protected void bAjaxPostback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
                Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager datMan = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;
                switch (hiddenAjaxAction.Value)
                case "SaveWOD":
                    JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    Affine.Data.json.WOD wodJson    = serializer.Deserialize <Affine.Data.json.WOD>(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                    if (GroupSettings != null)
                    {       // if this was a group wod.. we want to bounce back to the scheduling page now...
                        wodJson.CreatorUId = GroupSettings.Id;
                        wodJson.CreatorUId = UserSettings.Id;
                    long wodId = datMan.CreateWOD(wodJson);
                    if (wodJson.GroupKey > 0 && (wodJson.GroupKey != 435 && wodJson.GroupKey != 516))     // TODO: this is a tmp switch
                        DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(wodJson.Date);
                        datMan.ScheduleGroupWOD(UserSettings.Id, wodJson.GroupKey, wodId, date, date.AddDays(-1), null, "");
                    if (GroupSettings != null)
                        Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~") + "group/" + GroupSettings.UserName + "?w=" + wodId, true);
                        string gname = wodJson.GroupKey > 0 ? wodJson.GorupName : "";
                        RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("" + wodId + ",'" + gname + "');");

            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: better error handling
                //  RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" alert('"+ ex.StackTrace.Replace("'", "") + "');");
                RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" alert('" + ex.Message + "');");
        protected void bSaveWOD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string status = string.Empty;

                JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                Affine.Data.json.WOD wodJson    = serializer.Deserialize <Affine.Data.json.WOD>(atiWodJson.Value);
                aqufitEntities       entities   = new aqufitEntities();

                // TODO: check if there is already a WOD of the same name
                long wodTypeId = Convert.ToInt64(ddlWODType.SelectedValue);
                int  standard  = UserInfo.IsSuperUser ? 1 : 0;
                long userKey   = GroupSettings != null ? this.GroupSettings.Id : this.UserSettings.Id;
                WOD  wod       = new WOD()
                    Difficulty      = wodJson.Difficulty,
                    Standard        = (short)standard,
                    Name            = Affine.Utils.Web.WebUtils.MakeWebSafeString(txtWorkoutName.Text),
                    WODType         = entities.WODTypes.First(t => t.Id == wodTypeId),
                    UserSettingsKey = userKey,
                    Description     = Affine.Utils.Web.WebUtils.MakeWebSafeString(txtDescription.Text),
                    UserName        = GroupSettings != null ? this.GroupSettings.UserName : this.UserSettings.UserName,
                    CreationDate    = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()
                if (wodTypeId == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.AMRAP)
                    wod.TimeSpan = atiTimeSpan.Time;
                foreach (Affine.Data.json.WODSet setJson in wodJson.WODSets)
                    WODSet wodSet = new WODSet()
                        WOD = wod
                    //Affine.Data.Exercise[] exerciseArray = entities.Exercises.Where(Affine.Utils.Linq.LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Affine.Data.Exercise, long>(ex => ex.Id, setJson.WODExercises.Select(ee => ee.ExcercisKey ).ToArray() )).ToArray();
                    foreach (Affine.Data.json.WODExercise exJson in setJson.WODExercises)
                        double      mdist   = exJson.MenDist > 0 ? Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(exJson.MenDist, Utils.UnitsUtil.ToUnit(exJson.MenDistUnits)) : -1;
                        double      wdist   = exJson.WomenDist > 0 ? Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(exJson.WomenDist, Utils.UnitsUtil.ToUnit(exJson.WomenDistUnits)) : -1;
                        double      mweight = exJson.MenRx > 0 ? Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(exJson.MenRx, Utils.UnitsUtil.ToUnit(exJson.MenRxUnits)) : -1;
                        double      wweight = exJson.WomenRx > 0 ? Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(exJson.WomenRx, Utils.UnitsUtil.ToUnit(exJson.WomenRxUnits)) : -1;
                        WODExercise wodEx   = new WODExercise()
                            MenDist   = mdist,
                            WomenDist = wdist,
                            WODSet    = wodSet,
                            MenRx     = mweight,
                            WomenRx   = wweight,
                            Reps      = exJson.Reps,
                            Order     = exJson.Order,
                            Notes     = Affine.Utils.Web.WebUtils.MakeWebSafeString(exJson.Notes),
                            Exercise  = entities.Exercises.First(ee => ee.Id == exJson.ExcercisKey)
                // Now we add to peoples favs
                // ** This no longer happens here.. it happens when the workout is "scheduled" for the group that it gets added to the list..
                WOD newWOD = entities.WODs.Where(w => w.UserSettingsKey == userKey).OrderByDescending(w => w.Id).First();
                if (GroupSettings == null)
                {   // simply add for this user..
                    User2WODFav fav = new User2WODFav()
                        UserSetting = entities.UserSettings.First(us => us.Id == UserSettings.Id),
                        WOD         = newWOD
                    User2WODFav fav = new User2WODFav()
                        UserSetting = entities.UserSettings.First(us => us.Id == GroupSettings.Id),
                        WOD         = newWOD
                if (GroupSettings != null)
                {   // if this was a group wod.. we want to bounce back to the scheduling page now...
                    Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~") + "group/" + GroupSettings.UserName + "?w=" + newWOD.Id, true);
                string baseUrl = ResolveUrl("~");
                RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("" + newWOD.Id + ");");
                //status = "Your Workout has been saved.  It will now show up in your Workout List";
            catch (Exception ex)
                status = "There was a problem saving your workout: " + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException;
            RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" UpdateStatus('" + status + "');");
        // CA - this will need to be cleaned up a lot.. but here is the iteration one version
        // ** People can view workouts in 4 modes (everyone, watchlist, friends, just them)
        //     -In the case of running, cycling, swimming, and STANDARD crossfit Wods... we are going to
        //      be storing peoples best times for (distance rnages) and standard wods... so in these cases
        //      we can shorted the query time when we do an "everyone" query
        //     -Watch list and friends we do the work of getting every time that person did the workout.. not just
        //      there best times.
        //     -Same for the (you only) view

        private void LoadFlexDataForWorkout(Workout workout, Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext context)
            Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataManager = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;

            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            // onload we send friend, watch, and group member data that is needed to the app
            aqufitEntities entities  = new aqufitEntities();
            IList <long>   friendIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id)).Select(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey)).ToList();


            // send the persons profile through
            var profile = new { UserName = ProfileSettings.UserName, Id = ProfileSettings.Id, FirstName = ProfileSettings.UserFirstName, LastName = ProfileSettings.UserLastName };

            hiddenProfileJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(profile);

            var friends = entities.UserSettings.OfType <User>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression <User, long>(s => s.Id, friendIds)).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, Un = u.UserName, Fn = u.UserFirstName, Ln = u.UserLastName }).ToArray();

            hiddenFriendJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(friends);
            // get groups
            long[]         groupIds  = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id) && f.Relationship > 0).Select(f => f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey).ToArray();
            UserSettings[] groupList = entities.UserSettings.OfType <Group>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression <UserSettings, long>(us => us.Id, groupIds)).OrderBy(f => f.UserName).ToArray();
            var            groups    = entities.UserSettings.OfType <Group>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression <Group, long>(s => s.Id, groupIds)).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, Un = u.UserName }).ToArray();

            hiddenGroupJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(groups);
            // next we load the workout compare to all (friends)

            Affine.WebService.StreamService ss = new WebService.StreamService();

            //hiddenWorkout.Value = ss.getWorkout(workout.Id);
            Affine.Data.json.Workout       jsonWorkout     = dataManager.workoutToJsonWorkout(workout);
            Affine.Data.json.WOD           wod             = null;
            Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData[] jsonWorkoutData = null;
            //var workoutJson = new { Id = workout.Id, WorkoutTypeKey = workout.WorkoutTypeKey, Title = workout.Title, Date = workout.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), DataSrc = workout.DataSrc };

            Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit weight = base.WeightUnits;
            if (workout.WorkoutTypeKey == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.CROSSFIT)
                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.DEFAULT)
                {   // default context for crossfit is the watchlist
                    context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST;
                // if this is a crossfit workout
                // we want to get ALL the same WoDs for you and your friends
                IQueryable <Workout> workoutDataQuery = context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE ?
                                                        entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).AsQueryable()
                                                        context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST ?
                                                        entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression <Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).AsQueryable()
                                                        context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.FRIENDS ?
                                                        entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression <Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).AsQueryable()
                                                        entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id && w.UserSetting.Id == ProfileSettings.Id).AsQueryable();
                var workoutData = workoutDataQuery.Select(w => new { Id = w.Id, UsKey = w.UserSetting.Id, Un = w.UserSetting.UserName, T = w.Duration, S = w.Score, M = w.Max, Rx = w.RxD, D = w.Date }).ToArray();
                wod = new Affine.Data.json.WOD()
                    Id = workout.WOD.Id, Standard = workout.WOD.Standard, Type = workout.WOD.WODType.Id, Name = workout.WOD.Name, Description = workout.WOD.Description
                if (wod.Type == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                {   // time in sec
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.T).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id, Id = w.Id, S = (double)w.T, Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false)
                else if (wod.Type == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.M).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id, Id = w.Id, S = Math.Round(Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.systemDefaultToUnits(Convert.ToDouble(w.M), weight), 2), Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false)
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.S).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id, Id = w.Id, S = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(w.S), 2), Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false)
            {   // for now this will handle "running, swimming, walking, cycling"
                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.DEFAULT)
                    if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_NO_MAP || workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_WITH_MAP)
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE;
                    else if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.NIKE_NO_MAP)
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST;
                    // TODO: not sure about this one....

                     * else if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_WITH_MAP)
                     * {   // TODO: ?? this is a special case that we want to compare all the times of people that have logged a run for the route.
                     * long mapRouteKey = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id).Select(w => w.WorkoutExtendeds.FirstOrDefault().MapRoute.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                     * IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.WorkoutExtendeds.Include("UserStream").Where(we => we.MapRoute != null && we.MapRoute.Id == mapRouteKey).Select(we => we.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().OrderBy(w => w.Duration).Take(5000);
                     * workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                     * Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                     * var wd = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new
                     * {
                     *  UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                     *  Id = w.Id,
                     *  S = w.Duration,
                     *  Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                     *  D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                     * }).ToArray();
                     * var ret = new { WOD = new { }, WorkoutData = wd, Workout = workoutJson, Context = (int)context };
                     * hiddenWorkoutData.Value = serializer.Serialize(ret);
                     * }*/
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.ME;

                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE)
                {   // we want to compare achievments...
                    IQueryable <Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a =>
                                                                                                                                            a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                                                            workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                                                            workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType <Workout>().AsQueryable();
                    workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id  = w.Id,
                        S   = w.Duration.Value,
                        Un  = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D   = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                else if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST || context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.FRIENDS)
                    IQueryable <Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a =>
                                                                                                                                            a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                                                            workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                                                            workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).
                                                        Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression <Achievement, long>(a => a.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType <Workout>().AsQueryable();
                    workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id  = w.Id,
                        S   = w.Duration.Value,
                        Un  = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D   = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                else if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.ME)   // this is just you for the ranges.. since no map data
                    IQueryable <Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a => a.UserSetting.Id == ProfileSettings.Id &&
                                                                                                                                            a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                                                            workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                                                            workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).
                                                        Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType <Workout>().AsQueryable();
                    workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id  = w.Id,
                        S   = w.Duration.Value,
                        Un  = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D   = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
            var retWorkout = new { WOD = wod, WorkoutData = jsonWorkoutData, Workout = jsonWorkout, Context = (int)context };

            hiddenWorkoutData.Value = serializer.Serialize(retWorkout);
        // CA - this will need to be cleaned up a lot.. but here is the iteration one version
        // ** People can view workouts in 4 modes (everyone, watchlist, friends, just them)
        //     -In the case of running, cycling, swimming, and STANDARD crossfit Wods... we are going to
        //      be storing peoples best times for (distance rnages) and standard wods... so in these cases
        //      we can shorted the query time when we do an "everyone" query
        //     -Watch list and friends we do the work of getting every time that person did the workout.. not just
        //      there best times.
        //     -Same for the (you only) view
        private void LoadFlexDataForWorkout(Workout workout, Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext context)
            Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataManager = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;

            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            // onload we send friend, watch, and group member data that is needed to the app
            aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
            IList<long> friendIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id)).Select(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey)).ToList();

            // send the persons profile through
            var profile = new { UserName = ProfileSettings.UserName, Id = ProfileSettings.Id, FirstName = ProfileSettings.UserFirstName, LastName= ProfileSettings.UserLastName };
            hiddenProfileJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(profile);

            var friends = entities.UserSettings.OfType<User>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<User, long>(s => s.Id, friendIds)).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, Un = u.UserName, Fn = u.UserFirstName, Ln = u.UserLastName }).ToArray();
            hiddenFriendJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(friends);
            // get groups
            long[] groupIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id) && f.Relationship > 0).Select(f => f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey).ToArray();
            UserSettings[] groupList = entities.UserSettings.OfType<Group>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<UserSettings, long>(us => us.Id, groupIds)).OrderBy(f => f.UserName).ToArray();
            var groups = entities.UserSettings.OfType<Group>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Group, long>(s => s.Id, groupIds)).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, Un = u.UserName }).ToArray();
            hiddenGroupJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(groups);
            // next we load the workout compare to all (friends)

            Affine.WebService.StreamService ss = new WebService.StreamService();

            //hiddenWorkout.Value = ss.getWorkout(workout.Id);
            Affine.Data.json.Workout jsonWorkout = dataManager.workoutToJsonWorkout(workout);
            Affine.Data.json.WOD wod = null;
            Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData[] jsonWorkoutData = null;
            //var workoutJson = new { Id = workout.Id, WorkoutTypeKey = workout.WorkoutTypeKey, Title = workout.Title, Date = workout.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), DataSrc = workout.DataSrc };

            Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit weight = base.WeightUnits;
            if (workout.WorkoutTypeKey == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.CROSSFIT)
                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.DEFAULT)
                {   // default context for crossfit is the watchlist
                    context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST;
                // if this is a crossfit workout
                // we want to get ALL the same WoDs for you and your friends
                IQueryable<Workout> workoutDataQuery = context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE ?
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).AsQueryable()
                                    context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST ?
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).AsQueryable()
                                    context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.FRIENDS ?
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).AsQueryable()
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id && w.UserSetting.Id == ProfileSettings.Id ).AsQueryable();
                var workoutData = workoutDataQuery.Select(w => new { Id = w.Id, UsKey = w.UserSetting.Id, Un = w.UserSetting.UserName, T = w.Duration, S = w.Score, M = w.Max, Rx = w.RxD, D = w.Date }).ToArray();
                wod = new Affine.Data.json.WOD (){ Id = workout.WOD.Id, Standard = workout.WOD.Standard, Type = workout.WOD.WODType.Id, Name = workout.WOD.Name, Description = workout.WOD.Description };
                if (wod.Type == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                {   // time in sec
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.T).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData() { UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id, Id = w.Id, S = (double)w.T, Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false) }).ToArray();
                else if (wod.Type == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.M).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData() { UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id, Id = w.Id, S = Math.Round(Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.systemDefaultToUnits(Convert.ToDouble(w.M), weight), 2), Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false) }).ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.S).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData() { UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id , Id = w.Id, S = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(w.S), 2), Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false) }).ToArray();
            {   // for now this will handle "running, swimming, walking, cycling"
                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.DEFAULT)
                    if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_NO_MAP || workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_WITH_MAP)
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE;
                    else if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.NIKE_NO_MAP)
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST;
                    // TODO: not sure about this one....
                else if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_WITH_MAP)
                {   // TODO: ?? this is a special case that we want to compare all the times of people that have logged a run for the route.
                    long mapRouteKey = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id).Select(w => w.WorkoutExtendeds.FirstOrDefault().MapRoute.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.WorkoutExtendeds.Include("UserStream").Where(we => we.MapRoute != null && we.MapRoute.Id == mapRouteKey).Select(we => we.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().OrderBy(w => w.Duration).Take(5000);
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    var wd = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id = w.Id,
                        S = w.Duration,
                        Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                    var ret = new { WOD = new { }, WorkoutData = wd, Workout = workoutJson, Context = (int)context };
                    hiddenWorkoutData.Value = serializer.Serialize(ret);
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.ME;

                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE)
                {   // we want to compare achievments...
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a =>
                                                                                                    a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().AsQueryable();
                    workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id = w.Id,
                        S = w.Duration.Value,
                        Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                else if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST || context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.FRIENDS)
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a =>
                                                                                                    a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).
                                                                                                    Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Achievement, long>(a => a.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().AsQueryable();
                    workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id = w.Id,
                        S = w.Duration.Value,
                        Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                else if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.ME)   // this is just you for the ranges.. since no map data
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a => a.UserSetting.Id == ProfileSettings.Id &&
                                                                                                    a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).
                                                                                                    Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().AsQueryable();
                   workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                   workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                   Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                   jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                       UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                       Id = w.Id,
                       S = w.Duration.Value,
                       Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                       D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
            var retWorkout = new { WOD = wod, WorkoutData = jsonWorkoutData, Workout = jsonWorkout, Context = (int)context };
            hiddenWorkoutData.Value = serializer.Serialize(retWorkout);