public ActionResult CreateFromASIN(AmazonImportModel.CreateFromASINModel model)
            //allow this page to been seen only after logging in
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts))

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var allASINs = GetAllAmazonProductASINs();
                if (GetAllAmazonProductASINs().Contains(model.ASIN))                 //product already exists, show error
                    ModelState["ASIN"].Errors.Add("A product with this ASIN already exists");
                    AmazonItem item = AmazonSearcher.GetItem(model.ASIN);

                    if (item != null)                    //item was found on Amazon
                        //add the created Product to the database
                        int productId = AddAmazonItem(item);

                        //open "Edit product" page for the newly created product
                        return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Product", new { id = productId }));
                    else                     //item was not found
                        ModelState["ASIN"].Errors.Add("An item with this ASIN was not found on Amazon");
                }         //if (GetAllAmazonProductASINs().Contains(model.ASIN))
            }             //if ModelState.IsValid

            //problem occured, display the form again with an appropriate error message
            return(View("Nop.Plugin.Misc.AmazonImport.Views.MiscAmazonImport.CreateFromASIN", model));
        public ActionResult CreateFromASIN(string ASIN)
            //allow this page to been seen only after logging in
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts))

            if (ASIN == null)             //no ASIN supplied, show form
                var model = new AmazonImportModel.CreateFromASINModel();
                return(View("Nop.Plugin.Misc.AmazonImport.Views.MiscAmazonImport.CreateFromASIN", model));

            //if product already exists, show error
            if (GetAllAmazonProductASINs().Contains(ASIN))

            //search for product form amazon
            AmazonItem item = AmazonSearcher.GetItem(ASIN);

            if (item != null)             //add product to database and open the product editing form
                int productId = AddAmazonItem(item);

                //open "Edit product" page for the newly created product
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Product", new { id = productId }));
            else             //product could no longer be found on amazon
                _logger.Error("Adding product failed: product could no longer be found on Amazon");