Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves measurement back to the configuration database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">Database connection for query. Will be created from config if this value is null.</param>
        /// <param name="measurement">Measurement to be inserted or updated</param>
        public void Save(AdoDataConnection database, PowerMeasurement measurement)
            var createdConnection = false;

				createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

				if (measurement.SignalID == Guid.Empty)
					database.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO Measurement (DeviceID, PointTag, SignalTypeID, " +
                        "SignalReference, Adder, Multiplier, Description, Enabled, UpdatedBy, UpdatedOn, CreatedBy, CreatedOn) VALUES " + 
                        "({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11})", ToNotNull(measurement.DeviceID), measurement.PointTag, 
                        measurement.SignalTypeID, measurement.SignalReference, measurement.Adder, measurement.Multiplier, ToNotNull(measurement.Description), 
                        database.Bool(measurement.Enabled), Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name, database.UtcNow, Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name, database.UtcNow);

                    measurement.SignalID = database.ExecuteScalar<Guid>("SELECT SignalID FROM Measurement WHERE PointTag={0}", measurement.PointTag);
					database.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE Measurement SET DeviceID = {0}, PointTag = {1}, " +
                        "SignalTypeID = {2}, SignalReference = {3}, Adder = {4}, Multiplier = {5}, Description = {6}, " +
                        "Enabled = {7}, UpdatedBy = {8}, UpdatedOn = {9} WHERE SignalId = {10}", ToNotNull(measurement.DeviceID), measurement.PointTag,
						measurement.SignalTypeID, measurement.SignalReference, measurement.Adder, measurement.Multiplier, ToNotNull(measurement.Description), 
                        database.Bool(measurement.Enabled), Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name, database.UtcNow, measurement.SignalID);
				if (createdConnection)
        internal static void LoadConnectionParameters()
                using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                    TableOperations<IaonOutputAdapter> operations = new TableOperations<IaonOutputAdapter>(connection);
                    IaonOutputAdapter record = operations.QueryRecords(limit: 1, restriction: new RecordRestriction
                        FilterExpression = "TypeName = 'openHistorian.Adapters.LocalOutputAdapter'"

                    if ((object)record == null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("Primary openHistorian adapter instance not found.");

                    Dictionary<string, string> settings = record.ConnectionString.ParseKeyValuePairs();
                    string setting;

                    if (!settings.TryGetValue("port", out setting) || !int.TryParse(setting, out s_portNumber))
                        s_portNumber = Connection.DefaultHistorianPort;

                    if (!settings.TryGetValue("instanceName", out s_defaultInstanceName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s_defaultInstanceName))
                        s_defaultInstanceName = record.AdapterName ?? "PPA";
                s_defaultInstanceName = "PPA";
                s_portNumber = Connection.DefaultHistorianPort;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads <see cref="IaonTree"/> information as an <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> style list.
        /// </summary>        
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>     
        /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="IaonTree"/>.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection<IaonTree> Load(AdoDataConnection database)
            bool createdConnection = false;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);
                ObservableCollection<IaonTree> iaonTreeList;
                DataTable rootNodesTable = new DataTable();
                rootNodesTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("AdapterType", Type.GetType("System.String")));

                DataRow row;
                row = rootNodesTable.NewRow();
                row["AdapterType"] = "Input Adapters";

                row = rootNodesTable.NewRow();
                row["AdapterType"] = "Action Adapters";

                row = rootNodesTable.NewRow();
                row["AdapterType"] = "Output Adapters";

                DataSet resultSet = new DataSet();

                DataTable iaonTreeTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT * FROM IaonTreeView WHERE NodeID = {0}", "nodeID"), database.CurrentNodeID());
                resultSet.EnforceConstraints = false;
                resultSet.Tables[0].TableName = "RootNodesTable";
                resultSet.Tables[1].TableName = "AdapterData";

                iaonTreeList = new ObservableCollection<IaonTree>(from item in resultSet.Tables["RootNodesTable"].AsEnumerable()
                                                                  select new IaonTree
                                                                      m_adapterType = item.Field<string>("AdapterType"),
                                                                      m_adapterList = new ObservableCollection<Adapter>(from obj in resultSet.Tables["AdapterData"].AsEnumerable()
                                                                                                                        where obj.Field<string>("AdapterType") == item.Field<string>("AdapterType")
                                                                                                                        select new Adapter
                                                                                                                            NodeID = database.Guid(obj, "NodeID"),
                                                                                                                            ID = obj.ConvertField<int>("ID"),
                                                                                                                            AdapterName = obj.Field<string>("AdapterName"),
                                                                                                                            AssemblyName = obj.Field<string>("AssemblyName"),
                                                                                                                            TypeName = obj.Field<string>("TypeName"),
                                                                                                                            ConnectionString = obj.Field<string>("ConnectionString")

                return iaonTreeList;
                if (createdConnection && database != null)

Beispiel #4
 public WebPageControllerResolver(WebServer webServer, string defaultWebPage, object model, Type modelType, AdoDataConnection database)
     m_webServer = webServer;
     m_defaultWebPage = defaultWebPage;
     m_model = model;
     m_modelType = modelType;
     m_database = database;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that data operation and adapter instance exist within database.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ValidateDatabaseDefinitions()
            using (AdoDataConnection database = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                if (!DataOperationExists(database))

                if (!AdapterInstanceExists(database))
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="RazorView"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="razorEngine"><see cref="IRazorEngine"/> instance to use.</param>
 /// <param name="templateName">Name of template file, typically a .cshtml or .vbhtml file.</param>
 /// <param name="model">Reference to model to use when rendering template.</param>
 /// <param name="modelType">Type of <paramref name="model"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="pagedViewModelDataType">Type of data class for views based on paged view model, if any.</param>
 /// <param name="pagedViewModelHubType">Type of SignalR hub for views based on paged view model, if any.</param>
 /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to use, if any.</param>
 /// <param name="exceptionHandler">Delegate to handle exceptions, if any.</param>
 public RazorView(IRazorEngine razorEngine, string templateName, object model = null, Type modelType = null, Type pagedViewModelDataType = null, Type pagedViewModelHubType = null, AdoDataConnection database = null, Action<Exception> exceptionHandler = null)
     m_razorEngine = razorEngine;
     TemplateName = templateName;
     Model = model;
     ModelType = modelType;
     PagedViewModelDataType = pagedViewModelDataType;
     PagedViewModelHubType = pagedViewModelHubType;
     Database = database;
     ExceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
        /// <summary>
        /// Delegates control to the data operations that are to be performed at startup.
        /// </summary>
        private static void PerformTimeSeriesStartupOperations(AdoDataConnection database, string nodeIDQueryString, ulong trackingVersion, string arguments, Action<string> statusMessage, Action<Exception> processException)
            // Set up messaging to the service
            s_statusMessage = statusMessage;
            s_processException = processException;

            // Run data operations
            ValidateDefaultNode(database, nodeIDQueryString);
            ValidateActiveMeasurements(database, nodeIDQueryString);
            ValidateAccountsAndGroups(database, nodeIDQueryString);
            ValidateDataPublishers(database, nodeIDQueryString, arguments);
            ValidateStatistics(database, nodeIDQueryString);
            ValidateAlarming(database, nodeIDQueryString);
Beispiel #8
		private static bool CreateConnection(ref AdoDataConnection database)
			if ((object)database != null)
                return false;

				database = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings");
				return true;
				return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="DataSubscriptionHubClient"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 public DataSubscriptionHubClient()
     m_statisticSubscriptionInfo = new UnsynchronizedSubscriptionInfo(false);
     m_dataSubscriptionInfo = new UnsynchronizedSubscriptionInfo(false);
     m_measurements = new List<MeasurementValue>();
     m_statistics = new List<MeasurementValue>();
     m_statusLights = new List<StatusLight>();
     m_deviceDetails = new List<DeviceDetail>();
     m_measurementDetails = new List<MeasurementDetail>();
     m_phasorDetails = new List<PhasorDetail>();
     m_schemaVersion = new List<SchemaVersion>();
     m_measurementLock = new object();
     using(AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection("securityProvider"))
         int index = conn.ExecuteScalar<int>("Select ID FROM ValueListGroup WHERE Name = 'ModbusSubscriptions'");
         m_connectionString = conn.ExecuteScalar<string>("Select Text FROM ValueList WHERE GroupID = {0} AND IsDefault = 1", index);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="App"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public App()

            m_errorLogger = new ErrorLogger();
            m_defaultErrorText = m_errorLogger.ErrorTextMethod;
            m_errorLogger.ErrorTextMethod = ErrorText;
            m_errorLogger.ExitOnUnhandledException = false;
            m_errorLogger.HandleUnhandledException = true;
            m_errorLogger.LogToEmail = false;
            m_errorLogger.LogToEventLog = true;
            m_errorLogger.LogToFile = true;
            m_errorLogger.LogToScreenshot = true;
            m_errorLogger.LogToUI = true;

            m_title = AssemblyInfo.EntryAssembly.Title;

            // Setup default cache for measurement keys and associated Guid based signal ID's
            AdoDataConnection database = null;

                database = new AdoDataConnection(CommonFunctions.DefaultSettingsCategory);
                MeasurementKey.EstablishDefaultCache(database.Connection, database.AdapterType);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // First attempt to display a modal dialog will fail to block this
                // thread -- modal dialog displayed by the error logger will block now

                // Log and display error, then exit application - manager must connect to database to continue
                m_errorLogger.Log(new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("{0} cannot connect to database: {1}", m_title, ex.Message), ex), true);
                if (database != null)

            IsolatedStorageManager.WriteToIsolatedStorage("MirrorMode", false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Data operation to validate and ensure there is a node in the database.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ValidateDefaultNode(AdoDataConnection database, string nodeIDQueryString)
            // Queries
            const string NodeCountFormat = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Node";

            const string NodeInsertFormat = "INSERT INTO Node(Name, CompanyID, Description, Settings, MenuType, MenuData, Master, LoadOrder, Enabled) " +
                "VALUES('Default', NULL, 'Default node', 'RemoteStatusServerConnectionString={server=localhost:8500};datapublisherport=6165;RealTimeStatisticServiceUrl=http://localhost:6052/historian', " +
                "'File', 'Menu.xml', 1, 0, 1)";

            const string NodeUpdateFormat = "UPDATE Node SET ID = {0}";

            // Determine whether the node exists in the database and create it if it doesn't.
            int nodeCount = Convert.ToInt32(database.Connection.ExecuteScalar(NodeCountFormat));

            if (nodeCount == 0)
                database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(NodeUpdateFormat, nodeIDQueryString));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves <see cref="InputWizardDevice"/> information in to database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
 /// <param name="inputWizardDevice">Information about <see cref="InputWizardDevice"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>string, indicating success for UI display.</returns>
 public static string Save(AdoDataConnection database, InputWizardDevice inputWizardDevice)
Beispiel #13
        private void LogStateChanges()
            IList <StateChange> stateChanges;

            StringBuilder insertQuery;
            List <object> insertParameters;
            StringBuilder deleteQuery;
            List <object> deleteParameters;

            int count;


            stateChanges     = m_stateChanges.Dequeue();
            insertQuery      = new StringBuilder();
            insertParameters = new List <object>();
            deleteQuery      = new StringBuilder();
            deleteParameters = new List <object>();
            count            = 0;

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                foreach (StateChange stateChange in stateChanges)
                    if (insertQuery.Length == 0)
                        insertQuery.Append("INSERT INTO AlarmLog(SignalID, PreviousState, NewState, Ticks, Timestamp, Value) ");
                        insertQuery.Append("SELECT {0} AS SignalID, {1} AS PreviousState, {2} AS NewState, {3} AS Ticks, {4} AS Timestamp, {5} AS Value");

                        deleteQuery.Append("DELETE FROM AlarmLog WHERE ");
                        deleteQuery.Append("(SignalID = {0} AND Ticks < {1})");
                        insertQuery.Append(" UNION ALL ");
                        insertQuery.AppendFormat("SELECT {{{0}}}, {{{1}}}, {{{2}}}, {{{3}}}, {{{4}}}, {{{5}}}", Enumerable.Range(count * 6, 6).Cast <object>().ToArray());

                        deleteQuery.Append(" OR ");
                        deleteQuery.AppendFormat("(SignalID = {{{0}}} AND Ticks < {{{1}}})", Enumerable.Range(count * 2, 2).Cast <object>().ToArray());




                    if (count == m_bulkInsertLimit)
                        connection.ExecuteNonQuery(insertQuery.ToString(), insertParameters.ToArray());
                        connection.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteQuery.ToString(), deleteParameters.ToArray());


                        count = 0;

                if (count > 0)
                    connection.ExecuteNonQuery(insertQuery.ToString(), insertParameters.ToArray());
                    connection.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteQuery.ToString(), deleteParameters.ToArray());
        public override void Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            FaultDataResource faultDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource <FaultDataResource>();
            string            stationKey        = meterDataSet.Meter.MeterLocation.AssetKey;

            foreach (var kvp in faultDataResource.FaultLookup)
                DataGroup dataGroup = kvp.Key;
                DataAnalysis.FaultGroup faultGroup = kvp.Value;
                string lineKey = dataGroup.Line.AssetKey;

                for (int i = 0; i < faultGroup.Faults.Count; i++)
                    int faultNumber          = i + 1;
                    DataAnalysis.Fault fault = faultGroup.Faults[i];

                    if (fault.IsSuppressed)

                    string distance = fault.Summaries
                                      .Where(summary => summary.IsValid)
                                      .Where(summary => summary.IsSelectedAlgorithm)
                                      .Select(summary => summary.Distance.ToString("0.###"))

                    if (distance == null)

                    string    url           = string.Format(Settings.URLFormat, stationKey, lineKey, distance);
                    string    structureInfo = GetStructureInfo(url);
                    DataTable structureData = ToDataTable(structureInfo);

                    if (structureData.Rows.Count == 0)

                    Func <string, string> fieldMappingLookup = FieldMappingLookup;
                    string assetKeyField     = fieldMappingLookup("AssetKey");
                    string latitudeKeyField  = fieldMappingLookup("Latitude");
                    string longitudeKeyField = fieldMappingLookup("Longitude");

                    if (!structureData.Columns.Contains(assetKeyField))

                    using (AdoDataConnection connection = meterDataSet.CreateDbConnection())
                        TableOperations <Event> eventTable = new TableOperations <Event>(connection);
                        Event evt            = eventTable.GetEvent(meterDataSet.FileGroup, dataGroup);
                        int   faultSummaryID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>(FaultSummaryQuery, evt.ID, faultNumber);

                        TableOperations <Structure> structureTable = new TableOperations <Structure>(connection);

                        foreach (DataRow row in structureData.Rows)
                            string assetKey  = row.Field <string>(assetKeyField);
                            string latitude  = null;
                            string longitude = null;

                            if (structureData.Columns.Contains(latitudeKeyField))
                                latitude = row.Field <string>(latitudeKeyField);

                            if (structureData.Columns.Contains(longitudeKeyField))
                                longitude = row.Field <string>(longitudeKeyField);

                            Structure structure = structureTable.QueryRecordWhere("AssetKey = {0}", assetKey)
                                                  ?? new Structure()
                                AssetKey = assetKey

                            structure.LineID = dataGroup.Line.ID;

                            if (double.TryParse(latitude, out double lat))
                                structure.Latitude = lat;

                            if (double.TryParse(longitude, out double lon))
                                structure.Longitude = lon;


                            if (structure.ID == 0)
                                structure.ID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@IDENTITY");

                            if (faultSummaryID != 0)
                                connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO NearestStructure(FaultSummaryID, StructureID) VALUES({0}, {1})", faultSummaryID, structure.ID);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if a data operation exists to run this class. Returns false otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database">Database connection to use for checking the data operation</param>
 /// <returns>True or false indicating whether the operation exists</returns>
 private static bool AdapterInstanceExists(AdoDataConnection database)
     return(Convert.ToInt32(database.ExecuteScalar($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CustomActionAdapter WHERE TypeName='{typeof(PowerMultiCalculatorAdapter).FullName}'")) > 0);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate accounts and groups to ensure that account names and group names are converted to SIDs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">Data connection to use for database operations.</param>
        private static void ValidateAccountsAndGroups(AdoDataConnection database)
            const string SelectUserAccountQuery    = "SELECT ID, Name, UseADAuthentication FROM UserAccount";
            const string SelectSecurityGroupQuery  = "SELECT ID, Name FROM SecurityGroup";
            const string UpdateUserAccountFormat   = "UPDATE UserAccount SET Name = '{0}' WHERE ID = '{1}'";
            const string UpdateSecurityGroupFormat = "UPDATE SecurityGroup SET Name = '{0}' WHERE ID = '{1}'";

            string id;
            string sid;
            string accountName;
            Dictionary <string, string> updateMap;

            updateMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Find user accounts that need to be updated
            using (IDataReader userAccountReader = database.Connection.ExecuteReader(SelectUserAccountQuery))
                while (userAccountReader.Read())
                    id          = userAccountReader["ID"].ToNonNullString();
                    accountName = userAccountReader["Name"].ToNonNullString();

                    if (userAccountReader["UseADAuthentication"].ToNonNullString().ParseBoolean())
                        sid = UserInfo.UserNameToSID(accountName);

                        if (!ReferenceEquals(accountName, sid) && UserInfo.IsUserSID(sid))
                            updateMap.Add(id, sid);

            // Update user accounts
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in updateMap)
                database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(UpdateUserAccountFormat, pair.Value, pair.Key));


            // Find security groups that need to be updated
            using (IDataReader securityGroupReader = database.Connection.ExecuteReader(SelectSecurityGroupQuery))
                while (securityGroupReader.Read())
                    id          = securityGroupReader["ID"].ToNonNullString();
                    accountName = securityGroupReader["Name"].ToNonNullString();

                    if (accountName.Contains('\\'))
                        sid = UserInfo.GroupNameToSID(accountName);

                        if (!ReferenceEquals(accountName, sid) && UserInfo.IsGroupSID(sid))
                            updateMap.Add(id, sid);

            // Update security groups
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in updateMap)
                database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(UpdateSecurityGroupFormat, pair.Value, pair.Key));
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a <see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> style list of <see cref="Subscriber"/> information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="isOptional">Indicates if selection on UI is optional for this collection.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> containing ID and Name of subscribers defined in the database.</returns>
        public static Dictionary<Guid, string> GetLookupList(AdoDataConnection database, bool isOptional = false)
            Dictionary<Guid, string> subscriberList;
            DataTable subscriberTable;
            bool createdConnection = false;
            string query;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);
                subscriberList = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

                if (isOptional)
                    subscriberList.Add(Guid.Empty, "Select Subscriber");

                query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID, Acronym FROM Subscriber WHERE Enabled = {0} AND NodeID = {1} ORDER BY Name", "enabled", "nodeID");
                subscriberTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, query, DefaultTimeout, database.Bool(true), database.CurrentNodeID());

                foreach (DataRow row in subscriberTable.Rows)
                    subscriberList[database.Guid(row, "ID")] = row.Field<string>("Acronym");

                return subscriberList;
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves <see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> type collection of <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/> neither allowed nor denied for <see cref="Subscriber"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriberID">ID of the <see cref="Subscriber"/> to filter data.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> type collection of ID and Name of <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/>.</returns>
        public static Dictionary<int, string> GetAvailableMeasurementGroups(AdoDataConnection database, Guid subscriberID)
            Dictionary<int, string> availableMeasurementGroups;
            DataTable availableMeasurementGroupTable;
            bool createdConnection = false;
            string query;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);
                availableMeasurementGroups = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID, Name FROM MeasurementGroup WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT MeasurementGroupID FROM SubscriberMeasurementGroup WHERE SubscriberID = {0}) ORDER BY Name", "subscriberID");
                availableMeasurementGroupTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, query, DefaultTimeout, database.Guid(subscriberID));

                foreach (DataRow row in availableMeasurementGroupTable.Rows)
                    availableMeasurementGroups[row.ConvertField<int>("ID")] = row.Field<string>("Name");

                return availableMeasurementGroups;
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #19
        // Static Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads <see cref="RealTimeStream"/> information as an <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> style list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="RealTimeStream"/>.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection <RealTimeStream> Load(AdoDataConnection database)
            bool createdConnection = false;

                ObservableCollection <RealTimeStream> realTimeStreamList = null;
                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                DataSet resultSet = new DataSet();
                resultSet.EnforceConstraints = false;

                // Get PDCs list.
                resultSet.Tables.Add(database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID, Acronym, Name, ConnectionString, CompanyName, Enabled FROM DeviceDetail " +
                                                                                                                              "WHERE NodeID = {0} AND IsConcentrator = {1} AND Enabled = {2} ORDER BY Acronym", "nodeID", "isConcentrator", "enabled"), DefaultTimeout, database.CurrentNodeID(), database.Bool(true), database.Bool(true)).Copy());

                resultSet.Tables[0].TableName = "PdcTable";

                // Add a dummy device row in PDC table to associate PMUs which are not PDC and connected directly.
                DataRow row = resultSet.Tables["PdcTable"].NewRow();
                row["ID"]          = 0;
                row["Acronym"]     = string.Empty;
                row["Name"]        = "Devices Connected Directly";
                row["CompanyName"] = string.Empty;
                row["Enabled"]     = false;

                // Get Non-PDC device list.
                resultSet.Tables.Add(database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID, Acronym, Name, CompanyName, ProtocolName, VendorDeviceName, " +
                                                                                                                              "ParentAcronym, Enabled FROM DeviceDetail WHERE NodeID = {0} AND IsConcentrator = {1} AND Enabled = {2} ORDER BY Acronym", "nodeID", "isConcentrator", "enabled"),
                                                                      DefaultTimeout, database.CurrentNodeID(), database.Bool(false), database.Bool(true)).Copy());

                resultSet.Tables[1].TableName = "DeviceTable";

                // Get non-statistical measurement list
                resultSet.Tables.Add(database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID, DeviceID, SignalID, PointID, PointTag, SignalReference, " +
                                                                                                                              "SignalAcronym, Description, SignalName, EngineeringUnits, HistorianAcronym, Subscribed, Internal FROM MeasurementDetail WHERE NodeID = {0} AND " +
                                                                                                                              "SignalAcronym <> {1} ORDER BY SignalReference", "nodeID", "signalAcronym"), DefaultTimeout, database.CurrentNodeID(), "STAT").Copy());

                resultSet.Tables[2].TableName = "MeasurementTable";

                // Query for any non-statistical measurements that are subscribed via GEP, but are a part of another node in the same database
                // IMPORTANT: Make sure columns in this external node query exactly match those of the previous primary measurement query
                DataTable otherMeasurements = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID, 0 AS DeviceID, SignalID, PointID, PointTag, SignalReference, " +
                                                                                                                                       "SignalAcronym, Description, SignalName, EngineeringUnits, HistorianAcronym, Subscribed, Internal FROM MeasurementDetail WHERE NodeID <> {0} AND " +
                                                                                                                                       "SignalAcronym <> {1} AND Subscribed <> 0 ORDER BY SignalReference", "nodeID", "signalAcronym"), DefaultTimeout, database.CurrentNodeID(), "STAT");

                realTimeStreamList = new ObservableCollection <RealTimeStream>(
                    from pdc in resultSet.Tables["PdcTable"].AsEnumerable()
                    let settings = pdc.Field <string>("ConnectionString").ToNonNullString().ParseKeyValuePairs()
                                   select new RealTimeStream
                    ID          = pdc.ConvertField <int>("ID"),
                    Acronym     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pdc.Field <string>("Acronym")) ? "DIRECT CONNECTED" : pdc.Field <string>("Acronym"),
                    Name        = pdc.Field <string>("Name"),
                    CompanyName = pdc.Field <string>("CompanyName"),
                    StatusColor = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pdc.Field <string>("Acronym")) ? "Transparent" : "Gray",
                    Enabled     = Convert.ToBoolean(pdc.Field <object>("Enabled")),
                    Expanded    = false,
                    DeviceList  = new ObservableCollection <RealTimeDevice>(
                        from device in resultSet.Tables["DeviceTable"].AsEnumerable()
                        where device.Field <string>("ParentAcronym").ToNonNullString() == pdc.Field <string>("Acronym")
                        select new RealTimeDevice
                        ID               = device.ConvertNullableField <int>("ID"),
                        Acronym          = device.Field <string>("Acronym"),
                        Name             = device.Field <string>("Name"),
                        ProtocolName     = device.Field <string>("ProtocolName"),
                        VendorDeviceName = device.Field <string>("VendorDeviceName"),
                        ParentAcronym    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.Field <string>("ParentAcronym")) ? "DIRECT CONNECTED" : device.Field <string>("ParentAcronym"),
                        Expanded         = false,
                        StatusColor      = device.ConvertNullableField <int>("ID") == null ? "Transparent" : "Gray",
                        Enabled          = Convert.ToBoolean(device.Field <object>("Enabled")),
                        MeasurementList  = new ObservableCollection <RealTimeMeasurement>(
                            from measurement in resultSet.Tables["MeasurementTable"].AsEnumerable()
                            where measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID") == device.ConvertNullableField <int>("ID") && (measurement.ConvertField <bool>("Subscribed") || measurement.ConvertField <bool>("Internal") || (settings.ContainsKey("securityMode") && settings["securityMode"].Equals("None", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))                           //We will only display measurements which are internal or subscribed to avoid confusion.
                            select new RealTimeMeasurement
                            ID              = measurement.Field <string>("ID"),
                            DeviceID        = measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID"),
                            SignalID        = Guid.Parse(measurement.Field <object>("SignalID").ToString()),
                            PointID         = measurement.ConvertField <int>("PointID"),
                            PointTag        = measurement.Field <string>("PointTag"),
                            SignalReference = measurement.Field <string>("SignalReference"),
                            Description     = measurement.Field <string>("description"),
                            SignalName      = measurement.Field <string>("SignalName"),
                            SignalAcronym   = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym"),
                            EngineeringUnit = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "FLAG" ? "Hex" : measurement.Field <string>("EngineeringUnits"),
                            Expanded        = false,
                            Selected        = false,
                            Selectable      = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "IPHM" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "IPHA" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "VPHM" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "VPHA" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "FREQ",
                            LongTimeTag     = "N/A",
                            TimeTag         = "N/A",
                            Value           = "--",
                            Quality         = "N/A",
                            Foreground      = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0))

                if (otherMeasurements.Rows.Count > 0)
                    // Add subscribed measurements from other nodes
                    realTimeStreamList.Add(new RealTimeStream
                        ID          = 0,
                        Acronym     = "SUBSCRIBED",
                        Name        = "Subscribed Measurements",
                        CompanyName = string.Empty,
                        StatusColor = "Transparent",
                        Enabled     = false,
                        Expanded    = false,
                        DeviceList  = new ObservableCollection <RealTimeDevice>(
                            .Cast <DataRow>()
                            .Where(measurement => measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID") == null)
                            .Select(measurement => measurement.Field <string>("SignalReference"))
                            .Select(source => new RealTimeDevice
                            ID               = 0,
                            Acronym          = source,
                            Name             = source,
                            ProtocolName     = string.Empty,
                            VendorDeviceName = string.Empty,
                            ParentAcronym    = "SUBSCRIBED",
                            Expanded         = false,
                            StatusColor      = "Gray",
                            Enabled          = false,
                            MeasurementList  = new ObservableCollection <RealTimeMeasurement>(
                                .Cast <DataRow>()
                                .Where(measurement => measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID") == null && measurement.Field <string>("SignalReference").StartsWith(source))
                                .Select(measurement => new RealTimeMeasurement
                                ID              = measurement.Field <string>("ID"),
                                DeviceID        = measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID"),
                                SignalID        = Guid.Parse(measurement.Field <object>("SignalID").ToString()),
                                PointID         = measurement.ConvertField <int>("PointID"),
                                PointTag        = measurement.Field <string>("PointTag"),
                                SignalReference = measurement.Field <string>("SignalReference"),
                                Description     = measurement.Field <string>("description"),
                                SignalName      = measurement.Field <string>("SignalName"),
                                SignalAcronym   = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym"),
                                EngineeringUnit = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "FLAG" ? "Hex" : measurement.Field <string>("EngineeringUnits"),
                                Expanded        = false,
                                Selected        = false,
                                Selectable      = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "IPHM" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "IPHA" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "VPHM" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "VPHA" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "FREQ",
                                LongTimeTag     = "N/A",
                                TimeTag         = "N/A",
                                Value           = "--",
                                Quality         = "N/A",
                                Foreground      = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0))

                if (resultSet.Tables["MeasurementTable"].Select("DeviceID IS NULL").Length > 0)
                    // Add direct connected measurements with no associated device (DeviceID IS NULL)
                    realTimeStreamList.Add(new RealTimeStream
                        ID          = 0,
                        Acronym     = "CALCULATED",
                        Name        = "Calculated Measurements",
                        CompanyName = string.Empty,
                        StatusColor = "Transparent",
                        Enabled     = false,
                        Expanded    = false,
                        DeviceList  = new ObservableCollection <RealTimeDevice>(
                            .Cast <DataRow>()
                            .Where(measurement => measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID") == null)
                            .Select(measurement => measurement.Field <string>("SignalReference"))
                            .Select(source => new RealTimeDevice
                            ID               = 0,
                            Acronym          = source,
                            Name             = source,
                            ProtocolName     = string.Empty,
                            VendorDeviceName = string.Empty,
                            ParentAcronym    = "CALCULATED",
                            Expanded         = false,
                            StatusColor      = "Gray",
                            Enabled          = false,
                            MeasurementList  = new ObservableCollection <RealTimeMeasurement>(
                                .Cast <DataRow>()
                                .Where(measurement => measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID") == null && measurement.Field <string>("SignalReference").StartsWith(source))
                                .Select(measurement => new RealTimeMeasurement
                                ID              = measurement.Field <string>("ID"),
                                DeviceID        = measurement.ConvertNullableField <int>("DeviceID"),
                                SignalID        = Guid.Parse(measurement.Field <object>("SignalID").ToString()),
                                PointID         = measurement.ConvertField <int>("PointID"),
                                PointTag        = measurement.Field <string>("PointTag"),
                                SignalReference = measurement.Field <string>("SignalReference"),
                                Description     = measurement.Field <string>("description"),
                                SignalName      = measurement.Field <string>("SignalName"),
                                SignalAcronym   = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym"),
                                EngineeringUnit = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "FLAG" ? "Hex" : measurement.Field <string>("EngineeringUnits"),
                                Expanded        = false,
                                Selected        = false,
                                Selectable      = measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "IPHM" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "IPHA" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "VPHM" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "VPHA" || measurement.Field <string>("SignalAcronym") == "FREQ",
                                LongTimeTag     = "N/A",
                                TimeTag         = "N/A",
                                Value           = "--",
                                Quality         = "N/A",
                                Foreground      = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0))

                // Assign parent references for real-time measurements
                foreach (RealTimeStream stream in realTimeStreamList)
                    foreach (RealTimeDevice device in stream.DeviceList)
                        device.Parent = stream;

                        foreach (RealTimeMeasurement measurement in device.MeasurementList)
                            measurement.Parent = device;

                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #20
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // System settings
            ConfigurationFile configFile = ConfigurationFile.Current;
            CategorizedSettingsElementCollection systemSettings = configFile.Settings["systemSettings"];

            systemSettings.Add("NodeID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "Unique Node ID");
            Guid   nodeID            = systemSettings["NodeID"].ValueAs <Guid>();
            string connectionString  = systemSettings["ConnectionString"].Value;
            string nodeIDQueryString = null;
            string parameterizedQuery;
            int    protocolID, signalTypeID;

            // Define guid with query string delimiters according to database needs
            Dictionary <string, string> settings = connectionString.ParseKeyValuePairs();
            string setting;

            if (settings.TryGetValue("Provider", out setting))
                // Check if provider is for Access since it uses braces as Guid delimiters
                if (setting.StartsWith("Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    nodeIDQueryString = "{" + nodeID + "}";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeIDQueryString))
                nodeIDQueryString = "'" + nodeID + "'";

            using (AdoDataConnection database = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                IDbConnection connection = database.Connection;

                if (Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Protocol WHERE Acronym='WAV'")) == 0)
                    if (database.IsSQLServer || database.IsJetEngine)
                        connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO Protocol(Acronym, Name, [Type], Category, AssemblyName, TypeName) VALUES('WAV', 'Wave Form Input Adapter', 'Frame', 'Audio', 'WavInputAdapter.dll', 'WavInputAdapter.WavInputAdapter')");
                        connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO Protocol(Acronym, Name, Type, Category, AssemblyName, TypeName) VALUES('WAV', 'Wave Form Input Adapter', 'Frame', 'Audio', 'WavInputAdapter.dll', 'WavInputAdapter.WavInputAdapter')");

                protocolID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM Protocol WHERE Acronym='WAV'"));

                // Typically these values should be defined as analogs, however, we use a voltage magnitude signal type
                // since these types of values can be better graphed with auto-scaling in the visualization tools
                signalTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM SignalType WHERE Acronym='VPHM'"));
                //signalTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM SignalType WHERE Acronym='ALOG'"));

                string pathRoot   = FilePath.GetDirectoryName((args.Length > 0) ? args[0] : systemSettings["MusicDirectory"].Value);
                string sourcePath = Path.Combine(pathRoot, "*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "*.wav");

                foreach (string sourceFileName in FilePath.GetFileList(sourcePath))
                    WaveFile sourceWave;
                    string   fileName     = FilePath.GetFileName(sourceFileName);
                    char[]   invalidChars = new[] { '\'', '[', ']', '(', ')', ',', '-', '.' };

                    Console.WriteLine("Loading metadata for \"{0}\"...\r\n", fileName);
                    sourceWave = WaveFile.Load(sourceFileName, false);

                    fileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName).RemoveDuplicateWhiteSpace().RemoveCharacters(invalidChars.Contains).Trim();
                    string acronym = fileName.Replace(' ', '_').ToUpper() + "_" + (int)(sourceWave.SampleRate / SI.Kilo) + "KHZ";
                    string name    = GenerateSongName(sourceWave, fileName);

                    Console.WriteLine("   Acronym = {0}", acronym);
                    Console.WriteLine("      Name = {0}", name);

                    // Check to see if device exists
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar(database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Device WHERE Acronym = {0}", "acronym"), acronym)) == 0)
                        parameterizedQuery = database.ParameterizedQueryString("INSERT INTO Device(NodeID, Acronym, Name, ProtocolID, FramesPerSecond, " +
                                                                               "MeasurementReportingInterval, ConnectionString, Enabled) VALUES(" + nodeIDQueryString + ", {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6})",
                                                                               "acronym", "name", "protocolID", "framesPerSecond", "measurementReportingInterval",
                                                                               "connectionString", "enabled");

                        // Insert new device record
                        connection.ExecuteNonQuery(parameterizedQuery, acronym, name, protocolID, sourceWave.SampleRate, 1000000, string.Format("wavFileName={0}; connectOnDemand=true; outputSourceIDs={1}", FilePath.GetAbsolutePath(sourceFileName), acronym), database.Bool(true));
                        int    deviceID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar(database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID FROM Device WHERE Acronym = {0}", "acronym"), acronym));
                        string pointTag;

                        // Add a measurement for each defined wave channel
                        for (int i = 0; i < sourceWave.Channels; i++)
                            int index = i + 1;
                            pointTag = acronym + ":WAVA" + index;

                            parameterizedQuery = database.ParameterizedQueryString("INSERT INTO Measurement(DeviceID, PointTag, SignalTypeID, SignalReference, Description, " +
                                                                                   "Enabled) VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5})", "deviceID", "pointTag", "signalTypeID", "signalReference", "description", "enabled");

                            // Insert new measurement record
                            connection.ExecuteNonQuery(parameterizedQuery, (object)deviceID, pointTag, signalTypeID, acronym + "-AV" + index, name + " - channel " + index, database.Bool(true));
                            //index = Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar(database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT PointID FROM Measurement WHERE PointTag = {0}", "pointTag"), pointTag));

                        // Disable all non analog measurements that may be associated with this device
                        connection.ExecuteNonQuery(database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Measurement SET Enabled = {0} WHERE DeviceID = {1} AND SignalTypeID <> {2}", "enabled", "deviceID", "signalTypeID"), database.Bool(false), deviceID, signalTypeID);

Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes specified <see cref="OutputStreamDevicePhasor"/> record and its associated measurements from database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="outputStreamDevicePhasorID">ID of the record to be deleted.</param>
        /// <returns>String, for display use, indicating success.</returns>
        public static string Delete(AdoDataConnection database, int outputStreamDevicePhasorID)
            bool createdConnection = false;

            int adapterID;
            int outputStreamDeviceID;
            int deletedSignalReferenceIndex;
            int presentDevicePhasorCount;

            string angleSignalReference;
            string angleSignalReferenceBase;
            string magnitudeSignalReference;
            string magnitudeSignalReferenceBase;

            string previousAngleSignalReference;
            string previousMagnitudeSignalReference;
            string nextAngleSignalReference        = string.Empty;
            string nextMagnitudeSignalReference    = string.Empty;
            string lastAffectedMeasurementsMessage = string.Empty;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                // Setup current user context for any delete triggers

                GetDeleteMeasurementDetails(database, outputStreamDevicePhasorID, out angleSignalReference, out magnitudeSignalReference, out adapterID, out outputStreamDeviceID);

                // Delete angle/magnitude of measurements if they exist
                database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(database.ParameterizedQueryString("DELETE FROM OutputStreamMeasurement WHERE SignalReference = {0} AND AdapterID = {1}", "signalReference", "adapterID"), DefaultTimeout, angleSignalReference, adapterID);
                database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(database.ParameterizedQueryString("DELETE FROM OutputStreamMeasurement WHERE SignalReference = {0} AND AdapterID = {1}", "signalReference", "adapterID"), DefaultTimeout, magnitudeSignalReference, adapterID);
                presentDevicePhasorCount = Convert.ToInt32(database.Connection.ExecuteScalar(database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM OutputStreamDevicePhasor WHERE OutputStreamDeviceID = {0}", "outputStreamDeviceID"), DefaultTimeout, outputStreamDeviceID));

                // Using signal reference angle/mag deleted build the next signal reference (increment by 1)
                int.TryParse(Regex.Match(magnitudeSignalReference, @"\d+$").Value, out deletedSignalReferenceIndex);
                angleSignalReferenceBase     = Regex.Replace(angleSignalReference, @"\d+$", "");
                magnitudeSignalReferenceBase = Regex.Replace(magnitudeSignalReference, @"\d+$", "");

                for (int i = deletedSignalReferenceIndex; i < presentDevicePhasorCount; i++)
                    // We will be modifying the measurements with signal reference index i+1 to have signal refrence index i.
                    previousAngleSignalReference     = string.Format("{0}{1}", angleSignalReferenceBase, i);
                    nextAngleSignalReference         = string.Format("{0}{1}", angleSignalReferenceBase, i + 1);
                    previousMagnitudeSignalReference = string.Format("{0}{1}", magnitudeSignalReferenceBase, i);
                    nextMagnitudeSignalReference     = string.Format("{0}{1}", magnitudeSignalReferenceBase, i + 1);

                    // For angle...
                    // Obtain details of measurements after the deleted measurements, then modify the signal reference (decrement by 1) and put it back
                    OutputStreamMeasurement outputStreamMeasurement = GetOutputMeasurementDetails(database, nextAngleSignalReference, adapterID);
                    outputStreamMeasurement.SignalReference = previousAngleSignalReference;
                    OutputStreamMeasurement.Save(database, outputStreamMeasurement);

                    // For magnitude...
                    outputStreamMeasurement = GetOutputMeasurementDetails(database, nextMagnitudeSignalReference, adapterID);
                    outputStreamMeasurement.SignalReference = previousMagnitudeSignalReference;
                    OutputStreamMeasurement.Save(database, outputStreamMeasurement);

                database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(database.ParameterizedQueryString("DELETE FROM OutputStreamDevicePhasor WHERE ID = {0}", "outputStreamDevicePhasorID"), DefaultTimeout, outputStreamDevicePhasorID);

                return("OutputStreamDevicePhasor deleted successfully");
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextMagnitudeSignalReference))
                    lastAffectedMeasurementsMessage = string.Format("{0}(Last affected measurements: {1} {2})", Environment.NewLine, nextMagnitudeSignalReference, nextAngleSignalReference);

                CommonFunctions.LogException(database, "OutputStreamDevicePhasor.Delete", ex);
                MessageBoxResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Could not delete or modify measurements.{0}Do you still wish to delete this Phasor?{1}", Environment.NewLine, lastAffectedMeasurementsMessage), "", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);

                if (dialogResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                    database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(database.ParameterizedQueryString("DELETE FROM OutputStreamDevicePhasor WHERE ID = {0}", "outputStreamDevicePhasorID"), DefaultTimeout, outputStreamDevicePhasorID);
                    return("OutputStreamDevicePhasor deleted successfully but failed to modify all measurements ");
                    Exception exception = ex.InnerException ?? ex;
                    return(string.Format("Delete OutputStreamDevicePhasor was unsuccessful: {0}", exception.Message));
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
        private void HomeUserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!CommonFunctions.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("Administrator,Editor"))
                ButtonInputWizard.IsEnabled = false;

            m_windowsServiceClient = CommonFunctions.GetWindowsServiceClient();

            if (m_windowsServiceClient == null || m_windowsServiceClient.Helper.RemotingClient.CurrentState != ClientState.Connected)
                // TODO: Disable any buttons here that will not function without service connectivity
                m_windowsServiceClient.Helper.ReceivedServiceResponse += Helper_ReceivedServiceResponse;
                CommonFunctions.SendCommandToService("Health -actionable");
                CommonFunctions.SendCommandToService("Version -actionable");
                CommonFunctions.SendCommandToService("Status -actionable");
                CommonFunctions.SendCommandToService("Time -actionable");
                m_eventHandlerRegistered = true;

            m_refreshTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            m_refreshTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            m_refreshTimer.Tick    += RefreshTimer_Tick;

            if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                TextBlockInstance.Text = "64-bit";
                TextBlockInstance.Text = "32-bit";

            TextBlockLocalTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");

            Version appVersion = AssemblyInfo.EntryAssembly.Version;

            TextBlockManagerVersion.Text = appVersion.Major + "." + appVersion.Minor + "." + appVersion.Build + ".0";

                using (AdoDataConnection database = new AdoDataConnection(CommonFunctions.DefaultSettingsCategory))
                    TextBlockDatabaseType.Text = database.DatabaseType.ToString();

                        if (database.IsSqlite || database.IsJetEngine)
                            // Extract database file name from connection string for file centric databases
                            TextBlockDatabaseName.Text = FilePath.GetFileName(database.Connection.ConnectionString.ParseKeyValuePairs()["Data Source"]);
                        else if (database.IsOracle)
                            // Extract user name from connection string for Oracle databases
                            TextBlockDatabaseName.Text = database.Connection.ConnectionString.ParseKeyValuePairs()["User Id"];
                            TextBlockDatabaseName.Text = database.Connection.Database;
                        // Fall back on database name if file anything fails
                        TextBlockDatabaseName.Text = database.Connection.Database;
                TextBlockDatabaseName.Text = "Not Avaliable";

                using (UserInfo info = new UserInfo(CommonFunctions.CurrentUser))
                    if (info.Exists)
                        TextBlockUser.Text = info.LoginID;
                        TextBlockUser.Text = CommonFunctions.CurrentUser;
                TextBlockUser.Text = CommonFunctions.CurrentUser;

            ((HorizontalAxis)ChartPlotterDynamic.MainHorizontalAxis).LabelProvider.LabelStringFormat = "";

            //Remove legend on the right.
            Panel legendParent = (Panel)ChartPlotterDynamic.Legend.ContentGrid.Parent;

            if (legendParent != null)

            ChartPlotterDynamic.NewLegendVisible = false;

            m_xAxisDataCollection = new int[NumberOfPointsToPlot];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPointsToPlot; i++)
                m_xAxisDataCollection[i] = i;
            m_xAxisBindingCollection = new EnumerableDataSource <int>(m_xAxisDataCollection);
            m_xAxisBindingCollection.SetXMapping(x => x);

Beispiel #23
        private void SetupGrafanaHostingAdapter()
                const string GrafanaProcessAdapterName = "GRAFANA!PROCESS";
                const string DefaultGrafanaServerPath  = GrafanaAuthProxyController.DefaultServerPath;

                const string GrafanaAdminRoleName        = GrafanaAuthProxyController.GrafanaAdminRoleName;
                const string GrafanaAdminRoleDescription = "Grafana Administrator Role";

                // Access needed settings from specified categories in configuration file
                CategorizedSettingsElementCollection systemSettings = ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings["systemSettings"];
                CategorizedSettingsElementCollection grafanaHosting = ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings["grafanaHosting"];
                string newNodeID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Make sure needed settings exist
                systemSettings.Add("NodeID", newNodeID, "Unique Node ID");
                grafanaHosting.Add("ServerPath", DefaultGrafanaServerPath, "Defines the path to the Grafana server to host - set to empty string to disable hosting.");

                // Get settings as currently defined in configuration file
                Guid   nodeID            = Guid.Parse(systemSettings["NodeID"].ValueAs(newNodeID));
                string grafanaServerPath = grafanaHosting["ServerPath"].ValueAs(DefaultGrafanaServerPath);

                // Only enable adapter if file path to configured Grafana server executable is accessible
                bool enabled = File.Exists(FilePath.GetAbsolutePath(grafanaServerPath));

                // Open database connection as defined in configuration file "systemSettings" category
                using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                    // Make sure Grafana process adapter exists
                    TableOperations <CustomActionAdapter> actionAdapterTable = new TableOperations <CustomActionAdapter>(connection);
                    CustomActionAdapter actionAdapter = actionAdapterTable.QueryRecordWhere("AdapterName = {0}", GrafanaProcessAdapterName) ?? actionAdapterTable.NewRecord();

                    // Update record fields
                    actionAdapter.NodeID       = nodeID;
                    actionAdapter.AdapterName  = GrafanaProcessAdapterName;
                    actionAdapter.AssemblyName = "FileAdapters.dll";
                    actionAdapter.TypeName     = "FileAdapters.ProcessLauncher";
                    actionAdapter.Enabled      = enabled;

                    // Define default adapter connection string if none is defined
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(actionAdapter.ConnectionString))
                        actionAdapter.ConnectionString =
                            $"FileName={DefaultGrafanaServerPath}; " +
                            $"WorkingDirectory={FilePath.GetAbsolutePath("Grafana")}; " +
                            "ForceKillOnDispose=True; " +
                            "ProcessOutputAsLogMessages=True; " +
                            "LogMessageTextExpression={(?<=.*msg\\s*\\=\\s*\\\")[^\\\"]*(?=\\\")|(?<=.*file\\s*\\=\\s*\\\")[^\\\"]*(?=\\\")|(?<=.*file\\s*\\=\\s*)[^\\s]*(?=s|$)|(?<=.*path\\s*\\=\\s*\\\")[^\\\"]*(?=\\\")|(?<=.*path\\s*\\=\\s*)[^\\s]*(?=s|$)|(?<=.*error\\s*\\=\\s*\\\")[^\\\"]*(?=\\\")|(?<=.*reason\\s*\\=\\s*\\\")[^\\\"]*(?=\\\")|(?<=.*id\\s*\\=\\s*\\\")[^\\\"]*(?=\\\")|(?<=.*version\\s*\\=\\s*)[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*dbtype\\s*\\=\\s*)[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*)commit\\s*\\=\\s*[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*)compiled\\s*\\=\\s*[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*)address\\s*\\=\\s*[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*)protocol\\s*\\=\\s*[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*)subUrl\\s*\\=\\s*[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*)code\\s*\\=\\s*[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)|(?<=.*name\\s*\\=\\s*)[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)}; " +
                            "LogMessageLevelExpression={(?<=.*lvl\\s*\\=\\s*)[^\\s]*(?=\\s|$)}; " +
                            "LogMessageLevelMappings={info=Info; warn=Waning; error=Error; critical=Critical; debug=Debug}";

                    // Preserve connection string on existing records except for Grafana server executable path that comes from configuration file
                    Dictionary <string, string> settings = actionAdapter.ConnectionString.ParseKeyValuePairs();
                    settings["FileName"]           = grafanaServerPath;
                    actionAdapter.ConnectionString = settings.JoinKeyValuePairs();

                    // Save record updates

                    // Make sure Grafana admin role exists
                    TableOperations <ApplicationRole> applicationRoleTable = new TableOperations <ApplicationRole>(connection);
                    ApplicationRole applicationRole = applicationRoleTable.QueryRecordWhere("Name = {0} AND NodeID = {1}", GrafanaAdminRoleName, nodeID);

                    if ((object)applicationRole == null)
                        applicationRole             = applicationRoleTable.NewRecord();
                        applicationRole.NodeID      = nodeID;
                        applicationRole.Name        = GrafanaAdminRoleName;
                        applicationRole.Description = GrafanaAdminRoleDescription;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogPublisher log = Logger.CreatePublisher(typeof(ServiceHost), MessageClass.Application);
                log.Publish(MessageLevel.Error, "Error Message", "Failed to setup Grafana hosting adapter", null, ex);
Beispiel #24
        // Static Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a dependency resolver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="webServer"><see cref="WebServer"/> instance to use for controller; uses default instance if not provided.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultWebPage">Default web page name to use for controller; uses "index.html" if not provided.</param>
        /// <param name="model">Reference to model to use when rendering Razor templates, if any.</param>
        /// <param name="modelType">Type of <paramref name="model"/>, if any.</param>
        /// <param name="connection"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to use, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Dependency resolver for the specified parameters.</returns>
        public static IDependencyResolver GetDependencyResolver(WebServer webServer, string defaultWebPage = null, object model = null, Type modelType = null, AdoDataConnection connection = null)
            return(new WebPageControllerResolver(webServer, defaultWebPage, model, modelType, connection));
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads <see cref="Node"/> information as an <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> style list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>        
        /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="Subscriber"/>.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection<Subscriber> Load(AdoDataConnection database)
            ObservableCollection<Subscriber> subscriberList;
            DataTable subscriberTable;
            bool createdConnection = false;
            string query;

            SslPolicyErrors validPolicyErrors;
            X509ChainStatusFlags validChainFlags;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);
                subscriberList = new ObservableCollection<Subscriber>();

                query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID, NodeID, Acronym, Name, SharedSecret, AuthKey, ValidIPAddresses, RemoteCertificateFile," +
                    " ValidPolicyErrors, ValidChainFlags, AccessControlFilter, Enabled FROM Subscriber WHERE NodeID = {0} ORDER BY Name", "nodeID");

                subscriberTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, query, DefaultTimeout, database.CurrentNodeID());

                foreach (DataRow row in subscriberTable.Rows)
                    subscriberList.Add(new Subscriber()
                        ID = database.Guid(row, "ID"),
                        NodeID = database.Guid(row, "NodeID"),
                        Acronym = row.Field<string>("Acronym"),
                        Name = row.Field<string>("Name"),
                        SharedSecret = row.Field<string>("SharedSecret"),
                        AuthKey = row.Field<string>("AuthKey"),
                        ValidIPAddresses = row.Field<string>("ValidIPAddresses"),
                        RemoteCertificateFile = row.Field<string>("RemoteCertificateFile"),
                        ValidPolicyErrors = Enum.TryParse(row.Field<string>("ValidPolicyErrors"), out validPolicyErrors) ? validPolicyErrors : (SslPolicyErrors?)null,
                        ValidChainFlags = Enum.TryParse(row.Field<string>("ValidChainFlags"), out validChainFlags) ? validChainFlags : (X509ChainStatusFlags?)null,
                        AccessControlFilter = row.Field<string>("AccessControlFilter"),
                        Enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field<object>("Enabled")),
                        AllowedMeasurementGroups = GetAllowedMeasurementGroups(database, database.Guid(row, "ID")),
                        DeniedMeasurementGroups = GetDeniedMeasurementGroups(database, database.Guid(row, "ID")),
                        AvailableMeasurementGroups = GetAvailableMeasurementGroups(database, database.Guid(row, "ID")),
                        StatusColor = "gray",
                        Version = ""

                return subscriberList;
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves <see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> type collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
 /// <param name="isOptional">Indicates if selection on UI is optional for this collection.</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> type collection.</returns>
 /// <remarks>This is only a place holder method with no implementation.</remarks>
 public static Dictionary <int, string> GetLookupList(AdoDataConnection database, bool isOptional = false)
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds measurement groups to <see cref="Subscriber"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriberID">ID of the <see cref="Subscriber"/> to which measurements to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="measurementGroupsToBeAdded">List of <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/> IDs to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="allowed">boolean flag to indicate if measurement groups are allowed or denied.</param>
        /// <returns>string, indicating success for UI display.</returns>
        public static int AddMeasurementGroups(AdoDataConnection database, Guid subscriberID, List<int> measurementGroupsToBeAdded, bool allowed)
            const string QueryFormat =
                "INSERT INTO SubscriberMeasurementGroup (NodeID, SubscriberID, MeasurementGroupID, Allowed, UpdatedOn, UpdatedBy, CreatedOn, CreatedBy) " +
                "SELECT {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7} " +
                "WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SubscriberMeasurementGroup WHERE SubscriberID = {1} AND MeasurementGroupID = {2}) = 0";

            bool createdConnection = false;
            int rowsAffected = 0;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                foreach (int id in measurementGroupsToBeAdded)
                    rowsAffected += database.ExecuteNonQuery(DefaultTimeout, QueryFormat, CommonFunctions.CurrentNodeID(), subscriberID, id, allowed,
                        database.UtcNow, CommonFunctions.CurrentUser, database.UtcNow, CommonFunctions.CurrentUser);

                return rowsAffected;
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves <see cref="RealTimeStream"/> information into the database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
 /// <param name="stream">Information about <see cref="RealTimeStream"/></param>
 /// <returns>String, for display use, indicating success.</returns>
 /// <remarks>This is only a place holder method with no implementation.</remarks>
 public static string Save(AdoDataConnection database, RealTimeStream stream)
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes specified <see cref="Subscriber"/> record from database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="id">ID of the record to be deleted.</param>
        /// <returns>String, for display use, indicating success.</returns>
        public static string Delete(AdoDataConnection database, Guid id)
            bool createdConnection = false;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                // Setup current user context for any delete triggers

                database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(database.ParameterizedQueryString("DELETE FROM Subscriber WHERE ID = {0}", "id"), DefaultTimeout, database.Guid(id));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    return "Subscriber deleted successfully. Failed to send ReloadConfig command to backend service." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;

                return "Subscriber deleted successfully";
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes <see cref="RealTimeStream"/> record from the database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
 /// <param name="streamID">ID of the record to be deleted.</param>
 /// <returns>String, for display use, indicating success.</returns>
 /// <remarks>This is only a place holder method with no implementation.</remarks>
 public static string Delete(AdoDataConnection database, int streamID)
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a data operation to run the validations in this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database">Database connection to use for creating the data operation</param>
 private static void CreateDataOperation(AdoDataConnection database)
     database.ExecuteNonQuery($"INSERT INTO DataOperation(Description, AssemblyName, TypeName, MethodName, Enabled) VALUES ('Power Calculation Validations', 'PowerCalculations.dll', '{typeof(PowerCalculationConfigurationValidation).FullName}', 'ValidatePowerCalculationConfigurations', 1)");
    public void getContourAnimationFrame()
        int animationID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["animation"]);
        int frameIndex = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["frame"]);
        byte[] frameImage;

        using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
            frameImage = connection.ExecuteScalar<byte[]>("SELECT FrameImage FROM ContourAnimationFrame WHERE ContourAnimationID = {0} AND FrameIndex = {1}", animationID, frameIndex);

        HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "image/png";
        HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("inline;filename=ContourFrame{0}x{1}.png", animationID, frameIndex));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a data operation to run the validations in this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database">Database connection to use for creating the data operation</param>
 private static void CreateAdapterInstance(AdoDataConnection database)
     database.ExecuteNonQuery($"INSERT INTO CustomActionAdapter(NodeID, AdapterName, AssemblyName, TypeName, ConnectionString, Enabled) VALUES ('{ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings["systemSettings"]["NodeID"].ValueAs<Guid>()}', 'PHASOR!POWERCALC', 'PowerCalculations.dll', '{typeof(PowerMultiCalculatorAdapter).FullName}', 'FramesPerSecond=30; LagTime=5.0; LeadTime=3.0', 1)");
    private PiecewiseLinearFunction GetColorScale(ContourQuery contourQuery)
        DataTable colorScale;

        using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
            string query =
                "SELECT " +
                "    ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " +
                "    ContourColorScalePoint.Color " +
                "FROM " +
                "    ContourColorScale JOIN " +
                "    ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " +
                "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " +
                "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID";

            colorScale = conn.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName);

        double[] colorDomain = colorScale
            .Select(row => row.ConvertField<double>("Value"))

        double[] colorRange = colorScale
            .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField<int>("Color"))

        return new PiecewiseLinearFunction()
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads configuration from the database and configures adapter to run with that configuration
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()

            HashSet <IMeasurement> outputMeasurements = new HashSet <IMeasurement>();

            m_configuredCalculations        = new List <PowerCalculation>();
            m_adjustmentStrategies          = new Dictionary <MeasurementKey, VoltageAdjustmentStrategy>();
            m_averageCalculationsPerFrame   = new RunningAverage();
            m_averageCalculationTime        = new RunningAverage();
            m_averageTotalCalculationTime   = new RunningAverage();
            m_lastActivePowerCalculations   = new ConcurrentQueue <IMeasurement>();
            m_lastReactivePowerCalculations = new ConcurrentQueue <IMeasurement>();
            m_lastApparentPowerCalculations = new ConcurrentQueue <IMeasurement>();

            if (!Settings.TryGetValue(nameof(TableName), out string tableName))
                tableName = DefaultTableName;

            string query = "SELECT " +
                           // 0          1                    2                     3                   4                     5
                           "ID, CircuitDescription, VoltageAngleSignalID, VoltageMagSignalID, CurrentAngleSignalID, CurrentMagSignalID, " +
                           //            6                          7                            8
                           "ActivePowerOutputSignalID, ReactivePowerOutputSignalID, ApparentPowerOutputSignalID FROM " + tableName + " " +
                           "WHERE NodeId = {0} AND Enabled <> 0 ";

            using (AdoDataConnection database = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                using (IDataReader rdr = database.ExecuteReader(query, ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings["systemSettings"]["NodeID"].ValueAs <Guid>()))
                    while (rdr.Read())
                        m_configuredCalculations.Add(new PowerCalculation
                            PowerCalculationID             = rdr.GetInt32(0),
                            CircuitDescription             = rdr.GetString(1),
                            VoltageAngleMeasurementKey     = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(Guid.Parse(rdr[2].ToString())),
                            VoltageMagnitudeMeasurementKey = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(Guid.Parse(rdr[3].ToString())),
                            CurrentAngleMeasurementKey     = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(Guid.Parse(rdr[4].ToString())),
                            CurrentMagnitudeMeasurementKey = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(Guid.Parse(rdr[5].ToString())),
                            ActivePowerOutputMeasurement   = AddOutputMeasurement(Guid.Parse(rdr[6].ToString()), outputMeasurements),
                            ReactivePowerOutputMeasurement = AddOutputMeasurement(Guid.Parse(rdr[7].ToString()), outputMeasurements),
                            ApparentPowerOutputMeasurement = AddOutputMeasurement(Guid.Parse(rdr[8].ToString()), outputMeasurements)

            if (m_configuredCalculations.Any())
                InputMeasurementKeys = m_configuredCalculations.SelectMany(pc => new[] { pc.CurrentAngleMeasurementKey, pc.CurrentMagnitudeMeasurementKey, pc.VoltageAngleMeasurementKey, pc.VoltageMagnitudeMeasurementKey }).ToArray();
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Skipped initialization of power calculator: no defined power calculations...");

            if (outputMeasurements.Any())
                OutputMeasurements = outputMeasurements.ToArray();

            Dictionary <string, string> settings = Settings;

            if (settings.TryGetValue(nameof(AlwaysProduceResult), out string setting))
                AlwaysProduceResult = setting.ParseBoolean();

            if (settings.TryGetValue(nameof(AdjustmentStrategy), out setting) && Enum.TryParse(setting, out VoltageAdjustmentStrategy adjustmentStrategy))
                AdjustmentStrategy = adjustmentStrategy;

            if (settings.TryGetValue(nameof(EnableTemporalProcessing), out setting))
                EnableTemporalProcessing = setting.ParseBoolean();

            // Define per power calculation line adjustment strategies
            foreach (PowerCalculation powerCalculation in m_configuredCalculations)
                if (powerCalculation.VoltageMagnitudeMeasurementKey is null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(powerCalculation.CircuitDescription))

                    Dictionary <string, string> circuitSettings = powerCalculation.CircuitDescription.ParseKeyValuePairs();

                    if (circuitSettings.TryGetValue(nameof(AdjustmentStrategy), out setting) && Enum.TryParse(setting, out adjustmentStrategy))
                        m_adjustmentStrategies[powerCalculation.VoltageMagnitudeMeasurementKey] = adjustmentStrategy;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Failed to parse settings from circuit description \"{powerCalculation.CircuitDescription}\": {ex.Message}");
    public ContourAnimationInfo getContourAnimations(ContourQuery contourQuery)
        List<List<TrendingDataLocation>> frames = GetFramesFromHistorian(contourQuery);
        PiecewiseLinearFunction colorScale = GetColorScale(contourQuery);
        Func<double, double> colorFunc = colorScale;

        // The actual startDate is the timestamp of the
        // first frame after contourQuery.GetStartDate()
        DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate();
        int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize;
        int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize);
        startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize);

        double minLat = frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Latitude)) - GetLatFromMiles(50.0D);
        double maxLat = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Latitude)) + GetLatFromMiles(50.0D);
        double minLng = frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Longitude)) - GetLngFromMiles(50.0D, 0.0D);
        double maxLng = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Longitude)) + GetLngFromMiles(50.0D, 0.0D);

        GeoCoordinate topLeft = new GeoCoordinate(maxLat, minLng);
        GeoCoordinate bottomRight = new GeoCoordinate(minLat, maxLng);
        GSF.Drawing.Point topLeftPoint = s_crs.Translate(topLeft, contourQuery.Resolution);
        GSF.Drawing.Point bottomRightPoint = s_crs.Translate(bottomRight, contourQuery.Resolution);

        topLeftPoint = new GSF.Drawing.Point(Math.Floor(topLeftPoint.X), Math.Floor(topLeftPoint.Y));
        bottomRightPoint = new GSF.Drawing.Point(Math.Ceiling(bottomRightPoint.X), Math.Ceiling(bottomRightPoint.Y));
        topLeft = s_crs.Translate(topLeftPoint, contourQuery.Resolution);
        bottomRight = s_crs.Translate(bottomRightPoint, contourQuery.Resolution);

        int width = (int)(bottomRightPoint.X - topLeftPoint.X + 1);
        int height = (int)(bottomRightPoint.Y - topLeftPoint.Y + 1);

        int animationID;
        string timeZoneID = null;

        using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
            connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ContourAnimation(ColorScaleName, StartTime, EndTime, StepSize) VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", contourQuery.ColorScaleName, contourQuery.GetStartDate(), contourQuery.GetEndDate(), contourQuery.StepSize);
            animationID = connection.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT @@IDENTITY");

            if (contourQuery.IncludeWeather)
                timeZoneID = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'XDATimeZone'");

        GSF.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = new GSF.Threading.CancellationToken();
        s_cancellationTokens[animationID] = cancellationToken;

        ProgressCounter progressCounter = new ProgressCounter(frames.Count);
        s_progressCounters[animationID] = progressCounter;

        Action<int> createFrame = i =>
            List<TrendingDataLocation> frame = frames[i];
            IDWFunc idwFunction = GetIDWFunction(contourQuery, frame);
            uint[] pixelData;

            if (contourQuery.IncludeWeather)
                TimeZoneInfo tzInfo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeZoneID)
                    ? TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneID)
                    : TimeZoneInfo.Local;

                // Weather data is only available in 5-minute increments
                DateTime frameTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(startDate.AddMinutes(stepSize * i), tzInfo);
                double minutes = (frameTime - frameTime.Date).TotalMinutes;
                int weatherMinutes = (int)Math.Ceiling(minutes / 5) * 5;

                NameValueCollection queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);
                queryString["service"] = "WMS";
                queryString["request"] = "GetMap";
                queryString["layers"] = "nexrad-n0r-wmst";
                queryString["format"] = "image/png";
                queryString["transparent"] = "true";
                queryString["version"] = "1.1.1";
                queryString["time"] = frameTime.Date.AddMinutes(weatherMinutes).ToString("o");
                queryString["height"] = height.ToString();
                queryString["width"] = width.ToString();
                queryString["srs"] = "EPSG:3857";

                GSF.Drawing.Point topLeftProjected = s_crs.Projection.Project(topLeft);
                GSF.Drawing.Point bottomRightProjected = s_crs.Projection.Project(bottomRight);
                queryString["bbox"] = string.Join(",", topLeftProjected.X, bottomRightProjected.Y, bottomRightProjected.X, topLeftProjected.Y);

                string weatherURL = "" + queryString.ToString();

                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(weatherURL)))
                using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream))
                    pixelData = bitmap.ToPixelData();
                pixelData = new uint[width * height];

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled)

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled)

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled)

                    if (pixelData[y * width + x] > 0)

                    GSF.Drawing.Point offsetPixel = new GSF.Drawing.Point(topLeftPoint.X + x, topLeftPoint.Y + y);
                    GeoCoordinate pixelCoordinate = s_crs.Translate(offsetPixel, contourQuery.Resolution);
                    double interpolatedValue = idwFunction(pixelCoordinate.Longitude, pixelCoordinate.Latitude);
                    pixelData[y * width + x] = (uint)colorFunc(interpolatedValue);

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled)

            using (Bitmap bitmap = BitmapExtensions.FromPixelData(width, pixelData))
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);

                using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
                    connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ContourAnimationFrame VALUES({0}, {1}, {2})", animationID, i, stream.ToArray());


        Task.Run(() =>
            ICancellationToken token;
            ProgressCounter counter;
            Parallel.For(0, frames.Count, createFrame);
            s_cancellationTokens.TryRemove(animationID, out token);
            s_progressCounters.TryRemove(animationID, out counter);

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled)
                using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
                    connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimationFrame WHERE ContourAnimationID = {0}", animationID);
                    connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimation WHERE ID = {0}", animationID);


        return new ContourAnimationInfo()
            AnimationID = animationID,
            ColorDomain = colorScale.Domain,
            ColorRange = colorScale.Range,
            MinLatitude = bottomRight.Latitude,
            MaxLatitude = topLeft.Latitude,
            MinLongitude = topLeft.Longitude,
            MaxLongitude = bottomRight.Longitude,
            Infos = frames.Select((frame, index) => new ContourInfo()
                Locations = frame,
                URL = string.Format("./mapService.asmx/getContourAnimationFrame?animation={0}&frame={1}", animationID, index),
                Date = contourQuery.GetStartDate().AddMinutes(index * contourQuery.StepSize).ToString()
Beispiel #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> type collection of <see cref="InputWizardDevice"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
 /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="InputWizardDevice"/>.</returns>
 public static ObservableCollection <InputWizardDevice> Load(AdoDataConnection database)
     return(new ObservableCollection <InputWizardDevice>());
    private InverseDistanceWeightingFunction GetIDWFunction(ContourQuery contourQuery, List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = null)
        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = new EPSG3857();
        List<double> xList = new List<double>();
        List<double> yList = new List<double>();
        List<double> valueList = new List<double>();

        if ((object)locations == null)
            locations = GetFrameFromDailySummary(contourQuery);

            .Select(location =>
                GeoCoordinate Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);

                double? Value =
                    (contourQuery.DataType == "Average") ? location.Average :
                    (contourQuery.DataType == "Minimum") ? location.Minimum :
                    (contourQuery.DataType == "Maximum") ? location.Maximum :

                return new { Coordinate, Value };
            .Where(obj => (object)obj.Value != null)
            .ForEach(obj =>

        if (valueList.Count == 0)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
                valueList.Add(connection.ExecuteScalar<double>("SELECT NominalValue FROM ContourColorScale WHERE Name = {0}", contourQuery.ColorScaleName));

        return new InverseDistanceWeightingFunction()
            .SetDistanceFunction((x1, y1, x2, y2) =>
                GeoCoordinate coordinate1 = new GeoCoordinate(y1, x1);
                GeoCoordinate coordinate2 = new GeoCoordinate(y2, x2);
                return crs.Distance(coordinate1, coordinate2);
        public IHttpActionResult Post(DetailtsForSitesForm form)
                using (AdoDataConnection XDAconnection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA"))
                    using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                        DateTime  date  = DateTime.Parse(form.targetDate).ToUniversalTime();
                        DataTable table = XDAconnection.RetrieveData(Query, date, form.siteId, form.context, form.colorScale);

                        IEnumerable <ValueList> chartSettings = new TableOperations <ValueList>(connection).QueryRecordsWhere("GroupID = ( SELECT ID FROM ValueListGroup WHERE Name = 'Chart." + Tab + "')");
                        int groupID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>($"SELECT ID FROM ValueListGroup WHERE Name = 'Chart.{Tab}'");

                        List <string> skipColumns;
                        if (Tab == "Events" || Tab == "Disturbances")
                            skipColumns = new List <string>()
                                "EventID", "MeterID", "Site"
                            skipColumns = table.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().Select(x => x.ColumnName).ToList();
                        List <string> columnsToRemove = new List <string>();

                        foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
                            if (skipColumns.Contains(column.ColumnName))

                            //if (!chartSettings.Any(x => x.Text == column.ColumnName))
                            //    Random r = new Random(DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond);

                            //    new TableOperations<ValueList>(connection).AddNewRecord(new ValueList
                            //    {
                            //        Key = 0,
                            //        GroupID = groupID,
                            //        Text = column.ColumnName,
                            //        Flag = false,
                            //        AltText1 = "#" + r.Next(256).ToString("X2") + r.Next(256).ToString("X2") + r.Next(256).ToString("X2"),
                            //        IsDefault = false,
                            //        Hidden = false,
                            //        Enabled = true
                            //    });

                            //    chartSettings = new TableOperations<ValueList>(connection).QueryRecordsWhere("GroupID = ( SELECT ID FROM ValueListGroup WHERE Name = 'Chart." + Tab + "')");

                            ValueList setting = chartSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Text == column.ColumnName);
                            if (setting != null && setting.Enabled == false)

                        foreach (string columnName in columnsToRemove)

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #40
 public WebPageControllerResolver(WebServer webServer, string defaultWebPage, object model, Type modelType, AdoDataConnection database)
     m_webServer      = webServer;
     m_defaultWebPage = defaultWebPage;
     m_model          = model;
     m_modelType      = modelType;
     m_database       = database;
    public ContourInfo getLocationsTrendingData(ContourQuery contourQuery)
        List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List<TrendingDataLocation>();
        DataTable colorScale;

        using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
        using (IDbCommand cmd = conn.Connection.CreateCommand())
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateFrom", contourQuery.GetStartDate()));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateTo", contourQuery.GetEndDate()));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@colorScaleName", contourQuery.ColorScaleName));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", contourQuery.UserName));
            cmd.CommandText = "dbo.selectMeterLocationsTrendingData";
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;

            using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (rdr.Read())
                    TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation();
                    ourStatus.Latitude = (double)rdr["Latitude"];
                    ourStatus.Longitude = (double)rdr["Longitude"];
           = (string)rdr["Name"];
                    ourStatus.Average = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Average")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Average"]);
                    ourStatus.Maximum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Maximum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Maximum"]);
                    ourStatus.Minimum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Minimum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Minimum"]);
           = (int)rdr["id"];

            string query =
                "SELECT " +
                "    ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " +
                "    ContourColorScalePoint.Color " +
                "FROM " +
                "    ContourColorScale JOIN " +
                "    ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " +
                "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " +
                "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID";

            colorScale = conn.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName);

        double[] colorDomain = colorScale
            .Select(row => row.ConvertField<double>("Value"))

        double[] colorRange = colorScale
            .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField<int>("Color"))

        return new ContourInfo()
            Locations = locations,
            ColorDomain = colorDomain,
            ColorRange = colorRange,
Beispiel #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines Color based on Channel Information for Full Data Channels
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">Channel that represents the signal</param>
        /// <returns>A color designation</returns>
        public static string GetColor(Channel channel)
            if (channel == null)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                if (channel.MeasurementType.Name == "Voltage")
                    switch (channel.Phase.Name)
                    case ("AN"):

                    case ("BN"):

                    case ("CN"):

                    case ("AB"):

                    case ("BC"):

                    case ("CA"):

                    case ("NG"):

                    default:     // Should be random
                else if (channel.MeasurementType.Name == "Current")
                    switch (channel.Phase.Name)
                    case ("AN"):

                    case ("BN"):

                    case ("CN"):

                    case ("NG"):

                    case ("RES"):

                    default:     // Should be random

            //Should be Random
 private static void CleanUpAnimation()
     using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
         DateTime yesterday = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1);
         connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimationFrame WHERE ContourAnimationID IN (SELECT ID FROM ContourAnimation WHERE AccessedOn < {0})", yesterday);
         connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimation WHERE AccessedOn < {0}", yesterday);
Beispiel #44
        // from new EvendData Blob format
        private static byte[] ProcessLegacyBlob(int eventID, int requestedSeriesID, AdoDataConnection connection)
            int eventDataID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT EventDataID FROM ChannelData WHERE SeriesID = {0} AND EventID = {1}", requestedSeriesID, eventID);

            byte[] timeDomainData = connection.ExecuteScalar <byte[]>("SELECT TimeDomainData FROM EventData WHERE ID = {0}", eventDataID);
            byte[] resultData     = null;

            // If the blob contains the GZip header,
            // use the legacy deserialization algorithm
            if (timeDomainData[0] == 0x1F && timeDomainData[1] == 0x8B)
                return(FromData_Legacy(timeDomainData, requestedSeriesID, eventID, connection));

            // Restore the GZip header before uncompressing
            timeDomainData[0] = 0x1F;
            timeDomainData[1] = 0x8B;

            byte[] uncompressedData = GZipStream.UncompressBuffer(timeDomainData);
            int    offset           = 0;

            int m_samples = LittleEndian.ToInt32(uncompressedData, offset);

            offset += sizeof(int);

            List <DateTime> times = new List <DateTime>();

            while (times.Count < m_samples)
                int timeValues = LittleEndian.ToInt32(uncompressedData, offset);
                offset += sizeof(int);

                long currentValue = LittleEndian.ToInt64(uncompressedData, offset);
                offset += sizeof(long);
                times.Add(new DateTime(currentValue));

                for (int i = 1; i < timeValues; i++)
                    currentValue += LittleEndian.ToUInt16(uncompressedData, offset);
                    offset       += sizeof(ushort);
                    times.Add(new DateTime(currentValue));

            while (offset < uncompressedData.Length)
                List <DataPoint> dataSeries = new List <DataPoint>();
                int seriesID = LittleEndian.ToInt32(uncompressedData, offset);
                offset += sizeof(int);

                const ushort NaNValue            = ushort.MaxValue;
                double       decompressionOffset = LittleEndian.ToDouble(uncompressedData, offset);
                double       decompressionScale  = LittleEndian.ToDouble(uncompressedData, offset + sizeof(double));
                offset += 2 * sizeof(double);

                for (int i = 0; i < m_samples; i++)
                    ushort compressedValue = LittleEndian.ToUInt16(uncompressedData, offset);
                    offset += sizeof(ushort);

                    double decompressedValue = decompressionScale * compressedValue + decompressionOffset;

                    if (compressedValue == NaNValue)
                        decompressedValue = double.NaN;

                    dataSeries.Add(new DataPoint()
                        Time  = times[i],
                        Value = decompressedValue
                if (seriesID == requestedSeriesID)
                    resultData = ToData(dataSeries, seriesID, m_samples);

                // Insert into correct ChannelData.....
                connection.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE ChannelData SET TimeDomainData = {0} WHERE SeriesID = {1} AND EventID = {2}", ToData(dataSeries, seriesID, m_samples), seriesID, eventID);

            connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM EventData WHERE ID = {0}", eventDataID);

    private List<TrendingDataLocation> GetFrameFromDailySummary(ContourQuery contourQuery)
        List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List<TrendingDataLocation>();

        using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
        using (IDbCommand cmd = conn.Connection.CreateCommand())
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateFrom", contourQuery.GetStartDate()));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateTo", contourQuery.GetEndDate()));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@colorScaleName", contourQuery.ColorScaleName));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", contourQuery.UserName));
            cmd.CommandText = "dbo.selectMeterLocationsTrendingData";
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;

            using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (rdr.Read())
                    TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation();
                    ourStatus.Latitude = (double)rdr["Latitude"];
                    ourStatus.Longitude = (double)rdr["Longitude"];
           = (string)rdr["Name"];
                    ourStatus.Average = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Average")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Average"]);
                    ourStatus.Maximum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Maximum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Maximum"]);
                    ourStatus.Minimum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Minimum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Minimum"]);
           = (int)rdr["id"];

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters))
            const int byteSize = 8;

            // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'
            string padding = "A==".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4);
            string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding;
            byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);

            // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits.
            // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first order the data by meter ID to determine the location of
            // each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original list of meters
            locations = locations
                .OrderBy(location =>
                .Where((location, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) > 0)

        return locations;
Beispiel #46
        // From old EventDataBlob format
        private static byte[] FromData_Legacy(byte[] data, int requestedSeriesID, int eventID, AdoDataConnection connection)
            byte[] resultData = null;
            byte[] uncompressedData;
            int    offset;

            DateTime[] times;
            int        seriesID;

            uncompressedData = GZipStream.UncompressBuffer(data);
            offset           = 0;

            int m_samples = LittleEndian.ToInt32(uncompressedData, offset);

            offset += sizeof(int);

            times = new DateTime[m_samples];

            for (int i = 0; i < m_samples; i++)
                times[i] = new DateTime(LittleEndian.ToInt64(uncompressedData, offset));
                offset  += sizeof(long);

            while (offset < uncompressedData.Length)
                seriesID = LittleEndian.ToInt32(uncompressedData, offset);
                offset  += sizeof(int);

                List <DataPoint> points = new List <DataPoint>();

                for (int i = 0; i < m_samples; i++)
                    points.Add(new DataPoint()
                        Time  = times[i],
                        Value = LittleEndian.ToDouble(uncompressedData, offset)

                    offset += sizeof(double);

                if (seriesID == requestedSeriesID)
                    resultData = ToData(points, seriesID, m_samples);

                // Insert into correct ChannelData.....
                connection.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE ChannelData SET TimeDomainData = {0} WHERE SeriesID = {1} AND EventID = {2}", ToData(points, seriesID, m_samples), seriesID, eventID);

            //Remove EventData
            int eventDataID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT EventDataID FROM ChannelData WHERE SeriesID = {0} AND EventID = {1}", requestedSeriesID, eventID);

            connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM EventData WHERE ID = {0}", eventDataID);

    private List<List<TrendingDataLocation>> GetFramesFromHistorian(ContourQuery contourQuery)
        DataTable idTable;
        string historianServer;
        string historianInstance;

        using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
            string query =
                "SELECT " +
                "    Channel.ID AS ChannelID, " +
                "    Meter.ID AS MeterID, " +
                "    Meter.Name AS MeterName, " +
                "    MeterLocation.Latitude, " +
                "    MeterLocation.Longitude, " +
                "    Channel.PerUnitValue " +
                "FROM " +
                "    Meter JOIN " +
                "    MeterLocation ON Meter.MeterLocationID = MeterLocation.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                "    Channel ON " +
                "        Channel.MeterID = Meter.ID AND " +
                "        Channel.ID IN (SELECT ChannelID FROM ContourChannel WHERE ContourColorScaleName = {1}) " +
                "WHERE Meter.ID IN (SELECT * FROM authMeters({0}))";

            idTable = connection.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.UserName, contourQuery.ColorScaleName);
            historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? "";
            historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Instance'") ?? "XDA";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters))
            const int byteSize = 8;

            // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'
            string padding = "A==".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4);
            string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding;
            byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);

            // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits.
            // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first group and order the data by meter ID to determine the location
            // of each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original table of IDs
                .Select((Row, Index) => new { Row, Index })
                .GroupBy(obj => obj.Row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"))
                .OrderBy(grouping => grouping.Key)
                .Where((grouping, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) == 0)
                .SelectMany(grouping => grouping)
                .OrderByDescending(obj => obj.Index)
                .ForEach(obj => idTable.Rows.RemoveAt(obj.Index));

        List<DataRow> meterRows = idTable
            .DistinctBy(row => row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"))

        DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate();
        DateTime endDate = contourQuery.GetEndDate();
        int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize;

        // The frames to be included are those whose timestamps fall
        // within the range which is specified by startDate and
        // endDate. We start by aligning startDate and endDate with
        // the nearest frame timestamps which fall within that range
        int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize);
        startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize);

        int endTimeOffset = (int)Math.Floor((endDate - endDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize);
        endDate = endDate.Date.AddMinutes(endTimeOffset * stepSize);

        // Since each frame includes data from all timestamps between
        // the previous frame's timestamp and its own timestamp, we
        // must include one additional frame of data before startDate
        startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(-stepSize);

        int frameCount = (int)((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize);

        List<Dictionary<int, TrendingDataLocation>> frames = Enumerable.Repeat(meterRows, frameCount)
            .Select(rows => rows.Select(row => new TrendingDataLocation()
                id = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"),
                name = row.ConvertField<string>("MeterName"),
                Latitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Latitude"),
                Longitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Longitude")
            .Select(locations => locations.ToDictionary(location =>

        Dictionary<int, double?> nominalLookup = idTable
            .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL")
            .ToDictionary(row => row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), row => row.ConvertField<double?>("PerUnitValue"));

        Dictionary<int, List<TrendingDataLocation>> lookup = idTable
            .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL")
            .Select(row =>
                int meterID = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID");

                return new
                    ChannelID = row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"),
                    Frames = frames.Select(locationLookup => locationLookup[meterID]).ToList()
            .ToDictionary(obj => obj.ChannelID, obj => obj.Frames);

        using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance))
            foreach (TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(lookup.Keys, startDate, endDate))
                List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = lookup[point.ChannelID];

                // Use ceiling to sort data into the next nearest frame.
                // Subtract 1 because startDate was shifted to include one additional frame of data
                int frameIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((point.Timestamp - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize) - 1;

                if (frameIndex < 0 || frameIndex >= locations.Count)

                TrendingDataLocation frame = locations[frameIndex];

                double nominal = nominalLookup[point.ChannelID] ?? 1.0D;
                double value = point.Value / nominal;

                switch (point.SeriesID)
                    case SeriesID.Minimum:
                        frame.Minimum = Math.Min(value, frame.Minimum ?? value);

                    case SeriesID.Maximum:
                        frame.Maximum = Math.Max(value, frame.Maximum ?? value);

                    case SeriesID.Average:
                        frame.Average = frame.GetAverage();

        return frames
            .Select(frame => frame.Values.ToList())
Beispiel #48
        // This is going through this function to migtrate all EventdataBlobs over to ChannelDataBlobs as they are read eventually removing the legacy table (eventData)
        public static List <byte[]> DataFromEvent(int eventID, AdoDataConnection connection)
            List <byte[]> result           = new List <byte[]>();
            List <int>    directChannelIDs = new List <int>();

            //This Should start by getting multiple datasets
            string    query = "SELECT SeriesID FROM ChannelData WHERE EventID = {0}";
            DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(query, eventID);

            result.AddRange(table.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Select(row =>
                int seriesID            = row.Field <int>("SeriesID");
                byte[] singleSeriesData = connection.ExecuteScalar <byte[]>("SELECT TimeDomainData FROM ChannelData WHERE SeriesID = {0} AND EventID = {1}"
                                                                            , seriesID, eventID);
                if (singleSeriesData == null)
                    singleSeriesData = ProcessLegacyBlob(eventID, seriesID, connection);
                directChannelIDs.Add(connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT ChannelID FROM Series WHERE ID = {0}", seriesID));

            //This Will get the extended Data (throught connections)....
            Asset asset = new TableOperations <Asset>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("ID = (SELECT AssetID FROM Event WHERE ID = {0})", eventID);

            asset.ConnectionFactory = () => { return(new AdoDataConnection(connection.Connection.ConnectionString, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))); };
            List <int> channelIDs = asset.ConnectedChannels.Select(item => item.ID).ToList();

            foreach (int channelID in channelIDs)
                if (directChannelIDs.Contains(channelID))

                //Find any Series where Event happens at the same time and ChannelID is ChannelID
                //-> note that this assumes any Channel is only associated with a single event at a time

                int channelDataID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT COUNT(ChannelData.ID) FROM ChannelData LEFT JOIN Event ON ChannelData.EventID = Event.ID " +
                                                                   "LEFT JOIN Series ON ChannelData.SeriesID = Series.ID " +
                                                                   "WHERE(Series.ChannelID = {0}) AND(Event.MeterID = (SELECT EV.MeterID FROM Event EV WHERE EV.ID = {1})) AND " +
                                                                   "(Event.StartTime <= (SELECT EV.EndTime FROM Event EV WHERE EV.ID = {1})) AND " +
                                                                   "(Event.EndTime >= (SELECT EV.StartTime FROM Event EV WHERE EV.ID = {1}))", channelID, eventID);

                if (channelDataID == 0)

                channelDataID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT ChannelData.ID FROM ChannelData LEFT JOIN Event ON ChannelData.EventID = Event.ID " +
                                                               "LEFT JOIN Series ON ChannelData.SeriesID = Series.ID " +
                                                               "WHERE(Series.ChannelID = {0}) AND(Event.MeterID = (SELECT EV.MeterID FROM Event EV WHERE EV.ID = {1})) AND " +
                                                               "(Event.StartTime <= (SELECT EV.EndTime FROM Event EV WHERE EV.ID = {1})) AND " +
                                                               "(Event.EndTime >= (SELECT EV.StartTime FROM Event EV WHERE EV.ID = {1}))", channelID, eventID);

                byte[] singleSeriesData = connection.ExecuteScalar <byte[]>("SELECT TimeDomainData FROM ChannelData WHERE ID = {0}"
                                                                            , channelDataID);

                if (singleSeriesData == null)
                    ChannelData channelData = new TableOperations <ChannelData>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", channelDataID);
                    singleSeriesData = ProcessLegacyBlob(channelData.EventID, channelData.SeriesID, connection);


Beispiel #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles loaded event for <see cref="SubscriberUserControl"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        private void SubscriberUserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Attach to load/before save event so class can load/add crypto keys from/to local keyIV cache
            m_dataContext.PropertyChanged += SubscriberUserControl_PropertyChanged;
            m_dataContext.BeforeSave += SubscriberUserControl_BeforeSave;

                using (AdoDataConnection database = new AdoDataConnection(CommonFunctions.DefaultSettingsCategory))
                    Dictionary<string, string> settings;
                    string server;

                    IPAddress[] hostIPs = null;
                    IEnumerable<IPAddress> localIPs;

                    settings = database.DataPublisherConnectionString().ToNonNullString().ParseKeyValuePairs();

                    if (settings.TryGetValue("server", out server))
                        hostIPs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(server.Split(':')[0]);

                    localIPs = Dns.GetHostAddresses("localhost").Concat(Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()));

                    // Check to see if entered host name corresponds to a local IP address
                    if ((object)hostIPs == null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Failed to find service host address. If using Gateway security, secure key exchange may not succeed." + Environment.NewLine + "Please make sure to run manager application with administrative privileges on the server where service is hosted.", "Authorize Subcriber", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                    else if (!hostIPs.Any(ip => localIPs.Contains(ip)))
                        MessageBox.Show("If using Gateway security, secure key exchange may not succeed." + Environment.NewLine + "Please make sure to run manager application with administrative privileges on the server where service is hosted.", "Authorize Subscriber", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                // If the user is not an Administrator, then the following properties for these controls are readonly and not enable
                bool isAdmin = CommonFunctions.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("Administrator,Editor");

                AcronymField.IsReadOnly = !isAdmin;
                NameField.IsReadOnly = !isAdmin;
                ValidIpAddressesField.IsReadOnly = !isAdmin;
                EnablePGConnectionCheckBox.IsEnabled = isAdmin;
                ImportSRQButton.IsEnabled = isAdmin;
                ImportCERButton.IsEnabled = isAdmin;
                FooterControl.IsEnabled = isAdmin;
                MessageBox.Show("Please make sure to run manager application with administrative privileges on the server where service is hosted.", "Authorize Subscriber", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
Beispiel #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads <see cref="Adapter"/> information as an <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> style list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="adapterType"><see cref="AdapterType"/> collection to be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="keys">Keys of the adapters to be loaded from the database.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="Adapter"/>.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection <Adapter> Load(AdoDataConnection database, AdapterType adapterType, IList <int> keys)
            bool createdConnection = false;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                string viewName;

                if (adapterType == AdapterType.Action)
                    viewName = "CustomActionAdapterDetail";
                else if (adapterType == AdapterType.Filter)
                    viewName = "CustomFilterAdapterDetail";
                else if (adapterType == AdapterType.Input)
                    viewName = "CustomInputAdapterDetail";
                    viewName = "CustomOutputAdapterDetail";

                string query;
                string commaSeparatedKeys;

                Adapter[] adapterList = null;
                DataTable adapterTable;
                int       id;

                if ((object)keys != null && keys.Count > 0)
                    commaSeparatedKeys = keys.Select(key => "" + key.ToString() + "").Aggregate((str1, str2) => str1 + "," + str2);
                    query = database.ParameterizedQueryString(string.Format("SELECT NodeID, ID, AdapterName, AssemblyName, TypeName, ConnectionString, " +
                                                                            "LoadOrder, Enabled, NodeName FROM {0} WHERE NodeID = {{0}} AND ID IN ({1})", viewName, commaSeparatedKeys), "nodeID");

                    adapterTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, query, DefaultTimeout, database.CurrentNodeID());
                    adapterList  = new Adapter[adapterTable.Rows.Count];

                    foreach (DataRow row in adapterTable.Rows)
                        id = row.ConvertField <int>("ID");

                        adapterList[keys.IndexOf(id)] = new Adapter()
                            NodeID           = database.Guid(row, "NodeID"),
                            ID               = id,
                            AdapterName      = row.Field <string>("AdapterName"),
                            AssemblyName     = row.Field <string>("AssemblyName"),
                            TypeName         = row.Field <string>("TypeName"),
                            ConnectionString = row.Field <string>("ConnectionString"),
                            LoadOrder        = row.ConvertField <int>("LoadOrder"),
                            Enabled          = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field <object>("Enabled")),
                            NodeName         = row.Field <string>("NodeName"),
                            Type             = adapterType

                return(new ObservableCollection <Adapter>(adapterList ?? new Adapter[0]));
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves <see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> type collection of <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/> denied for <see cref="Subscriber"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriberID">ID of the <see cref="Subscriber"/> to filter data.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="Dictionary{T1,T2}"/> type collection of ID and Name of <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/>.</returns>
        public static Dictionary<int, string> GetDeniedMeasurementGroups(AdoDataConnection database, Guid subscriberID)
            Dictionary<int, string> deniedMeasurementGroups;
            DataTable deniedMeasurementGroupTable;
            bool createdConnection = false;
            string query;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);
                deniedMeasurementGroups = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT MeasurementGroupID, MeasurementGroupName FROM SubscriberMeasGroupDetail WHERE SubscriberID = {0} AND Allowed = {1} ORDER BY MeasurementGroupName", "subscriberID", "allowed");
                deniedMeasurementGroupTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, query, DefaultTimeout, database.Guid(subscriberID), database.Bool(false));

                foreach (DataRow row in deniedMeasurementGroupTable.Rows)
                    deniedMeasurementGroups[row.ConvertField<int>("MeasurementGroupID")] = row.Field<string>("MeasurementGroupName");

                return deniedMeasurementGroups;
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads <see cref="OutputStreamDevice"/> information as an <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> style list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="keys">Keys of the measurement to be loaded from the datbase</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="OutputStreamDevice"/>.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection <OutputStreamDevice> Load(AdoDataConnection database, IList <int> keys)
            bool createdConnection = false;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                string query;
                string commaSeparatedKeys;

                OutputStreamDevice[] outputStreamDeviceList = null;
                DataTable            outputStreamDeviceTable;
                int id;

                if ((object)keys != null && keys.Count > 0)
                    commaSeparatedKeys = keys.Select(key => key.ToString()).Aggregate((str1, str2) => str1 + "," + str2);

                    query = string.Format("SELECT NodeID, AdapterID, ID, IDCode, Acronym, BpaAcronym, Name, PhasorDataFormat, " +
                                          "FrequencyDataFormat, AnalogDataFormat, CoordinateFormat, LoadOrder, Enabled, Virtual " +
                                          "FROM OutputStreamDeviceDetail WHERE ID IN ({0})", commaSeparatedKeys);

                    if (database.IsMySQL)
                        query = string.Format("SELECT NodeID, AdapterID, ID, IDCode, Acronym, BpaAcronym, Name, PhasorDataFormat, " +
                                              "FrequencyDataFormat, AnalogDataFormat, CoordinateFormat, LoadOrder, Enabled, `Virtual` " +
                                              "FROM OutputStreamDeviceDetail WHERE ID IN ({0})", commaSeparatedKeys);

                    outputStreamDeviceTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, query, DefaultTimeout);
                    outputStreamDeviceList  = new OutputStreamDevice[outputStreamDeviceTable.Rows.Count];

                    foreach (DataRow row in outputStreamDeviceTable.Rows)
                        id = row.ConvertField <int>("ID");

                        outputStreamDeviceList[keys.IndexOf(id)] = new OutputStreamDevice()
                            NodeID              = database.Guid(row, "NodeID"),
                            AdapterID           = row.ConvertField <int>("AdapterID"),
                            ID                  = id,
                            IDCode              = row.ConvertField <int>("IDCode"),
                            Acronym             = row.Field <string>("Acronym"),
                            BpaAcronym          = row.Field <string>("BpaAcronym"),
                            Name                = row.Field <string>("Name"),
                            PhasorDataFormat    = row.Field <string>("PhasorDataFormat"),
                            FrequencyDataFormat = row.Field <string>("FrequencyDataFormat"),
                            AnalogDataFormat    = row.Field <string>("AnalogDataFormat"),
                            CoordinateFormat    = row.Field <string>("CoordinateFormat"),
                            LoadOrder           = row.ConvertField <int>("LoadOrder"),
                            Enabled             = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field <object>("Enabled")),
                            m_virtual           = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field <object>("Virtual"))

                return(new ObservableCollection <OutputStreamDevice>(outputStreamDeviceList ?? new OutputStreamDevice[0]));
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Counts measurements assigned to <see cref="Subscriber"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriberID">ID of the <see cref="Subscriber"/> for which to count measurements.</param>
        /// <param name="allowed">boolean flag to indicate if measurements are allowed or denied.</param>
        /// <returns>string, indicating success for UI display.</returns>
        public static int GetGroupCount(AdoDataConnection database, Guid subscriberID, bool allowed)
            const string QueryFormat = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SubscriberMeasurementGroup WHERE SubscriberID = {0} AND Allowed = {1}";

            bool createdConnection = false;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);
                return database.ExecuteNonQuery(DefaultTimeout, QueryFormat, subscriberID, allowed);
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds multiple devices to output steam.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="outputStreamID">ID of the output stream to which devices needs to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="devices">Collection of devices to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="addDigitals">Boolean flag indicating if analogs should be added.</param>
        /// <param name="addAnalogs">Boolean flag indicating if digirals should be added.</param>
        /// <returns>String, for display use, indicating success.</returns>
        public static string AddDevices(AdoDataConnection database, int outputStreamID, ObservableCollection <Device> devices, bool addDigitals, bool addAnalogs)
            bool createdConnection = false;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                foreach (Device device in devices)
                    OutputStreamDevice outputStreamDevice = new OutputStreamDevice();
                    outputStreamDevice.NodeID     = device.NodeID;
                    outputStreamDevice.AdapterID  = outputStreamID;
                    outputStreamDevice.Acronym    = device.Acronym.Substring(device.Acronym.LastIndexOf("!", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                    outputStreamDevice.BpaAcronym = string.Empty;
                    outputStreamDevice.Name       = device.Name;
                    outputStreamDevice.LoadOrder  = device.LoadOrder;
                    outputStreamDevice.Enabled    = true;
                    outputStreamDevice.IDCode     = device.AccessID;
                    Save(database, outputStreamDevice);

                    outputStreamDevice = GetOutputStreamDevice(database, "WHERE Acronym = '" + outputStreamDevice.Acronym + "' AND AdapterID = " + outputStreamID);

                    if ((object)outputStreamDevice != null)
                        IList <int> keys = Phasor.LoadKeys(database, device.ID);
                        ObservableCollection <Phasor> phasors = Phasor.Load(database, keys);
                        foreach (Phasor phasor in phasors)
                            OutputStreamDevicePhasor outputStreamDevicePhasor = new OutputStreamDevicePhasor();
                            outputStreamDevicePhasor.NodeID = device.NodeID;
                            outputStreamDevicePhasor.OutputStreamDeviceID = outputStreamDevice.ID;
                            outputStreamDevicePhasor.Label     = phasor.Label;
                            outputStreamDevicePhasor.Type      = phasor.Type;
                            outputStreamDevicePhasor.Phase     = phasor.Phase;
                            outputStreamDevicePhasor.LoadOrder = phasor.SourceIndex;
                            OutputStreamDevicePhasor.Save(database, outputStreamDevicePhasor);

                        ObservableCollection <Measurement> measurements = Measurement.Load(database, device.ID);
                        int analogIndex = 0;
                        foreach (Measurement measurement in measurements)
                            if (measurement.SignalAcronym != "STAT" && measurement.SignalAcronym != "QUAL")
                                measurement.SignalReference = measurement.SignalReference.Substring(measurement.SignalReference.LastIndexOf("!", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);

                                if ((measurement.SignalAcronym != "ALOG" && measurement.SignalAcronym != "DIGI") || (measurement.SignalAcronym == "ALOG" && addAnalogs) || (measurement.SignalAcronym == "DIGI" && addDigitals))
                                    OutputStreamMeasurement outputStreamMeasurement = new OutputStreamMeasurement();
                                    outputStreamMeasurement.NodeID          = device.NodeID;
                                    outputStreamMeasurement.AdapterID       = outputStreamID;
                                    outputStreamMeasurement.HistorianID     = measurement.HistorianID;
                                    outputStreamMeasurement.PointID         = measurement.PointID;
                                    outputStreamMeasurement.SignalReference = measurement.SignalReference;
                                    OutputStreamMeasurement.Save(database, outputStreamMeasurement);

                                if (addAnalogs && measurement.SignalAcronym == "ALOG")
                                    OutputStreamDeviceAnalog outputStreamDeviceAnalog = new OutputStreamDeviceAnalog();
                                    outputStreamDeviceAnalog.NodeID = device.NodeID;
                                    outputStreamDeviceAnalog.OutputStreamDeviceID = outputStreamDevice.ID;
                                    outputStreamDeviceAnalog.Label = string.IsNullOrEmpty(measurement.AlternateTag) ? device.Acronym.Length > 12 ? device.Acronym.Substring(0, 12) + ":A" + analogIndex : device.Acronym + ":A" + analogIndex : measurement.AlternateTag; // measurement.PointTag;

                                    int charIndex = measurement.SignalReference.LastIndexOf("-", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                                    int signalIndex;

                                    if (charIndex >= 0 && charIndex + 3 < measurement.SignalReference.Length && int.TryParse(measurement.SignalReference.Substring(charIndex + 3), out signalIndex))
                                        outputStreamDeviceAnalog.LoadOrder = signalIndex;
                                        outputStreamDeviceAnalog.LoadOrder = 999;

                                    OutputStreamDeviceAnalog.Save(database, outputStreamDeviceAnalog);
                                else if (addDigitals && measurement.SignalAcronym == "DIGI")
                                    OutputStreamDeviceDigital outputStreamDeviceDigital = new OutputStreamDeviceDigital();
                                    outputStreamDeviceDigital.NodeID = device.NodeID;
                                    outputStreamDeviceDigital.OutputStreamDeviceID = outputStreamDevice.ID;
                                    outputStreamDeviceDigital.Label = string.IsNullOrEmpty(measurement.AlternateTag) ? DefaultDigitalLabel : measurement.AlternateTag;     // measurement.PointTag;

                                    int charIndex = measurement.SignalReference.LastIndexOf("-", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                                    int signalIndex;

                                    if (charIndex >= 0 && charIndex + 3 < measurement.SignalReference.Length && int.TryParse(measurement.SignalReference.Substring(charIndex + 3), out signalIndex))
                                        outputStreamDeviceDigital.LoadOrder = signalIndex;
                                        outputStreamDeviceDigital.LoadOrder = 999;

                                    OutputStreamDeviceDigital.Save(database, outputStreamDeviceDigital);

                return("Output Stream Device(s) added successfully!");
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Removed measurement groups from <see cref="Subscriber"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriberID">ID of the <see cref="Subscriber"/> to which measurement groups to be removed.</param>
        /// <param name="measurementGroupsToBeRemoved">List of <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/> IDs to be removed.</param>
        /// <returns>string, indicating success for UI display.</returns>
        public static int RemoveMeasurementGroups(AdoDataConnection database, Guid subscriberID, List<int> measurementGroupsToBeRemoved)
            const string QueryFormat = "DELETE FROM SubscriberMeasurementGroup WHERE SubscriberID = {0} AND MeasurementGroupID = {1}";

            bool createdConnection = false;
            int rowsAffected = 0;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                foreach (int id in measurementGroupsToBeRemoved)
                    rowsAffected += database.ExecuteNonQuery(DefaultTimeout, QueryFormat, subscriberID, id);

                return rowsAffected;
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets collection of output stream devices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">Source database connection.</param>
        /// <param name="whereClause">Where filter clause.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of output stream devices.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection <OutputStreamDevice> GetOutputStreamDevices(AdoDataConnection database, string whereClause)
            bool createdConnection = false;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                ObservableCollection <OutputStreamDevice> outputStreamDeviceList = new ObservableCollection <OutputStreamDevice>();
                DataTable outputStreamDeviceTable = database.Connection.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, "SELECT * FROM OutputStreamDeviceDetail " + whereClause);

                foreach (DataRow row in outputStreamDeviceTable.Rows)
                    outputStreamDeviceList.Add(new OutputStreamDevice
                        NodeID              = database.Guid(row, "NodeID"),
                        AdapterID           = row.ConvertField <int>("AdapterID"),
                        ID                  = row.ConvertField <int>("ID"),
                        IDCode              = row.ConvertField <int>("IDCode"),
                        Acronym             = row.Field <string>("Acronym"),
                        BpaAcronym          = row.Field <string>("BpaAcronym"),
                        Name                = row.Field <string>("Name"),
                        PhasorDataFormat    = row.Field <string>("PhasorDataFormat"),
                        FrequencyDataFormat = row.Field <string>("FrequencyDataFormat"),
                        AnalogDataFormat    = row.Field <string>("AnalogDataFormat"),
                        CoordinateFormat    = row.Field <string>("CoordinateFormat"),
                        LoadOrder           = row.ConvertField <int>("LoadOrder"),
                        Enabled             = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field <object>("Enabled")),
                        m_virtual           = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field <object>("Virtual"))

                if (createdConnection && database != null)
Beispiel #57
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves <see cref="Subscriber"/> information to database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriber">Information about <see cref="Subscriber"/>.</param>        
        /// <returns>String, for display use, indicating success.</returns>
        public static string Save(AdoDataConnection database, Subscriber subscriber)
            bool createdConnection = false;
            SslPolicyErrors validPolicyErrors;
            X509ChainStatusFlags validChainFlags;
            string query;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);
                validPolicyErrors = (subscriber.ValidPolicyErrors ?? SslPolicyErrors.None) | (subscriber.RemoteCertificateIsSelfSigned ? SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors : SslPolicyErrors.None);
                validChainFlags = (subscriber.ValidChainFlags ?? X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError) | (subscriber.RemoteCertificateIsSelfSigned ? X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot : X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError);

                if (subscriber.ID == Guid.Empty)
                    query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("INSERT INTO Subscriber (NodeID, Acronym, Name, SharedSecret, AuthKey, ValidIPAddresses, RemoteCertificateFile, ValidPolicyErrors, ValidChainFlags, " +
                                                              "AccessControlFilter, Enabled, UpdatedBy, UpdatedOn, CreatedBy, CreatedOn) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}, " +
                                                              "{13}, {14})", "nodeID", "acronym", "name", "sharedSecret", "authKey", "validIPAddresses", "remoteCertificateFile", "validPolicyErrors", "validChainFlags",
                                                              "accessControlFilter", "enabled", "updatedBy", "updatedOn", "createdBy", "createdOn");

                    database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(query, DefaultTimeout, database.CurrentNodeID(), subscriber.Acronym, subscriber.Name.ToNotNull(), subscriber.SharedSecret.ToNotNull(),
                                                        subscriber.AuthKey.ToNotNull(), subscriber.ValidIPAddresses.ToNotNull(), subscriber.RemoteCertificateFile.ToNotNull(), validPolicyErrors.ToString(),
                                                        validChainFlags.ToString(), subscriber.AccessControlFilter.ToNotNull(), database.Bool(subscriber.Enabled), CommonFunctions.CurrentUser, database.UtcNow,
                                                        CommonFunctions.CurrentUser, database.UtcNow);
                    query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Subscriber SET NodeID = {0}, Acronym = {1}, Name = {2}, SharedSecret = {3}, AuthKey = {4}, ValidIPAddresses = {5}, RemoteCertificateFile = {6}, " +
                                                              "ValidPolicyErrors = {7}, ValidChainFlags = {8}, AccessControlFilter = {9}, Enabled = {10}, UpdatedBy = {11}, UpdatedOn = {12} WHERE ID = {13}", "nodeID",
                                                              "acronym", "name", "sharedSecret", "authKey", "validIPAddresses", "remoteCertificateFile", "validPolicyErrors", "validChainFlags", "accessControlFilter",
                                                              "enabled", "updatedBy", "updatedOn", "id");

                    database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(query, DefaultTimeout, database.Guid(subscriber.NodeID), subscriber.Acronym, subscriber.Name.ToNotNull(), subscriber.SharedSecret.ToNotNull(),
                                                        subscriber.AuthKey.ToNotNull(), subscriber.ValidIPAddresses.ToNotNull(), subscriber.RemoteCertificateFile.ToNotNull(), validPolicyErrors.ToString(),
                                                        validChainFlags.ToString(), subscriber.AccessControlFilter.ToNotNull(), database.Bool(subscriber.Enabled), CommonFunctions.CurrentUser, database.UtcNow,

                catch (Exception ex)
                    return "Subscriber information saved successfully. Failed to send ReloadConfig command to backend service." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;

                return "Subscriber information saved successfully";
                if (createdConnection && database != null)
        private static void CreateOutputMeasurementsWhereNull(AdoDataConnection database, string nodeIDQueryString, Action <string> statusMessage)
            statusMessage("Checking for calculations with null output measurements...");

            string query =
                $"SELECT " +
                $"    pc.ID, " +
                $"    pc.CircuitDescription, " +
                $"    pc.ActivePowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    pc.ApparentPowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    pc.ReactivePowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    v.Acronym AS VendorAcronym, " +
                $"    d.Acronym AS DeviceAcronym, " +
                $"    c.Acronym AS CompanyAcronym, " +
                $" AS DeviceID, " +
                $"    vm.HistorianID AS HistorianID, " +
                $"    p.Label AS CurrentLabel " +
                $"FROM " +
                $"    PowerCalculation pc JOIN " +
                $"    Measurement vm ON vm.SignalID = pc.VoltageAngleSignalID JOIN " +
                $"    Measurement im ON im.SignalID = pc.CurrentAngleSignalID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Phasor p ON im.DeviceID = p.DeviceID AND im.PhasorSourceIndex = p.SourceIndex LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Device d ON vm.DeviceID = d.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    VendorDevice vd ON vd.ID = d.VendorDeviceID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Vendor v ON vd.VendorID = v.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Company c ON d.CompanyID = c.ID " +
                $"WHERE " +
                $"    pc.Enabled <> 0 AND " +
                $"    pc.NodeID = {nodeIDQueryString} AND " +
                $"    ( " +
                $"        pc.ActivePowerOutputSignalID IS NULL OR " +
                $"        pc.ReactivePowerOutputSignalID IS NULL OR " +
                $"        pc.ApparentPowerOutputSignalID IS NULL " +
                $"    )";

            Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement> activePowerUpdates   = new Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement>();
            Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement> reactivePowerUpdates = new Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement>();
            Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement> apparentPowerUpdates = new Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement>();

            using (IDbCommand cmd = database.Connection.CreateCommand())
                cmd.CommandText = query;
                using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (rdr.Read())
                        int    powerCalculationID = rdr.GetInt32(0);
                        string companyAcronym     = rdr.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : rdr.GetString(7);
                        string vendorAcronym      = rdr.IsDBNull(5) ? "" : rdr.GetString(5);
                        string signalTypeAcronym  = "CALC";
                        string circuitDescription = rdr.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : rdr.GetString(1);
                        int    deviceID           = rdr.GetInt32(8);
                        int?   historianID        = rdr.IsDBNull(9) ? null : (int?)rdr.GetInt32(9);

                        // Remove any settings defined in circuit description
                        int semicolonIndex = circuitDescription.IndexOf(';');

                        if (semicolonIndex > -1)
                            circuitDescription = circuitDescription.Substring(0, semicolonIndex);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(2)) // Real - MW
                            // create active power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MW", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Active Power Calculation");
                            activePowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(3)) // Apparent - MVA
                            // create apparent power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MVA", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Apparent Power Calculation");
                            apparentPowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(4)) // Reactive - MVAR
                            //create reactive power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MVAR", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Reactive Power Calculation");
                            reactivePowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

            int newMeasurementsCount = activePowerUpdates.Count + reactivePowerUpdates.Count + apparentPowerUpdates.Count;

            if (newMeasurementsCount > 0)
                MeasurementRepository repo = new MeasurementRepository();

                statusMessage($"Creating {newMeasurementsCount} new output measurements for power calculation...");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PowerMeasurement> update in activePowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, activePowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new active power calculations.");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PowerMeasurement> update in reactivePowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, reactivePowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new reactive power calculations.");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PowerMeasurement> update in apparentPowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, apparentPowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new apparent power calculations.");

                statusMessage("Completed creation of new measurements for null output measurements on power calculations.");
    public TrendingDataSet getTrendsforChannelIDDate(string ChannelID, string targetDate)
        //DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
        //string theSproc = "dbo.selectTrendingDataByChannelIDDate2";
        //DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
        //TrendingDataSet trendingDataSet = new TrendingDataSet();

        //using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionstring))
        //using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
        //using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
        //    command.CommandText = theSproc;
        //    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        //    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EventDate", targetDate);
        //    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ChannelID", ChannelID);
        //    command.CommandTimeout = 300;

        //    connection.Open();
        //    adapter.Fill(dataSet);

        //    trendingDataSet.ChannelData = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows
        //        .Cast<DataRow>()
        //        .Select(row => new TrendingDataPoint()
        //        {
        //            Time = row.Field<DateTime>("thedate").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds,
        //            Maximum = row.Field<double>("themaximum"),
        //            Minimum = row.Field<double>("theminimum"),
        //            Average = row.Field<double>("theaverage")
        //        })
        //        .ToArray();

        //    trendingDataSet.AlarmLimits = dataSet.Tables[1].Rows
        //        .Cast<DataRow>()
        //        .Select(row => new TrendingAlarmLimit()
        //        {
        //            TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds,
        //            TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds,
        //            High = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimithigh"),
        //            Low = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimitlow")
        //        })
        //        .ToArray();

        //    trendingDataSet.OffNormalLimits = dataSet.Tables[2].Rows
        //        .Cast<DataRow>()
        //        .Select(row => new TrendingAlarmLimit()
        //        {
        //            TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds,
        //            TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds,
        //            High = row.Field<double?>("offlimithigh"),
        //            Low = row.Field<double?>("offlimitlow")
        //        })
        //        .ToArray();
        string historianServer;
        string historianInstance;
        IEnumerable<int> channelIDs = new List<int>() { Convert.ToInt32(ChannelID) };
        DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(targetDate);
        DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(1);
        TrendingDataSet trendingDataSet = new TrendingDataSet();
        DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

        using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter)))
            historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? "";
            historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Instance'") ?? "XDA";

            using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance))
                foreach (openHistorian.XDALink.TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(channelIDs, startDate, endDate))
                    if (!trendingDataSet.ChannelData.Exists(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds))
                        trendingDataSet.ChannelData.Add(new TrendingDataDatum());
                        trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.Count - 1].Time = point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds;

                    if (point.SeriesID.ToString() == "Average")
                        trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.IndexOf(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds)].Average = point.Value;
                    else if (point.SeriesID.ToString() == "Minimum")
                        trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.IndexOf(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds)].Minimum = point.Value;
                    else if (point.SeriesID.ToString() == "Maximum")
                        trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.IndexOf(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds)].Maximum = point.Value;

            IEnumerable<DataRow> table = Enumerable.Empty<DataRow>();

            table = connection.RetrieveData(" Select {0} AS thedatefrom, " +
                                                        "        DATEADD(DAY, 1, {0}) AS thedateto, " +
                                                        "        CASE WHEN AlarmRangeLimit.PerUnit <> 0 AND Channel.PerUnitValue IS NOT NULL THEN AlarmRangeLimit.High * PerUnitValue ELSE AlarmRangeLimit.High END AS alarmlimithigh," +
                                                        "        CASE WHEN AlarmRangeLimit.PerUnit <> 0 AND Channel.PerUnitValue IS NOT NULL THEN AlarmRangeLimit.Low * PerUnitValue ELSE AlarmRangeLimit.Low END AS alarmlimitlow " +
                                                        " FROM   AlarmRangeLimit JOIN " +
                                                        "        Channel ON AlarmRangeLimit.ChannelID = Channel.ID " +
                                                        "WHERE   AlarmRangeLimit.AlarmTypeID = (SELECT ID FROM AlarmType where Name = 'Alarm') AND " +
                                                        "        AlarmRangeLimit.ChannelID = {1}", startDate, Convert.ToInt32(ChannelID)).Select();

            foreach (DataRow row in table)
                trendingDataSet.AlarmLimits.Add(new TrendingAlarmLimit() { High = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimithigh"), Low = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimitlow"), TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds });

            table = Enumerable.Empty<DataRow>();

            table = connection.RetrieveData(" DECLARE @dayOfWeek INT = DATEPART(DW, {0}) - 1 " +
                                                        " DECLARE @hourOfWeek INT = @dayOfWeek * 24 " +
                                                        " ; WITH HourlyIndex AS" +
                                                        " ( " +
                                                        "   SELECT @hourOfWeek AS HourOfWeek " +
                                                        "   UNION ALL " +
                                                        "   SELECT HourOfWeek + 1 " +
                                                        "   FROM HourlyIndex" +
                                                        "   WHERE (HourOfWeek + 1) < @hourOfWeek + 24" +
                                                        " ) " +
                                                        " SELECT " +
                                                        "        DATEADD(HOUR, HourlyIndex.HourOfWeek - @hourOfWeek, {0}) AS thedatefrom, " +
                                                        "        DATEADD(HOUR, HourlyIndex.HourOfWeek - @hourOfWeek + 1, {0}) AS thedateto, " +
                                                        "        HourOfWeekLimit.High AS offlimithigh, " +
                                                        "        HourOfWeekLimit.Low AS offlimitlow " +
                                                        " FROM " +
                                                        "        HourlyIndex LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                                                        "        HourOfWeekLimit ON HourOfWeekLimit.HourOfWeek = HourlyIndex.HourOfWeek " +
                                                        " WHERE " +
                                                        "        HourOfWeekLimit.ChannelID IS NULL OR " +
                                                        "        HourOfWeekLimit.ChannelID = {1} ", startDate, Convert.ToInt32(ChannelID)).Select();

            foreach (DataRow row in table)
                trendingDataSet.OffNormalLimits.Add(new TrendingAlarmLimit() { High = row.Field<double?>("offlimithigh"), Low = row.Field<double?>("offlimitlow"), TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds });


        return trendingDataSet;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if a data operation exists to run this class. Returns false otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="database">Database connection to use for checking the data operation</param>
 /// <returns>True or false indicating whether the operation exists</returns>
 private static bool DataOperationExists(AdoDataConnection database)
     return(Convert.ToInt32(database.ExecuteScalar($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DataOperation WHERE TypeName='{typeof(PowerCalculationConfigurationValidation).FullName}' AND MethodName='ValidatePowerCalculationConfigurations'")) > 0);