/// <summary> /// The UpdateRead. /// </summary> /// <param name="toUpdateCards">The toUpdateCards<see cref="IFigures"/>.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="IDeck{IDeck{IFigure}}"/>.</returns> public IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > UpdateRead(IFigures toUpdateCards) { IFigures deck = toUpdateCards; IDeck <IFigure> updatedList = new Album <IFigure>(); IDeck <IFigure> toInsertList = new Album <IFigure>(); int i = 0; do { int columnsCount = deck.Rubrics != null ? deck.Rubrics.Count : 0; if (i == 0 && columnsCount == 0) { IFigures tab = DeckFromSchema(dr.GetSchemaTable(), deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics, true); deck = tab; columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; } object[] itemArray = new object[columnsCount]; int[] keyOrder = deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics.Ordinals; while (dr.Read()) { if ((columnsCount - 1) != (int)(dr.FieldCount / 2)) { IFigures tab = DeckFromSchema(dr.GetSchemaTable(), deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics, true); deck = tab; columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; itemArray = new object[columnsCount]; keyOrder = deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics.AsValues().Select(k => k.FieldId).ToArray(); } dr.GetValues(itemArray); IFigure row = deck.NewFigure(); row.ValueArray = itemArray.Select((a, y) => itemArray[y] = (a == DBNull.Value) ? a.GetType().Default() : a).ToArray(); //row.SerialCode = new Ussn(keyOrder.Select(ko => itemArray[ko]).ToArray()); updatedList.Add(row); } foreach (IFigure ir in toUpdateCards) { if (!updatedList.ContainsKey(ir)) { toInsertList.Add(ir); } } } while (dr.NextResult()); IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > iSet = new Album <IDeck <IFigure> >(); iSet.Add("Failed", toInsertList); iSet.Add("Updated", updatedList); return(iSet); }
/// <summary> /// The DeleteRead. /// </summary> /// <param name="toDeleteCards">The toDeleteCards<see cref="IFigures"/>.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="IDeck{IDeck{IFigure}}"/>.</returns> public IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > DeleteRead(IFigures toDeleteCards) { IFigures deck = toDeleteCards; IDeck <IFigure> deletedList = new Album <IFigure>(); IDeck <IFigure> brokenList = new Album <IFigure>(); int i = 0; do { int columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; if (i == 0 && deck.Rubrics.Count == 0) { IFigures tab = DeckFromSchema(dr.GetSchemaTable(), deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics); deck = tab; columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; } object[] itemArray = new object[columnsCount]; int[] keyIndexes = deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics.Ordinals; while (dr.Read()) { if ((columnsCount - 1) != dr.FieldCount) { IFigures tab = DeckFromSchema(dr.GetSchemaTable(), deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics); deck = tab; columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; itemArray = new object[columnsCount]; keyIndexes = deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics.Ordinals; } dr.GetValues(itemArray); IFigure row = deck.NewFigure(); row.ValueArray = itemArray.Select((a, y) => itemArray[y] = (a == DBNull.Value) ? a.GetType().Default() : a).ToArray(); //row.SerialCode = new Ussn(keyIndexes.Select(ko => itemArray[ko]).ToArray()); deletedList.Add(row); } foreach (IFigure ir in toDeleteCards) { if (!deletedList.ContainsKey(ir)) { brokenList.Add(ir); } } } while (dr.NextResult()); IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > iSet = new Album <IDeck <IFigure> >(); iSet.Add("Failed", brokenList); iSet.Add("Deleted", deletedList); return(iSet); }
public Album <Album <IFigure> > InsertRead(IMultemic toInsertCards) { IMultemic deck = toInsertCards; Album <IFigure> insertedList = new Album <IFigure>(); Album <IFigure> brokenList = new Album <IFigure>(); int i = 0; do { int columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; if (i == 0 && deck.Rubrics.Count == 0) { InstantMultemic tab = DeckFromSchema(dr.GetSchemaTable(), deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics); deck = tab.Collection; columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; } object[] itemArray = new object[columnsCount]; int[] keyOrder = deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics.AsValues().Select(k => k.FigureFieldId).ToArray(); while (dr.Read()) { if ((columnsCount - 1) != dr.FieldCount) { InstantMultemic tab = DeckFromSchema(dr.GetSchemaTable(), deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics); deck = tab.Collection; columnsCount = deck.Rubrics.Count; itemArray = new object[columnsCount]; keyOrder = deck.Rubrics.KeyRubrics.AsValues().Select(k => k.FigureFieldId).ToArray(); } dr.GetValues(itemArray); IFigure row = deck.NewFigure(); row.ValueArray = itemArray.Select((a, y) => itemArray[y] = (a == DBNull.Value) ? a.GetType().GetDefault() : a).ToArray(); row.SystemSerialCode = new Ussn(keyOrder.Select(ko => itemArray[ko]).ToArray()); insertedList.Add(row); } foreach (IFigure ir in toInsertCards) { if (!insertedList.ContainsKey(ir)) { brokenList.Add(ir); } } } while (dr.NextResult()); Album <Album <IFigure> > iSet = new Album <Album <IFigure> >(); iSet.Add("Failed", brokenList); iSet.Add("Inserted", insertedList); return(iSet); }
private void UISubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TryGetSelectedId(out ServerIdentity id)) { SelectedID = id; music = TagLib.File.Create(FilesPath[0]); AlbumToSend = new Album(music.Tag.Album); foreach (var p in FilesPath) { music = TagLib.File.Create(p); var tmpFile = TagLib.File.Create(p); var MusicUpload = new Music(tmpFile.Tag.Title, new Author(tmpFile.Tag.Performers[0]), new Album(AlbumToSend.Name), System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(p)) { Format = Path.GetExtension(p), Genre = music.Tag.Genres }; AlbumToSend.Add(MusicUpload); } IsUploadValid = true; Close(); } }
public int album_capnhat(short ID, string TenAlbum, string MoTa) { if (ID == 0) { Album a = new Album(); a.TenAlbum = TenAlbum; a.MoTa = MoTa; a.NgayTao = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int i = a.Add(); if (i > 0) { var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/upload/album/"), i.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } return(i); } return(0); } else { Album a = new Album().FindByID(ID); return(a.Update()); } }
private static void AddDirectory(Device device, Album album, string dir) { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(dir)) { try { Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(file); Photo photo = device.PhotoDatabase.CreatePhoto(); AddThumbnails(device, photo, pixbuf); pixbuf.Dispose(); photo.FullSizeFileName = file; album.Add(photo); } catch (GLib.GException e) { } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } foreach (string child in Directory.GetDirectories(dir)) { AddDirectory(device, album, child); } }
public void Add_ThreePositiveValues_OneAtZeroIndex() // Using three list objects because a fourth generates a new array, erasing current array objects { // Arrange Album <int> album1 = new Album <int>(); int value1 = 1; int value2 = 2; int value3 = 3; int expected = 1; int actual; // Result of test // Act album1.Add(value1); album1.Add(value2); album1.Add(value3); actual = album1[0]; // Retrieves value at initial array position and returns as int // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); // Tests if equal, throws exception if they are not }
public virtual ActionResult Edit(long?id, Album a) { if (id.HasValue) { a.Id = id.Value; Album.Update(a); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } Album.Add(a, WebUser.UserId); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void Add_FourPositiveValues_IncreaseCapacity() { // Arrange Album <int> album1 = new Album <int>(); int value1 = 1; int value2 = 2; int value3 = 3; int value4 = 4; int expected = 8; // Should have 8 array positions in list at end of test int actual; // Result of test // Act album1.Add(value1); album1.Add(value2); album1.Add(value3); album1.Add(value4); actual = album1.capacity; // Retrieves number of available array positions and returns as int // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); // Tests if equal, throws exception if they are not }
public void Add_FourPositiveValues_CountOfFour() { // Arrange Album <int> album1 = new Album <int>(); int value1 = 1; int value2 = 2; int value3 = 3; int value4 = 4; int expected = 4; // Should have 4 items in list at end of test int actual; // Result of test // Act album1.Add(value1); album1.Add(value2); album1.Add(value3); album1.Add(value4); actual = album1.count; // Retrieves number of items in list and returns as int // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); // Tests if equal, throws exception if they are not }
public void Add_AddFiveStrings_ExemptionThrown() { // Arrange Album <string> album1 = new Album <string>(); string value1 = "A"; string value2 = "B"; string value3 = "C"; string value4 = "D"; string value5 = "E"; string thrown; // Result of test // Act album1.Add(value1); album1.Add(value2); album1.Add(value3); album1.Add(value4); album1.Add(value5); var exception = Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => thrown = album1[-1]); // Retrieves value at array position outside of count and throws out of range exception // Assert Assert.AreEqual("Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter '-1 is out of Album Range.')", exception.Message); // Tests if equal, throws exception if they are not }
public void Add_AddFiveStrings_IndexZeroHasStringAAfterArrayConcat() { // Arrange Album <string> album1 = new Album <string>(); string value1 = "A"; string value2 = "B"; string value3 = "C"; string value4 = "D"; string value5 = "E"; string expected = value5; string actual; // Result of test // Act album1.Add(value1); album1.Add(value2); album1.Add(value3); album1.Add(value4); album1.Add(value5); actual = album1[4]; // Retrieves value at fifth array position after concat new empty array and returns as string // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); // Tests if equal, throws exception if they are not }
public static bool AddElement(UploadMusic tmp) { if (!Indexation.IsElementExisting(tmp.MusicPart.Musics.First().Author)) { AddAuthor(tmp); } if (Indexation.IsElementExisting(tmp.MusicPart)) { if (IsElementExisting(tmp.MusicPart.Musics.First())) { return(false); } else { if (AddMusic(tmp)) { return(true); } } } else { string path = AddAlbum(tmp); var music = tmp.MusicPart.Musics.First(); string MusicPath = Path.Combine(path, music.Title + music.Format); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(MusicPath, tmp.MusicPart.Musics.First().FileBinary); MusicsInfo.SaveMusicInfo(tmp.MusicPart.Musics.First()); foreach (var a in ServerMusics) { if (a.MID == music.Author.MID) { music.FileBinary = null; music.ServerPath = MusicPath; music.Author = a; Album tmpAl = new Album(a, tmp.MusicPart.Name, path); music.Album = tmpAl; tmpAl.Add(music); a.Albums.Add(tmpAl); return(true); } } } return(false); }
public ResultsViewModel(string title, ISearchResult result) { Title = title; SearchResults = new List <Album>(); foreach (var album in result.AlbumList) { var albumEntry = new Album(); albumEntry.Header.Title = album.Title; foreach (var track in album.TrackList) { albumEntry.Add(new Track() { Title = track.Title, Artist = track.Artist, TrackNr = track.TrackNr, AlbumCoverSource = album.AlbumCoverSource }); albumEntry.Header.Artists.Add(track.Artist); } SearchResults.Add(albumEntry); } }
public void SelectionEvt(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs ev) { List <object> oldSel = new List <object>(ev.PreviousSelection); List <object> newSel = new List <object>(ev.CurrentSelection); foreach (object item in oldSel) { if (item != null && item is Gallery) { Gallery galItem = (Gallery)item; if (!(newSel.Contains(item))) { galItem.Selected = false; // Tizen.Log.Debug("Unselected: {0}", galItem.ViewLabel); } } else if (item is Album selAlbum) { if (!(newSel.Contains(selAlbum))) { selAlbum.Selected = false; // Tizen.Log.Debug("Unselected Group: {0}", selAlbum.Title); if (selAlbum == insertDeleteGroup) { albumSource.RemoveAt(2); } } } } foreach (object item in newSel) { if (item != null && item is Gallery) { Gallery galItem = (Gallery)item; if (!(oldSel.Contains(item))) { galItem.Selected = true; // Tizen.Log.Debug("Selected: {0}", galItem.ViewLabel); if (galItem == insertMenu) { // Insert new item to index 3. Random rand = new Random(); int idx = rand.Next(1000); albumSource[2].Insert(3, new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item")); } else if (galItem == deleteMenu) { // Remove item in index 3. albumSource[2].RemoveAt(0); } else if (galItem == moveMenu) { // Move last indexed item to index 3. albumSource[2].Move(albumSource[2].Count - 1, 0); } } } else if (item is Album selAlbum) { if (!(oldSel.Contains(selAlbum))) { selAlbum.Selected = true; // Tizen.Log.Debug("Selected Group: {0}", selAlbum.Title); if (selAlbum == insertDeleteGroup) { Random rand = new Random(); int groupIdx = rand.Next(1000); Album insertAlbum = new Album(groupIdx, "Inserted group", new DateTime(1999, 12, 31)); int idx = rand.Next(1000); insertAlbum.Add(new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item 1")); idx = rand.Next(1000); insertAlbum.Add(new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item 2")); idx = rand.Next(1000); insertAlbum.Add(new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item 3")); albumSource.Insert(2, insertAlbum); } else if (selAlbum == moveGroup) { albumSource.Move(albumSource.Count - 1, 2); } } } } if (colView.Header != null && colView.Header is DefaultTitleItem) { DefaultTitleItem title = (DefaultTitleItem)colView.Header; title.Text = "Grid Sample Count[" + albumSource.Count + "] Selected[" + newSel.Count + "]"; } }
public void Activate() { Window window = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow(); albumSource = new AlbumViewModel(); // Add test menu options. moveGroup.Add(moveMenu); albumSource.Insert(0, moveGroup); insertDeleteGroup.Add(insertMenu); insertDeleteGroup.Add(deleteMenu); albumSource.Insert(0, insertDeleteGroup); selMode = ItemSelectionMode.Multiple; DefaultTitleItem myTitle = new DefaultTitleItem(); myTitle.Text = "Grid Sample Count[" + albumSource.Count + "]"; //Set Width Specification as MatchParent to fit the Item width with parent View. myTitle.WidthSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent; colView = new CollectionView() { ItemsSource = albumSource, ItemsLayouter = new GridLayouter(), ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => { DefaultGridItem item = new DefaultGridItem(); item.WidthSpecification = 180; item.HeightSpecification = 240; //Decorate Label item.Label.SetBinding(TextLabel.TextProperty, "ViewLabel"); item.Label.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //Decorate Image item.Image.SetBinding(ImageView.ResourceUrlProperty, "ImageUrl"); item.Image.WidthSpecification = 170; item.Image.HeightSpecification = 170; //Decorate Badge checkbox. //[NOTE] This is sample of CheckBox usage in CollectionView. // Checkbox change their selection by IsSelectedProperty bindings with // SelectionChanged event with Mulitple ItemSelectionMode of CollectionView. item.Badge = new CheckBox(); //FIXME : SetBinding in RadioButton crashed as Sensitive Property is disposed. //item.Badge.SetBinding(CheckBox.IsSelectedProperty, "Selected"); item.Badge.WidthSpecification = 30; item.Badge.HeightSpecification = 30; return(item); }), GroupHeaderTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => { DefaultTitleItem group = new DefaultTitleItem(); //Set Width Specification as MatchParent to fit the Item width with parent View. group.WidthSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent; group.Label.SetBinding(TextLabel.TextProperty, "Date"); group.Label.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Begin; return(group); }), Header = myTitle, IsGrouped = true, ScrollingDirection = ScrollableBase.Direction.Vertical, WidthSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent, HeightSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent, SelectionMode = selMode }; colView.SelectionChanged += SelectionEvt; window.Add(colView); }
/// <summary> /// The BatchInsert. /// </summary> /// <param name="table">The table<see cref="IFigures"/>.</param> /// <param name="buildMapping">The buildMapping<see cref="bool"/>.</param> /// <param name="batchSize">The batchSize<see cref="int"/>.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="IDeck{IDeck{IFigure}}"/>.</returns> public IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > BatchInsert(IFigures table, bool buildMapping, int batchSize = 1000) { try { IFigures tab = table; IList <FieldMapping> nMaps = new List <FieldMapping>(); SqlAdapter afad = new SqlAdapter(_cn); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > nSet = new Album <IDeck <IFigure> >(); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK START CMD ------ */ "); int count = 0; foreach (IFigure ir in tab) { foreach (FieldMapping nMap in nMaps) { MemberRubric[] ic = tab.Rubrics.AsValues().Where(c => nMap.ColumnOrdinal.Contains(c.FieldId)).ToArray(); MemberRubric[] ik = tab.Rubrics.AsValues().Where(c => nMap.KeyOrdinal.Contains(c.FieldId)).ToArray(); string qry = BatchInsertQuery(ir, nMap.DbTableName, ic, ik).ToString(); sb.Append(qry); count++; } if (count >= batchSize) { sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- DATA BATCH END CMD ------ */ "); var bIFigures = afad.ExecuteInsert(sb.ToString(), tab); if (nSet.Count == 0) { nSet = bIFigures; } else { foreach (Album <IFigure> its in bIFigures.AsValues()) { if (nSet.Contains(its)) { nSet[its].Put(its.AsValues()); } else { nSet.Add(its); } } } sb.Clear(); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK START CMD ------ */ "); count = 0; } } sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- DATA BANK END CMD ------ */ "); var rIFigures = afad.ExecuteInsert(sb.ToString(), tab); if (nSet.Count == 0) { nSet = rIFigures; } else { foreach (IDeck <IFigure> its in rIFigures.AsValues()) { if (nSet.Contains(its)) { nSet[its].Put(its.AsValues()); } else { nSet.Add(its); } } } return(nSet); } catch (SqlException ex) { _cn.Close(); throw new SqlInsertException(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// The BulkInsert. /// </summary> /// <param name="table">The table<see cref="IFigures"/>.</param> /// <param name="keysFromDeckis">The keysFromDeckis<see cref="bool"/>.</param> /// <param name="buildMapping">The buildMapping<see cref="bool"/>.</param> /// <param name="updateKeys">The updateKeys<see cref="bool"/>.</param> /// <param name="updateExcept">The updateExcept<see cref="string[]"/>.</param> /// <param name="tempType">The tempType<see cref="BulkPrepareType"/>.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="IDeck{IDeck{IFigure}}"/>.</returns> public IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > BulkInsert(IFigures table, bool keysFromDeckis = false, bool buildMapping = false, bool updateKeys = false, string[] updateExcept = null, BulkPrepareType tempType = BulkPrepareType.Trunc) { try { IFigures tab = table; if (tab.Any()) { IList <FieldMapping> nMaps = new List <FieldMapping>(); if (buildMapping) { SqlMapper imapper = new SqlMapper(tab, keysFromDeckis); } nMaps = tab.Rubrics.Mappings; string dbName = _cn.Database; SqlAdapter afad = new SqlAdapter(_cn); afad.DataBulk(tab, tab.FigureType.Name, tempType, BulkDbType.TempDB); _cn.ChangeDatabase(dbName); IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > nSet = new Album <IDeck <IFigure> >(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK START CMD ------ */ "); foreach (FieldMapping nMap in nMaps) { sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- TABLE BULK START CMD ------ */ "); MemberRubric[] ic = tab.Rubrics.AsValues().Where(c => nMap.ColumnOrdinal.Contains(c.FieldId)).ToArray(); MemberRubric[] ik = tab.Rubrics.AsValues().Where(c => nMap.KeyOrdinal.Contains(c.FieldId)).ToArray(); if (updateExcept != null) { ic = ic.Where(c => !updateExcept.Contains(c.RubricName)).ToArray(); ik = ik.Where(c => !updateExcept.Contains(c.RubricName)).ToArray(); } string qry = BulkInsertQuery(dbName, tab.FigureType.Name, nMap.DbTableName, ic, ik, updateKeys).ToString(); sb.Append(qry); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- TABLE BULK END CMD ------ */ "); } sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK END CMD ------ */ "); IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > bIFigures = afad.ExecuteInsert(sb.ToString(), tab, true); if (nSet.Count == 0) { nSet = bIFigures; } else { foreach (IDeck <IFigure> its in bIFigures.AsValues()) { if (nSet.Contains(its)) { nSet[its].Put(its.AsValues()); } else { nSet.Add(its); } } } sb.Clear(); return(nSet); } else { return(null); } } catch (SqlException ex) { _cn.Close(); throw new SqlInsertException(ex.ToString()); } }
public Album <Album <IFigure> > BatchUpdate(IMultemic table, bool keysFromDeck = false, bool buildMapping = false, bool updateKeys = false, string[] updateExcept = null, int batchSize = 250) { try { IMultemic tab = table; IList <FieldMapping> nMaps = new List <FieldMapping>(); SqlAdapter afad = new SqlAdapter(_cn); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var nSet = new Album <Album <IFigure> >(); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK START CMD ------ */ "); int count = 0; foreach (IFigure ir in table) { if (ir.GetType().DeclaringType != tab.FigureType) { if (buildMapping) { SqlMapper imapper = new SqlMapper(tab, keysFromDeck); } nMaps = tab.Rubrics.Mappings; } foreach (FieldMapping nMap in nMaps) { IDeck <int> co = nMap.ColumnOrdinal; IDeck <int> ko = nMap.KeyOrdinal; MemberRubric[] ic = tab.Rubrics.AsValues().Where(c => nMap.ColumnOrdinal.Contains(c.FigureFieldId)).ToArray(); MemberRubric[] ik = tab.Rubrics.AsValues().Where(c => nMap.KeyOrdinal.Contains(c.FigureFieldId)).ToArray(); if (updateExcept != null) { ic = ic.Where(c => !updateExcept.Contains(c.RubricName)).ToArray(); ik = ik.Where(c => !updateExcept.Contains(c.RubricName)).ToArray(); } string qry = BatchUpdateQuery(ir, nMap.DbTableName, ic, ik, updateKeys).ToString(); sb.Append(qry); count++; } if (count >= batchSize) { sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- DATA BATCH END CMD ------ */ "); Album <Album <IFigure> > bIMultemic = afad.ExecuteUpdate(sb.ToString(), tab); if (nSet.Count == 0) { nSet = bIMultemic; } else { foreach (Album <IFigure> its in bIMultemic.AsValues()) { if (nSet.Contains(its)) { nSet[its].Put(its.AsValues()); } else { nSet.Add(its); } } } sb.Clear(); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK START CMD ------ */ "); count = 0; } } sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- DATA BANK END CMD ------ */ "); Album <Album <IFigure> > rIMultemic = afad.ExecuteUpdate(sb.ToString(), tab, true); if (nSet.Count == 0) { nSet = rIMultemic; } else { foreach (Album <IFigure> its in rIMultemic.AsValues()) { if (nSet.Contains(its)) { nSet[its].Put(its.AsValues()); } else { nSet.Add(its); } } } return(nSet); } catch (SqlException ex) { _cn.Close(); throw new SqlUpdateException(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// The BulkDelete. /// </summary> /// <param name="table">The table<see cref="IFigures"/>.</param> /// <param name="keysFromDeckis">The keysFromDeckis<see cref="bool"/>.</param> /// <param name="buildMapping">The buildMapping<see cref="bool"/>.</param> /// <param name="tempType">The tempType<see cref="BulkPrepareType"/>.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="IDeck{IDeck{IFigure}}"/>.</returns> public IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > BulkDelete(IFigures table, bool keysFromDeckis = false, bool buildMapping = false, BulkPrepareType tempType = BulkPrepareType.Trunc) { try { IFigures tab = table; if (tab.Any()) { IList <FieldMapping> nMaps = new List <FieldMapping>(); if (buildMapping) { SqlMapper imapper = new SqlMapper(tab, keysFromDeckis); } nMaps = tab.Rubrics.Mappings; string dbName = _cn.Database; SqlAdapter adapter = new SqlAdapter(_cn); adapter.DataBulk(tab, tab.FigureType.Name, tempType, BulkDbType.TempDB); _cn.ChangeDatabase(dbName); IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > nSet = new Album <IDeck <IFigure> >(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK START CMD ------ */ "); foreach (FieldMapping nMap in nMaps) { sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- TABLE BULK START CMD ------ */ "); string qry = BulkDeleteQuery(dbName, tab.FigureType.Name, nMap.DbTableName).ToString(); sb.Append(qry); sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- TABLE BULK END CMD ------ */ "); } sb.AppendLine(@" /* ---- SQL BANK END CMD ------ */ "); IDeck <IDeck <IFigure> > bIFigures = adapter.ExecuteDelete(sb.ToString(), tab, true); if (nSet.Count == 0) { nSet = bIFigures; } else { foreach (IDeck <IFigure> its in bIFigures.AsValues()) { if (nSet.Contains(its)) { nSet[its].Put(its.AsValues()); } else { nSet.Add(its); } } } sb.Clear(); return(nSet); } else { return(null); } } catch (SqlException ex) { _cn.Close(); throw new SqlDeleteException(ex.ToString()); } }
private void Upload() { account.Gallery.Progress = new ProgressItem(); account.Gallery.Progress.Changed += HandleProgressChanged; System.Console.WriteLine("Starting upload"); FilterSet filters = new FilterSet(); if (account.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) { filters.Add(new WhiteListFilter(new string [] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif" })); } if (scale) { filters.Add(new ResizeFilter((uint)size)); } else if (rotate) { filters.Add(new OrientationFilter()); } while (photo_index < items.Length) { IBrowsableItem item = items [photo_index]; System.Console.WriteLine("uploading {0}", photo_index); progress_dialog.Message = System.String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Uploading picture \"{0}\""), item.Name); progress_dialog.Fraction = photo_index / (double)items.Length; photo_index++; progress_dialog.ProgressText = System.String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} of {1}"), photo_index, items.Length); FilterRequest req = new FilterRequest(item.DefaultVersionUri); filters.Convert(req); try { int id = album.Add(item, req.Current.LocalPath); if (item != null && item is Photo && Core.Database != null && id != 0) { Core.Database.Exports.Create((item as Photo).Id, (item as Photo).DefaultVersionId, ExportStore.Gallery2ExportType, String.Format("{0}:{1}", album.Gallery.Uri.ToString(), id.ToString())); } } catch (System.Exception e) { progress_dialog.Message = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Error uploading picture \"{0}\" to Gallery: {1}"), item.Name, e.Message); progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString("Error"); Console.WriteLine(e); if (progress_dialog.PerformRetrySkip()) { photo_index--; } } } progress_dialog.Message = Catalog.GetString("Done Sending Photos"); progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0; progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString("Upload Complete"); progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok; if (browser) { GnomeUtil.UrlShow(album.GetUrl()); } }
void CheckCorrecAns() { album.Add(idPieceAlbum.IdPiece); PlayerPrefs.SetString("Album Piece" + idPieceAlbum.IdPiece, "true"); idPieceAlbum.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void Activate() { Window window = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow(); albumSource = new AlbumViewModel(); // Add test menu options. moveGroup.Add(moveMenu); albumSource.Insert(0, moveGroup); insertDeleteGroup.Add(insertMenu); insertDeleteGroup.Add(deleteMenu); albumSource.Insert(0, insertDeleteGroup); selMode = ItemSelectionMode.Single; DefaultTitleItem myTitle = new DefaultTitleItem(); //To Bind the Count property changes, need to create custom property for count. myTitle.Text = "Linear Sample Group[" + albumSource.Count + "]"; //Set Width Specification as MatchParent to fit the Item width with parent View. myTitle.WidthSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent; colView = new CollectionView() { ItemsSource = albumSource, ItemsLayouter = new LinearLayouter(), ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => { DefaultLinearItem item = new DefaultLinearItem(); //Set Width Specification as MatchParent to fit the Item width with parent View. item.WidthSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent; //Decorate Label item.Label.SetBinding(TextLabel.TextProperty, "ViewLabel"); item.Label.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Begin; //Decorate Icon item.Icon.SetBinding(ImageView.ResourceUrlProperty, "ImageUrl"); item.Icon.WidthSpecification = 80; item.Icon.HeightSpecification = 80; //Decorate Extra RadioButton. //[NOTE] This is sample of RadioButton usage in CollectionView. // RadioButton change their selection by IsSelectedProperty bindings with // SelectionChanged event with Single ItemSelectionMode of CollectionView. // be aware of there are no RadioButtonGroup. item.Extra = new RadioButton(); //FIXME : SetBinding in RadioButton crashed as Sensitive Property is disposed. //item.Extra.SetBinding(RadioButton.IsSelectedProperty, "Selected"); item.Extra.WidthSpecification = 80; item.Extra.HeightSpecification = 80; return(item); }), GroupHeaderTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => { DefaultTitleItem group = new DefaultTitleItem(); //Set Width Specification as MatchParent to fit the Item width with parent View. group.WidthSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent; group.Label.SetBinding(TextLabel.TextProperty, "Date"); group.Label.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Begin; return(group); }), Header = myTitle, IsGrouped = true, ScrollingDirection = ScrollableBase.Direction.Vertical, WidthSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent, HeightSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent, SelectionMode = selMode }; colView.SelectionChanged += SelectionEvt; window.Add(colView); }
public void SelectionEvt(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs ev) { //Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "LSH :: SelectionEvt called"); //SingleSelection Only have 1 or nil object in the list. foreach (object item in ev.PreviousSelection) { if (item == null) { break; } if (item is Gallery unselItem) { unselItem.Selected = false; selectedItem = null; //Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "LSH :: Unselected: {0}", unselItem.ViewLabel); } else if (item is Album selAlbum) { selectedItem = selAlbum.Title; selAlbum.Selected = false; if (selAlbum == insertDeleteGroup) { albumSource.RemoveAt(2); } } } foreach (object item in ev.CurrentSelection) { if (item == null) { break; } if (item is Gallery selItem) { selItem.Selected = true; selectedItem = selItem.Name; //Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "LSH :: Selected: {0}", selItem.ViewLabel); // Check test menu options. if (selItem == insertMenu) { // Insert new item to index 3. Random rand = new Random(); int idx = rand.Next(1000); albumSource[2].Insert(0, new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item")); } else if (selItem == deleteMenu) { // Remove item in index 3. albumSource[2].RemoveAt(0); } else if (selItem == moveMenu) { // Move last indexed item to index 3. albumSource[2].Move(albumSource[2].Count - 1, 0); } } else if (item is Album selAlbum) { selectedItem = selAlbum.Title; selAlbum.Selected = true; if (selAlbum == insertDeleteGroup) { Random rand = new Random(); int groupIdx = rand.Next(1000); Album insertAlbum = new Album(groupIdx, "Inserted group", new DateTime(1999, 12, 31)); int idx = rand.Next(1000); insertAlbum.Add(new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item 1")); idx = rand.Next(1000); insertAlbum.Add(new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item 2")); idx = rand.Next(1000); insertAlbum.Add(new Gallery(idx, "Inserted Item 3")); albumSource.Insert(2, insertAlbum); } else if (selAlbum == moveGroup) { albumSource.Move(albumSource.Count - 1, 2); } } } if (colView.Header != null && colView.Header is DefaultTitleItem) { DefaultTitleItem title = (DefaultTitleItem)colView.Header; title.Text = "Linear Sample Count[" + albumSource.Count + (selectedItem != null ? "] Selected [" + selectedItem + "]" : "]"); } }