Beispiel #1
         * Create a User Record.
         * @param aggregated whether the record is aggregated
         * @param record Kinesis record
         * @param subSequenceNumber subsequence number
         * @param explicitHashKey explicit hash key
        protected UserRecord(bool aggregated, Amazon.Kinesis.Model.Record record, long subSequenceNumber, string explicitHashKey)
            if (subSequenceNumber < 0)
                throw new Amazon.Kinesis.Model.InvalidArgumentException("Cannot have an invalid, negative subsequence number");

            this.aggregated        = aggregated;
            this.subSequenceNumber = subSequenceNumber;
            this.explicitHashKey   = explicitHashKey;

            this.SequenceNumber = record.SequenceNumber;
            this.Data           = record.Data;
            this.PartitionKey   = record.PartitionKey;
            this.ApproximateArrivalTimestamp = record.ApproximateArrivalTimestamp;
Beispiel #2
  * Create a User Record from a Kinesis Record.
  * @param record Kinesis record
 public UserRecord(Amazon.Kinesis.Model.Record record)
     : this(false, record, 0, null)
Beispiel #3
         * This method deaggregates the given list of Amazon Kinesis records into a
         * list of KPL user records. This method will then return the resulting list
         * of KPL user records.
         * @param records  A list of Amazon Kinesis records, each possibly aggregated.
         * @return A resulting list of deaggregated KPL user records.
        public static List <UserRecord> deaggregate(List <Amazon.Kinesis.Model.Record> records, out string errorMesaage)
            errorMesaage = "";
            List <UserRecord> result = new List <UserRecord>();

            byte[] kMagic = null;
                kMagic = new byte[] { (byte)-13, (byte)-119, (byte)-102, (byte)-62 };

            foreach (var record in records)
                bool aggregated = true;
                long subSeqNum  = 0;

                MemoryStream bb    = record.Data;
                byte[]       bytes = new byte[bb.Length];
                bb.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                record.Data = new MemoryStream(bytes);//setting data in case of aggregated = false;

                if (bytes.Length < kMagic.Length)
                    aggregated = false;
                else if (!Utils.AreArrayEqual(kMagic, bytes.Take(kMagic.Length).ToArray()))
                    aggregated = false;

                if (bytes.Length < DIGEST_SIZE + kMagic.Length)
                    aggregated = false;

                if (aggregated)
                    byte[] serializedData = bytes.Skip(kMagic.Length).Take(bytes.Length - DIGEST_SIZE - kMagic.Length).ToArray();
                    byte[] md5Hash        = bytes.Skip(bytes.Length - DIGEST_SIZE).Take(DIGEST_SIZE).ToArray();
                    byte[] calcMD5        = Utils.GetMD5(serializedData);
                    if (!Utils.AreArrayEqual(md5Hash, calcMD5))
                        aggregated = false;
                        ByteString bytestr = ByteString.CopyFrom(serializedData);
                            Aws.Kinesis.Protobuf.AggregatedRecord ar = Aws.Kinesis.Protobuf.AggregatedRecord.Parser.ParseFrom(bytestr);
                            aggregated = true;
                            var pks  = ar.PartitionKeyTable;
                            var ehks = ar.ExplicitHashKeyTable;
                            var aat  = record.ApproximateArrivalTimestamp;
                                int recordsInCurrRecord = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < ar.Records.Count; i++)
                                    Aws.Kinesis.Protobuf.Record mr = ar.Records[i];
                                    string partitionKey            = pks[(int)mr.PartitionKeyIndex];
                                    string explicitHashKey         = ehks[(int)mr.ExplicitHashKeyIndex];

                                    //long effectiveHashKey = explicitHashKey != "-1" ? int.Parse(explicitHashKey) : new BigInteger(1, md5(partitionKey.getBytes("UTF-8")));
                                    //if (effectiveHashKey < startingHashKey || effectiveHashKey > endingHashKey  )
                                    //    for (int toRemove = 0; toRemove < recordsInCurrRecord; ++toRemove)
                                    //        result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                                    //    break;

                                    Amazon.Kinesis.Model.Record recd = new Amazon.Kinesis.Model.Record()
                                        Data           = new MemoryStream(mr.Data.ToByteArray()),
                                        PartitionKey   = partitionKey,
                                        SequenceNumber = record.SequenceNumber,
                                        ApproximateArrivalTimestamp = aat

                                    result.Add(new UserRecord(true, recd, subSeqNum++, explicitHashKey));
                            catch (Exception e)
                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                sb.Append("Unexpected exception during deaggregation, record was:\n");

                                foreach (string s in pks)

                                sb.Append("EHKS: \n");

                                foreach (string s in ehks)

                                foreach (Aws.Kinesis.Protobuf.Record mr in ar.Records)
                                    sb.Append("Record: [hasEhk=").Append(mr.ExplicitHashKeyIndex >= 0 ? "0" : "1").Append(", ")
                                    .Append("ehkIdx=").Append(mr.ExplicitHashKeyIndex).Append(", ")
                                    .Append("pkIdx=").Append(mr.PartitionKeyIndex).Append(", ")
                                sb.Append("Sequence number: ").Append(record.SequenceNumber).Append("\n")
                                .Append("Raw data: ")

                                errorMesaage += ("\n" + new Exception(sb.ToString(), e).ToString());
                        catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e)
                            aggregated = false;

                if (!aggregated)
                    result.Add(new UserRecord(record));
