public void Awake() { owner = GetComponent <AgentAI>(); Assert.IsNotNull(owner, "Missing owner AgentAI"); Assert.IsTrue(sightRange > 0f, "Too small sightRange"); visibleTargets = new List <GameObject>(); }
void Awake() { instance = this; board = BoardGo.GetComponent <Board>(); agentAI = AgentGo.GetComponent <AgentAI>(); rules = new Rules(board); }
public void RespawnAgent(AgentAI a) { if (!a.IsInDanger && !a.m_Dead && !a.IsDowned) { AgentAI.AgentClass aClass = a.GetClass(); a.RespawnAtCurrentLocation(); a = AgentAI.GetAgent(aClass); a.SetSelected(true); Manager.GetInputManager().Select(a.m_UID.GetSUID(), true); //Manager.GetInputManager().sele } }
void SelectAbilities(AgentAI a) { string[] aNames; int[] aIds; a.GetAbilities().m_AbilityManager.GetAbilityNamesAndIDs(out aIds, out aNames); for (int i = 0; i < aIds.Length; i++) { if (a.GetAbilities() != null && a.GetAbilities().GetAbility(aIds[i]) != null) { try { if (a.GetAbilities().HasAbility(aIds[i])) { Ability abil = a.GetAbilities().GetAbility(aIds[i]); KeyCode keycode = KeyRemapper.GetMappingForAbility(aIds[i]).m_Key; switch (abil.State) { case Ability.AbilityState.prepped: Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] = UnityEngine.Color.yellow.ToColore(); break; case Ability.AbilityState.activating: Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] = UnityEngine.Color.gray.ToColore(); break; case Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] =; break; case Ability.AbilityState.ready: Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] = UnityEngine.Color.white.ToColore(); break; default: Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] = magenta; break; } if (abil.GetCooldownPercentage() > 0) { Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] = a.IsSelected() ? UnityEngine.Color.yellow.ToColore() : magenta; } else if (abil.GetAmmoCount() == 0 && abil.GetMaxAmmo() != 0 && abil.GetCooldownPercentage() > 0) { Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] = a.IsSelected() ? : magenta; } } } catch { } } } }
public void DetectTargets() { visibleTargets.Clear(); Collider[] collidersInRange = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, sightRange); foreach (Collider collider in collidersInRange) { AgentAI agent = collider.GetComponent <AgentAI>(); if (agent != null && agent != owner && != { visibleTargets.Add(agent.gameObject); } } }
public void Start() { teamSeeds = new int[4]; seedMem = new int[5]; cloneMem = new Clone[5]; clones = new Clone[5]; int n = 0; foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { teamSeeds[n] = CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed; clones[n] = new Clone(a.CurrentCloneableId); a.AddAmmo(50); seedMem[n + 1] = CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed; cloneMem[n + 1] = new Clone(a.CurrentCloneableId); n++; } }
void StopSaves() { if (!SaveGame.CurrentUser.UserConfiguration.IronmanMode) { return; } System.Collections.Generic.List <AgentAI> agents = AgentAI.GetAgents(); foreach (AgentAI agentAI in agents) { agentAI.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(OnAgentDeath)); } //int agentCount = Manager.GetAIWorld().m_AgentPrefabs.Keys.Count(); //Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup($"You current have {agentCount} agents", 3); //var TestSaveGlobals = new TestSaveGlobals(); //var save = new SaveComponentBase(); Manager.m_DevModeEnabled = true; //LoadSavePanelUi.SaveGameListUi.m_LoadSaveButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void DeselectAbilities(AgentAI a) { string[] aNames; int[] aIds; a.GetAbilities().m_AbilityManager.GetAbilityNamesAndIDs(out aIds, out aNames); for (int i = 0; i < aIds.Length; i++) { if (a.GetAbilities() != null && a.GetAbilities().GetAbility(aIds[i]) != null) { try { if (a.GetAbilities().HasAbility(aIds[i])) { Ability abil = a.GetAbilities().GetAbility(aIds[i]); KeyCode keycode = KeyRemapper.GetMappingForAbility(aIds[i]).m_Key; Keyboard.Instance[keycode.ToKey()] = magenta; } } catch { } } } }
/// <summary> /// Called once per frame. /// </summary> public void Update() { if (Manager.Get().GameInProgress) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Delete)) { try { List <AgentAI> agents = AgentAI.GetAgents(); AgentAI soldier = agents[0]; Abilities abilities = soldier.GetAbilities(); Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup(abilities.ToString()); abilities.AddAbility(999); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace); Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup(e.Message); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Called once per frame. /// </summary> public void Update() { if (Manager.Get().GameInProgress) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) { foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { if (a.IsSelected()) { if (CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).Sex == WardrobeManager.Sex.Female) { CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).Sex = WardrobeManager.Sex.Male; } else { CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).Sex = WardrobeManager.Sex.Female; } //CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed -= 10; RespawnAgent(a); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.End)) { string info = ""; int n = 0; foreach (AgentAI a in Manager.GetInputControl().GetSelectedAgents()) { //CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed = teamSeeds[n]; clones[n].ApplyClone(a.CurrentCloneableId); RespawnAgent(a); if (info != "") { info += "\n"; } info += a.AgentClassName() + " got " + clones[n].GetInfo(); n++; } setEntityInfo("Agent Clone Data applied", info); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Home)) { string info = ""; int n = 0; foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { //copyClone(CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId), ref clones[n]); teamSeeds[n] = CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed; if (clones.Length != 5) { clones = new Clone[5]; } clones[n] = new Clone(a.CurrentCloneableId); if (info != "") { info += "\n"; } info += a.AgentClassName() + " info: " + clones[n].GetInfo(); n++; } setEntityInfo("Agent Clone Data Stored", info); } if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad1)) { memSet(1); } else if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad2)) { memSet(2); } else if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad4)) { memGet(1); } else if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad5)) { memGet(2); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad1)) { memSet(1); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad2)) { memSet(2); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad3)) { memSet(3); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad4)) { memGet(1); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad5)) { memGet(2); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad6)) { memGet(3); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad8)) { string info = ""; foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { if (a.IsSelected()) { int numberOfWardrobeTypes = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(WardrobeManager.WardrobeType)).Length; int typeNo = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, numberOfWardrobeTypes); WardrobeManager.WardrobeType wType = (WardrobeManager.WardrobeType)typeNo; // = "Caldor"; //a.InitRandomSeed(); //a.m_Identity.NameID = IdentityManager.GetRandomNameID(CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).Sex); CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed = Wardrobe.GenerateRandomSeed(); a.m_Wardrobe.m_Sex = Wardrobe.GenerateRandomSex(); a.m_Wardrobe.m_WardrobeType = wType; //a.m_Wardrobe.bod = Wardrobe.CreateRandomBodyData(); Wardrobe.BodyData body = a.m_Wardrobe.GetBodyData(); //body.m_HairColor1 = Color.yellow; //body.m_HairColor2 =; //body.m_LowerPrimaryColor =; //body.m_LowerSecondaryColor =; //body.m_SkinColor =; //a.m_Wardrobe.SetBodyData(body, a.m_Wardrobe.m_Sex, a.m_Wardrobe.RandomSeed, a.m_Wardrobe.m_WardrobeType); RespawnAgent(a); info += "Hair:" + body.m_HairColor1.ToString() + " & " + body.m_HairColor2.ToString() + ". skin: " + body.m_SkinColor.ToString(); } } setEntityInfo("Randomized", info); } if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad9)) { int numberOfWardrobeTypes = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(WardrobeManager.WardrobeType)).Length; int typeNo = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, numberOfWardrobeTypes); WardrobeManager.WardrobeType wType = (WardrobeManager.WardrobeType)typeNo; foreach (AgentAI a in Manager.GetInputControl().GetSelectedAgents()) { a.m_Wardrobe.m_WardrobeType = wType; RespawnAgent(a); } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad9)) { string info = ""; string first; string last; foreach (AgentAI a in Manager.GetInputControl().GetSelectedAgents()) //AgentAI.GetAgents()) { int nameId = IdentityManager.GetRandomNameID(a.m_Wardrobe.m_Sex); int currentNameId = Mathf.RoundToInt(a.CurrentCloneableId); int cloneId = a.CurrentCloneableId; CloneableData cData = CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(cloneId); IdentityManager.Get().GetName(cData.IdentityId, out first, out last); info += "Name based on identity Id: " + cData.IdentityId + " is " + first + " " + last + "\n"; //info += "Clonable name: " + a.GetCloneable().name + "\n"; info += currentNameId + ": " + first + " " + last; IdentityManager.Get().GetName(cData.m_IdentityID, out first, out last); //a.m_Identity.NameID = nameId; //a.m_Wardrobe.m_WardrobeType = WardrobeManager.WardrobeType.AgentSupportBacker; info += " changing name To " + nameId + ": " + first + " " + last + "\n"; Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup(info, 6); cData.IdentityId = nameId; cData.m_IdentityID = nameId; //cData.WardrobeType = WardrobeManager.WardrobeType.Prostitute2; // = "Caldor"; //a.InitRandomSeed(); //a.m_Identity.NameID = IdentityManager.GetRandomNameID(CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).Sex); //CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed = Wardrobe.GenerateRandomSeed(); //a.m_Wardrobe.m_Sex = WardrobeManager.Sex.Male; //a.m_Wardrobe.bod = Wardrobe.CreateRandomBodyData(); Wardrobe.BodyData body = a.m_Wardrobe.GetBodyData(); //body.m_HairColor1 =; //body.m_HairColor2 =; //body.m_LowerPrimaryColor =; //body.m_LowerSecondaryColor =; //body.m_SkinColor =; //a.m_Wardrobe.SetBodyData(body, a.m_Wardrobe.m_Sex, a.m_Wardrobe.RandomSeed, a.m_Wardrobe.m_WardrobeType); RespawnAgent(a); info += a.AgentClassName() + " got Hair: " + body.m_HairColor1 + " & " + body.m_HairColor1 + ".\nskin: " + body.m_SkinColor; info += "\nWardrope type: " + a.m_Wardrobe.m_WardrobeType + "\n"; } setEntityInfo("Selected agent", info); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad0)) { string info = ""; string first; string last; AgentAI a = AgentAI.FirstSelectedAgentAi(); if (a != null) { int cloneId = a.CurrentCloneableId; CloneableData cData = CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(cloneId); IdentityManager.Get().GetName(cData.IdentityId, out first, out last); info += "Selected person is " + first + " " + last + ", gender " + cData.Sex; info += ". Seed is:" + cData.RandomSeed + ", mSeed is:" + cData.m_RandomSeed + " and wardrobe type is " + cData.WardrobeType; info += ". Palette: " + cData.WardrobeConfigurationData.m_DefaultColorPaletteName; } else { foreach (AIEntity ae in AIEntity.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AIEntity))) { if (ae.IsSelected()) { ae.m_IsControllable = true; IdentityManager.Get().GetName(ae.m_Identity.NameID, out first, out last); info += "Selected person is " + first + " " + last + ", gender " + ae.m_Wardrobe.m_Sex; info += ". Seed is:" + ae.m_Wardrobe.RandomSeed + " Wardrobe type is " + ae.m_Wardrobe.m_WardrobeType; info += ". Palette: " + ae.m_Wardrobe.DefaultColorPaletteName; break; } } } setEntityInfo("Selected AI info", info); } } }
public void memGet(int n) { bool done = false; string info = ""; AgentAI ai = null; foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { if (a.IsSelected() && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl))) { a.m_Identity.NameID = nameIDs[n]; } else if (a.IsSelected() && cloneMem[n] != null) { cloneMem[n].ApplyClone(a.CurrentCloneableId); //a.m_Wardrobe.CopyFrom(); //a.RespawnAtCurrentLocation(); RespawnAgent(a); info += "Clone seed: " + cloneMem[n].seed; done = true; } else if (a.IsSelected() && 2 < seedMem[n]) { //applyClone(cloneMem[n], a.CurrentCloneableId); CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed = seedMem[n]; //a.RespawnAtCurrentLocation(); RespawnAgent(a); //break; info += "Seed: " + seedMem[n]; done = true; } } if (cloneMem[1] != null) { info += "Seed 1: " + cloneMem[1].seed; } if (cloneMem[2] != null) { info += "\nSeed 2: " + cloneMem[2].seed; } if (cloneMem[3] != null) { info += "\nSeed 3: " + cloneMem[3].seed; } setEntityInfo("Seeds in memory: ", info); if (done) { Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("Clone seed " + n + ": " + cloneMem[n].seed + " put into" + ai.AgentClassName(), 8); } else { string first; string last; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) && nameIDs[n] != 0) { IdentityManager.Get().GetName(nameIDs[n], out first, out last); Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("NameId " + nameIDs[n] + " from nameId mem slot " + n + ", name " + first + " " + last + " applied.", 8); } else { IdentityManager.Get().GetName(cloneMem[n].nameId, out first, out last); Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("Clone seed " + n + ": " + cloneMem[n].seed + " name id: " + cloneMem[n].nameId + ", name " + first + " " + last, 8); } } }
public void memSet(int n) { int seed = 0; Clone c = null; foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { if (a.IsSelected() && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl))) { nameIDs[n] = a.m_Identity.NameID; } else if (a.IsSelected()) { c = new Clone(a.CurrentCloneableId); seed = c.seed; } } //CloneableData data = null; if (seed != 0) { seedMem[n] = seed; } else { foreach (AIEntity ae in AIEntity.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AIEntity))) { //if (a.IsSelected()) // seedMem[n] = a.GetComponent<CloneableData>().RandomSeed; //CloneManager.Get().GetCloneableData(a.CurrentCloneableId).m_RandomSeed; if (ae.IsSelected() && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl))) { nameIDs[n] = ae.m_Identity.NameID; } else if (ae.IsSelected()) { c = new Clone(ae); seed = ae.m_Wardrobe.RandomSeed; //w = new Wardrobe(); //w.CopyFrom(a.m_Wardrobe); //data = CloneManager.Get().NewCloneableFromPrefab(a); //if (a.GetComponentInParent<CloneableData>() != null) // seed = a.GetCloneable().GetComponentInParent<CloneableData>().m_RandomSeed; //if (a.GetComponent<CloneableData>() != null) // seed = a.GetComponent<CloneableData>().m_RandomSeed; //if (a.GetCloneable().GetComponentInChildren<CloneableData>() != null) // seed = a.GetCloneable().GetComponentInChildren<CloneableData>().m_RandomSeed; //if (seed == 0) // seed = data.m_RandomSeed; } } } if (seed != 0) { seedMem[n] = seed; } string info = "Seed: " + seed; if (c != null) { cloneMem[n] = c; Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup(info + " saved into " + n, 8); setEntityInfo("Seed saved into " + n, info); } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) && nameIDs[n] != 0) { string first; string last; IdentityManager.Get().GetName(nameIDs[n], out first, out last); Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("NameId:" + nameIDs[n] + " put in nameId mem slot " + n + ", name " + first + " " + last, 8); } else { Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("Cannot store a clone in slot " + n + " if no clonable person is selected.", 8); } }
GameObject CreateTile(int x, int y, Level level) { TileType tt = level.GetTileType(x, y); if (tt == TileType.WALL) { GameObject go; if (level.IsWallTileContained(x, y)) { // all neighbours are walls -> no collision required go = (GameObject)Instantiate(tileNC); } else { go = (GameObject)Instantiate(tile); } WallTile wt = go.GetComponent <WallTile>(); wt.SetTile(level.GetWallTileIndex(x, y)); return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PLAYER) { //return (GameObject)Instantiate(player); if (Globals.player != null) { Globals.player.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0); } return(null); } else if (tt == TileType.AGENT) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(agent); AgentAI ai = go.GetComponent <AgentAI>(); ai.Home = new Vector2(x, y); return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.DRONE) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(drone); Drone ai = go.GetComponent <Drone>(); ai.Home = new Vector2(x, y); return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.MACHINE) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(machine); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0.5f, 1.0f); return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_0) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 0; return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_1) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 1; return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_2) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 2; return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_3) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 3; return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_4) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 4; return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_5) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 5; return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_6) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 6; return(go); } else if (tt == TileType.PORTAL_7) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(portal); go.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f); go.GetComponent <Portal>().level = 7; return(go); } else { return(null); } }
public void Awake() { owner = GetComponent <AgentAI>(); Assert.IsNotNull(owner, "Missing owner"); Assert.IsNotNull(weapon, "Missing weapon"); }
public void Update() { if (Manager.Get().IsLoading()) { shownModInfo = false; } //Check if unstuck is ready if (Manager.Get().GameInProgress) { if (timer < Time.time) { AIEntity spawnLocation = null; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus)) { foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { if (a.IsDowned) { a.RespawnAt(Manager.GetInputControl().GetClosestPos(a.transform.position), spawnLocation.transform.rotation); } //a.RespawnAt(spawnLocation.transform.position, spawnLocation.transform.rotation); else { a.transform.position = Manager.GetInputControl().GetClosestPos(a.transform.position); } //a.Teleport(spawnLocation.transform); } timer = Time.time + 120; Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("All agents unstuck. Now the unstuck function will be disabled for 2 minutes", 3); } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11)) { int secondsLeft = Mathf.RoundToInt(timer - Time.time); int minutesLeft = secondsLeft / 60; secondsLeft -= (minutesLeft * 60); Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("Unstuck function locked." + " There is " + minutesLeft + " minutes and " + secondsLeft + " seconds until the UnStuck function is ready again.", 7); //setEntityInfo("Unstuck function unnavailable", "There is " + minutesLeft + " minutes and " + secondsLeft + " seconds until the UnStuck function is ready again."); } } if (Manager.Get().GameInProgress) { if (!shownModInfo) { shownModInfo = true; if (SaveGame.CurrentUser.UserConfiguration.IronmanMode) { ironmanMode = true; StopSaves(); Manager.GetUIManager().DoModalMessageBox("PermaDeath!", "Ultimate Ironman Gamemode Mod is active. Beware that this mod deletes your savegames if an agent dies, removes the agent and then autosaves. Good luck and have fun", InputBoxUi.InputBoxTypes.MbOk); //+ string.Join(",", Manager.GetPluginManager().LoadedPlugins.Select(p => p.FullPath).ToArray()) } else { ironmanMode = false; } } if (ironmanMode && autoSaveTimer < Time.time) { autoSaveTimer = Time.time + 150; DeleteAllSaves(); Manager.Get().DoSaveGame(0); Manager.Get().AutoSave(); Manager.DoSaveAuto(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Pause)) { if (m_TacticalPauseTimeScaler.Paused) { m_TacticalPauseTimeScaler.Reset(); } else { m_TacticalPauseTimeScaler.Pause(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Called once per frame. /// </summary> public void Update() { if (Manager.Get().GameInProgress) { if (firstinit) { Keyboard.Instance.SetAll(magenta); Mouse.Instance.SetAll(magenta); Mouse.Instance.SetAll(magenta); Headset.Instance.SetAll(magenta); ChromaLink.Instance.SetAll(magenta); firstinit = false; } foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { Key keycode = a.GetSelectionKey().ToKey(); if (a.IsInCombat()) { Keyboard.Instance[keycode] =; } else if (a.GetHealthState() != Health.HealthState.alive) { UpdateKeyColor(keycode, a.GetRespawnTimePct() / 0.5f); } else if (a.GetHealthState() == Health.HealthState.beingRevived) { Keyboard.Instance[keycode] =; } else if (a.Selectable) { if (a.IsSelected()) { if (!selected_agents.Contains(a)) { selected_agents.Add(a); } if (a.GetCurrentWeapon(false) != null) { Keyboard.Instance[keycode] = new Corale.Colore.Core.Color(255, 128, 0); } else { Keyboard.Instance[keycode] =; } SelectAbilities(a); } else { if (selected_agents.Contains(a)) { DeselectAbilities(a); selected_agents.Remove(a); } if (a.GetCurrentWeapon(false) != null) { Keyboard.Instance[keycode] = new Corale.Colore.Core.Color(255, 128, 0); } else { Keyboard.Instance[keycode] =; } } } } if (selected_agents.Count > 0) { Keyboard.Instance[KeyCode.F.ToKey()] = UnityEngine.Color.white.ToColore(); } else { Keyboard.Instance[KeyCode.F.ToKey()] = magenta; } } else { Keyboard.Instance.SetAll(new Corale.Colore.Core.Color(57, 255, 20)); Mouse.Instance.SetAll(new Corale.Colore.Core.Color(57, 255, 20)); Mousepad.Instance.SetAll(new Corale.Colore.Core.Color(57, 255, 20)); Headset.Instance.SetAll(new Corale.Colore.Core.Color(57, 255, 20)); ChromaLink.Instance.SetAll(new Corale.Colore.Core.Color(57, 255, 20)); firstinit = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Called once per frame. /// </summary> public void Update() { if (Manager.Get().IsLoading()) { timer = Time.time; } if (Manager.Get().GameInProgress) { //Check if unstuck is ready if (timer < Time.time) { AIEntity spawnLocation = null; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus)) { foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { if (a.IsDowned || a.m_Dead) { a.RespawnAt(Manager.GetInputControl().GetClosestPos(a.transform.position), spawnLocation.transform.rotation); } //a.RespawnAt(spawnLocation.transform.position, spawnLocation.transform.rotation); else { a.transform.position = Manager.GetInputControl().GetClosestPos(a.transform.position); } //a.Teleport(spawnLocation.transform); } timer = Time.time + 600f; Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("All agents unstuck. Now the unstuck function will be disabled for 10 minutes", 3); //setEntityInfo("Made all agents unstuck", "Now the unstuck function will be disabled for 15 minutes"); } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11)) { int secondsLeft = Mathf.RoundToInt(timer - Time.time); int minutesLeft = secondsLeft / 60; secondsLeft -= (minutesLeft * 60); Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("Unstuck function locked." + " There is " + minutesLeft + " minutes and " + secondsLeft + " seconds until the UnStuck function is ready again.", 7); //setEntityInfo("Unstuck function unnavailable", "There is " + minutesLeft + " minutes and " + secondsLeft + " seconds until the UnStuck function is ready again."); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus)) { AIEntity spawnLocation = null; var selected = Manager.GetInputManager().GetNonPlayerSelectedEntities(); selected.AddRange(Manager.GetInputManager().GetPlayerSelectedEntities()); foreach (AIEntity ae in selected)//AIEntity.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AIEntity))) { if (ae.IsHuman() && ae.IsAddedToWorld && ae.IsSelected()) { spawnLocation = ae; } } if (spawnLocation != null) { foreach (AgentAI a in AgentAI.GetAgents()) { if (a.IsDowned || a.m_Dead) { a.RespawnAt(spawnLocation.transform.position, spawnLocation.transform.rotation); } else { a.transform.position = spawnLocation.transform.position; } //a.Teleport(spawnLocation.transform); } //timer = Time.time + 900f; Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("All agents should now be unstuck.", 6); //setEntityInfo("Made all agents unstuck", "Now the unstuck function will be disabled for 15 minutes"); } else { Manager.GetUIManager().ShowMessagePopup("No unstuck spot selected. You need to select a human as a location for your agents to get moved to, to be unstuck.", 9); //setEntityInfo("No unstuck spot selected", "You need to select a human or a mech as a location for your agents to get moved to, to be unstuck."); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F8)) { string info = ""; foreach (AIEntity ae in Manager.GetInputControl().GetPlayerSelectedEntities()) { // Standard: Melee, SpeedAdjust, OnlyNearCover ae.m_AIAbilities = (AIAbilities)197672; // Scan, Melee. Shoot, LeaveCover, GetWeaponOut //ae.m_AIAbilities = (AIAbilities)197645; // Scan, Melee. Shoot, LeaveCover, GetWeaponOut, OnlyNearCover //ae.m_AIAbilities = (AIAbilities)197709; info += "\nAgent: " + ae.GetName(); info += "\nNow has AIAbilties: " + ae.m_AIAbilities.ToString(); } setEntityInfo("Setting AI abilities", info); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F9)) { string info = ""; foreach (AIEntity ae in Manager.GetInputControl().GetPlayerSelectedEntities()) { //ae.m_AIAbilities = AIAbilities.LicensedToKill; //ae.m_AIAbilities = AIAbilities.FindBetterCover; //ae.m_AIAbilities = AIAbilities.Shoot; //ae.m_AIAbilities = AIAbilities.OnlyNearCover; //ae.m_AIAbilities = AIAbilities.LeaveCover; //ae.m_AIAbilities = AIAbilities.GetWeaponOut; //AIAbilities.HasSpeedAdjust; //AIAbilities.CanMelee; //AIAbilities.ScanEnemy; // Standard: Melee, SpeedAdjust, OnlyNearCover //ae.m_AIAbilities = (AIAbilities)197672; // Scan, Melee. Shoot, LeaveCover, GetWeaponOut, SpeedAdjust ae.m_AIAbilities = (AIAbilities)197645; // Scan, Melee. Shoot, LeaveCover, GetWeaponOut, OnlyNearCover, SpeedAdjust //ae.m_AIAbilities = (AIAbilities)197709; info += "\nAgent: " + ae.GetName(); info += "\nNow has AIAbilties: " + ae.m_AIAbilities.ToString(); } setEntityInfo("Setting AI abilities", info); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F10)) { string info = ""; foreach (AIEntity ae in Manager.GetInputControl().GetPlayerSelectedEntities()) { info += "\nAgent: " + ae.GetName(); info += "\n" + ae.m_AIAbilities.ToString(); if (ae.HasAIAbility(AIAbilities.IgnoreBeingShot)) { info += "\nIgnores being shot"; } else { info += "\nDoes not ignore being shot"; } if (ae.HasAIAbility(AIAbilities.LicensedToKill)) { info += "\nIs licensed to kill"; } else { info += "\nNot licensed to kill"; } if (ae.HasAIAbility(AIAbilities.GetWeaponOut)) { info += "\nCan get weapon out"; } else { info += "\nCannot get weapon out"; } if (ae.HasAIAbility(AIAbilities.Shoot)) { info += "\nCan shoot"; } else { info += "\nCannot shoot"; } if (ae.HasAIAbility(AIAbilities.CanMelee)) { info += "\nCan melee"; } else { info += "\nCannot melee"; } } setEntityInfo("Info about AI abilities", info); } } }
public void AddAgent(string user, AgentAI agent) { _spawnedCubes.Add(user, agent); }