Beispiel #1
 private static void QueryAllNFT()
     Algorand.V2.Model.Account actInfo = null;
         // We can now list the account information for acct3
         // and see that it can accept the new asseet
         actInfo = algodApiInstance.AccountInformation(act.Address.ToString());
         foreach (var ast in actInfo.Assets)
             if (ast.Creator == reliableAddress)
                 var astInfo = algodApiInstance.GetAssetByID(ast.AssetId);
                 if (astInfo.Params.Total == 1 && astInfo.Params.Decimals == 0 &&
                     astInfo.Params.UnitName == "NFT")
                         string.Format("Token Name: {0}, Token Id: {1}", astInfo.Params.Name, astInfo.Index)
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #2
        // Utility function for sending a raw signed transaction to the network
        public static void Main(params string[] args) //throws Exception
            string algodApiAddrTmp = args[0];

            if (algodApiAddrTmp.IndexOf("//") == -1)
                algodApiAddrTmp = "http://" + algodApiAddrTmp;

            string ALGOD_API_ADDR  = algodApiAddrTmp;
            string ALGOD_API_TOKEN = args[1];

            AlgodApi algodApiInstance = new AlgodApi(ALGOD_API_ADDR, ALGOD_API_TOKEN);

            // Shown for demonstration purposes. NEVER reveal secret mnemonics in practice.
            // These three accounts are for testing purposes
            string account1_mnemonic = "portion never forward pill lunch organ biology"
                                       + " weird catch curve isolate plug innocent skin grunt"
                                       + " bounce clown mercy hole eagle soul chunk type absorb trim";
            string account2_mnemonic = "place blouse sad pigeon wing warrior wild script"
                                       + " problem team blouse camp soldier breeze twist mother"
                                       + " vanish public glass code arrow execute convince ability"
                                       + " there";
            string account3_mnemonic = "image travel claw climb bottom spot path roast "
                                       + "century also task cherry address curious save item "
                                       + "clean theme amateur loyal apart hybrid steak about blanket";

            Account acct1 = new Account(account1_mnemonic);
            Account acct2 = new Account(account2_mnemonic);
            Account acct3 = new Account(account3_mnemonic);
            // get last round and suggested tx fee
            // We use these to get the latest round and tx fees
            // These parameters will be required before every
            // Transaction
            // We will account for changing transaction parameters
            // before every transaction in this example
            var transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();

            // The following parameters are asset specific
            // and will be re-used throughout the example.

            // Create the Asset
            // Total number of this asset available for circulation
            var ap = new AssetParams(creator: acct1.Address.ToString(), name: "latikum22", unitName: "LAT", total: 10000,
                                     decimals: 0, url: "", metadataHash: Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("16efaa3924a6fd9d3a4880099a4ac65d"))
                Manager = acct2.Address.ToString()

            // Specified address can change reserve, freeze, clawback, and manager
            // you can leave as default, by default the sender will be manager/reserve/freeze/clawback
            // the following code only set the freeze to acct1
            var tx = Utils.GetCreateAssetTransaction(ap, transParams, "asset tx message");

            // Sign the Transaction by sender
            SignedTransaction signedTx = acct1.SignTransaction(tx);
            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed
            long?assetID = 0;

                var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
                // Now that the transaction is confirmed we can get the assetID
                var ptx = algodApiInstance.PendingTransactionInformation(id.TxId);
                assetID = ptx.AssetIndex;
            catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("AssetID = " + assetID);
            // now the asset already created

            // Change Asset Configuration:
            // Next we will change the asset configuration
            // First we update standard Transaction parameters
            // To account for changes in the state of the blockchain
            transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
            Asset ast = algodApiInstance.GetAssetByID(assetID);

            // Note that configuration changes must be done by
            // The manager account, which is currently acct2
            // Note in this transaction we are re-using the asset
            // creation parameters and only changing the manager
            // and transaction parameters like first and last round
            // now update the manager to acct1
            ast.Params.Manager = acct1.Address.ToString();
            tx = Utils.GetConfigAssetTransaction(acct2.Address, ast, transParams, "config trans");

            // The transaction must be signed by the current manager account
            // We are reusing the signedTx variable from the first transaction in the example
            signedTx = acct2.SignTransaction(tx);
            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed
                var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id.TxId);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
            catch (Exception e)

            // Next we will list the newly created asset
            // Get the asset information for the newly changed asset
            ast = algodApiInstance.GetAssetByID(assetID);
            //The manager should now be the same as the creator

            // Opt in to Receiving the Asset
            // Opting in to transact with the new asset
            // All accounts that want recieve the new asset
            // Have to opt in. To do this they send an asset transfer
            // of the new asset to themseleves with an ammount of 0
            // In this example we are setting up the 3rd recovered account to
            // receive the new asset
            // First we update standard Transaction parameters
            // To account for changes in the state of the blockchain
            transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
            tx          = Utils.GetAssetOptingInTransaction(acct3.Address, assetID, transParams, "opt in transaction");

            // The transaction must be signed by the current manager account
            // We are reusing the signedTx variable from the first transaction in the example
            signedTx = acct3.SignTransaction(tx);
            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed
            Algorand.V2.Model.Account act = null;
                var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id.TxId);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
                // We can now list the account information for acct3
                // and see that it can accept the new asseet
                act = algodApiInstance.AccountInformation(acct3.Address.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)

            // Transfer the Asset:
            // Now that account3 can recieve the new asset
            // we can tranfer assets in from the creator
            // to account3
            // First we update standard Transaction parameters
            // To account for changes in the state of the blockchain
            transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
            // Next we set asset xfer specific parameters
            // We set the assetCloseTo to null so we do not close the asset out
            Address assetCloseTo = new Address();
            ulong   assetAmount  = 10;

            tx = Utils.GetTransferAssetTransaction(acct1.Address, acct3.Address, assetID, assetAmount, transParams, null, "transfer message");
            // The transaction must be signed by the sender account
            // We are reusing the signedTx variable from the first transaction in the example
            signedTx = acct1.SignTransaction(tx);
            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed
                var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id.TxId);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
                // We can now list the account information for acct3
                // and see that it now has 5 of the new asset
                act = algodApiInstance.AccountInformation(acct3.Address.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine(act.Assets.Find(h => h.AssetId == assetID).Amount);
            catch (Exception e)

            // Freeze the Asset:
            // The asset was created and configured to allow freezing an account
            // If the freeze address is blank, it will no longer be possible to do this.
            // In this example we will now freeze account3 from transacting with the
            // The newly created asset.
            // Thre freeze transaction is sent from the freeze acount
            // Which in this example is account2
            // First we update standard Transaction parameters
            // To account for changes in the state of the blockchain
            transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
            // Next we set asset xfer specific parameters
            // The sender should be freeze account acct2
            // Theaccount to freeze should be set to acct3
            tx = Utils.GetFreezeAssetTransaction(acct2.Address, acct3.Address, assetID, true, transParams, "freeze transaction");
            // The transaction must be signed by the freeze account acct2
            // We are reusing the signedTx variable from the first transaction in the example
            signedTx = acct2.SignTransaction(tx);
            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed
                var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id.TxId);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
                // We can now list the account information for acct3
                // and see that it now frozen
                // Note--currently no getter method for frozen state
                act = algodApiInstance.AccountInformation(acct3.Address.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine(act.Assets.Find(h => h.AssetId == assetID));
            catch (Exception e)

            // Revoke the asset:
            // The asset was also created with the ability for it to be revoked by
            // clawbackaddress. If the asset was created or configured by the manager
            // not allow this by setting the clawbackaddress to a blank address
            // then this would not be possible.
            // We will now clawback the 10 assets in account3. Account2
            // is the clawbackaccount and must sign the transaction
            // The sender will be be the clawback adress.
            // the recipient will also be be the creator acct1 in this case
            // First we update standard Transaction parameters
            // To account for changes in the state of the blockchain
            transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
            // Next we set asset xfer specific parameters
            assetAmount = 10;
            tx          = Utils.GetRevokeAssetTransaction(acct2.Address, acct3.Address, acct1.Address, assetID, assetAmount, transParams, "revoke transaction");
            // The transaction must be signed by the clawback account
            // We are reusing the signedTx variable from the first transaction in the example
            signedTx = acct2.SignTransaction(tx);
            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed
                var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
                // We can now list the account information for acct3
                // and see that it now has 0 of the new asset
                act = algodApiInstance.AccountInformation(acct3.Address.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine(act.Assets.Find(h => h.AssetId == assetID).Amount);
            catch (Exception e)

            // Destroy the Asset:
            // All of the created assets should now be back in the creators
            // Account so we can delete the asset.
            // If this is not the case the asset deletion will fail
            // The address for the from field must be the creator
            // First we update standard Transaction parameters
            // To account for changes in the state of the blockchain
            transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
            // Next we set asset xfer specific parameters
            // The manager must sign and submit the transaction
            // This is currently set to acct1
            tx = Utils.GetDestroyAssetTransaction(acct1.Address, assetID, transParams, "destroy transaction");
            // The transaction must be signed by the manager account
            // We are reusing the signedTx variable from the first transaction in the example
            signedTx = acct1.SignTransaction(tx);
            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed
                var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id);
                //waitForTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, signedTx.transactionID);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
                // We can now list the account information for acct1
                // and see that the asset is no longer there
                act = algodApiInstance.AccountInformation(acct1.Address.ToString());
                //Console.WriteLine("Does AssetID: " + assetID + " exist? " +
                //    act.Thisassettotal.ContainsKey(assetID));
            catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("You have successefully arrived the end of this test, please press and key to exist.");
Beispiel #3
        private async void CreateAsset_click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            CreateAsset.Opacity = .2;
            HtmlWebViewSource htmlSource = new HtmlWebViewSource();

            var transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();

            // The following parameters are asset specific
            // and will be re-used throughout the example.

            // Create the Asset
            // Total number of this asset available for circulation = 10000

            var ap = new AssetParams(creator: account1.Address.ToString(),
                                     name: "latikum22",
                                     unitName: "LAT", defaultFrozen: false, total: 10000,
                                     decimals: 0, url: "",
                                     metadataHash: Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("16efaa3924a6fd9d3a4880099a4ac65d"))
                Manager = account2.Address.ToString()

            // Specified address can change reserve, freeze, clawback, and manager
            // you can leave as default, by default the sender will be manager/reserve/freeze/clawback

            var tx = Utils.GetCreateAssetTransaction(ap, transParams, "asset tx message");

            // Sign the Transaction by sender
            SignedTransaction signedTx = account1.SignTransaction(tx);

            // send the transaction to the network and
            // wait for the transaction to be confirmed

                PostTransactionsResponse id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + id.TxId);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
                // Now that the transaction is confirmed we can get the assetID
                var ptx = algodApiInstance.PendingTransactionInformation(id.TxId);
                assetID = ptx.AssetIndex;

                var assetIDstr = assetID.ToString();
                await SecureStorage.SetAsync(helper.StorageAssetIDName, assetIDstr);

                await SecureStorage.SetAsync(helper.StorageLastASAButton, "create");

                CreateAsset.Opacity = 1;
                var act = algodApiInstance.GetAssetByID(assetID).ToJson();
                //   var act = algodApiInstance.AssetInformation((long?)assetID).ToJson();

                htmlSource.Html = @"<html><body><h3>" + "AssetID = " + assetID.ToString() + "</h3>" +
                                  "<h3>" + "Asset Info = " + act.ToString() + "</h3>" +

                myWebView.Source = htmlSource;
            catch (Exception err)
                CreateAsset.Opacity = 1;
                htmlSource.Html     = @"<html><body><h3>" + "Error = " + err.Message + "</h3>" +
                myWebView.Source = htmlSource;
            Console.WriteLine("AssetID = " + assetID);
            // now the asset already created