Beispiel #1
        public bool[] StringToTimeSpan(XArray xarray, out Array result)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _timeSpanArray, xarray.Count);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _couldNotConvertArray, xarray.Count);

            bool anyCouldNotConvert = false;

            string[] sourceArray = (string[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                string value = sourceArray[xarray.Index(i)];

                bool couldNotConvert = !TryParseTimeSpanFriendly(value, out _timeSpanArray[i]);
                if (couldNotConvert)
                    couldNotConvert = String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || !TimeSpan.TryParse(value, out _timeSpanArray[i]);
                if (couldNotConvert)
                    _timeSpanArray[i] = _defaultValue;

                _couldNotConvertArray[i] = couldNotConvert;
                anyCouldNotConvert      |= couldNotConvert;

            result = _timeSpanArray;
            return(anyCouldNotConvert ? _couldNotConvertArray : null);
Beispiel #2
        private XArray ReadIndices(ArraySelector selector)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _resultArray, selector.Count);

            // Read all string positions
            XArray positions = _positionsReader.Read(ArraySelector.All(_positionsReader.Count));

            int[] positionArray = (int[])positions.Array;

            // Read all raw string bytes
            XArray bytes = _bytesReader.Read(ArraySelector.All(_bytesReader.Count));

            byte[] textArray = (byte[])bytes.Array;

            // Update the String8 array to point to them
            for (int i = 0; i < selector.Count; ++i)
                int rowIndex   = selector.Index(i);
                int valueStart = (rowIndex == 0 ? 0 : positionArray[rowIndex - 1]);
                int valueEnd   = positionArray[rowIndex];
                _resultArray[i] = new String8(textArray, valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart);

            // Cache the xarray and return it
            _currentArray    = XArray.All(_resultArray, selector.Count);
            _currentSelector = selector;
Beispiel #3
        public bool[] Convert(XArray xarray, out Array result)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _string8Array, xarray.Count);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _buffer, xarray.Count * _bytesPerItem);

            int bufferBytesUsed = 0;

            T[] sourceArray = (T[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                int index = xarray.Index(i);
                if (xarray.HasNulls && xarray.NullRows[index])
                    // Always turn nulls into the default value rather than converting default of other type
                    _string8Array[i] = _defaultValue;
                    String8 converted = _converter(sourceArray[index], _buffer, bufferBytesUsed);
                    _string8Array[i] = converted;
                    bufferBytesUsed += converted.Length;

            result = _string8Array;
Beispiel #4
        public BitVector TryGetValues(XArray keys, out ArraySelector rightSideSelector)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _returnedVector, keys.Count);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _returnedIndicesBuffer, keys.Count);


            int countFound = 0;

            T[] keyArray = (T[])keys.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; ++i)
                int index = keys.Index(i);
                int foundAtIndex;
                if ((keys.HasNulls && keys.NullRows[index]) || !_dictionary.TryGetValue(keyArray[index], out foundAtIndex))
                    _returnedIndicesBuffer[countFound++] = foundAtIndex;

            // Write out the indices of the joined rows for each value found
            rightSideSelector = ArraySelector.Map(_returnedIndicesBuffer, countFound);

            // Return the vector of which input rows matched
Beispiel #5
        public bool[] Convert(XArray xarray, out Array result)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _array, (xarray.Selector.IsSingleValue ? 1 : xarray.Count));
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _couldNotConvertArray, (xarray.Selector.IsSingleValue ? 1 : xarray.Count));

            bool anyCouldNotConvert = false;

            String8[] sourceArray = (String8[])xarray.Array;

            if (!xarray.Selector.IsSingleValue)
                for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                    _couldNotConvertArray[i] = !_tryConvert(sourceArray[xarray.Index(i)], out _array[i]);

                    if (_couldNotConvertArray[i])
                        _array[i]          = _defaultValue;
                        anyCouldNotConvert = true;
                _couldNotConvertArray[0] = !_tryConvert(sourceArray[xarray.Index(0)], out _array[0]);
                if (_couldNotConvertArray[0])
                    _array[0]          = _defaultValue;
                    anyCouldNotConvert = true;

            result = _array;
            return(anyCouldNotConvert ? _couldNotConvertArray : null);
        public SingleValueColumn(IXTable source, string columnName, Type type)
            _source = source;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _array, 1, type);
            ColumnDetails = new ColumnDetails(columnName, type);
Beispiel #7
        public XArray Read(ArraySelector selector)
            if (selector.Indices != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // Return the previous xarray if re-requested
            if (selector.Equals(_currentSelector))

            // Allocate the result array
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _array, selector.Count);

            // Read items in pages of 64k
            int byteStart = _bytesPerItem * selector.StartIndexInclusive;
            int byteEnd   = _bytesPerItem * selector.EndIndexExclusive;
            int bytesRead = 0;

            for (int currentByteIndex = byteStart; currentByteIndex < byteEnd; currentByteIndex += ReadPageSize)
                int    currentByteEnd = Math.Min(byteEnd, currentByteIndex + ReadPageSize);
                XArray bytexarray     = _byteReader.Read(ArraySelector.All(int.MaxValue).Slice(currentByteIndex, currentByteEnd));
                Buffer.BlockCopy(bytexarray.Array, 0, _array, bytesRead, bytexarray.Count);
                bytesRead += currentByteEnd - currentByteIndex;

            // Cache and return the current xarray
            _currentArray    = XArray.All(_array, selector.Count);
            _currentSelector = selector;
Beispiel #8
        // Return an XArray with two empty array elements before and after the valid portion and indices pointing to the valid portion
        public static XArray Pad(XArray values)
            Array modifiedArray = null;

            bool[] nulls = null;
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref modifiedArray, values.Array.Length + 4, values.Array.GetType().GetElementType());

            if (values.HasNulls)
                nulls = new bool[values.Array.Length + 4];

            int[] indices = new int[modifiedArray.Length];

            // Copy values shifted over two (so, two default values at the beginning and two at the end)
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Array.Length; ++i)
                indices[i] = i + 2;
                modifiedArray.SetValue(values.Array.GetValue(values.Index(i)), indices[i]);

                if (values.HasNulls)
                    nulls.SetValue(values.NullRows.GetValue(values.Index(i)), indices[i]);

            // Return an XArray with the padded array with the indices and shorter real length
            int[] remapArray = null;
            return(XArray.All(modifiedArray, values.Count, nulls).Select(ArraySelector.Map(indices, values.Count), ref remapArray));
Beispiel #9
        public XArray Remap(XArray source, ref int[] remapArray)
            // See if we have the remapping cached already
            ArraySelector cachedMapping;

            if (_cachedRemappings.TryGetValue(source.Selector, out cachedMapping))

            // Convert the BitVector to indices if we haven't yet (deferred to first column wanting values)
            if (!_indicesFound)
                _indicesFound = true;
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _indices, _count);
                int countFound = _vector.Page(_indices, ref _nextVectorIndex, _count);
                if (countFound != _count)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"RowRemapper found {countFound:n0} rows when {_count:n0} expected paging in Vector with {_vector.Count:n0} total matches up to index {_nextVectorIndex:n0}.");

            // Remap the outer selector
            XArray remapped = source.Select(ArraySelector.Map(_indices, _count), ref remapArray);

            // Cache the remapping
            _cachedRemappings[source.Selector] = remapped.Selector;

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        ///  Convert an XArray which uses indices into a contiguous, zero-based array.
        ///  This allows using (fast) Reselect once converted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">Buffer to use to write contiguous values</param>
        /// <param name="nulls">Buffer to use for new null array</param>
        /// <returns>XArray of values written contiguously</returns>
        public XArray ToContiguous <T>(ref T[] array, ref bool[] nulls)
            // If this XArray isn't shifted or indirected, we can use it as-is
            if (this.Selector.Indices == null && this.Selector.StartIndexInclusive == 0)

            T[] thisArray = (T[])this.Array;
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref array, this.Count);

            if (!this.HasNulls)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; ++i)
                    int index = this.Index(i);
                    array[i] = thisArray[index];

                return(XArray.All(array, this.Count));
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref nulls, this.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; ++i)
                    int index = this.Index(i);
                    array[i] = thisArray[index];
                    nulls[i] = this.NullRows[index];

                return(XArray.All(array, this.Count, nulls));
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        ///  Remap the IsNull array from the source XArray, if any, to a non-indexed array.
        ///  Used when the values in the XAray were converted into an in-order array but IsNull
        ///  from the source needs to be preserved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">XArray to remap nulls from</param>
        /// <param name="remapArray">bool[] to use to remap Nulls values, if needed</param>
        /// <returns>Nulls array to use in returned XArray</returns>
        public static bool[] RemapNulls(XArray array, ref bool[] remapArray)
            // If there were no source nulls, there are none for the output
            if (!array.HasNulls)

            // If the source isn't indexed or shifted, the Nulls array may be reused
            if (array.Selector.Indices == null && array.Selector.StartIndexInclusive == 0)

            // Otherwise, we must remap nulls
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref remapArray, array.Count);

            bool areAnyNulls = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; ++i)
                areAnyNulls |= (remapArray[i] = array.NullRows[array.Index(i)]);

            return(areAnyNulls ? remapArray : null);
        private XArray Convert(XArray xarray1, XArray xarray2)
            int count = xarray1.Count;

            if (count != xarray2.Count)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("SimpleTwoArgumentFunction must get the same number of rows from each argument.");

            // Allocate for results
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _buffer, count);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _isNull, count);

            // Convert each non-null value
            bool areAnyNull = false;

            T[] array1 = (T[])xarray1.Array;
            U[] array2 = (U[])xarray2.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                int index1 = xarray1.Index(i);
                int index2 = xarray2.Index(i);

                bool rowIsNull = (xarray1.HasNulls && xarray1.NullRows[index1]) || (xarray2.HasNulls && xarray2.NullRows[index2]);
                areAnyNull |= rowIsNull;

                _isNull[i] = rowIsNull;
                _buffer[i] = (rowIsNull ? default(V) : _function(array1[index1], array2[index2]));

            return(XArray.All(_buffer, count, (areAnyNull ? _isNull : null)));
Beispiel #13
        public ConcatenatingColumn(IXTable table, ColumnDetails columnDetails)
            _table   = table;
            _sources = new List <IXColumn>();

            ColumnDetails = columnDetails;
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _nullArray, 1, columnDetails.Type);
Beispiel #14
        // Return an IsSingleElement array with just the first value of the xarray, but the same count
        public static XArray First(XArray values)
            Array modifiedArray = null;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref modifiedArray, 1, values.Array.GetType().GetElementType());
            modifiedArray.SetValue(values.Array.GetValue(values.Index(0)), 0);

            return(XArray.Single(modifiedArray, values.Count));
        public void Append(XArray xarray)
            // Write the values (without the null markers; we're writing those here)

            // Track the row count written so we know how many null=false values to write when we first see a null
            _rowCountWritten += xarray.Count;

            // If there are no nulls in this set and none previously, no null markers need to be written
            if (!xarray.HasNulls && _nullWriter == null)

            if (_nullWriter == null)
                // Check whether any rows in the set are actually null; the source may contain nulls but the filtered rows might not
                bool areAnyNulls = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count && !areAnyNulls; ++i)
                    areAnyNulls |= xarray.NullRows[xarray.Index(i)];

                // If there are not actually any null rows in this set, don't write null output yet
                if (!areAnyNulls)

                // Open a new file to write IsNull booleans
                string nullsPath = Path.Combine(_columnPath, "Vn.b8.bin");
                _nullWriter = new PrimitiveArrayWriter <bool>(_streamProvider.OpenWrite(nullsPath));

                // Write false for every value so far
                int previousCount = _rowCountWritten - xarray.Count;
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _falseArray, 1024);
                for (int i = 0; i < previousCount; i += 1024)
                    int rowCount = Math.Min(1024, previousCount - i);
                    _nullWriter.Append(XArray.All(_falseArray, rowCount));

            if (!xarray.HasNulls)
                // If this xarray doesn't have any nulls, write false for every value in this page
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _falseArray, xarray.Count);
                _nullWriter.Append(XArray.All(_falseArray, xarray.Count));
                // Write the actual true/false values for this page
Beispiel #16
        private void AddInt(XArray rowIndices, XArray sumValues, int newDistinctCount)
            long[] sumArray     = (long[])sumValues.Array;
            int[]  indicesArray = (int[])rowIndices.Array;

            if (sumValues.HasNulls)
                // Nulls: Find nulls and mark those buckets null
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _isNullPerBucket, newDistinctCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < rowIndices.Count; ++i)
                    int bucketIndex = rowIndices.Index(i);
                    int sumIndex    = sumValues.Index(i);
                    if (sumValues.NullRows[sumIndex])
                        _isNullPerBucket[indicesArray[bucketIndex]] = true;

                    _sumPerBucket[indicesArray[bucketIndex]] += sumArray[sumIndex];
            else if (rowIndices.Selector.Indices != null || sumValues.Selector.Indices != null)
                // Indices: Look up raw indices on both sides
                for (int i = 0; i < rowIndices.Count; ++i)
                    _sumPerBucket[indicesArray[rowIndices.Index(i)]] += sumArray[sumValues.Index(i)];
            else if (sumValues.Selector.IsSingleValue == false)
                // Non-Indexed: Loop over arrays directly
                int indicesOffset = rowIndices.Selector.StartIndexInclusive;
                int sumOffset     = sumValues.Selector.StartIndexInclusive;

                for (int i = 0; i < rowIndices.Count; ++i)
                    _sumPerBucket[indicesArray[i + indicesOffset]] += sumArray[i + sumOffset];
            else if (rowIndices.Selector.IsSingleValue == false)
                // Single Sum Value: Add constant to each bucket
                long sumValue = sumArray[sumValues.Index(0)];
                for (int i = rowIndices.Selector.StartIndexInclusive; i < rowIndices.Selector.EndIndexExclusive; ++i)
                    _sumPerBucket[indicesArray[i]] += sumValue;
                // Single Bucket, Single Sum: Add (Value * RowCount) to target bucket
                _sumPerBucket[indicesArray[rowIndices.Index(0)]] += sumValues.Count * sumArray[sumValues.Index(0)];
Beispiel #17
        public void Evaluate(BitVector vector)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _termVector, vector.Capacity);

            foreach (IExpression term in _terms)
Beispiel #18
        public bool[] LongToTimeSpan(XArray xarray, out Array result)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _timeSpanArray, xarray.Count);

            long[] sourceArray = (long[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                _timeSpanArray[i] = TimeSpan.FromTicks(sourceArray[xarray.Index(i)]);

            result = _timeSpanArray;
Beispiel #19
        public ConstantColumn(IXTable source, object value, Type type, bool wasUnwrappedLiteral = false)
            Source = source;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _array, 1, type);
            _array.SetValue(value, 0);

            IsNull  = (value == null || value.Equals("null"));
            _xArray = (IsNull ? XArray.Null(_array, 1) : XArray.Single(_array, 1));

            WasUnwrappedLiteral = wasUnwrappedLiteral;
            ColumnDetails       = new ColumnDetails(string.Empty, type);
        public bool[] DateTimeToLong(XArray xarray, out Array result)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _longArray, xarray.Count);

            DateTime[] sourceArray = (DateTime[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                _longArray[i] = sourceArray[xarray.Index(i)].ToUniversalTime().Ticks;

            result = _longArray;
        public bool[] LongToDateTime(XArray xarray, out Array result)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _dateTimeArray, xarray.Count);

            long[] sourceArray = (long[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                _dateTimeArray[i] = new DateTime(sourceArray[xarray.Index(i)], DateTimeKind.Utc);

            result = _dateTimeArray;
Beispiel #22
        public bool[] TimeSpanToLong(XArray xarray, out Array result)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _longArray, xarray.Count);

            TimeSpan[] sourceArray = (TimeSpan[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                _longArray[i] = sourceArray[xarray.Index(i)].Ticks;

            result = _longArray;
Beispiel #23
        public XArray Concatenate(IList <XArray> columns)

            int count = columns.First().Count;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _buffer, count);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _isNull, count);

            bool couldBeNulls = columns.Any((col) => col.HasNulls);
            bool areAnyNulls  = false;

            String8[][] arrays = columns.Select((xarray) => (String8[])xarray.Array).ToArray();

            if (!couldBeNulls)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    String8 result = String8.Empty;

                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns.Count; ++columnIndex)
                        int rowIndex = columns[columnIndex].Index(i);
                        result = _block.Concatenate(result, String8.Empty, arrays[columnIndex][rowIndex]);

                    _buffer[i] = result;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    String8 result = String8.Empty;
                    bool    isNull = false;

                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns.Count; ++columnIndex)
                        int rowIndex = columns[columnIndex].Index(i);
                        isNull |= columns[columnIndex].HasNulls && columns[columnIndex].NullRows[rowIndex];
                        result  = _block.Concatenate(result, String8.Empty, arrays[columnIndex][rowIndex]);

                    _buffer[i]   = result;
                    _isNull[i]   = isNull;
                    areAnyNulls |= isNull;

            return(XArray.All(_buffer, count, (areAnyNulls ? _isNull : null)));
Beispiel #24
        public XArray Read(ArraySelector selector)
            if (selector.Indices != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _array, selector.Count);

            _stream.Seek(selector.StartIndexInclusive, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            _stream.Read(_array, 0, selector.Count);

            return(XArray.All(_array, selector.Count));
Beispiel #25
        public void Append(XArray xarray)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _positionsBuffer, xarray.Count);

            String8[] array = (String8[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                String8 value = array[xarray.Index(i)];
                _position          += value.Length;
                _positionsBuffer[i] = _position;

            _positionsWriter.Append(XArray.All(_positionsBuffer, xarray.Count));
Beispiel #26
        // Return an XArray with nulls inserted for every other value
        public static XArray Nulls(XArray values)
            Array modifiedArray = null;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref modifiedArray, values.Array.Length * 2, values.Array.GetType().GetElementType());
            bool[] nulls = new bool[modifiedArray.Length];

            // Every other value is null
            for (int i = 0; i < modifiedArray.Length; ++i)
                nulls[i] = (i % 2 == 0);
                modifiedArray.SetValue(values.Array.GetValue(values.Index(i / 2)), i);

            // Return an XArray with the doubled length and alternating nulls
            return(XArray.All(modifiedArray, modifiedArray.Length, nulls));
Beispiel #27
        public void Allocator_Basics()
            int[] buffer = null;
            int[] previous;

            // Verify allocation happens on first call
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref buffer, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, buffer.Length);

            // Verify no re-allocation if size already fine
            previous = buffer;
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref buffer, 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, buffer.Length);
            Assert.ReferenceEquals(buffer, previous);

            previous = buffer;
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref buffer, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, buffer.Length);
            Assert.ReferenceEquals(buffer, previous);

            // Verify generic allocator works
            Array generic = null;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref generic, 10, typeof(int));
            Assert.IsNotNull(generic as int[]);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, generic.Length);

            Array string8 = null;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref string8, 1, typeof(String8));
            Assert.IsNotNull(string8 as String8[]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, string8.Length);

            // Verify generic object creators work
            object list;

            list = Allocator.ConstructGenericOf(typeof(List <>), typeof(int));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(List <int>), list.GetType());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ((List <int>)list).Capacity);

            list = Allocator.ConstructGenericOf(typeof(List <>), typeof(int), 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(List <int>), list.GetType());
            Assert.AreEqual(1000, ((List <int>)list).Capacity);
Beispiel #28
        public void WhereBlock(XArray left, String8 rightValue, bool ignoreCase, CompareOperator cOp, BitVector vector)
            if (rightValue.Length == 0) return;
            if (cOp != CompareOperator.Contains && cOp != CompareOperator.Equal && cOp != CompareOperator.StartsWith) throw new NotImplementedException(cOp.ToString());

            String8[] leftArray = (String8[])left.Array;
            String8 last = leftArray[left.Selector.EndIndexExclusive - 1];
            String8 all = new String8(last.Array, 0, last.Index + last.Length);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _indicesBuffer, 1024);

            int nextIndex = leftArray[left.Selector.StartIndexInclusive].Index;
            int nextRowIndex = left.Selector.StartIndexInclusive + 1;

            while (true)
                // Find a batch of matches
                int countFound;
                if (s_IndexOfAllNative != null)
                    countFound = s_IndexOfAllNative(all.Array, nextIndex, all.Length - nextIndex, rightValue.Array, rightValue.Index, rightValue.Length, ignoreCase, _indicesBuffer);
                    countFound = all.IndexOfAll(rightValue, nextIndex, true, _indicesBuffer);

                // Map the indices found to rows
                if (cOp == CompareOperator.Contains)
                    IndicesToContainsRows(leftArray, rightValue.Length, ref nextRowIndex, left.Selector.StartIndexInclusive, left.Selector.EndIndexExclusive, countFound, vector);
                else if (cOp == CompareOperator.Equal)
                    IndicesToEqualsRows(leftArray, rightValue.Length, ref nextRowIndex, left.Selector.StartIndexInclusive, left.Selector.EndIndexExclusive, countFound, vector);
                else // if(cOp == CompareOperator.StartsWith)
                    IndicesToStartsWithRows(leftArray, rightValue.Length, ref nextRowIndex, left.Selector.StartIndexInclusive, left.Selector.EndIndexExclusive, countFound, vector);

                // Find the next index to search for matches from
                if (countFound < _indicesBuffer.Length) break;
                nextIndex = _indicesBuffer[countFound - 1] + 1;
        public static bool TryConvertSingle(object value, Type targetType, out object result)
            // Nulls are always converted to null
            if (value == null)
                result = null;

            // If the type is already right, just return it
            Type sourceType = value.GetType();

            if (sourceType.Equals(targetType))
                result = value;

            // Get the converter for the desired type combination
            Func <XArray, XArray> converter = GetConverter(sourceType, targetType);

            Array array = null;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref array, 1, sourceType);
            array.SetValue(value, 0);

            XArray resultxarray = converter(XArray.Single(array, 1));

            // Verify the result was not null unless the input was "" or 'null'
            if (resultxarray.HasNulls && resultxarray.NullRows[resultxarray.Index(0)])
                result = null;

                string stringValue = value.ToString();
                if (stringValue != "" || String.Compare(stringValue, "null", true) == 0)

            result = resultxarray.Array.GetValue(resultxarray.Index(0));
Beispiel #30
        public XArray Read(ArraySelector selector)
            if (selector.Indices != null)
            if (selector.Count == 0)
                return(XArray.All(_resultArray, 0));

            // Return previous xarray if re-requested
            if (selector.Equals(_currentSelector))

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _resultArray, selector.Count);
            bool includesFirstString = (selector.StartIndexInclusive == 0);

            // Read the string positions and bytes

            // Update the String8 array to point to them
            byte[] textArray        = (byte[])_currentRaw.Bytes.Array;
            int[]  positionArray    = (int[])_currentRaw.Positions.Array;
            int    firstStringStart = (includesFirstString ? 0 : positionArray[_currentRaw.Positions.Index(0)]);
            int    positionOffset   = _currentRaw.Positions.Index((includesFirstString ? 0 : 1));
            int    textOffset       = firstStringStart - _currentRaw.Bytes.Index(0);

            int previousStringEnd = firstStringStart - textOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < selector.Count; ++i)
                int valueEnd = positionArray[i + positionOffset] - textOffset;
                _resultArray[i]   = new String8(textArray, previousStringEnd, valueEnd - previousStringEnd);
                previousStringEnd = valueEnd;

            // Cache the xarray and return it
            _currentArray    = XArray.All(_resultArray, selector.Count);
            _currentSelector = selector;