Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new AI token.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type of this token.</param>
 /// <param name="content">The string value of this token.</param>
 /// <param name="startPoint">The starting point of this token.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The length of this token.</param>
 public AiToken(AiTokenTypes type, string content, SnapshotPoint startPoint, int length)
     // Store parameters
     Type       = type;
     Content    = content;
     StartPoint = startPoint;
     Length     = length;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the tokens before or after the given position, including all that are in the same line as the starting point.
        /// This method does not do any context checking, it just scans for known keywords.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startingPoint">The position where the parsing shall start.</param>
        /// <param name="backwards">Optional. Determines whether the token search shall be performed backwards beginning with the given starting point.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <AiToken> GetTokens(SnapshotPoint startingPoint, bool backwards = false)
            // Go backwards through lines and return tokens successively
            ITextSnapshotLine currentLine       = startingPoint.GetContainingLine();
            string            currentLineString = currentLine.GetText();
            int            currentLineIndex     = 0;
            List <AiToken> lineTokens           = new List <AiToken>();
            int            lastLineNumber       = (backwards ? 0 : currentLine.Snapshot.LineCount - 1);

            while (true)
                // Read one line at once, independent of parsing direction
                while (currentLineIndex < currentLine.Length)
                    // Handle character types
                    char currentLineChar = currentLineString[currentLineIndex];
                    if (currentLineChar == '(')
                        lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.OpeningBrace, "(", currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, 1));
                    else if (currentLineChar == ')')
                        lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.ClosingBrace, ")", currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, 1));
                    else if (currentLineChar == '"')
                        // Read whole string
                        int nextQuoteIndex = currentLineString.IndexOf('"', currentLineIndex + 1);
                        if (nextQuoteIndex > currentLineIndex)
                            // Found the closing quotation mark, copy string and update current index
                            int stringLength = nextQuoteIndex - currentLineIndex + 1;
                            lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.String, currentLineString.Substring(currentLineIndex, stringLength), currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, stringLength));
                            currentLineIndex = nextQuoteIndex;
                            // The line ends with an unclosed string, copy remainder of the line
                            string remainingLineString = currentLineString.Substring(currentLineIndex);
                            lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.String, remainingLineString, currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, remainingLineString.Length));
                    else if (currentLineChar == ';')
                        // Copy remainder of the line
                        string remainingLineString = currentLineString.Substring(currentLineIndex);
                        lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.Comment, remainingLineString, currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, remainingLineString.Length));
                    else if (currentLineChar == '=')
                        // This might be the rule arrow, the equality testing operator or a syntax error => inspect next char
                        if (currentLineIndex == currentLine.Length - 1)
                            lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.Word, "=", currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, 1));
                        else if (currentLineString[currentLineIndex + 1] == '>')
                            lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.RuleArrow, "=>", currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex++, 2));
                        else if (currentLineString[currentLineIndex + 1] == '=')
                            lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.Word, "==", currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex++, 2));
                        else // Invalid, just define this char as an invalid word and proceed scanning
                            lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.Word, "=", currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, 1));
                    else if (currentLineChar == '-' || char.IsDigit(currentLineChar))
                        // Read number
                        int numberLength = 1;
                        while (currentLineIndex + numberLength < currentLine.Length)
                            // Test char
                            if (!char.IsDigit(currentLineString[currentLineIndex + numberLength]))
                        lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(AiTokenTypes.Number, currentLineString.Substring(currentLineIndex, numberLength), currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, numberLength));
                        currentLineIndex += numberLength - 1;
                    else if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(currentLineChar))
                        // Read word
                        int wordLength = 1;
                        while (currentLineIndex + wordLength < currentLine.Length)
                            // Test char
                            char c = currentLineString[currentLineIndex + wordLength];
                            if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) && c != '-' && c != '=')
                        string word = currentLineString.Substring(currentLineIndex, wordLength);

                        // Produce token depending on word recognition
                        AiTokenTypes wordType = AiTokenTypes.Word;
                        if (word == "defrule")
                            wordType = AiTokenTypes.Defrule;
                        else if (word == "defconst")
                            wordType = AiTokenTypes.Defconst;
                        else if (word == "load")
                            wordType = AiTokenTypes.Load;
                        else if (word == "load-random")
                            wordType = AiTokenTypes.LoadRandom;
                        else if (Constants.AiRuleBooleanFacts.Contains(word))
                            wordType = AiTokenTypes.BooleanFactName;
                        else if (Constants.AiRuleFacts.ContainsKey(word))
                            wordType = AiTokenTypes.FactName;
                        else if (Constants.AiRuleActions.ContainsKey(word))
                            wordType = AiTokenTypes.ActionName;
                        lineTokens.Add(new AiToken(wordType, word, currentLine.Start + currentLineIndex, wordLength));
                        currentLineIndex += wordLength - 1;

                    // Next character

                // Return the line tokens in the order determined by the parsing direction
                if (backwards)
                    for (int i = lineTokens.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        yield return(lineTokens[i]);
                    foreach (AiToken lineToken in lineTokens)
                        yield return(lineToken);

                // Finished?
                if (currentLine.LineNumber == lastLineNumber)
                    yield break;

                // Next line
                if (backwards)
                    currentLine = currentLine.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(currentLine.LineNumber - 1);
                    currentLine = currentLine.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(currentLine.LineNumber + 1);
                currentLineString = currentLine.GetText();
                currentLineIndex  = 0;