public virtual (bool, string TopicArn) Validate(string topicArn)
            //List topics does not work across accounts - GetTopicAttributesRequest works within the region
            //List Topics is rate limited to 30 ListTopic transactions per second, and can be rate limited
            //So where we can, we validate a topic using GetTopicAttributesRequest

            bool exists = false;

                var topicAttributes = _snsClient.GetTopicAttributesAsync(
                    new GetTopicAttributesRequest(topicArn)

                exists = ((topicAttributes.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) && (topicAttributes.Attributes["TopicArn"] == topicArn));
            catch (InternalErrorException)
                exists = false;
            catch (NotFoundException)
                exists = false;
            catch (AuthorizationErrorException)
                exists = false;

            return(exists, topicArn);
 private bool ValidateTopicByArn(string topicArn)
     using (var snsClient = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(_awsConnection.Credentials, _awsConnection.Region))
         var response = snsClient.GetTopicAttributesAsync(new GetTopicAttributesRequest(topicArn))
         return((response.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) && (response.Attributes["TopicArn"] == topicArn));
Beispiel #3
        public async Task GetAWSTopics(AWSCredentials credentials)
            var client   = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(credentials.AccessKey, credentials.SecretKey, credentials.Region);
            var request  = new ListTopicsRequest();
            var response = new ListTopicsResponse();

                response = await client.ListTopicsAsync(request);

                foreach (var topic in response.Topics)
                    Console.WriteLine("Topic: {0}", topic.TopicArn);
                    await SendAWSNotification(credentials, topic.TopicArn, String.Format("Message from topic: {0}", topic.TopicArn));

                    var subs = await client.ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync(
                        new ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest
                        TopicArn = topic.TopicArn

                    var ss = subs.Subscriptions;

                    if (ss.Any())
                        Console.WriteLine("  Subscriptions:");
                        foreach (var sub in ss)
                            Console.WriteLine("    {0}", sub.SubscriptionArn);

                    var attrs = await client.GetTopicAttributesAsync(
                        new GetTopicAttributesRequest
                        TopicArn = topic.TopicArn

                    if (attrs.Attributes.Any())
                        Console.WriteLine("  Attributes:");

                        foreach (var attr in attrs.Attributes)
                            Console.WriteLine("    {0} = {1}", attr.Key, attr.Value);
                request.NextToken = response.NextToken;
            } while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.NextToken));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get()
            var topicList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
            Dictionary <string, string> dictAttributes = null;

            using (_SnsClient = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(_AwsCredentials, RegionEndpoint.USEast2))
                    _SnsRequest = new ListTopicsRequest();
                        _SnsResponse = await _SnsClient.ListTopicsAsync(_SnsRequest);

                        foreach (var topic in _SnsResponse.Topics)
                            // Get topic attributes
                            var topicAttributes = await _SnsClient.GetTopicAttributesAsync(request : new GetTopicAttributesRequest
                                TopicArn = topic.TopicArn

                            // this is see attributes of topic
                            if (topicAttributes.Attributes.Count > 0)
                                dictAttributes = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                foreach (var topicAttribute in topicAttributes.Attributes)
                                    dictAttributes.Add(topicAttribute.Key, topicAttribute.Value.ToString());
                        _SnsRequest.NextToken = _SnsResponse.NextToken;
                    } while (_SnsResponse.NextToken != null);
                catch (AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceException ex)
