/// <summary>
        /// Adds the payment dates to a given Amortization Table. This function takes
        /// into consideration the holidays of the given country as well as weekend days.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amortizationTable">Amortization table to which dates will be added</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">Date from where the loan is valid. All payments will be 
        /// calculated taking this date as the base
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="frequency">Payment frequency</param>
        /// <param name="country">Country from which holidays need to be accounted for</param>
        /// <remarks>The First payment will be calculated after the StartDate from the Amortization. 
        /// The Amortization object will be modified inside this function.</remarks>
        public void AddAmortizationPaymentDates(AmortizationTable amortizationTable,
            DateTime startDate,
            AmortizationPaymentFrequencyType frequency,
            Country country)
            /* Calculate the amortizations first without
            * taking into account the holidays or weekends */
            foreach (AmortizationEntry entry in amortizationTable)
                entry.Date = GetPaymentDate (startDate, frequency, entry.Number);

            /* Now verify all dates are working days */
            VerifyWorkingDates (amortizationTable, country);
 public void UT_Calculate_Amortization_table(double totalLoan, double rate, int periodsNumber, double fixCoute)
         var result  = FinantialFunctions.CalculateFixCuote(totalLoan, rate, periodsNumber);
         var rounded = Math.Round(result, 2);
         Assert.Equal(fixCoute, rounded);
         AmortizationTable table = new AmortizationTable();
         table = FinantialFunctions.CalculateAmortizationTable(totalLoan, rate, 1, rounded);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Assert.True(false, ex.Message);
Beispiel #3
        //public int Period { get; set; }
        //public double Cuote { get; set; }
        //public double Interests { get; set; }
        //public double NewBalance { get; set; }
        //public double Amortization { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Calcula la cuota fija en base al total del préstamo la tasa y el numero de periodos
        /// R = P[(i(1 + i)n) / ((1 + i)n – 1)]
        /// P = principal(préstamo adquirido)
        /// i = tasa de interés
        /// n = número de periodos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="balance">Total outstanding balance </param
        /// <param name="rate">Loan Rate 1 relative E.G. .04 = 4%</param>
        /// <param name="actualPeriodNumber">Actual number of payment</param>
        /// <param name="fixCoute">Fix Cuote to pay</param>
        public static AmortizationTable CalculateAmortizationTable(double balance, double rate, int actualPeriodNumber, double fixCoute)
            AmortizationTable table = new AmortizationTable();

            table.Rows = new List <AmortizationRow>();
            AmortizationRow amortizationActualRow;
            double          intereses    = 0;
            double          amortization = 0;
            double          newBalance   = balance;

            while (newBalance > 0)
                intereses             = newBalance * rate;
                amortization          = fixCoute - intereses;
                newBalance            = newBalance - amortization;
                amortizationActualRow = new AmortizationRow(actualPeriodNumber++, fixCoute, intereses, newBalance, amortization);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates an Amortization Table using a Flat Interest approach
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Flat Interest Amortization Table</returns>
        protected override AmortizationTable CalculateSpecificAmortizationTable()
            //Stores all the table entries in a list form.
            //Each item in this list will contain all the columns that the amortization
            //table has.
            IList<AmortizationEntry> amortizationEntries = new List<AmortizationEntry> ();

            //Local variables used to store each payments
            //calculated values
            decimal interestPayment = 0.0000m;
            decimal principalPayment = 0.0000m;
            decimal principalBalance = 0.0000m;
            decimal taxPayment = 0.0000m;

            for (int i = 0; i < base.NumberOfPayments; i++)
                //First Payment is of the total amount of the loan
                if (i == 0)
                    //Calculates the amounts
                    if (base.GracePeriod - 1 >= i) //While there is a grace period,
                    {							   //only interests are paid
                        principalPayment = 0;
                        interestPayment = base.CalculationInterest * base.Amount;
                        taxPayment = interestPayment * base.Tax;
                        principalPayment = base.Amount / (base.NumberOfPayments - base.GracePeriod);
                        interestPayment = base.CalculationInterest * base.Amount;
                        taxPayment = interestPayment * base.Tax;

                    principalBalance = base.Amount - principalPayment;

                    AmortizationEntry newAmortizationTableEntry = new AmortizationEntry ();

                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Number = i + 1;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Principal = principalPayment;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Interest = interestPayment;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Tax = taxPayment;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.RemainingPrincipalBalance = principalBalance;

                    //Add the new entry to the table.
                    amortizationEntries.Add (newAmortizationTableEntry);
                else //All other payments
                    //Retrieve the previous entry in the table.
                    AmortizationEntry previousTableEntry = amortizationEntries[i - 1];

                    //Calculates the amounts
                    if (base.GracePeriod - 1 >= i)  //While there is a grace period,
                    {								//only interests are paid
                        principalPayment = 0;
                        interestPayment = base.CalculationInterest * base.Amount;
                        taxPayment = interestPayment * base.Tax;
                        principalPayment = base.Amount / (base.NumberOfPayments - base.GracePeriod);
                        interestPayment = base.CalculationInterest * base.Amount;
                        taxPayment = interestPayment * base.Tax;

                    = previousTableEntry.RemainingPrincipalBalance - principalPayment;

                    AmortizationEntry newAmortizationTableEntry = new AmortizationEntry ();

                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Number = i + 1;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Principal = principalPayment;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Interest = interestPayment;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.Tax = taxPayment;
                    newAmortizationTableEntry.RemainingPrincipalBalance = principalBalance;

                    //Add the new entry to the table.
                    amortizationEntries.Add (newAmortizationTableEntry);

            //Create table and return it based on the calculated entries.
            AmortizationTable amortizationTable = new AmortizationTable (amortizationEntries);
            return amortizationTable;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the chosen amortization table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Calculated amortization table.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException" />
        public void CalculateAmortizationTable()
            // Verify that the provided values are correct
            if (Amount <= 0)
                throw new ZiblerFinanceArgumentOutOfRangeException (

            if (NumberOfPayments <= 0)
                throw new ZiblerFinanceArgumentOutOfRangeException (

            if (AnualInterest < 0)
                throw new ZiblerFinanceArgumentOutOfRangeException (

            if (GracePeriod < 0)
                throw new ZiblerFinanceArgumentOutOfRangeException (

            if (GracePeriod >= NumberOfPayments)
                throw new ZiblerFinanceArgumentOutOfRangeException (

            if (Tax < 0)
                throw new ZiblerFinanceArgumentOutOfRangeException (

            //Convert the interest to be used in calculation
            _calculationInterest = ConvertAnualInterestToCalculationInterest (AnualInterest,

            // Call the childs class AmortizationTable method
            // to calculate the actual table.
            _amortizationTable = CalculateSpecificAmortizationTable ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the payment number date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param>
        /// <param name="paymentNumber">The payment number.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">The frequency.</param>
        /// <param name="country">The country.</param>
        public DateTime GetPaymentNumberDate(DateTime startDate,
            int paymentNumber,
            AmortizationPaymentFrequencyType frequency,
            Country country)
            /* Date to return */
            DateTime? paymentDate = null;

            IList<AmortizationEntry> entries = new List<AmortizationEntry> ();

            /* Perform calculations for all payments before the
            * requested payment in case there was days shifted
            * before the paymentNumber required */
            for (int i = 1; i <= paymentNumber; i++)
                paymentDate = GetPaymentDate (startDate, frequency, i);
                AmortizationEntry entry = new AmortizationEntry ();
                entry.Number = i;
                entry.Date = Convert.ToDateTime (paymentDate);
                entries.Add (entry);

            AmortizationTable amortTable = new AmortizationTable (entries);

            /* Now verify all dates are working days */
            VerifyWorkingDates (amortTable, country);

            /* Now get the the actual date */
            foreach (AmortizationEntry entry in amortTable)
                if (entry.Number == paymentNumber)
                    paymentDate = entry.Date;

            return Convert.ToDateTime (paymentDate);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the dates in the amortization table are working days
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amortizationTable">Amortization table</param>
        /// <param name="country">Country used for holidays</param>
        private void VerifyWorkingDates(AmortizationTable amortizationTable,												
            Country country)
            /* Now, loop through the amortizations and make sure non of the days
            * are either holidays or weekend days */
            foreach (AmortizationEntry entry in amortizationTable)
                /* If the payment date is a holiday then find the closest working day forward */
                while (DateUtilities.IsHoliday (country, entry.Date))
                    /* Add on the days */
                    entry.Date = entry.Date.AddDays (1);

                /* Make sure the payment date is not a weekend. If it is, then find the
                * closest (ahead) working day forward */
                while (entry.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday
                       || entry.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    //Add one day at the time until it is
                    //a business day.
                    entry.Date = entry.Date.AddDays (1);