Beispiel #1
       * Stores the items in the cache that will later be asserted
       * @param cache

        private void storeAssertedRequests(RequestCache cache)
            SIF_QueryObject obj = new SIF_QueryObject("");
            SIF_Query query = new SIF_Query(obj);
            SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request();
            request.SIF_Query = query;

            Query q;
            TestState ts;

            fMsgIds = new String[10];
            fStateObjects = new String[10];
            // Add 10 entries to the cache, interspersed with other entries that are removed
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                ts = new TestState();
                ts.State = Adk.MakeGuid();
                fStateObjects[i] = ts.State;
                q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL);
                q.UserData = ts;

                String phantom1 = Adk.MakeGuid();
                String phantom2 = Adk.MakeGuid();
                storeRequest(cache, request, q, phantom1, "foo");
                fMsgIds[i] = Adk.MakeGuid();

                storeRequest(cache, request, q, fMsgIds[i], "Object_" + i.ToString());
                storeRequest(cache, request, q, phantom2, "bar");

                cache.GetRequestInfo(phantom1, null);
                cache.GetRequestInfo(phantom2, null);
Beispiel #2
        public void SharedChildren()
            Adk.SifVersion = SifVersion.LATEST;
            StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal(Adk.MakeGuid(), new Name(NameType.LEGAL, "hello", "world"));
            // Replace the existing demographics so there is no confusion
            Demographics d = new Demographics();

            sp.Demographics = d;
            CountriesOfCitizenship countries = new CountriesOfCitizenship();

            d.CountriesOfCitizenship = countries;
            CountriesOfResidency residencies = new CountriesOfResidency();

            d.CountriesOfResidency = residencies;


            // overwrite the country codes again, just to try to repro the issue
            d.SetCountryOfBirth(CountryCode.Wrap("AA")); // Should overwrite the existing one

            //Remove the existing CountryOfCitizenship, add three more, and remove the middle one

            // Remove the existing CountryOfResidency, add three more, and remove the first one

            StudentPersonal sp2 = AdkObjectParseHelper.runParsingTest(sp, SifVersion.LATEST);

            // The runParsingTest() method will compare the objects after writing them and reading them
            // back in, but to be completely sure, let's assert the country codes again

            // NOTE: Due to the .Net Array.Sort algorithm, repeatable elements come out in reverse order.
            // This doesn't appear to be a problem yet, but may be fixed in a future release.
            // For now, these tests look for the elements in reverse order

            Demographics d2 = sp2.Demographics;

            Assert.AreEqual("AA", d2.CountryOfBirth.ToString(), "Country of Birth");
            Country[] citizenships = d2.CountriesOfCitizenship.ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, citizenships.Length, "Should be two CountryOfCitizenships");
            Assert.AreEqual("BB1", citizenships[0].TextValue, "First CountryOfCitizenship");
            Assert.AreEqual("BB3", citizenships[1].TextValue, "Second CountryOfCitizenship");

            // assert
            Country[] resid = d2.CountriesOfResidency.ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, resid.Length, "Should be two CountryOfResidencys");
            Assert.AreEqual("CC2", resid[0].TextValue, "First CountryOfResidencys");
            Assert.AreEqual("CC3", resid[1].TextValue, "Second CountryOfResidencys");
        public void SDOParse()
            DateTime today = DateTime.Now;

            Demographics demo = new Demographics();

            demo.CountriesOfCitizenship = new CountriesOfCitizenship();
            demo.CountriesOfResidency = new CountriesOfResidency(new Country(CountryCode.Wrap("CA")));
            demo.CountryOfBirth       = CountryCode.US.ToString();

            //  Create a StudentPlacement
            StudentPlacement sp = new StudentPlacement();

            sp.RefId = Adk.MakeGuid();
            sp.StudentParticipationRefId = Adk.MakeGuid();
            sp.StudentPersonalRefId      = Adk.MakeGuid();
            sp.SetService(ServiceCode.STAFF_PROFESSIONAL_DEVELOPMENT, "foo", "test");
            sp.ServiceProviderAgency = "ABSD";
            sp.ServiceProviderName   = "John Smithfield";
            sp.SetServiceSetting("asdfasdf", ServiceSettingCode.REGULAR_SCHOOL_CAMPUS);
            sp.StartDate     = today;
            sp.FrequencyTime = new FrequencyTime();
            sp.SetIndirectTime(DurationUnit.MINUTES, 10);
            sp.TotalServiceDuration       = new TimeUnit(DurationUnit.MINUTES, 5);
            sp.SpecialNeedsTransportation = false;
            sp.AssistiveTechnology        = true;
            sp.SetDirectTime(DurationUnit.HOURS, 5);

            AdkObjectParseHelper.runParsingTest(sp, SifVersion.LATEST);
        private static StudentPersonal CreateStudent(
            String id,
            String lastName,
            String firstName,
            String street,
            String city,
            String state,
            CountryCode country,
            String post,
            String phone,
            Sex gender,
            YearLevelCode grade,
            String birthDateyyyyMMdd)
            StudentPersonal student = new StudentPersonal();

            student.RefId   = Adk.MakeGuid();
            student.LocalId = id;

            PersonInfo stupersonal = new PersonInfo();

            student.PersonInfo = stupersonal;

            // Set the Name
            Name name = new Name(NameType.LEGAL);

            name.FamilyName  = lastName;
            name.GivenName   = firstName;
            stupersonal.Name = name;

            Address addr = new Address();

            addr.City          = city;
            addr.StateProvince = state;
            addr.PostalCode    = post;
            addr.Country       = country.ToString();

            stupersonal.AddressList = new AddressList(addr);

            stupersonal.PhoneNumberList =
                new PhoneNumberList(new PhoneNumber(PhoneNumberType.PRIMARY, phone));

            Demographics dem = new Demographics();

            dem.BirthDate =
                    (birthDateyyyyMMdd, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);

            stupersonal.Demographics = dem;

Beispiel #5
        public void testConditionWithNullValue()
            StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal(Adk.MakeGuid(), new Name(NameType.BIRTH, "E", "Sally"));

            Query q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL);

            q.AddCondition(CommonDTD.NAME_LASTNAME, ComparisonOperators.GT, null);
        public void TestWriteXSINillMultiple()
            SIF_Data data = new SIF_Data();

            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
                StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();
                sp.RefId           = Adk.MakeGuid();
                sp.StateProvinceId = "\u06DE55889";
                sp.LocalId         = "987987987987987";
                Name name = new Name(NameType.LEGAL, "Johnson", "Steve");
                sp.Name = name;
                name.SetField(CommonDTD.NAME_TYPE, new SifString(null));
                name.SetField(CommonDTD.NAME_MIDDLENAME, new SifString(null));

                SIF_ExtendedElement see = new SIF_ExtendedElement("FOO", null);
                see.SetField(GlobalDTD.SIF_EXTENDEDELEMENT, new SifString(null));
                see.XsiType = "Integer";

                sp.SetField(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_LOCALID, new SifString(null));

            SIF_Data data2 = (SIF_Data)AdkObjectParseHelper.WriteParseAndReturn(data, SifVersion.LATEST, null, true);

            foreach (SifElement child in data2.GetChildList())
                StudentPersonal copy = (StudentPersonal)child;
                Name            name = copy.Name;

                // Attributes cannot be represented using xs nil
                SimpleField field = name.GetField(CommonDTD.NAME_TYPE);

                field = name.GetField(CommonDTD.NAME_MIDDLENAME);

                SIF_ExtendedElement see = copy.GetSIFExtendedElement("FOO");
                field = see.GetField(GlobalDTD.SIF_EXTENDEDELEMENT);

                field = copy.GetField(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_LOCALID);
    private SifDataObject createPerson(string id,
                                       string lastName,
                                       string firstName,
                                       string number,
                                       string street,
                                       string locality,
                                       string town,
                                       string post,
                                       string phone,
                                       string gender,
                                       string grade,
                                       EthnicityCodes ethnicity,
                                       string birthDateyyyyMMdd)

        SifDataObject person = createPersonObject(id);

        person.SetElementOrAttribute("@RefId", Adk.MakeGuid());

        Name name = new Name(NameType.CURRENT_LEGAL, firstName, lastName);
        PersonalInformation personal = new PersonalInformation(name);

        person.AddChild(CommonDTD.PERSONALINFORMATION, personal);

        AddressableObjectName aon = new AddressableObjectName();

        aon.StartNumber = number;
        Address address = new Address(AddressType.CURRENT, aon);

        address.Street   = street;
        address.Locality = locality;
        address.Town     = town;
        address.PostCode = post;
        personal.Address = address;

        personal.PhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(PhoneType.HOME, phone);

        Demographics dem = new Demographics();

        dem.SetEthnicityList(new Ethnicity(ethnicity));
            dem.BirthDate = SifDate.ParseSifDateString(birthDateyyyyMMdd, SifVersion.SIF15r1);
        catch (Exception pex)

        personal.Demographics = dem;

        public void testSetPacketNumberAndMorePackets()
            MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(this.Zone);

            InMemoryProtocolHandler testProto = (InMemoryProtocolHandler)this.Zone.ProtocolHandler;


            // Send a single SIF_Response with a small Authentication object

            String     SifRequestMsgId  = Adk.MakeGuid();
            String     sourceId         = "TEST_SOURCEID";
            SifVersion testVersion      = SifVersion.LATEST;
            int        maxBufferSize    = int.MaxValue;
            int        packetNumber     = 999;
            YesNo      morePacketsValue = YesNo.YES;

            IElementDef[] testRestrictions = new IElementDef[] { InfrastructureDTD.AUTHENTICATION_REFID };

            SifResponseSender srs = new SifResponseSender();

            srs.Open(this.Zone, SifRequestMsgId, sourceId, testVersion, maxBufferSize, testRestrictions);

            srs.SIF_PacketNumber = packetNumber;
            srs.SIF_MorePackets  = morePacketsValue;

            // Assert the values of the properties set before writing
            Assert.AreEqual(packetNumber, srs.SIF_PacketNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(morePacketsValue, srs.SIF_MorePackets);

            srs.Write(new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.EMPLOYEEPERSONAL));

            // Assert the values of the properties set after writing
            Assert.AreEqual(packetNumber, srs.SIF_PacketNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(morePacketsValue, srs.SIF_MorePackets);

            // Retrieve the SIF_Response message off the protocol handler and asssert the results
            SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response)testProto.readMsg();

            Assert.AreEqual(SifRequestMsgId, response.SIF_RequestMsgId);
            Assert.AreEqual(packetNumber, response.SIF_PacketNumber.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(morePacketsValue.ToString(), response.SIF_MorePackets);

            SIF_Header header = response.SIF_Header;

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceId, header.SIF_DestinationId);

            SifElement responseObject = response.SIF_ObjectData.GetChildList()[0];

        public void testSifResponseSenderMultiplePackets()
            MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(Zone);

            Zone.Properties.OneObjectPerResponse = true;
            InMemoryProtocolHandler testProto = (InMemoryProtocolHandler)Zone.ProtocolHandler;


            // Send a single SIF_Response with a small Authentication object

            String     SifRequestMsgId = Adk.MakeGuid();
            String     sourceId        = "TEST_SOURCEID";
            SifVersion testVersion     = SifVersion.LATEST;
            int        maxBufferSize   = int.MaxValue;

            IElementDef[] testRestrictions = new IElementDef[] { InfrastructureDTD.AUTHENTICATION_REFID };

            SifResponseSender srs = new SifResponseSender();

            srs.Open(Zone, SifRequestMsgId, sourceId, testVersion, maxBufferSize, testRestrictions);
            srs.Write(new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.EMPLOYEEPERSONAL));
            srs.Write(new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.EMPLOYEEPERSONAL));
            srs.Write(new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.EMPLOYEEPERSONAL));
            srs.Write(new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.EMPLOYEEPERSONAL));
            srs.Write(new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.EMPLOYEEPERSONAL));

            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                // Retrieve the SIF_Response message off the protocol handler and asssert the results
                SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response)testProto.readMsg();

                Assert.AreEqual(SifRequestMsgId, response.SIF_RequestMsgId);
                Assert.AreEqual(x + 1, response.SIF_PacketNumber.Value);
                if (x == 4)
                    Assert.AreEqual("No", response.SIF_MorePackets);
                    Assert.AreEqual("Yes", response.SIF_MorePackets);

                SIF_Header header = response.SIF_Header;
                Assert.AreEqual(sourceId, header.SIF_DestinationId);

                SifElement responseObject = response.SIF_ObjectData.GetChildList()[0];
        public static StudentPersonal makeStudentPersonal(String localId,
                                                          NameType nameType, String firstName, String lastName)
            StudentPersonal s = new StudentPersonal();

            s.RefId   = Adk.MakeGuid();
            s.LocalId = localId;
            Name name = new Name(nameType, lastName, firstName);

            s.Name = name;
        public void TestEncodingHighAsciiChars()
            StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();

            sp.RefId           = Adk.MakeGuid();
            sp.StateProvinceId = "\u06DE55889";
            sp.LocalId         = "987987987987987";

            StudentPersonal copy = (StudentPersonal)AdkObjectParseHelper.WriteParseAndReturn(sp, SifVersion.LATEST);

            Assert.AreEqual("\u06DE55889", copy.StateProvinceId, "LocalID, Encoded");
        private Authentication CreateAuthentication()
            AuthenticationInfo inf =
                new AuthenticationInfo(new AuthSystem(AuthSystemType.APPLICATION, "Sample SIF Application"));

            inf.DistinguishedName = "cn=Example User, cn=Users, dc=sifinfo, dc=org";
            inf.Username          = "******";
            Authentication auth = new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.STAFFPERSONAL);

            auth.AuthenticationInfo = inf;
Beispiel #13
        private static StudentPersonal CreateStudent(
            String id,
            String lastName,
            String firstName,
            String street,
            String city,
            StatePrCode state,
            CountryCode country,
            String post,
            String phone,
            Gender gender,
            GradeLevelCode grade,
            RaceType race,
            String birthDateyyyyMMdd)
            StudentPersonal student = new StudentPersonal();

            student.RefId   = Adk.MakeGuid();
            student.LocalId = id;

            // Set the Name
            Name name = new Name(NameType.LEGAL, firstName, lastName);

            student.Name = name;

            Address addr = new Address();

            addr.City = city;
            addr.PostalCode = post;

            student.AddressList     = new StudentAddressList(PickupOrDropoff.NA, "NA", addr);
            student.PhoneNumberList =
                new PhoneNumberList(new PhoneNumber(PhoneNumberType.PRIMARY, phone));

            Demographics dem = new Demographics();

            dem.RaceList = new RaceList(new Race("", race));
            dem.BirthDate =
                    (birthDateyyyyMMdd, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);

            student.Demographics = dem;

Beispiel #14
        public void testSimpleLTFilter()
            StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal(Adk.MakeGuid(), new Name(NameType.BIRTH, "E", "Sally"));

            Query q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL);

            q.AddCondition(CommonDTD.NAME_LASTNAME, ComparisonOperators.LT, "G");

            q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL);
            q.AddCondition(CommonDTD.NAME_LASTNAME, ComparisonOperators.LT, "E");
        public void testStudentSchoolEnrollment020()
            StudentSchoolEnrollment sse = new StudentSchoolEnrollment(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), MembershipType.HOME, TimeFrame.CURRENT);

            sse.SchoolYear = 2008;
            sse.SifVersion = SifVersion.SIF20r1;
            DateTime entryDate = DateTime.Now;

            sse.EntryDate = entryDate;
            sse.Homeroom = new Homeroom("RoomInfo", Adk.MakeGuid());
Beispiel #16
        public void testPersistenceWithRemoval()
            fRC = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent);
            SIF_QueryObject obj = new SIF_QueryObject("");
            SIF_Query query = new SIF_Query(obj);
            SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request();

            request.SIF_Query = query;

            Query q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL);
            String testStateItem = Adk.MakeGuid();
            TestState ts = new TestState();
            ts.State = testStateItem;
            q.UserData = ts;

            fMsgIds = new String[10];
            // Add 10 entries to the cache, interspersed with other entries that are removed
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                String phantom1 = Adk.MakeGuid();
                String phantom2 = Adk.MakeGuid();
                storeRequest(fRC, request, q, phantom1, "foo");
                fMsgIds[i] = Adk.MakeGuid();
                storeRequest(fRC, request, q, fMsgIds[i], "Object_" + i);
                storeRequest(fRC, request, q, phantom2, "bar");

                fRC.GetRequestInfo(phantom1, null);
                fRC.GetRequestInfo(phantom2, null);

            // remove every other entry, close, re-open and assert that the correct entries are there
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 2)
                fRC.GetRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null);

            Assertion.AssertEquals("Before closing Should have five objects", 5, fRC.ActiveRequestCount);

            // Create a new instance. This one should retrieve its settings from the persistence mechanism
            fRC = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("After Re-Openeing Should have five objects", 5, fRC.ActiveRequestCount);
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i += 2)
                IRequestInfo cachedInfo = fRC.GetRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null);
                Assertion.AssertNotNull("No cachedID returned for " + i, cachedInfo);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Should have zero objects", 0, fRC.ActiveRequestCount);
Beispiel #17
        public void testPersistenceWithBadState()
            //create new cache for agent
            RequestCache cache = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent);

            //create new queryobject
            SIF_QueryObject obj = new SIF_QueryObject("");
            //create query, telling it what type of query it is(passing it queryobj)
            SIF_Query query = new SIF_Query(obj);
            //create new sif request
            SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request();
            //set query property
            request.SIF_Query = query;

            Query q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL);

            String testStateItem = Adk.MakeGuid();
            String requestMsgId = Adk.MakeGuid();
            String testObjectType = Adk.MakeGuid();

            TestState ts = new TestState();
            ts.State = testStateItem;

            q.UserData = ts;
            storeRequest(cache, request, q, requestMsgId, testObjectType);


            // Create a new instance. This one should retrieve its settings from the persistence mechanism
            cache = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent);

            IRequestInfo ri = cache.GetRequestInfo(requestMsgId, null);

            //if state is null, should still return ri object
            Assertion.AssertNotNull("RequestInfo was null", ri);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("MessageId", requestMsgId, ri.MessageId);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("ObjectType", testObjectType, ri.ObjectType);
            ts = (TestState) ri.UserData;
            // In order for this to be a valid test, the TestState class should have thrown
            // an exception during deserialization and should be null here.
            Assertion.AssertNull("UserData should be null", ts);
Beispiel #18
        public void testSIFRetryQueryResults()
            TestState           requestState = new TestState(Adk.MakeGuid());
            IElementDef         objType      = StudentDTD.STUDENTCONTACT;
            ErrorMessageHandler handler      =
                new ErrorMessageHandler(ErrorMessageHandler.HandlerBehavior.ThrowSIFRetryException);

            handler.RequestStateObject = requestState;
            fZone.SetQueryResults(handler, objType, null);
            SIF_Response r = createSIF_Response(objType, true, requestState);

            AssertRetryHandling(handler, r, fZone);

            // Now, dispatch a second time. This time the dispatching should work correctly, including
            // custom state
            handler.Behavior = ErrorMessageHandler.HandlerBehavior.Normal;
            assertNormalHandling(handler, r, fZone);
Beispiel #19
        public void testStudentSchoolEnrollmentGradeLevelMapping()
            Adk.SifVersion = SifVersion.SIF15r1;
            IDictionary values = new Hashtable();

            values.Add("GRADE", "00");
            StringMapAdaptor        sma = new StringMapAdaptor(values);
            StudentSchoolEnrollment sse = new StudentSchoolEnrollment();
            Mappings m = fCfg.Mappings.GetMappings("Default").Select(null,
                                                                     null, null);

            m.MapOutbound(sma, sse, SifVersion.SIF15r1);
            sse.SetHomeroom("RoomInfo", Adk.MakeGuid());

            // This specific case tests what should happen when the grade level is
            // using an undefined value.
            // The valueset entries don't have a value for "00", so "00" should be
            // returned as-is
Beispiel #20
        public static SifMessagePayload MakeSIFMessagePayload(SifElement payload)
            if (payload is SIF_Response)

            SIF_Response rsp = new SIF_Response();

            rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId = Adk.MakeGuid();
            rsp.SIF_PacketNumber = 1;

            SIF_Header hdr = rsp.Header;

            hdr.SIF_Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            hdr.SIF_MsgId     = Adk.MakeGuid();
            hdr.SIF_SourceId  = "ADK Unit Tests";
            hdr.SetSIF_Security(new SIF_SecureChannel(AuthenticationLevel.ZERO,
            hdr.SIF_DestinationId = "Schema Validator";
            if (payload is SifDataObject)
                SIF_ObjectData data = new SIF_ObjectData();
                rsp.SIF_ObjectData = data;
            else if (payload is SIF_ObjectData)
                rsp.SIF_ObjectData = (SIF_ObjectData)payload;
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to use payload: "
                                            + payload.ElementDef.Name);

        //public string Send(string msg)
        //   lock (this)
        //   {
        //      fMessages.AddLast(msg);
        //   }
        //   return makeAck();

        public IMessageInputStream Send( IMessageOutputStream msg )
            lock ( this )
                    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
                    msg.CopyTo( stream );
                    stream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                    SifParser parser = SifParser.NewInstance();
                    SifMessagePayload smp = (SifMessagePayload) parser.Parse( stream, fZone );

                    fMessages.Add( smp );
                    parser = null;

                    SIF_Ack ack = smp.ackStatus( 0 );
                    SIF_Header hdr = ack.Header;
                    hdr.SIF_Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                    hdr.SIF_MsgId = Adk.MakeGuid();
                    hdr.SIF_SourceId = fZone.Agent.Id;

                    StringWriter str = new StringWriter();
                    SifWriter writer = new SifWriter( str );
                    writer.Write( ack );
                    writer = null;
                    return new MessageStreamImpl( str.ToString() );
                catch( Exception ex )
                    // Possible error parsing. Write the message to console out
                    throw new AdkMessagingException(ex.Message, fZone, ex);
        public void TestWriteXSIType()
            StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();

            sp.RefId           = Adk.MakeGuid();
            sp.StateProvinceId = "\u06DE55889";
            sp.LocalId         = "987987987987987";

            SIF_ExtendedElement see = new SIF_ExtendedElement("FOO", "BAR");

            see.XsiType = "Integer";


            StudentPersonal copy =
                (StudentPersonal)AdkObjectParseHelper.WriteParseAndReturn(sp, SifVersion.LATEST, null, true);

            see = copy.SIFExtendedElements[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Integer", see.XsiType);
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>  Respond to SIF RequestsGetTopicMap
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void OnRequest(IDataObjectOutputStream outStream,
                                      Query query,
                                      IZone zone,
                                      IMessageInfo inf)
            SifMessageInfo info  = (SifMessageInfo)inf;
            SifWriter      debug = new SifWriter(Console.Out);

                ("Received a request for " + query.ObjectTag + " from agent \"" + info.SourceId +
                "\" in zone " + zone.ZoneId);

            //  Read all students from the database to populate a HashMap of
            //  field/value pairs. The field names can be whatever we choose as long
            //  as they match the field names used in the <mappings> section of the
            //  agent.cfg configuration file. Each time a record is read, convert it
            //  to a StudentPersonal object using the Mappings class and stream it to
            //  the supplied output stream.
            IDbCommand command = null;

            // Set a basic filter on the outgoing data stream
            // What will happen is that any object written to the output stream will
            // be evaluated based on the query conditions. If the object doesn't meet the
            // query conditions, it will be excluded
            outStream.Filter = query;

            //  Get the root Mappings object from the configuration file
            Edustructures.SifWorks.Tools.Mapping.Mappings m = fCfg.Mappings.GetMappings("Default");

            //  Ask the root Mappings instance to select a Mappings from its
            //  hierarchy. For example, you might have customized the agent.cfg
            //  file with mappings specific to zones, versions of SIF, or
            //  requesting agents. The method will select
            //  the most appropriate instance from the hierarchy given the
            //  three parameters passed to it.
            //IDictionary<string, string> dataMap = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
            // IFieldAdaptor adaptor = new StringMapAdaptor(dataMap);
            MappingsContext mc = m.SelectOutbound(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, info);

            try {
                int count = 0;

                //  Query the database for all students
                command = fConn.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Students";
                using (IDataReader rs = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) {
                    DataReaderAdaptor dra = new DataReaderAdaptor(rs);

                    while (rs.Read())
                        //  Finally, create a new StudentPersonal object and ask the
                        //  Mappings to populate it with SIF elements from the HashMap
                        //  of field/value pairs. As long as there is an <object>/<field>
                        //  definition for each entry in the HashMap, the ADK will take
                        //  care of producing the appropriate SIF element/attribute in
                        //  the StudentPersonal object.
                        StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();
                        sp.RefId = Adk.MakeGuid();
                        // TODO: When using custom macros for outboud mapping operations, set the ValueBuilder.
                        // You will need to call SetValueBuilder() giving the MappingsContext a derived version
                        // of DefaultValueBuilder that has the macro methods available in it.
                        mc.SetValueBuilder(new DataUtilMacro(dra));
                        mc.Map(sp, dra);

                        //  Now write out the StudentPersonal to the output stream and
                        //  we're done publishing this student.
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThe agent has read these values from the database:");

                        Console.WriteLine("To produce this StudentPersonal object:");


                    ("- Returned " + count + " records from the Student database in response");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("- Returning a SIF_Error response: " + ex);
                throw new SifException
                          (SifErrorCategoryCode.RequestResponse, SifErrorCodes.REQRSP_GENERIC_ERROR_1,
                          "An error occurred while querying the database for students", ex.ToString(), zone);
            } finally {
                if (command != null)
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ignored) {
                        Log.Warn(ignored.Message, ignored);
        public void testSifResponseSender010()
            string queryStr =
                                         <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName='SectionInfo'>

            string sectionInfoStr =
                @"<SectionInfo RefId='D9C9889878144863B190C7D3428D7953' SchoolCourseInfoRefId='587F89D23EDD4761A59C04BA0D39E8D9' SchoolYear='2008'>
                                                  <Description>section 19</Description>
                                                    <ScheduleInfo TermInfoRefId='0D8165B1ADB34780BD1DFF9E38A7B935'>

            SifParser   parser   = SifParser.NewInstance();
            SIF_Query   sifquery = (SIF_Query)parser.Parse(queryStr);
            SectionInfo section  = (SectionInfo)parser.Parse(sectionInfoStr);
            Query       query    = new Query(sifquery);

            String     SifRequestMsgId = Adk.MakeGuid();
            String     sourceId        = "TEST_SOURCEID";
            SifVersion testVersion     = SifVersion.LATEST;
            int        maxBufferSize   = int.MaxValue;

            MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(Zone);

            InMemoryProtocolHandler testProto = (InMemoryProtocolHandler)Zone.ProtocolHandler;


            SifResponseSender srs = new SifResponseSender();

            srs.Open(Zone, SifRequestMsgId, sourceId, testVersion, maxBufferSize, query);

            // Retrieve the SIF_Response message off the protocol handler and asssert the results
            SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response)testProto.readMsg();

            Assert.AreEqual(SifRequestMsgId, response.SIF_RequestMsgId);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, response.SIF_PacketNumber.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("No", response.SIF_MorePackets);

            SIF_Header header = response.SIF_Header;

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceId, header.SIF_DestinationId);

            SifDataObject responseObject = (SifDataObject)response.SIF_ObjectData.GetChildList()[0];



            SifXPathContext context = SifXPathContext.NewSIFContext(responseObject);

            foreach (ElementRef reference in query.FieldRestrictionRefs)
                Element found = context.GetElementOrAttribute(reference.XPath);
                Assert.IsNotNull(found, reference.XPath);

            Element sectionInfoList =

Beispiel #25
        public void testWithLegacyFile()
            //assertStoredRequests(fRC, true);
            // Copy the legacy requests.adk file to the agent work directory
            //FileInfo legacyFile = new FileInfo("requests.adk");

            //Assertion.Assert("Saved legacy file does [not?] exist", legacyFile.Exists);
            //FileInfo copiedFile = new FileInfo(fAgent.HomeDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "work" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "requests.adk");
            //if (copiedFile.Exists)
            //   copiedFile.Delete();

            //// Copy the file
            //legacyFile.CopyTo(copiedFile.FullName, true);

            // Now open up an instance of the request cache and verify that the contents are there

            fRC = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent);
            SIF_QueryObject obj = new SIF_QueryObject("");
            SIF_Query query = new SIF_Query(obj);
            SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request();
            request.SIF_Query = query;

            Query q;
            TestState ts;

            fMsgIds = new String[10];
            fStateObjects = new String[10];
            // Add 10 entries to the cache 
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                ts = new TestState();
                ts.State = Adk.MakeGuid();
                fStateObjects[i] = (String) ts.State;
                q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL);
                q.UserData = ts;
                fMsgIds[i] = Adk.MakeGuid();
                storeRequest(fRC, request, q, fMsgIds[i], "Object_" + i.ToString());

            Assertion.AssertEquals("Active request count", 10, fRC.ActiveRequestCount);

            // Lookup each setting, 
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                IRequestInfo reqInfo = fRC.LookupRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null);
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Initial lookup", "Object_" + i.ToString(), reqInfo.ObjectType);

            // Lookup each setting, 
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                IRequestInfo reqInfo = fRC.GetRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null);
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Initial lookup", "Object_" + i.ToString(), reqInfo.ObjectType);

            // all messages should now be removed from the queue
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Cache should be empty", 0, fRC.ActiveRequestCount);

            // Now run one of our other tests
        public void testSifResponseSenderError()
            MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(Zone);

            InMemoryProtocolHandler testProto = (InMemoryProtocolHandler)Zone.ProtocolHandler;


            // Send a single SIF_Response with a small Authentication object

            String     SifRequestMsgId = Adk.MakeGuid();
            String     sourceId        = "TEST_SOURCEID";
            SifVersion testVersion     = SifVersion.LATEST;
            int        maxBufferSize   = int.MaxValue;
            SIF_Error  error           =
                new SIF_Error(SifErrorCategoryCode.Generic, SifErrorCodes.GENERIC_GENERIC_ERROR_1, "ERROR", "EXT_ERROR");

            IElementDef[] testRestrictions = new IElementDef[] { InfrastructureDTD.AUTHENTICATION_REFID };

            SifResponseSender srs = new SifResponseSender();

            srs.Open(Zone, SifRequestMsgId, sourceId, testVersion, maxBufferSize, testRestrictions);
            srs.Write(new Authentication(Adk.MakeGuid(), Adk.MakeGuid(), AuthSifRefIdType.EMPLOYEEPERSONAL));

            // Retrieve the SIF_Response message off the protocol handler and asssert the results
            SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response)testProto.readMsg();

            Assert.AreEqual(SifRequestMsgId, response.SIF_RequestMsgId);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, response.SIF_PacketNumber.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("Yes", response.SIF_MorePackets);

            SIF_Header header = response.SIF_Header;

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceId, header.SIF_DestinationId);

            SifElement responseObject = response.SIF_ObjectData.GetChildList()[0];


            // now test the error packet
            response = (SIF_Response)testProto.readMsg();

            Assert.AreEqual(SifRequestMsgId, response.SIF_RequestMsgId);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, response.SIF_PacketNumber.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("No", response.SIF_MorePackets);

            header = response.SIF_Header;
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceId, header.SIF_DestinationId);

            SIF_Error respError = response.SIF_Error;

            Assert.AreEqual(12, respError.SIF_Category.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, respError.SIF_Code.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("ERROR", respError.SIF_Desc);
            Assert.AreEqual("EXT_ERROR", respError.SIF_ExtendedDesc);
Beispiel #27
    /// <summary>  Respond to SIF Requests
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void OnRequest(IDataObjectOutputStream outStream,
                                  Query query,
                                  IZone zone,
                                  IMessageInfo inf)
        SifMessageInfo info  = (SifMessageInfo)inf;
        SifWriter      debug = new SifWriter(Console.Out);

            ("Received a request for " + query.ObjectTag + " from agent \"" + info.SourceId +
            "\" in zone " + zone.ZoneId);

        // Tell the ADK to automatically filter out any objects that don't meet the requirements
        // of the query conditions
        outStream.Filter = query;

        //  Read all learners from the database to populate a HashMap of
        //  field/value pairs. The field names can be whatever we choose as long
        //  as they match the field names used in the <mappings> section of the
        //  agent.cfg configuration file. Each time a record is read, convert it
        //  to a LearnerPersonal object using the Mappings class and stream it to
        //  the supplied output stream.
        IDictionary data    = new Hashtable();
        IDbCommand  command = null;

        Console.WriteLine("The SIF Request was requested in the following SIF Versions");
        foreach (SifVersion version in info.SIFRequestVersions)
            Console.WriteLine("    - " + version);

        Console.WriteLine("This agent will respond in its latest supported version, which is: ");
        Console.WriteLine("    - " + info.LatestSIFRequestVersion);

        //  Get the root Mappings object from the configuration file
        Mappings m =
                (info.SourceId, zone.ZoneId, info.LatestSIFRequestVersion);

        //  Ask the root Mappings instance to select a Mappings from its
        //  hierarchy. For example, you might have customized the agent.cfg
        //  file with mappings specific to zones, versions of SIF, or
        //  requesting agents. The Mappings.selectOutbound() method will select
        //  the most appropriate instance from the hierarchy given the
        //  three parameters passed to it.
        MappingsContext mappings = m.SelectOutbound(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, info);

            int count = 0;

            //  Query the database for all students
            command = fConn.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Students";
            using (IDataReader rs = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
                DataReaderAdaptor dra = new DataReaderAdaptor(rs);
                while (rs.Read())
                    //  Finally, create a new LearnerPersonal object and ask the
                    //  Mappings to populate it with SIF elements from the HashMap
                    //  of field/value pairs. As long as there is an <object>/<field>
                    //  definition for each entry in the HashMap, the ADK will take
                    //  care of producing the appropriate SIF element/attribute in
                    //  the LearnerPersonal object.
                    StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();
                    sp.RefId = Adk.MakeGuid();
                    mappings.Map(sp, dra);

                    //  Now write out the LearnerPersonal to the output stream and
                    //  we're done publishing this student.
                    Console.WriteLine("\nThe agent has read these values from the database:");
                    Console.WriteLine("To produce this LearnerPersonal object:");



                ("- Returned " + count + " records from the Student database in response");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("- Returning a SIF_Error response: " + ex.ToString());
            throw new SifException
                      (SifErrorCategoryCode.RequestResponse, SifErrorCodes.REQRSP_GENERIC_ERROR_1,
                      "An error occurred while querying the database for students", ex.ToString(), zone);
            if (command != null)
                catch (Exception ignored)