Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply a given amount scale option to the current object value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scaleOption">The amount scale to be applied</param>
        public override void ApplyAmountScaleOption(AmountScaleOption scaleOption)
                //Calculate the multiplier
                int multiplier = 1;
                for (int i = 1; i <= (int)scaleOption; i++)
                    multiplier *= 1000;

                //Update the values
                if (_ValuedHours != ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE)
                    _ValuedHours *= multiplier;
                if (_Sales != ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE)
                    _Sales *= multiplier;
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new IndException(exc);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the edited cc list from an old amount scale option to Unit amount scale by passing through a new one
        /// The old scale must be greater than the new one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldOption"></param>
        /// <param name="newOption"></param>
        /// <param name="htValues"></param>
        public override void ApplyAmountScaleOptionToHT(AmountScaleOption oldOption, AmountScaleOption newOption, List <InitialBudget> htValues)
                //Gets the diffrence between scales
                int scaleDif = oldOption - newOption;

                decimal multiplier = 1;
                if (scaleDif == 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= scaleDif; i++)
                    multiplier *= 1000;

                foreach (InitialBudget iBudget in htValues)
                    iBudget.ValuedHours = (iBudget.ValuedHours == ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE) ? ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE : Rounding.Round(Decimal.Multiply((decimal)iBudget.ValuedHours, multiplier));
                    iBudget.Sales       = (iBudget.Sales == ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE) ? ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE : Rounding.Round(Decimal.Multiply((decimal)iBudget.Sales, multiplier));
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new IndException(exc);
        /// <summary>
        /// load amount combo
        /// </summary>

        private void LoadAmountScaleOption(AmountScaleOption amountScaleOption)
            cmbAmountScaleOption.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem("Unit", ((int)AmountScaleOption.Unit).ToString()));
            cmbAmountScaleOption.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem("Thousands", ((int)AmountScaleOption.Thousands).ToString()));
            cmbAmountScaleOption.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem("Millions", ((int)AmountScaleOption.Millions).ToString()));
 public UserSettings(int associateId, object connectionManager)
     : base(connectionManager)
     this._AssociateId            = associateId;
     this._NumberOfRecordsPerPage = ApplicationConstants.DEFAULT_DATAGRID_PAGESIZE;
     this._AmountScaleOption      = AmountScaleOption.Unit;
     this._CurrencyRepresentation = CurrencyRepresentationMode.CostCenter;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="associateId"></param>
 /// <param name="amountScaleOption"></param>
 /// <param name="numberOfRecordsPerPage"></param>
 /// <param name="currencyRepresentation"></param>
 public UserSettings(int associateId, AmountScaleOption amountScaleOption, int numberOfRecordsPerPage, CurrencyRepresentationMode currencyRepresentation, object connectionManager)
     : base(connectionManager)
     this._AssociateId            = associateId;
     this._AmountScaleOption      = amountScaleOption;
     this._CurrencyRepresentation = currencyRepresentation;
     this._NumberOfRecordsPerPage = numberOfRecordsPerPage;
Beispiel #6
    private int GetMultiplier()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["AmountScaleOption"]))
            throw new IndException(ApplicationMessages.MessageWithParameters(ApplicationMessages.EXCEPTION_COULD_NOT_GET_PARAMETER, "AmountScaleOption"));
        AmountScaleOption amountScaleOption = BudgetUtils.GetAmountScaleOptionFromText(this.Request.QueryString["AmountScaleOption"]);
        int multiplier = 1;

        for (int i = 1; i <= (int)amountScaleOption; i++)
            multiplier *= 1000;
    protected void btnApply_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            #region Build Object
            //Gets the amount scale
            AmountScaleOption scaleOption = BudgetUtils.GetAmountScaleOptionFromText(this.Request.QueryString["AmountScaleOption"]);

            int multiplier = 1;
            //Find out the number that will be used to multiply the values with
            for (int i = 1; i <= (int)scaleOption; i++)
                multiplier *= 1000;

            //Build the object from the screen values
            InitialBudgetOtherCosts otherCosts = SessionManager.GetSessionValueNoRedirect(this, SessionStrings.INITIAL_OTHER_COSTS) as InitialBudgetOtherCosts;
            otherCosts.TE            = (txtTE.Text == String.Empty) ? ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE : decimal.Parse(txtTE.Text) * multiplier;
            otherCosts.ProtoParts    = (txtProtoParts.Text == String.Empty) ? ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE : decimal.Parse(txtProtoParts.Text) * multiplier;
            otherCosts.ProtoTooling  = (txtProtoTooling.Text == String.Empty) ? ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE : decimal.Parse(txtProtoTooling.Text) * multiplier;
            otherCosts.Trials        = (txtTrials.Text == String.Empty) ? ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE : decimal.Parse(txtTrials.Text) * multiplier;
            otherCosts.OtherExpenses = (txtOtherExpenses.Text == String.Empty) ? ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE : decimal.Parse(txtOtherExpenses.Text) * multiplier;
            //Add object to session
            SessionManager.AddOtherCosts(this, otherCosts);
            #endregion Buidl Object

            //Close the page
            if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(this.GetType(), "ButtonClickScript"))
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "ButtonClickScript", "window.returnValue = 1; window.close();", true);
        catch (IndException exc)
        catch (Exception exc)
            ShowError(new IndException(exc));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Applay the scale option to an existing datasource(to all decimal columns).
        /// If the newOption is greater than the oldOption, than the datasource need
        /// to be expressed in Unit scale
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldOption">The old scale option</param>
        /// <param name="newOption">The new scale optin</param>
        /// <param name="initialTable">The table that will be transformed</param>
        public void ApplyAmountScaleOptionToDataSource(AmountScaleOption oldOption, AmountScaleOption newOption, DataTable initialTable)
                //Gets the diffrence between scales
                int scaleDif = oldOption - newOption;

                if ((scaleDif > 0) && (oldOption != AmountScaleOption.Unit))
                    throw new IndException(ApplicationMessages.EXCEPTION_PRECISION_LOST_ON_CONVERT);

                //The number that will be used to multiplay the values from the data source
                decimal transformInd = 1;
                //Represents the sign that will be used for multiplay
                decimal multiplier = (scaleDif > 0) ? 1000 : (decimal)1 / 1000;
                //Calculates the transform indice
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Abs(scaleDif); i++)
                    transformInd *= multiplier;
                //Gets the decimal columns in the table
                foreach (DataColumn column in initialTable.Columns)
                    if (column.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                        //Update the value for all rows
                        foreach (DataRow row in initialTable.Rows)
                            if (row[column] != DBNull.Value)
                                row[column] = Rounding.Round(Decimal.Multiply((decimal)row[column], transformInd));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IndException(ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply a given amount scale option to the current object value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scaleOption">The amount scale to be applied</param>
        public override void ApplyAmountScaleOption(AmountScaleOption scaleOption)
                //If the value of New is DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE, do not perform any conversion
                if (_New == ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE)

                //Calculate the multiplier
                int multiplier = 1;
                for (int i = 1; i <= (int)scaleOption; i++)
                    multiplier *= 1000;

                _New *= multiplier;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IndException(ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the budgets from budgetList to the database, applying an exchange rate conversion
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="budgetList">list of ReforecastBudget objects to be saved to the database</param>
 /// <param name="displayedDataType">the type of data to be saved (one of the values in the Constants region)</param>
 /// <param name="amountScaleOption">the amount scale in which the data is represented</param>
 /// <param name="associateCurrency">the currency of the associate saving the budget</param>
 /// <param name="converter">converter object used to exchange values from one currency to another</param>
 public void SaveAll(List <ReforecastBudget> budgetList, int displayedDataType, AmountScaleOption amountScaleOption, int associateCurrency, CurrencyConverter converter)
     //Begin the transaction
         foreach (ReforecastBudget budget in budgetList)
             if (displayedDataType > DATA_VALUE_HOURS)
                 budget.ApplyCostCenterCurrency(associateCurrency, converter);
         //Commit the transaction
     catch (Exception ex)
         //If, for any reason, an exception was thrown, rollback the transaction
         throw new IndException(ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the budgets from budgetList to the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="budgetList">list of ReforecastBudget objects to be saved to the database</param>
 /// <param name="displayedDataType">the type of data to be saved (one of the values in the Constants region)</param>
 /// <param name="amountScaleOption">the amount scale in which the data is represented</param>
 public void SaveAll(List <ReforecastBudget> budgetList, int displayedDataType, AmountScaleOption amountScaleOption)
     //Begin the transaction
         foreach (ReforecastBudget budget in budgetList)
         //Commit the transaction
     catch (Exception ex)
         //If, for any reason, an exception was thrown, rollback the transaction
         throw new IndException(ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the Revised Budget object by splitting it into several object according to
        /// startYearMonth and endYearMonth values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startYearMonth">The startYearMonth value</param>
        /// <param name="endYearMonth">The endYearMonth value</param>
        /// <param name="otherCosts">other costs object that will be saved if it is not null</param>
        /// <param name="isAssociateCurrency">specifies if a conversion must be made from the associate currency to the cost center currency before saving</param>
        /// <param name="associateCurrency">the id of the associate currency</param>
        /// <param name="converter">the currency converter object to be used for the currency conversion</param>
        /// <param name="scaleOption">the amount scale from the budget interface (if it is not unit, a multiplication must be made before saving)</param>
        private void SaveSplitted(YearMonth startYearMonth, YearMonth endYearMonth, RevisedBudgetOtherCosts otherCosts, bool isAssociateCurrency, int associateCurrency, CurrencyConverter converter, AmountScaleOption scaleOption)
            //TODO: Implement transactions

            //Get the months difference
            int monthsNo = endYearMonth.GetMonthsDiffrence(startYearMonth) + 1;

            int[]     newHours = Rounding.Divide(this.NewHours, monthsNo);
            decimal[] newSales = Rounding.Divide(this.NewSales, monthsNo);
            //Iterate through each month and construct the InitialBudget object
            for (YearMonth currentYearMonth = new YearMonth(startYearMonth.Value); currentYearMonth.Value <= endYearMonth.Value; currentYearMonth.AddMonths(1))
                //construct a new revised budget object
                RevisedBudget newBudget = new RevisedBudget(this.CurrentConnectionManager);
                newBudget.IdProject    = this.IdProject;
                newBudget.IdPhase      = this.IdPhase;
                newBudget.IdWP         = this.IdWP;
                newBudget.IdCostCenter = this.IdCostCenter;
                newBudget.IdAssociate  = this.IdAssociate;
                newBudget.YearMonth    = currentYearMonth.Value;
                newBudget.NewHours     = newHours[currentYearMonth.GetMonthsDiffrence(startYearMonth)];
                newBudget.NewSales     = newSales[currentYearMonth.GetMonthsDiffrence(startYearMonth)];
                newBudget.SaveHours    = this.SaveHours;
                if (this.State == EntityState.New)
                if (this.State == EntityState.Modified)
                if (this.State == EntityState.Deleted)

                //Apply the cost center currency if this is the case
                if (isAssociateCurrency)
                    newBudget.ApplyCostCenterCurrency(associateCurrency, converter);
                //Apply the amount scale

                //Saves the new budget
                int idNewBudget = newBudget.Save();
            //Insert Other cost object
            if (otherCosts != null)
                otherCosts.SaveSplitted(startYearMonth, endYearMonth, isAssociateCurrency, this.IdCostCenter, associateCurrency, converter);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the budget (transactions enabled)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startYearMonth"></param>
        /// <param name="endYearMonth"></param>
        /// <param name="otherCosts"></param>
        /// <param name="isAssociateCurrency"></param>
        /// <param name="associateCurrency"></param>
        /// <param name="converter"></param>
        /// <param name="scaleOption"></param>
        public void UpdateBudget(YearMonth startYearMonth, YearMonth endYearMonth, InitialBudgetOtherCosts otherCosts, bool isAssociateCurrency, int associateCurrency, CurrencyConverter converter, AmountScaleOption scaleOption, bool insertMasterRecord)

                if (insertMasterRecord)

                SaveSplitted(startYearMonth, endYearMonth, otherCosts, isAssociateCurrency, associateCurrency, converter, scaleOption);

            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new IndException(exc);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Applyes the given amount scale to the object values
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scaleOption">The Amount Scale Option to be applyed</param>
 public virtual void ApplyAmountScaleOption(AmountScaleOption scaleOption)
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Applay the scale option to an existing hash table(to all decimal columns).
 /// If the newOption is greater than the oldOption, than the datasource need
 /// to be expressed in Unit scale
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldOption">The old scale option</param>
 /// <param name="newOption">The new scale optin</param>
 /// <param name="initialTable">The table that will be transformed</param>
 public virtual void ApplyAmountScaleOptionToHT(AmountScaleOption oldOption, AmountScaleOption newOption, List <InitialBudget> htValues)
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the Initial Budget object by splitting it into several object accordin to
        /// startYearMonth and endYearMonth values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startYearMonth">The startYearMonth value</param>
        /// <param name="endYearMonth">The endYearMonth value</param>
        private void SaveSplitted(YearMonth startYearMonth, YearMonth endYearMonth, InitialBudgetOtherCosts otherCosts, bool isAssociateCurrency, int associateCurrency, CurrencyConverter converter, AmountScaleOption scaleOption)
                //Get the months difference
                int       monthsNo   = endYearMonth.GetMonthsDiffrence(startYearMonth) + 1;
                int[]     totalHours = Rounding.Divide(this.TotalHours, monthsNo);
                decimal[] sales      = Rounding.Divide(this.Sales, monthsNo);
                decimal[] valHours   = new decimal[monthsNo];
                if (this.ValuedHours != ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE)
                    valHours = Rounding.Divide(this.ValuedHours, monthsNo);
                    for (int i = 0; i < monthsNo; i++)
                        valHours[i] = ApplicationConstants.DECIMAL_NULL_VALUE;
                int[] detailsIds = new int[monthsNo];
                //Iterate through each month and construct the InitialBudget object
                for (YearMonth currentYearMonth = new YearMonth(startYearMonth.Value); currentYearMonth.Value <= endYearMonth.Value; currentYearMonth.AddMonths(1))
                    //construct a new initial budget object
                    InitialBudget newBudget = new InitialBudget(this.CurrentConnectionManager);
                    newBudget.IdProject    = this.IdProject;
                    newBudget.IdPhase      = this.IdPhase;
                    newBudget.IdWP         = this.IdWP;
                    newBudget.IdCostCenter = this.IdCostCenter;
                    newBudget.IdAssociate  = this.IdAssociate;
                    newBudget.YearMonth    = currentYearMonth.Value;
                    newBudget.TotalHours   = totalHours[currentYearMonth.GetMonthsDiffrence(startYearMonth)];
                    newBudget.ValuedHours  = valHours[currentYearMonth.GetMonthsDiffrence(startYearMonth)];
                    newBudget.Sales        = sales[currentYearMonth.GetMonthsDiffrence(startYearMonth)];
                    if (this.State == EntityState.New)
                    if (this.State == EntityState.Modified)
                    if (this.State == EntityState.Deleted)

                    //Apply the cost center currency if this is the case
                    if (isAssociateCurrency)
                        newBudget.ApplyCostCenterCurrency(associateCurrency, converter);
                    //Apply the amount scale

                    //Saves the new budget
                    if (this.State == EntityState.New)
                        IdDetail = newBudget.Save();

                //Insert Other cost object
                if (otherCosts != null)
                    otherCosts.SaveSplitted(startYearMonth, endYearMonth, isAssociateCurrency, this.IdCostCenter, associateCurrency, converter);
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new IndException(exc);
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the revised budget to the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startYearMonth">start yearmonth of the work package associated to this budget entry (cost center)</param>
 /// <param name="endYearMonth">end yearmonth of the work package associated to this budget entry (cost center)</param>
 /// <param name="otherCosts">other costs object which is saved to the database</param>
 /// <param name="isAssociateCurrency">specifies whether the data is in the currency of the associate
 /// (if this is the case, the values must be converted to the cost center currency before saving)</param>
 /// <param name="associateCurrency">the currency of the associate</param>
 /// <param name="converter">the converter object used to convert values between currencies</param>
 /// <param name="scaleOption">the scale option in which the values are represented (if it is different than unit, it will be
 /// converted before saving)</param>
 /// <param name="insertMasterRecord">specifies whether a master record will be inserted in the BUDGET_REVISED table</param>
 public void SaveBudget(YearMonth startYearMonth, YearMonth endYearMonth, RevisedBudgetOtherCosts otherCosts, bool isAssociateCurrency, int associateCurrency, CurrencyConverter converter, AmountScaleOption scaleOption, bool insertMasterRecord)
     //Begin the transaction
         //Insert the master record only if it is necessary
         if (insertMasterRecord)
         //Save the budget
         SaveSplitted(startYearMonth, endYearMonth, otherCosts, isAssociateCurrency, associateCurrency, converter, scaleOption);
         //Commit the transaction
     catch (Exception exc)
         //If, for any reason, an exception was thrown, rollback the transaction
         throw new IndException(exc);