Beispiel #1
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public virtual IList <Container> GetResources()
     lock (this)
         if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
             Log.Debug("getResources begin:" + " application=" + applicationId + " #ask=" + ask
             foreach (ResourceRequest request in ask)
                 Log.Debug("getResources:" + " application=" + applicationId + " ask-request=" + request
         // Get resources from the ResourceManager
         Allocation allocation = resourceManager.GetResourceScheduler().Allocate(applicationAttemptId
                                                                                 , new AList <ResourceRequest>(ask), new AList <ContainerId>(), null, null);
         System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-=======" + applicationAttemptId);
         System.Console.Out.WriteLine("----------" + resourceManager.GetRMContext().GetRMApps
         IList <Container> containers = allocation.GetContainers();
         // Clear state for next interaction with ResourceManager
         if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
             Log.Debug("getResources() for " + applicationId + ":" + " ask=" + ask.Count + " recieved="
                       + containers.Count);
Beispiel #2
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestBlackListNodes()
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();

            conf.SetClass(YarnConfiguration.RmScheduler, typeof(FifoScheduler), typeof(ResourceScheduler
            MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);

            FifoScheduler fs         = (FifoScheduler)rm.GetResourceScheduler();
            int           rack_num_0 = 0;
            int           rack_num_1 = 1;
            // Add 4 nodes in 2 racks
            // host_0_0 in rack0
            string host_0_0 = "";
            RMNode n1       = MockNodes.NewNodeInfo(rack_num_0, MockNodes.NewResource(4 * Gb), 1, host_0_0

            fs.Handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n1));
            // host_0_1 in rack0
            string host_0_1 = "";
            RMNode n2       = MockNodes.NewNodeInfo(rack_num_0, MockNodes.NewResource(4 * Gb), 1, host_0_1

            fs.Handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n2));
            // host_1_0 in rack1
            string host_1_0 = "";
            RMNode n3       = MockNodes.NewNodeInfo(rack_num_1, MockNodes.NewResource(4 * Gb), 1, host_1_0

            fs.Handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n3));
            // host_1_1 in rack1
            string host_1_1 = "";
            RMNode n4       = MockNodes.NewNodeInfo(rack_num_1, MockNodes.NewResource(4 * Gb), 1, host_1_1

            fs.Handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n4));
            // Add one application
            ApplicationId        appId1        = BuilderUtils.NewApplicationId(100, 1);
            ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId1 = BuilderUtils.NewApplicationAttemptId(appId1,

            CreateMockRMApp(appAttemptId1, rm.GetRMContext());
            SchedulerEvent appEvent = new AppAddedSchedulerEvent(appId1, "queue", "user");

            SchedulerEvent attemptEvent = new AppAttemptAddedSchedulerEvent(appAttemptId1, false

            IList <ContainerId>     emptyId  = new AList <ContainerId>();
            IList <ResourceRequest> emptyAsk = new AList <ResourceRequest>();
            // Allow rack-locality for rack_1, but blacklist host_1_0
            // Set up resource requests
            // Ask for a 1 GB container for app 1
            IList <ResourceRequest> ask1 = new AList <ResourceRequest>();

            ask1.AddItem(BuilderUtils.NewResourceRequest(BuilderUtils.NewPriority(0), "rack1"
                                                         , BuilderUtils.NewResource(Gb, 1), 1));
            ask1.AddItem(BuilderUtils.NewResourceRequest(BuilderUtils.NewPriority(0), ResourceRequest
                                                         .Any, BuilderUtils.NewResource(Gb, 1), 1));
            fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, ask1, emptyId, Sharpen.Collections.SingletonList(host_1_0
                                                                                        ), null);
            // Trigger container assignment
            fs.Handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n3));
            // Get the allocation for the application and verify no allocation on blacklist node
            Allocation allocation1 = fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("allocation1", 0, allocation1.GetContainers().Count
            // verify host_1_1 can get allocated as not in blacklist
            fs.Handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n4));
            Allocation allocation2 = fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("allocation2", 1, allocation2.GetContainers().Count
            IList <Container> containerList = allocation2.GetContainers();

            foreach (Container container in containerList)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Container is allocated on n4", container.GetNodeId
                                                    (), n4.GetNodeID());
            // Ask for a 1 GB container again for app 1
            IList <ResourceRequest> ask2 = new AList <ResourceRequest>();

            // this time, rack0 is also in blacklist, so only host_1_1 is available to
            // be assigned
            ask2.AddItem(BuilderUtils.NewResourceRequest(BuilderUtils.NewPriority(0), ResourceRequest
                                                         .Any, BuilderUtils.NewResource(Gb, 1), 1));
            fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, ask2, emptyId, Sharpen.Collections.SingletonList("rack0"
                                                                                        ), null);
            // verify n1 is not qualified to be allocated
            fs.Handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n1));
            Allocation allocation3 = fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("allocation3", 0, allocation3.GetContainers().Count
            // verify n2 is not qualified to be allocated
            fs.Handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n2));
            Allocation allocation4 = fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("allocation4", 0, allocation4.GetContainers().Count
            // verify n3 is not qualified to be allocated
            fs.Handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n3));
            Allocation allocation5 = fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("allocation5", 0, allocation5.GetContainers().Count
            fs.Handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n4));
            Allocation allocation6 = fs.Allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("allocation6", 1, allocation6.GetContainers().Count
            containerList = allocation6.GetContainers();
            foreach (Container container_1 in containerList)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Container is allocated on n4", container_1.GetNodeId
                                                    (), n4.GetNodeID());
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.YarnException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual AllocateResponse Allocate(AllocateRequest request)
            AMRMTokenIdentifier  amrmTokenIdentifier = AuthorizeRequest();
            ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId        = amrmTokenIdentifier.GetApplicationAttemptId();
            ApplicationId        applicationId       = appAttemptId.GetApplicationId();

            /* check if its in cache */
            ApplicationMasterService.AllocateResponseLock Lock = responseMap[appAttemptId];
            if (Lock == null)
                string message = "Application attempt " + appAttemptId + " doesn't exist in ApplicationMasterService cache.";
                throw new ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException(message);
            lock (Lock)
                AllocateResponse lastResponse = Lock.GetAllocateResponse();
                if (!HasApplicationMasterRegistered(appAttemptId))
                    string message = "AM is not registered for known application attempt: " + appAttemptId
                                     + " or RM had restarted after AM registered . AM should re-register.";
                                                                            ()].GetUser(), RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.AmAllocate, string.Empty, "ApplicationMasterService"
                                             , message, applicationId, appAttemptId);
                    throw new ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException(message);
                if ((request.GetResponseId() + 1) == lastResponse.GetResponseId())
                    /* old heartbeat */
                    if (request.GetResponseId() + 1 < lastResponse.GetResponseId())
                        string message = "Invalid responseId in AllocateRequest from application attempt: "
                                         + appAttemptId + ", expect responseId to be " + (lastResponse.GetResponseId() +
                        throw new InvalidApplicationMasterRequestException(message);
                //filter illegal progress values
                float filteredProgress = request.GetProgress();
                if (float.IsNaN(filteredProgress) || filteredProgress == float.NegativeInfinity ||
                    filteredProgress < 0)
                    if (filteredProgress > 1 || filteredProgress == float.PositiveInfinity)
                // Send the status update to the appAttempt.
                this.rmContext.GetDispatcher().GetEventHandler().Handle(new RMAppAttemptStatusupdateEvent
                                                                            (appAttemptId, request.GetProgress()));
                IList <ResourceRequest>  ask                = request.GetAskList();
                IList <ContainerId>      release            = request.GetReleaseList();
                ResourceBlacklistRequest blacklistRequest   = request.GetResourceBlacklistRequest();
                IList <string>           blacklistAdditions = (blacklistRequest != null) ? blacklistRequest.
                                                              GetBlacklistAdditions() : Sharpen.Collections.EmptyList;
                IList <string> blacklistRemovals = (blacklistRequest != null) ? blacklistRequest.GetBlacklistRemovals
                                                       () : Sharpen.Collections.EmptyList;
                RMApp app = this.rmContext.GetRMApps()[applicationId];
                // set label expression for Resource Requests if resourceName=ANY
                ApplicationSubmissionContext asc = app.GetApplicationSubmissionContext();
                foreach (ResourceRequest req in ask)
                    if (null == req.GetNodeLabelExpression() && ResourceRequest.Any.Equals(req.GetResourceName
                // sanity check
                    RMServerUtils.NormalizeAndValidateRequests(ask, rScheduler.GetMaximumResourceCapability
                                                                   (), app.GetQueue(), rScheduler, rmContext);
                catch (InvalidResourceRequestException e)
                    Log.Warn("Invalid resource ask by application " + appAttemptId, e);
                catch (InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException e)
                    Log.Warn("Invalid blacklist request by application " + appAttemptId, e);
                // In the case of work-preserving AM restart, it's possible for the
                // AM to release containers from the earlier attempt.
                if (!app.GetApplicationSubmissionContext().GetKeepContainersAcrossApplicationAttempts
                        RMServerUtils.ValidateContainerReleaseRequest(release, appAttemptId);
                    catch (InvalidContainerReleaseException e)
                        Log.Warn("Invalid container release by application " + appAttemptId, e);
                // Send new requests to appAttempt.
                Allocation allocation = this.rScheduler.Allocate(appAttemptId, ask, release, blacklistAdditions
                                                                 , blacklistRemovals);
                if (!blacklistAdditions.IsEmpty() || !blacklistRemovals.IsEmpty())
                    Log.Info("blacklist are updated in Scheduler." + "blacklistAdditions: " + blacklistAdditions
                             + ", " + "blacklistRemovals: " + blacklistRemovals);
                RMAppAttempt     appAttempt       = app.GetRMAppAttempt(appAttemptId);
                AllocateResponse allocateResponse = recordFactory.NewRecordInstance <AllocateResponse
                if (!allocation.GetContainers().IsEmpty())
                // update the response with the deltas of node status changes
                IList <RMNode> updatedNodes = new AList <RMNode>();
                if (app.PullRMNodeUpdates(updatedNodes) > 0)
                    IList <NodeReport> updatedNodeReports = new AList <NodeReport>();
                    foreach (RMNode rmNode in updatedNodes)
                        SchedulerNodeReport schedulerNodeReport = rScheduler.GetNodeReport(rmNode.GetNodeID
                        Resource used          = BuilderUtils.NewResource(0, 0);
                        int      numContainers = 0;
                        if (schedulerNodeReport != null)
                            used          = schedulerNodeReport.GetUsedResource();
                            numContainers = schedulerNodeReport.GetNumContainers();
                        NodeId     nodeId = rmNode.GetNodeID();
                        NodeReport report = BuilderUtils.NewNodeReport(nodeId, rmNode.GetState(), rmNode.
                                                                       GetHttpAddress(), rmNode.GetRackName(), used, rmNode.GetTotalCapability(), numContainers
                                                                       , rmNode.GetHealthReport(), rmNode.GetLastHealthReportTime(), rmNode.GetNodeLabels
                allocateResponse.SetResponseId(lastResponse.GetResponseId() + 1);
                // add preemption to the allocateResponse message (if any)
                // update AMRMToken if the token is rolled-up
                MasterKeyData nextMasterKey = this.rmContext.GetAMRMTokenSecretManager().GetNextMasterKeyData
                if (nextMasterKey != null && nextMasterKey.GetMasterKey().GetKeyId() != amrmTokenIdentifier
                    RMAppAttemptImpl appAttemptImpl = (RMAppAttemptImpl)appAttempt;
                    Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.Token <AMRMTokenIdentifier> amrmToken = appAttempt
                    if (nextMasterKey.GetMasterKey().GetKeyId() != appAttemptImpl.GetAMRMTokenKeyId())
                        Log.Info("The AMRMToken has been rolled-over. Send new AMRMToken back" + " to application: "
                                 + applicationId);
                        amrmToken = rmContext.GetAMRMTokenSecretManager().CreateAndGetAMRMToken(appAttemptId
                                                      (amrmToken.GetIdentifier(), amrmToken.GetKind().ToString(), amrmToken.GetPassword
                                                          (), amrmToken.GetService().ToString()));

                 * As we are updating the response inside the lock object so we don't
                 * need to worry about unregister call occurring in between (which
                 * removes the lock object).