public void InstantiateEmptyTree_ShouldHaveDefaultValueAndNoChildren()
            AdjacencyListTree <int> tree = new AdjacencyListTree <int>();

            Assert.AreEqual(tree.NodesCount, 0, "Nodes count is not zero when creating an empty tree, but it should.");
            Assert.IsNull(tree.RootNode, "Root node is not null when creating an empty tree, but it should.");
        public void InstantiateTreeWithRootAndChildren_ShouldShouldStoreRootAndChildren()
            List <ITreeNode <int> > childNodes = new List <ITreeNode <int> >();

            childNodes.Add(new TreeNode <int>(1));
            childNodes.Add(new TreeNode <int>(2));
            childNodes.Add(new TreeNode <int>(3));
            var node = new TreeNode <int>(0, childNodes);
            var tree = new AdjacencyListTree <int>(node);

            Assert.AreEqual(node.NodeName, 0, "NodeName is not the same as the value provided when creating node.");
            Assert.AreEqual(node.ChildrenCount, 3,
                            "Node children count is not zero when creating a node with no children, but it should.");

            Assert.AreEqual(tree.NodesCount, 4, "Tree NodesCount is not computed properly.");
            Assert.AreEqual(tree.RootNode.NodeName, 0,
                            "Root NodeName is not the same as the value provided when creating node.");