYGrid];

        for (int x = 0; x < terrainXGrid; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < terrainYGrid; y++)
                grid[x, y] = terrain.SampleHeight(new Vector3(x * gridXSpacing + gridXSpacing / 2f, 0, y * gridYSpacing + gridYSpacing / 2f));

        //Create a new analyzer
        analyzer = new Analyzer(grid, gridXSpacing, gridYSpacing, maxReachableHeight, maxTraversableSlope);

        //Convert a pruned Voronoi to VoronoiGraph

        //Calculate the radius of each node
        foreach (VoronoiNode node in workingVoronoi)

        //Perform culling algorithms

        //Set up Analysis Graph
        analysisGraph = getAnalysisGraph();


         * Calling addAttribute() lets you put in an interface of type IAttribute. I have given you two examples below.
         * ChokeValue's constructor ONLY takes a string because caluations to get choke value can be done without calling unity functions.
         * UpHill's constructor takes a string and a HillCalculator. It's annoying, but this is necessary because it requires MonoBehaviour to do it's calculations.
         * Whenever you're trying to make an attribute that requires extra infomation from the gameworld, you need to make it like UpHill. Basically you need another
         * MonoBehaviour Object (Like hill Calculator), and you need to attach it to the terrain you'r analyzing. Again this is annoying but it's necessary because
         * of how unity objects work. Take a look at upHill and you should see how it's working.

        analysisGraph.addAttribute(new ChokeValue("choke"));

        HillCalculator calc = gameObject.GetComponent <HillCalculator>();
        analysisGraph.addAttribute(new UpHill("hill", calc));
Beispiel #14
        public static void Render(Game game, AnalysisGraph analysisGraph)
            for (int x = 0; x < game.BoardSize + 2; x++)

            for (int y = game.BoardSize - 1; y >= 0; y--)

                StringBuilder mobilityStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(" ");
                for (int x = 0; x < game.BoardSize; x++)
                    Piece piece = game.CurrentBoard.PieceGrid.PointPieces[Point.Get(x, y)];
                    if (piece is Amazon)
                        mobilityStringBuilder.Append($"{analysisGraph.AmazonMobilityScores[Point.Get(x,y)]:0.00}, ");



                if (y == game.BoardSize - 1)
                    Console.Write($" W: {analysisGraph.W,6:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 2)
                    Console.Write($" T1: {analysisGraph.T1,5:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 3)
                    Console.Write($" T2: {analysisGraph.T2,5:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 4)
                    Console.Write($" C1: {analysisGraph.C1,5:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 5)
                    Console.Write($" C2: {analysisGraph.C2,5:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 6)
                    Console.Write($" T: {analysisGraph.T,6:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 7)
                    Console.Write($" M: {analysisGraph.M,6:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 8)
                    Console.Write($" T+M: {analysisGraph.T + analysisGraph.M,4:0.00}");
                if (y == game.BoardSize - 9)
                    Console.Write($" Moves: {game.CurrentMoves.Count(),2:0}");


            for (int x = 0; x < game.BoardSize + 2; x++)