public void Start()

        rb       = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        simCtrl  = GetComponent <SimInstantiator>();
        worldMap = FindObjectOfType <SimulationMap>();
        InvokeRepeating("CalcNeighbors", neighborCalcFreq, neighborCalcFreq);
        InvokeRepeating("Drift", villageNumber / 100f, driftFreq);

        Vector3 scale = gameObject.transform.localScale;

        for (int i = 0; i < population; i++)
            // Make a new agent.
            GameObject clone     = Instantiate(agentPrefab);
            AgentCtrl  cloneCtrl = clone.GetComponent <AgentCtrl>();

            // Set the agent moving along a random direction.
            Rigidbody cloneRB = clone.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            cloneRB.velocity = new Vector3(Random.Range(0f, 100f), 0f, Random.Range(0f, 100f));

            // Put the agent somewhere in the village.
            float rndX = Random.Range(-scale.x / 2f, +scale.x / 2f);
            float rndZ = Random.Range(-scale.z / 2f, +scale.z / 2f);
            rndX += gameObject.transform.position.x;
            rndZ += gameObject.transform.position.z;
            clone.transform.position = new Vector3(rndX, 1f, rndZ);    // 1 so agents aren't spawned inside the ground
        public string AddAgent(string agentId, string agentPwd, string agentPhone, string agentName, string agentAddress, int agentGrade, string agentIdCard,
                               string agentNumber, string agentEmail, string agentQq, string remark, int serviceType)
            AgentModel model = new AgentModel();

            model.AgentId       = agentId;
            model.AgentPassword = CommonLib.Helper.Md5Hash(agentPwd);
            model.AgentPhone    = agentPhone;
            model.AgentName     = agentName;
            model.AgentAddress  = agentAddress;
            model.AgentGrade    = agentGrade;
            model.AgentIdCard   = agentIdCard;
            model.AgentNumber   = agentNumber;
            model.AgentEmail    = agentEmail;
            model.AgentQQ       = agentQq;
            model.Remark        = remark;
            model.ServiceType   = serviceType;

            ManageUserModel uM = (ManageUserModel)Session["logUser"];

            if (uM != null)
                model.Creater = uM.Name;

            model.AgentLink = "";
            //model.AgentLink += (new Class_Password()).EnCode(agentId);
            model.AgentLink += agentId;

Beispiel #3
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "agent")
            AgentCtrl stranger = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <AgentCtrl>();
            foreach (Phoneme phone in RndWord())
                float hisPoununciation = stranger.GetPronunciation(phone);
                float ourPronunciation = idiolect[phone];

                if (hisPoununciation > ourPronunciation)
                    idiolect[phone] = ourPronunciation + speechPlasticity;
                    idiolect[phone] = ourPronunciation - speechPlasticity;

                //if (ourPronunciation > 0.90)
                //    Debug.Log("Phoneme mutation should go here.");

                if (speechBubbleOn)
                    GameObject bubble = Instantiate(speechBubble);
                    Vector3    pos    = gameObject.transform.position;
                    pos.y = 10f;
                    bubble.transform.position = pos;
    public void DisplayVillageLanguage(VillageCtrl villageCtrl)
        AgentCtrl agent = villageCtrl.agents[0];
        string    s     = "";
        bool      odd   = true;

        foreach (Phoneme phone in agent.idiolect.Keys)
            float f = villageCtrl.AvgPronunciation(phone);

            s += string.Format("{0} : {1:0.00}\t\t", phone.glyph, f);

            odd = !odd;
            if (odd)
                s += "\n";

        langTxt.text = s;
 public string GetAgentStat(string stTime, string edTime, string columns)
     string[] cs = columns.Split(',');
     return(AgentCtrl.GetAgentStat(stTime, edTime, cs));
 public string ChangeGroup(int curStat, int id)
     return(AgentCtrl.ChangeGroup(curStat, id));
 public string ChangeStatus(int curStat, int id)
     return(AgentCtrl.ChangeStatus(curStat, id));
 public string GetRandomNum()
 public string GetAgentList(int pageIndex)
 public string ModifyAgentInfo(AgentModel model)
 public string GetSingleModel(int id)
        public ActionResult AgentDetail(int id)
            AgentModel model = AgentCtrl.GetSingleModel(id);

 /// <summary>
 /// 产生并校验代理商编码
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agentName"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string CheckAndAutoGeneratedCode(string agentName)
Beispiel #14
    public void PopulatePhonemeOrder()
        AgentCtrl agent = villages[0].agents[0];

        phonemeOrder = agent.idiolect.Keys.ToArray();