private unsafe void CreateDepthBuffer()
            var depthInfo = new ImageCreateInfo
                SType         = StructureType.ImageCreateInfo,
                ImageType     = ImageType.ImageType2D,
                Format        = DepthFormat,
                Extent        = new Extent3D(this.SwapchainExtent.Width, this.SwapchainExtent.Height, 1),
                MipLevels     = 1,
                ArrayLayers   = 1,
                Samples       = SampleCountFlags.SampleCount1Bit,
                InitialLayout = ImageLayout.Undefined,
                Usage         = ImageUsageFlags.ImageUsageDepthStencilAttachmentBit,
                SharingMode   = SharingMode.Exclusive

            var depthViewInfo = new ImageViewCreateInfo
                SType            = StructureType.ImageViewCreateInfo,
                Format           = DepthFormat,
                Components       = new ComponentMapping(ComponentSwizzle.R, ComponentSwizzle.G, ComponentSwizzle.B, ComponentSwizzle.A),
                SubresourceRange = new ImageSubresourceRange(aspectMask: ImageAspectFlags.ImageAspectDepthBit, levelCount: 1, layerCount: 1),
                ViewType         = ImageViewType.ImageViewType2D

            var allocInfo = new AllocationCreateInfo(usage: MemoryUsage.GPU_Only);

            var image = this.Allocator.CreateImage(depthInfo, allocInfo, out Allocation alloc);

            depthViewInfo.Image = image;

            ImageView view;
            var       res = VkApi.CreateImageView(this.Device, &depthViewInfo, null, &view);

            if (res != Result.Success)
                throw new Exception("Unable to create depth image view!");

            this.DepthBuffer.Image      = image;
            this.DepthBuffer.View       = view;
            this.DepthBuffer.Allocation = alloc;
        private unsafe void CreateUniformBuffer() //Simpler setup from the Vertex buffer because there is no staging or device copying
            BufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = new BufferCreateInfo
                SType       = StructureType.BufferCreateInfo,
                Size        = this.UniformBufferSize,
                Usage       = BufferUsageFlags.BufferUsageUniformBufferBit,
                SharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive

            // Allow this to be updated every frame
            var allocInfo = new AllocationCreateInfo(
                usage: MemoryUsage.CPU_To_GPU,
                requiredFlags: MemoryPropertyFlags.MemoryPropertyHostVisibleBit);

            // Binds buffer to allocation for you
            var buffer = this.Allocator.CreateBuffer(in bufferInfo, in allocInfo, out var allocation);

            // Camera/MVP Matrix calculation
            Camera.LookAt(new Vector3(2f, 2f, -5f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

            var radFov = MathF.PI / 180f * 45f;
            var aspect = (float)this.SwapchainExtent.Width / this.SwapchainExtent.Height;

            Camera.Perspective(radFov, aspect, 0.5f, 100f);



            Matrix4x4 *ptr = (Matrix4x4 *)allocation.MappedData;

            ptr[0] = Camera.MVPMatrix;   // Camera Matrix
            ptr[1] = Matrix4x4.Identity; // Model Matrix


            this.UniformBuffer     = buffer;
            this.UniformAllocation = allocation;