Beispiel #1
        public void AmqpSerializerMapEncodingTest()
            NamedList <string> list = new NamedList <string>()
                Name = "test-list",
                List = new string[] { "v1", "v2" }

            AmqpContractSerializer serializer = new AmqpContractSerializer();
            ByteBuffer             b          = new ByteBuffer(1024, true);

            serializer.WriteObjectInternal(b, list);

            var result = serializer.ReadObjectInternal <NamedList <string>, NamedList <string> >(b);

            Assert.Equal(list.Name, result.Name);
            EnsureEqual((IList)list.List, (IList)result.List);
Beispiel #2
        public void AmqpSerializerListEncodingTest()
            Action <Person, Person> personValidator = (p1, p2) =>
                Assert.True(21 == p2.Age, "Age should be increased by OnDeserialized");
                Assert.Equal(p1.GetType().Name, p2.GetType().Name);
                Assert.Equal(p1.DateOfBirth.Value, p2.DateOfBirth.Value);
                Assert.Equal(p1.Properties.Count, p2.Properties.Count);
                foreach (var k in p1.Properties.Keys)
                    Assert.Equal(p1.Properties[k], p2.Properties[k]);

            Action <List <int>, List <int> > gradesValidator = (l1, l2) =>
                if (l1 == null || l2 == null)
                    Assert.True(l1 == null && l2 == null);

                Assert.Equal(l1.Count, l2.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < l1.Count; ++i)
                    Assert.Equal(l1[i], l2[i]);

            // Create an object to be serialized
            Person p = new Student("Tom")
                Address = new Address()
                    FullAddress = new string('B', 1024)
                Grades = new List <int>()
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

            p.Age         = 20;
            p.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1980, 5, 12, 10, 2, 45, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            p.Properties.Add("height", 6.1);
            p.Properties.Add("male", true);
            p.Properties.Add("nick-name", "big foot");

            var stream = new MemoryStream(new byte[4096], 0, 4096, true, true);

            AmqpContractSerializer.WriteObject(stream, p);

            // Deserialize and verify
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            Person p3 = AmqpContractSerializer.ReadObject <Person>(stream);

            personValidator(p, p3);
            Assert.Equal(((Student)p).Address.FullAddress, ((Student)p3).Address.FullAddress);
            gradesValidator(((Student)p).Grades, ((Student)p3).Grades);

            // Inter-op: it should be an AMQP described list as other clients see it
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            DescribedType dl1 = (DescribedType)AmqpEncoding.DecodeObject(new ByteBuffer(stream.ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length));

            Assert.Equal(1ul, dl1.Descriptor);
            List <object> lv = dl1.Value as List <object>;

            Assert.Equal(p.Name, lv[0]);
            Assert.Equal(p.Age, lv[1]);
            Assert.Equal(p.DateOfBirth.Value, lv[2]);
            Assert.True(lv[3] is DescribedType, "Address is decribed type");
            Assert.Equal(3ul, ((DescribedType)lv[3]).Descriptor);
            Assert.Equal(((List <object>)((DescribedType)lv[3]).Value)[0], ((Student)p).Address.FullAddress);
            Assert.True(lv[4] is AmqpMap, "Properties should be map");
            Assert.Equal(((AmqpMap)lv[4])[new MapKey("height")], p.Properties["height"]);
            Assert.Equal(((AmqpMap)lv[4])[new MapKey("male")], p.Properties["male"]);
            Assert.Equal(((AmqpMap)lv[4])[new MapKey("nick-name")], p.Properties["nick-name"]);
            Assert.True(lv[5] is List <object>);

            // Non-default serializer
            AmqpContractSerializer serializer = new AmqpContractSerializer();
            ByteBuffer             bf1        = new ByteBuffer(1024, true);

            serializer.WriteObjectInternal(bf1, p);

            Person p4 = serializer.ReadObjectInternal <Person, Person>(bf1);

            personValidator(p, p4);

            // Extensible: more items in the payload should not break
            DescribedType dl2 = new DescribedType(
                new AmqpSymbol("teacher"),
                new List <object>()
                "Jerry", 40, null, 50000, lv[4], null, null, "unknown-string", true, new AmqpSymbol("unknown-symbol")
            ByteBuffer bf2 = new ByteBuffer(1024, true);

            AmqpEncoding.EncodeObject(dl2, bf2);
            AmqpCodec.EncodeULong(100ul, bf2);

            Person p5 = serializer.ReadObjectInternal <Person, Person>(bf2);

            Assert.True(p5 is Teacher);
            Assert.Equal(100ul, AmqpCodec.DecodeULong(bf2));   // unknowns should be skipped
            Assert.Equal(0, bf2.Length);

            // teacher
            Teacher teacher = new Teacher("Han");

            teacher.Age     = 30;
            teacher.Sallary = 60000;
            teacher.Classes = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 101, "CS" }, { 102, "Math" }, { 205, "Project" }

            ByteBuffer bf3 = new ByteBuffer(1024, true);

            serializer.WriteObjectInternal(bf3, teacher);

            Person p6 = serializer.ReadObjectInternal <Person, Person>(bf3);

            Assert.True(p6 is Teacher);
            Assert.Equal(teacher.Age + 1, p6.Age);
            Assert.Equal(teacher.Sallary * 2, ((Teacher)p6).Sallary);
            Assert.Equal(teacher.Id, ((Teacher)p6).Id);
            Assert.Equal(teacher.Classes[101], ((Teacher)p6).Classes[101]);
            Assert.Equal(teacher.Classes[102], ((Teacher)p6).Classes[102]);
            Assert.Equal(teacher.Classes[205], ((Teacher)p6).Classes[205]);
Beispiel #3
 public CompositeMap(
     AmqpContractSerializer serializer,
     Type type,
     SerializableType baseType,
     string descriptorName,
     ulong? descriptorCode,
     SerialiableMember[] members,
     Dictionary<Type, SerializableType> knownTypes,
     MethodAccessor onDesrialized)
     : base(serializer, type, baseType, descriptorName, descriptorCode, members, knownTypes, onDesrialized)
     this.EncodingType = EncodingType.Map;
Beispiel #4
 public Serializable(AmqpContractSerializer serializer, Type type)
     : base(serializer, type)
     this.AmqpType = AmqpType.Serializable;
Beispiel #5
 protected Composite(
     AmqpContractSerializer serializer,
     Type type,
     SerializableType baseType,
     string descriptorName,
     ulong? descriptorCode,
     SerialiableMember[] members,
     Dictionary<Type, SerializableType> knownTypes,
     MethodAccessor onDesrialized)
     : base(serializer, type)
     this.AmqpType = AmqpType.Composite;
     this.baseType = (Composite)baseType;
     this.descriptorName = descriptorName;
     this.descriptorCode = descriptorCode;
     this.members = members;
     this.onDeserialized = onDesrialized;
     this.knownTypes = GetKnownTypes(knownTypes);
Beispiel #6
 public Map(AmqpContractSerializer serializer, Type type, MemberAccessor keyAccessor,
     MemberAccessor valueAccessor, MethodAccessor addAccessor)
     : base(serializer, type)
     this.AmqpType = AmqpType.Primitive;
     this.keyType = this.serializer.GetType(keyAccessor.Type);
     this.valueType = this.serializer.GetType(valueAccessor.Type);
     this.keyAccessor = keyAccessor;
     this.valueAccessor = valueAccessor;
     this.addMethodAccessor = addAccessor;
Beispiel #7
 public List(AmqpContractSerializer serializer, Type type, Type itemType, MethodAccessor addAccessor)
     : base(serializer, type)
     this.AmqpType = AmqpType.Primitive;
     this.itemType = serializer.GetType(itemType);
     this.addMethodAccessor = addAccessor;
Beispiel #8
 protected SerializableType(AmqpContractSerializer serializer, Type type)
     this.serializer = serializer;
     this.type = type;
     this.hasDefaultCtor = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null;
Beispiel #9
 protected Collection(AmqpContractSerializer serializer, Type type)
     : base(serializer, type)