Beispiel #1
        public void VlanIdCheck(string Pid, string WorkOrderName, AllEgsOutputModel AllEgsOutputModel)
            // Get TOR information from OA DB
            List <FopeVlanInfo> VlanList = GetVlanInfoFromCache(Pid);

            if (!VlanList.Any())

            KustoAccess   kusto            = new KustoAccess();
            StringBuilder errorDescription = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (FopeVlanInfo vlan in VlanList)
                    var KustoVlanId = kusto.GetVlanInfoByTorName(vlan.TorName);
                    if (KustoVlanId.Equals("unknown", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        errorDescription.AppendLine(String.Format("FOPE Discrete VlanId check failed: TorName {0} not found in Kusto", vlan.TorName));

                    // Compare Kusto Vlan ID with SDL Vlan ID
                    if (KustoVlanId.IndexOf(vlan.SDLVlanId) < 0)
                        errorDescription.AppendLine(String.Format("FOPE Discrete Vlan ID mismatch, expected value: {0}, actual value: {1}, TOR Name: {2}", vlan.SDLVlanId, "VlanId Not found in Kusto", vlan.TorName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                SendEmail.SendExoSkuMsAssetReportEmail(Constants.serviceAccountAlias, Constants.automationTeam, "Fope Vlan Id check failed with exception", "Fope vlan Id check exception: " + ex);

            if (errorDescription.Length != 0)
                AllEgsOutputModel.AllEgsOutput.Add(Common.CreateResultObject(Pid, null, WorkOrderName, "423 - Vlan association missing in MSAsset",
                                                                             null, null, "Empty", "Not Empty", "Failed", errorDescription.ToString(), null, null));
Beispiel #2
 public void FopeDiscreteCheck(string Pid, string PropertyGroup, string WorkOrderName, AllEgsOutputModel AllEgsOutputModel)
     // Verify if VlanID is correct using Kusto data
     VlanIdCheck(Pid, WorkOrderName, AllEgsOutputModel);
Beispiel #3
        // Ping test
        public void PingTest(string ProjectId, string MdmId, string WorkOrderName, List <PhysicalAssetListValue> MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel AllEgsOutputModel)
            List <string> IpList = new List <string>();
            List <string> ILOMissingServerList = new List <string>();
            var           ServerList           = MsAssetPhysicalAssetList.Where(asset => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.ItemType) && asset.ItemType.Trim().Equals("Server", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();

            // loop through all servers to get associated IP
            if (ServerList != null && ServerList.Any())
                int total   = ServerList.Count;
                int take    = 100;
                int skip    = 0;
                var handler = new HttpClientHandler {
                    UseDefaultCredentials = true
                var client = new HttpClient(handler);

                while (skip < total)
                    var           currentAssetList = ServerList.Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
                    int           a                   = 0;
                    StringBuilder FilterContent       = new StringBuilder();
                    var           assetAssociationUrl = Constants.MsAssetBaseUri + "ConfigItemAssociation()?$filter=(";
                    List <string> tempAssetNameList   = new List <string>();

                    for (; a < currentAssetList.Count - 1; a++)
                        string content = String.Format("SourceConfigItemId eq {0}", currentAssetList[a].Id);
                        FilterContent.Append(" or ");
                    FilterContent.Append(String.Format("SourceConfigItemId eq {0}", currentAssetList[a].Id));
                    FilterContent.Append(")" + "&$format=json");
                    assetAssociationUrl += FilterContent.ToString();

                    var reponse = client.GetStringAsync(assetAssociationUrl).Result;
                    var odata   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AssociationOdata>(reponse);

                    // Get IPs
                    if (odata != null && odata.AssociationValues != null && odata.AssociationValues.Any())
                        for (int i = 0; i < odata.AssociationValues.Count; i++)
                            if (odata.AssociationValues[i].TargetType.Equals("InternetAddress") && odata.AssociationValues[i].TargetConfigItemName != null)

                    skip = skip + take;
            // cut the ticket if any server doesn't have IP associations
            StringBuilder errorDescription = new StringBuilder("HardwareAssetUpload - ILO information missing");

            errorDescription.AppendLine("Following servers are missing ILO IP information in the AssociationValues tab - ");
            errorDescription.AppendLine("Please update the Internet Address for each server with actual ILO IP any concerns please reach out to [email protected]");
            foreach (string server in ILOMissingServerList)

            if (ILOMissingServerList.Any())
                AllEgsOutputModel.AllEgsOutput.Add(Common.CreateResultObject(ProjectId, null, WorkOrderName, "424 - IP association missing in MSAsset",
                                                                             null, null, "Empty", "Not Empty", Fail, errorDescription.ToString(), null, null));

            // Generate csv file for these IPs
            if (!IpList.Any())

            GenerateCSV(IpList, ProjectId);
Beispiel #4
        // validate if vlan all match, deprecated due to new API change
        public void VlanCheck(string ProjectId, string MdmId, string WorkOrderName, List <PhysicalAssetListValue> MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel AllEgsOutputModel)
            //var ServerList = MsAssetPhysicalAssetList.Where(asset => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.ItemType) && asset.ItemType.Trim().Equals("Server", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
            //var DcCode = AllEgsOutputModel.DataCenterCode;
            //List<string> VlanNameList = new List<string>();

            //MsAssetDataHandler msd = new MsAssetDataHandler();

            //foreach (var server in ServerList)
            //    var ServerAssociations = msd.GetAssociationByAssetId(server.Id.ToString());

            //    if (ServerAssociations != null && ServerAssociations.AssociationValues != null && ServerAssociations.AssociationValues.Any())
            //    {
            //        foreach (var ServerAssociation in ServerAssociations.AssociationValues)
            //        {
            //            if (ServerAssociation.TargetType != null && ServerAssociation.TargetType.Equals("InternetAddress"))
            //            {

            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                AllEgsOutputModel.AllEgsOutput.Add(Common.CreateResultObject(ProjectId, null, WorkOrderName, "424 - IP association missing in MSAsset", "", "IP association",
            //                        null, null, Fail, "IP Association missing", null, null));
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        AllEgsOutputModel.AllEgsOutput.Add(Common.CreateResultObject(ProjectId, null, WorkOrderName, "424 - IP association missing in MSAsset", "", "IP association",
            //            null, null, Fail, "IP or Vlan Association missing", null, null));
            //    }
Beispiel #5
        // validate if server names match
        public void ServerNameCheck(string ProjectId, string MdmId, string WorkOrderName, List <PhysicalAssetListValue> MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel AllEgsOutputModel)
            var ServerList = MsAssetPhysicalAssetList.Where(asset => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.ItemType) && asset.ItemType.Trim().Equals("Server", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
            var DcCode     = AllEgsOutputModel.DataCenterCode;

            foreach (var server in ServerList)
                if ((server.Name.IndexOf(DcCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0) ||
                    (!ServerNameRulesCheck(ServerNameCheckList, server.Name)))
                    AllEgsOutputModel.AllEgsOutput.Add(Common.CreateResultObject(ProjectId, MdmId, WorkOrderName, "404 - Naming convention incorrect", server.Name, server.ItemType,
                                                                                 server.Name, "", Fail, "Naming convention incorrect", null, null));
Beispiel #6
 public void CpsValidation(string ProjectId, string MdmId, string WorkOrderName, List <PhysicalAssetListValue> MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel AllEgsOutputModel)
     ServerNameCheck(ProjectId, MdmId, WorkOrderName, MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel);
     VlanCheck(ProjectId, MdmId, WorkOrderName, MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel);
     PingTest(ProjectId, MdmId, WorkOrderName, MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel);
     PropertyCheck(ProjectId, MdmId, WorkOrderName, MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel);
Beispiel #7
        // Property Group and Property Dimension check
        public void PropertyCheck(string ProjectId, string MdmId, string WorkOrderName, List <PhysicalAssetListValue> MsAssetPhysicalAssetList, AllEgsOutputModel AllEgsOutputModel)
            var ServerList = MsAssetPhysicalAssetList.Where(asset => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.ItemType) && asset.ItemType.Trim().Equals("Server", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();

            foreach (var asset in ServerList)
                if (!ServerNameRulesCheck(ServerNameCheckList, asset.Name))
                    AllEgsOutputModel.AllEgsOutput.Add(Common.CreateResultObject(ProjectId, MdmId, WorkOrderName, "421 - Property dimension incorrect for Server", asset.Name, asset.ItemType,
                                                                                 asset.PropertyDimension, "IS/CDDS/DPS", Fail, "MsAsset Property Dimension not correct", null, null));

                if (asset.PropertyGroup.IndexOf("Core Platform Services", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0)
                    AllEgsOutputModel.AllEgsOutput.Add(Common.CreateResultObject(ProjectId, MdmId, WorkOrderName, "404 - Naming convention incorrect", asset.Name, asset.ItemType,
                                                                                 asset.PropertyGroup, "Core Platform Services", Fail, "MsAsst Property Group not correct", null, null));