Beispiel #1
        public AlignedResult CreateAlignedSecondImageKeypoints(SKBitmap firstImage, SKBitmap secondImage,
                                                               bool discardTransX, AlignmentSettings settings, bool keystoneRightOnFirst)
#if __NO_EMGU__
            var result = new AlignedResult();

            var detector = new ORBDetector();
            const ImreadModes READ_MODE = ImreadModes.Color;

            var mat1                = new Mat();
            var descriptors1        = new Mat();
            var allKeyPointsVector1 = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(firstImage, 1), READ_MODE, mat1);
            detector.DetectAndCompute(mat1, null, allKeyPointsVector1, descriptors1, false);

            var mat2                = new Mat();
            var descriptors2        = new Mat();
            var allKeyPointsVector2 = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(secondImage, 1), READ_MODE, mat2);
            detector.DetectAndCompute(mat2, null, allKeyPointsVector2, descriptors2, false);

            const double THRESHOLD_PROPORTION = 1 / 4d;
            var          thresholdDistance    = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(firstImage.Width, 2) + Math.Pow(firstImage.Height, 2)) * THRESHOLD_PROPORTION;

            var distanceThresholdMask = new Mat(allKeyPointsVector2.Size, allKeyPointsVector1.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
            if (!settings.UseCrossCheck)
                    var maskPtr = (byte *)distanceThresholdMask.DataPointer.ToPointer();
                    for (var i = 0; i < allKeyPointsVector2.Size; i++)
                        var keyPoint2 = allKeyPointsVector2[i];
                        for (var j = 0; j < allKeyPointsVector1.Size; j++)
                            var keyPoint1        = allKeyPointsVector1[j];
                            var physicalDistance = CalculatePhysicalDistanceBetweenPoints(keyPoint2.Point, keyPoint1.Point);
                            if (physicalDistance < thresholdDistance)
                                *maskPtr = 255;
                                *maskPtr = 0;


            var vectorOfMatches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();
            var matcher         = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.Hamming, settings.UseCrossCheck);
            matcher.KnnMatch(descriptors2, vectorOfMatches, settings.UseCrossCheck ? 1 : 2, settings.UseCrossCheck ? new VectorOfMat() : new VectorOfMat(distanceThresholdMask));

            var goodMatches = new List <MDMatch>();
            for (var i = 0; i < vectorOfMatches.Size; i++)
                if (vectorOfMatches[i].Size == 0)

                if (vectorOfMatches[i].Size == 1 ||
                    (vectorOfMatches[i][0].Distance < 0.75 * vectorOfMatches[i][1].Distance)) //make sure matches are unique

            if (goodMatches.Count < settings.MinimumKeypoints)

            var pairedPoints = new List <PointForCleaning>();
            for (var ii = 0; ii < goodMatches.Count; ii++)
                var keyPoint1 = allKeyPointsVector1[goodMatches[ii].TrainIdx];
                var keyPoint2 = allKeyPointsVector2[goodMatches[ii].QueryIdx];
                pairedPoints.Add(new PointForCleaning
                    KeyPoint1 = keyPoint1,
                    KeyPoint2 = keyPoint2,
                    Data      = new KeyPointOutlierDetectorData
                        Distance = (float)CalculatePhysicalDistanceBetweenPoints(keyPoint1.Point, keyPoint2.Point),
                        Slope    = (keyPoint2.Point.Y - keyPoint1.Point.Y) / (keyPoint2.Point.X - keyPoint1.Point.X)
                    Match = new MDMatch
                        Distance = goodMatches[ii].Distance,
                        ImgIdx   = goodMatches[ii].ImgIdx,
                        QueryIdx = ii,
                        TrainIdx = ii

            if (settings.DrawKeypointMatches)
                result.DirtyMatchesCount = pairedPoints.Count;
                result.DrawnDirtyMatches = DrawMatches(firstImage, secondImage, pairedPoints);

            if (settings.DiscardOutliersByDistance || settings.DiscardOutliersBySlope)
                //Debug.WriteLine("DIRTY POINTS START (ham,dist,slope,ydiff), count: " + pairedPoints.Count);
                //foreach (var pointForCleaning in pairedPoints)
                //    Debug.WriteLine(pointForCleaning.Match.Distance  + "," + pointForCleaning.Data.Distance + "," + pointForCleaning.Data.Slope + "," + Math.Abs(pointForCleaning.KeyPoint1.Point.Y - pointForCleaning.KeyPoint2.Point.Y));

                //Debug.WriteLine("DIRTY PAIRS:");

                if (settings.DiscardOutliersByDistance)
                    // reject distances and slopes more than some number of standard deviations from the median
                    var medianDistance = pairedPoints.OrderBy(p => p.Data.Distance).ElementAt(pairedPoints.Count / 2).Data.Distance;
                    var distanceStdDev = CalcStandardDeviation(pairedPoints.Select(p => p.Data.Distance).ToArray());
                    pairedPoints = pairedPoints.Where(p => Math.Abs(p.Data.Distance - medianDistance) < Math.Abs(distanceStdDev * (settings.KeypointOutlierThresholdTenths / 10d))).ToList();
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Median Distance: " + medianDistance);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Distance Cleaned Points count: " + pairedPoints.Count);

                if (settings.DiscardOutliersBySlope)
                    var validSlopes = pairedPoints.Where(p => !float.IsNaN(p.Data.Slope) && float.IsFinite(p.Data.Slope)).ToArray();
                    var medianSlope = validSlopes.OrderBy(p => p.Data.Slope).ElementAt(validSlopes.Length / 2).Data.Slope;
                    var slopeStdDev = CalcStandardDeviation(validSlopes.Select(p => p.Data.Slope).ToArray());
                    pairedPoints = validSlopes.Where(p => Math.Abs(p.Data.Slope - medianSlope) < Math.Abs(slopeStdDev * (settings.KeypointOutlierThresholdTenths / 10d))).ToList();
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Median Slope: " + medianSlope);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Slope Cleaned Points count: " + pairedPoints.Count);

                //Debug.WriteLine("CLEAN POINTS START (ham,dist,slope,ydiff), count: " + pairedPoints.Count);
                //foreach (var pointForCleaning in pairedPoints)
                //    Debug.WriteLine(pointForCleaning.Match.Distance + "," + pointForCleaning.Data.Distance + "," + pointForCleaning.Data.Slope + "," + Math.Abs(pointForCleaning.KeyPoint1.Point.Y - pointForCleaning.KeyPoint2.Point.Y));

                //Debug.WriteLine("CLEANED PAIRS:");

                for (var ii = 0; ii < pairedPoints.Count; ii++)
                    var oldMatch = pairedPoints[ii].Match;
                    pairedPoints[ii].Match = new MDMatch
                        Distance = oldMatch.Distance,
                        ImgIdx   = oldMatch.ImgIdx,
                        QueryIdx = ii,
                        TrainIdx = ii

                if (settings.DrawKeypointMatches)
                    result.CleanMatchesCount = pairedPoints.Count;
                    result.DrawnCleanMatches = DrawMatches(firstImage, secondImage, pairedPoints);

            var points1 = pairedPoints.Select(p => new SKPoint(p.KeyPoint1.Point.X, p.KeyPoint1.Point.Y)).ToArray();
            var points2 = pairedPoints.Select(p => new SKPoint(p.KeyPoint2.Point.X, p.KeyPoint2.Point.Y)).ToArray();

            var translation1 = FindVerticalTranslation(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var translated1  = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(0, translation1);
            points2 = translated1.MapPoints(points2);

            var rotation1 = FindRotation(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var rotated1  = SKMatrix.MakeRotation(rotation1, secondImage.Width / 2f, secondImage.Height / 2f);
            points2 = rotated1.MapPoints(points2);

            var zoom1   = FindZoom(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var zoomed1 = SKMatrix.MakeScale(zoom1, zoom1, secondImage.Width / 2f, secondImage.Height / 2f);
            points2 = zoomed1.MapPoints(points2);

            var translation2 = FindVerticalTranslation(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var translated2  = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(0, translation2);
            points2 = translated2.MapPoints(points2);

            var rotation2 = FindRotation(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var rotated2  = SKMatrix.MakeRotation(rotation2, secondImage.Width / 2f, secondImage.Height / 2f);
            points2 = rotated2.MapPoints(points2);

            var zoom2   = FindZoom(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var zoomed2 = SKMatrix.MakeScale(zoom2, zoom2, secondImage.Width / 2f, secondImage.Height / 2f);
            points2 = zoomed2.MapPoints(points2);

            var translation3 = FindVerticalTranslation(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var translated3  = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(0, translation3);
            points2 = translated3.MapPoints(points2);

            var rotation3 = FindRotation(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var rotated3  = SKMatrix.MakeRotation(rotation3, secondImage.Width / 2f, secondImage.Height / 2f);
            points2 = rotated3.MapPoints(points2);

            var zoom3   = FindZoom(points1, points2, secondImage);
            var zoomed3 = SKMatrix.MakeScale(zoom3, zoom3, secondImage.Width / 2f, secondImage.Height / 2f);
            points2 = zoomed3.MapPoints(points2);

            var keystoned1 = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
            var keystoned2 = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
            if (settings.DoKeystoneCorrection)
                keystoned1 = FindTaper(points2, points1, secondImage, keystoneRightOnFirst);
                points1    = keystoned1.MapPoints(points1);
                keystoned2 = FindTaper(points1, points2, secondImage, !keystoneRightOnFirst);
                points2    = keystoned2.MapPoints(points2);

            var horizontaled = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
            if (!discardTransX)
                var horizontalAdj = FindHorizontalTranslation(points1, points2, secondImage);
                horizontaled = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(horizontalAdj, 0);
                points2      = horizontaled.MapPoints(points2);

            var tempMatrix1 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix1, translated1, rotated1);
            var tempMatrix2 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix2, tempMatrix1, zoomed1);

            var tempMatrix3 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix3, tempMatrix2, translated2);
            var tempMatrix4 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix4, tempMatrix3, rotated2);
            var tempMatrix5 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix5, tempMatrix4, zoomed2);

            var tempMatrix6 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix6, tempMatrix5, translated3);
            var tempMatrix7 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix7, tempMatrix6, rotated3);
            var tempMatrix8 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix8, tempMatrix7, zoomed3);

            var tempMatrix9 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix9, tempMatrix8, keystoned2);

            var tempMatrix10 = new SKMatrix();
            SKMatrix.Concat(ref tempMatrix10, tempMatrix9, horizontaled);

            var finalMatrix = tempMatrix10;
            result.TransformMatrix2 = finalMatrix;
            var alignedImage2 = new SKBitmap(secondImage.Width, secondImage.Height);
            using (var canvas = new SKCanvas(alignedImage2))
                canvas.DrawBitmap(secondImage, 0, 0);
            result.AlignedBitmap2 = alignedImage2;

            result.TransformMatrix1 = keystoned1;
            var alignedImage1 = new SKBitmap(firstImage.Width, firstImage.Height);
            using (var canvas = new SKCanvas(alignedImage1))
                canvas.DrawBitmap(firstImage, 0, 0);
            result.AlignedBitmap1 = alignedImage1;

Beispiel #2
        public AlignedResult CreateAlignedSecondImageEcc(SKBitmap firstImage, SKBitmap secondImage, bool discardTransX, AlignmentSettings settings)
#if __NO_EMGU__
            var topDownsizeFactor = settings.EccDownsizePercentage / 100f;

            var eccs = new List <double>();
            using var mat1       = new Mat();
            using var mat2       = new Mat();
            using var warpMatrix = Mat.Eye(2, 3, DepthType.Cv32F, 1);
            var termCriteria = new MCvTermCriteria(settings.EccIterations, Math.Pow(10, -settings.EccEpsilonLevel));
            for (var ii = settings.EccPyramidLayers - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
                var downsize = topDownsizeFactor / Math.Pow(2, ii);
                CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(firstImage, downsize), ImreadModes.Grayscale, mat1);
                CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(secondImage, downsize), ImreadModes.Grayscale, mat2);

                    var ecc = CvInvoke.FindTransformECC(mat2, mat1, warpMatrix, MotionType.Euclidean, termCriteria);
                catch (CvException e)
                    if (e.Status == (int)ErrorCodes.StsNoConv)

                if (warpMatrix.IsEmpty)

                    var ptr = (float *)warpMatrix.DataPointer.ToPointer(); //ScaleX
                    ptr++;                                                 //SkewX
                    ptr++;                                                 //TransX
                    *ptr *= 2;                                             //scale up the shifting
                    ptr++;                                                 //SkewY
                    ptr++;                                                 //ScaleY
                    ptr++;                                                 //TransY
                    *ptr *= 2;                                             //scale up the shifting

            var lastUpscaleFactor = 1 / (2 * topDownsizeFactor);
            ScaleUpCvMatOfFloats(warpMatrix, lastUpscaleFactor);

            if (eccs.Last() * 100 < settings.EccThresholdPercentage)

            var skMatrix = ConvertCvMatOfFloatsToSkMatrix(warpMatrix, discardTransX);

            var result = new AlignedResult
                TransformMatrix2 = skMatrix

            using var alignedMat             = new Mat();
            using var fullSizeColorSecondMat = new Mat();
            CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(secondImage, 1), ImreadModes.Color, fullSizeColorSecondMat);
            CvInvoke.WarpAffine(fullSizeColorSecondMat, alignedMat, warpMatrix,

#if __IOS__
            result.AlignedBitmap2 = alignedMat.ToCGImage().ToSKBitmap();
#elif __ANDROID__
            result.AlignedBitmap2 = alignedMat.ToBitmap().ToSKBitmap();
Beispiel #3
        public AlignedResult CreateAlignedSecondImage(SKBitmap firstImage, SKBitmap secondImage, int downsizePercentage, int iterations,
                                                      int epsilonLevel, int eccCutoff, bool discardTransX)
            var downsizeFactor = downsizePercentage / 100f;

            using (var downsizedFirstGrayMat = new Mat())
                using (var downsizedSecondGrayMat = new Mat())
                    CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(firstImage, downsizeFactor), ImreadModes.Grayscale,
                    CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(secondImage, downsizeFactor), ImreadModes.Grayscale,

                    using (var transformMatrix = Mat.Eye(2, 3, DepthType.Cv32F, 1))
                        var    criteria = new MCvTermCriteria(iterations, Math.Pow(10, -epsilonLevel));
                        double ecc;
                            ecc = CvInvoke.FindTransformECC(downsizedSecondGrayMat, downsizedFirstGrayMat, transformMatrix,
                                                            MotionType.Euclidean, criteria);
                        catch (CvException e)
                            if (e.Status == (int)ErrorCodes.StsNoConv)

                        if (transformMatrix.IsEmpty ||
                            ecc * 100 < eccCutoff)

                        var skMatrix = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
                            //|ScaleX SkewX  TransX|
                            //|SkewY  ScaleY TransY|
                            //|Persp0 Persp1 Persp2| (row omitted for affine)

                            var ptr = (float *)transformMatrix.DataPointer.ToPointer(); //ScaleX
                            skMatrix.ScaleX = *ptr;
                            ptr++;                                                      //SkewX
                            skMatrix.SkewX = *ptr;
                            ptr++;                                                      //TransX
                            if (!discardTransX)
                                *ptr /= downsizeFactor; //scale up the shifting
                                *ptr = 0; //discard for side-by-side
                            skMatrix.TransX = *ptr;
                            ptr++;                  //SkewY
                            skMatrix.SkewY = *ptr;
                            ptr++;                  //ScaleY
                            skMatrix.ScaleY = *ptr;
                            ptr++;                  //TransY
                            *ptr /= downsizeFactor; //scale up the shifting
                            skMatrix.TransY = *ptr;

                        var result = new AlignedResult
                            TransformMatrix = skMatrix

                        using (var alignedMat = new Mat())
                            using (var fullSizeColorSecondMat = new Mat())
                                CvInvoke.Imdecode(GetBytes(secondImage, 1), ImreadModes.Color, fullSizeColorSecondMat);
                                CvInvoke.WarpAffine(fullSizeColorSecondMat, alignedMat, transformMatrix,

#if __IOS__
                                result.AlignedBitmap = alignedMat.ToCGImage().ToSKBitmap();
#elif __ANDROID__
                                result.AlignedBitmap = alignedMat.ToBitmap().ToSKBitmap();