Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>  Wakes up all connected zones if currently in sleep mode.
        /// For each connected zone, a SIF_Wakeup message is sent to the IZone
        /// Integration Server to request that sleep mode be removed from this agent's
        /// queue for that zone. Note the Adk keeps an internal sleep flag for each
        /// zone, which is initialized when the <c>connect</c> method is called
        /// by sending a SIF_Ping to the ZIS. This flag is cleared so that the Adk
        /// will no longer return a Status Code 8 ("Receiver is sleeping") in response
        /// to messages received by the ZIS.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="AdkException">  thrown if the SIF_Wakeup message is unsuccessful.
        /// The Adk will attempt to send a SIF_Wakeup to all connected zones; the
        /// exception describes the zone or zones that failed
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void Wakeup()
            lock (this)

                AdkMessagingException err = null;

                IZone[] zones = fZoneFactory.GetAllZones();
                for (int i = 0; i < zones.Length; i++)
                    catch (AdkMessagingException ex)
                        if (err == null)
                            err =
                                new AdkMessagingException
                                    ("An error occurred sending SIF_Wakeup to zone \"" +
                                    zones[i].ZoneId + "\"", zones[i]);

                if (err != null)
                    AdkUtils._throw(err, Log);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>  Initialize the agent.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// An application must call this method to initialize the class framework
        /// and runtime. No other methods can be called until the agent has been
        /// successfully initialized. When the agent exits it is important that the
        /// <c>shutdown</c> method be called to safely release the resources
        /// allocated by the runtime.
        /// If an application overrides this method, it should call the superclass
        /// implementation <i>after</i> performing its own initialization.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="Shutdown()"></seealso>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">If the agent is unable to initialize due to a file or resource exception</exception>
        /// <exception cref="AdkException">Thrown if the agent has already
        /// been initialized
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void Initialize()
            lock (this)
                if (fInit)
                    AdkUtils._throw(new AdkException("Agent is already initialized", null), Log);
                if (fShutdownInProgress)
                        (new AdkException("Agent is in the process of shutting down", null), Log);

#if EVAL
                    new E(this);
                catch (Exception)
                    Console.WriteLine("Corrupt ADK Evaluation Edition or internal error. Please report this notice to OpenADK Tech Support.");

                if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Lifecycle) != 0)
                    Log.Info("Initializing agent...");

                //  Verify home directory exists and can be written to
                AssertDirectoryExists(HomeDir, "Home");
                //  Verify work directory exists and can be written to
                AssertDirectoryExists(WorkDir, "Work");

                    // TODO: Implement Support for Profiling
                    System.out.println("SIF Profiling Harness support enabled in ADK");

                    //	Establish the SIFProfilerClient name (i.e. "sourceId_ADK")
                    ProfilerUtils.setProfilerName(getId() + "_ADK");
                //Initialize the TransportManager

                fShutdownInProgress = false;
                fInit = true;

                if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Lifecycle) != 0)
                    Log.Info("Agent initialized");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>  Helper routine to check that the <c>initialize</c> method has been called
        /// @throws AdkException if not initialized
        /// </summary>
        private void _checkInit()
            if (fShutdown)
                throw new LifecycleException("Agent has been shutdown");

            if (!fInit)
                Console.Out.WriteLine(new StackTrace(true).ToString());
                AdkUtils._throw(new LifecycleException("Agent not initialized"), Log);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>Constructor</summary>
        /// <param name="agentId">The string name that uniquely identifies this agent in SIF Zones.
        /// This string is used as the <c>SourceId</c> in all SIF message
        /// headers created by the agent.
        /// </param>
        public Agent(string agentId)
            if (agentId == null || agentId.Trim().Length == 0)
                    (new ArgumentException("Agent ID cannot be null or a blank string"), Log);

            fSourceId = agentId;

            ObjectFactory factory = ObjectFactory.GetInstance();

            fZoneFactory  = (IZoneFactory)factory.CreateInstance(ObjectFactory.ADKFactoryType.ZONE, this);
            fTopicFactory = (ITopicFactory)factory.CreateInstance(ObjectFactory.ADKFactoryType.TOPIC, this);

            fTransportManager = new TransportManagerImpl();
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>  Register a global IQueryResults message handler object with this
        /// agent for the specified SIF object type in the default SIF Context
        /// Note agents typically register message handlers with Topics or with
        /// Zones instead of with the Agent. The message fDispatcher first
        /// delivers messages to Topics, then to Zones, and finally to the Agent
        /// itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryResults">An object that implements the <c>IQueryResults</c>
        /// interface to respond to SIF_Response query results received by the agent,
        /// where the SIF object type referenced by the request matches the
        /// specified objectType. This IQueryResults object will be called whenever
        /// a SIF_Response is received and no other object in the message
        /// dispatching chain has processed the message.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objectType">A constant from the SifDtd class that identifies the
        /// type of SIF Data Object this IQueryResults message handler will
        /// respond to.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void SetQueryResults(IQueryResults queryResults,
                                            IElementDef objectType)
            if (queryResults == null)
                    (new ArgumentException("IQueryResults object cannot be null"), GetLog());

            if (objectType == null)
                fQueryResults[SifDtd.SIF_MESSAGE] = queryResults;
                fQueryResults[objectType] = queryResults;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>  Register a global ISubscriber message handler with this agent
        /// for the specified SIF object type in the default SIF Context.
        /// Note agents typically register message handlers with Topics or with Zones
        /// instead of with the Agent. The message fDispatcher first
        /// delivers messages to Topics, then to Zones, and finally to the Agent
        /// itself.
        /// In order to receive SIF_Event messages, the agent is expected to be
        /// registered as a ISubscriber of one or more object types in at least one
        /// zone. This method does not send SIF_Subscribe messages to any zones.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscriber">An object that implements the <c>ISubscriber</c>
        /// interface to respond to SIF_Event notifications received by the agent,
        /// where the SIF object type referenced by the request matches the
        /// specified objectType. This ISubscriber will be called whenever a
        /// SIF_Event is received and no other object in the message dispatching
        /// chain has processed the message.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objectType">A constant from the SifDtd class that identifies the
        /// type of SIF Data Object this ISubscriber will respond to.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void SetSubscriber(ISubscriber subscriber,
                                          IElementDef objectType)
            if (subscriber == null)
                    (new ArgumentException("ISubscriber object cannot be null"), GetLog());

            if (objectType == null)
                fSubs[SifDtd.SIF_MESSAGE] = subscriber;
                fSubs[objectType] = subscriber;
Beispiel #7
        private void AssertDirectoryExists(string path,
                                           string logName)
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            if (!dir.Exists)
                if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Lifecycle) != 0)
                        (string.Format("Creating {0} directory: {1}", logName, dir.FullName));

            if (!Directory.Exists(dir.FullName))
                    (new AdkException
                            ("The {0} directory is not a directory: {1}", logName, path), null),