public static void PrintLootMap()
            string    expectedResult = "Armor is worth 250gp and weighs 35kg\nArrow is worth 2gp and weighs 0.1kg\nAxe is worth 250gp and weighs 3.5kg\nBackpack is worth 20gp and weighs 0.4kg\nBelt is worth 60gp and weighs 0.09kg\nBow is worth 100gp and weighs 1.5kg\nChest is worth 50gp and weighs 15kg\nCrossbow is worth 350gp and weighs 9kg\nDagger is worth 95gp and weighs 0.6kg\nDiamond is worth 5000gp and weighs 0.01kg\nHelmet is worth 35gp and weighs 1.1kg\nLantern is worth 45gp and weighs 2kg\nPurse is worth 5gp and weighs 0.2kg\nQuiver is worth 60gp and weighs 0.3kg\nRing is worth 395gp and weighs 0.05kg\nScroll is worth 10gp and weighs 0.02kg\nStaff is worth 45gp and weighs 1kg\nSword is worth 300gp and weighs 2kg\nTorch is worth 15gp and weighs 1kg\n";
            Adventure adventure      = new Adventure(itemList);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, adventure.PrintLootMap());