Beispiel #1
        public static void testGetGPIOMonitor()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte spiData1 = 0x0;
            byte spiData2 = 0x0;
            byte monitorIndex;
            int  monitorMask;
            byte retmonitorIndex = 0;
            byte retmonitorMask  = 0;


            for (monitorIndex = 0; monitorIndex <= 0x35; monitorIndex++)
                //Console.WriteLine("monitorIndex: " + monitorIndex);
                for (monitorMask = 0; monitorMask <= 0xFF; monitorMask++)
                    Console.WriteLine("monitorIndex: " + monitorIndex);
                    Console.WriteLine("monitorMask: " + monitorMask);
                    Link.spiWrite(0xB40, monitorIndex);
                    Link.spiWrite(0xB41, (byte)monitorMask);

                    Link.Mykonos.getGpioMonitorOut(ref retmonitorIndex, ref retmonitorMask);

                    Assert.AreEqual(monitorIndex, retmonitorIndex, "Monitor Index not as expected");

                    Assert.AreEqual(monitorMask, retmonitorMask, "Monitor Mask not as expected");
Beispiel #2
        public static void testsetGpio3v3SourceCtrl()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte   spiData1    = 0x0;
            byte   spiData2    = 0x0;
            UInt16 gpio3v3Oe   = 0x0;
            UInt16 readGpioSrc = 0;

            foreach (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode3_0 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)))
                foreach (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode7_4 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)))
                    foreach (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode11_8 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)))
                        Link.Mykonos.setGpio3v3SourceCtrl((UInt16)(((byte)gpio3v3Mode3_0 & 0x0F) | (((byte)gpio3v3Mode7_4 & 0x0F) << 4) | (((byte)gpio3v3Mode11_8 & 0x0F) << 8)));

                        Link.spiWrite(0xB06, (byte)(((byte)gpio3v3Mode3_0 & 0x0F) | (((byte)gpio3v3Mode7_4 & 0x0F) << 4)));
                        Link.spiWrite(0xB07, (byte)((byte)gpio3v3Mode11_8 & 0x0F));

                        spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB06); Console.WriteLine("0xB06: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
                        Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3Mode3_0, (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)(spiData1 & 0x0F), "lower byte lower nibble readback not as expexted");

                        spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB06); Console.WriteLine("0xB06: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
                        Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3Mode7_4, (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)((spiData1 & 0xF0) >> 4), "lower  byte upper nibble  readback not as expexted");

                        spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB07); Console.WriteLine("0xB07: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
                        Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3Mode11_8, (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)(spiData1 & 0x00F), "upper byte lower nibble readback not as expexted");
Beispiel #3
        public static void testSetRx2GainCtrlPin()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte spiData1 = 0x0;
            int  spiData2 = 0x0;
            int  incStep  = 7;
            int  decStep  = 7;
            uint gainInc  = 0x2000;
            uint gainDec  = 0x4000;
            int  enCh     = 1;

            Link.Mykonos.setRx2GainCtrlPin((byte)incStep, (byte)decStep, gainInc, gainDec, (byte)enCh);
            int wrtStep = (incStep << 0x05) | (decStep << 0x02) | (enCh << 0x01);
            int wrtPin  = (0x00 | 0x40 | 0x10);

            spiData2 = Link.spiRead(0x433);
            spiData2 = (spiData2 & ~0xFE) | (wrtStep & 0xFE);
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x433); Console.WriteLine("0x433: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(spiData2, spiData1, "wrtStep not as expected");

            spiData2 = Link.spiRead(0x434);
            spiData2 = (spiData2 & ~0xF0) | (wrtPin & 0xF0);
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x434); Console.WriteLine("0x434: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(spiData2, spiData1, "wrtPin not as expected");
Beispiel #4
        public static void testSetGPIOMonitor()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte spiData1 = 0x0;
            byte spiData2 = 0x0;
            byte monitorIndex;
            int  monitorMask;


            for (monitorIndex = 0; monitorIndex <= 0x35; monitorIndex++)
                for (monitorMask = 0; monitorMask <= 0xFF; monitorMask++)
                    Link.Mykonos.setGpioMonitorOut(monitorIndex, (byte)monitorMask);

                    spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB40); Console.WriteLine("0xB40: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
                    Assert.AreEqual((monitorIndex), spiData1, "Monitor Index not as expected");

                    spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB41); Console.WriteLine("0xB41: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
                    Assert.AreEqual((monitorMask), spiData1, "Monitor Mask not as expected");
Beispiel #5
        public static void testSetGpio3v3PinLevel([Values((UInt16)0x01, (UInt16)0x10)] UInt16 gpio3v3PinLevel)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte   spiData1  = 0x0;
            byte   spiData2  = 0x0;
            UInt16 gpio3v3Oe = 0xFF;
            ushort gpio3v3SetLevelReadback = 0x0;

            Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode3_0  = Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE;
            Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode7_4  = Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE;
            Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode11_8 = Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE;
            Link.Mykonos.setupGpio3v3(gpio3v3Oe, gpio3v3Mode3_0, gpio3v3Mode7_4, gpio3v3Mode11_8);
            Link.Mykonos.getGpio3v3SetLevel(ref gpio3v3SetLevelReadback);

            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB02); Console.WriteLine("0xB02: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            spiData2 = Link.spiRead(0xB03); Console.WriteLine("0xB03: " + spiData2.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3PinLevel & 0xFF, spiData1, "GPIO3v3 7-0 not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual((gpio3v3PinLevel >> 8) & 0x0F, spiData2, "GPIO3v3 15-8 not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3PinLevel, gpio3v3SetLevelReadback, "GPIO3v3 set level readback not as expexted");

Beispiel #6
        public static void testConfigGpInterrupt([Values((UInt16)0x01, (UInt16)0x02, (UInt16)0x04, (UInt16)0x08, (UInt16)0x1)] UInt16 gpMask)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte   spiData1   = 0x0;
            byte   spiData2   = 0x0;
            UInt16 readStatus = 0;


            //int status = ((readStatus & 0xF0) | ((~readStatus) & 0x0F));

            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB42); Console.WriteLine("0xB42: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            spiData2 = Link.spiRead(0xB43); Console.WriteLine("0xB43: " + spiData2.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(gpMask & 0xFF, spiData1, "gpMask register 1 not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(((gpMask >> 8) & 0x01), spiData2, "gpMask register 2 not as expected");
            Link.Mykonos.readGpInterruptStatus(ref readStatus);

            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB44); Console.WriteLine("0xB44: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            spiData2 = Link.spiRead(0xB45); Console.WriteLine("0xB45: " + spiData2.ToString("X"));
            int status = (int)((((UInt16)(spiData1) & 0xE0U) | ((~(UInt16)(spiData1)) & 0x1F)) | (((UInt16)(spiData2) & 0x0003) << 0x08));

            Assert.AreEqual(status, readStatus, "gpMask readback not as expected");

Beispiel #7
        public static void testSetupGpio3v3([Values(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_LEVELTRANSLATE_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_INVLEVELTRANSLATE_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_EXTATTEN_LUT_MODE)] Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode3_0,
                                            [Values(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_LEVELTRANSLATE_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_INVLEVELTRANSLATE_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_EXTATTEN_LUT_MODE)] Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode7_4,
                                            [Values(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_LEVELTRANSLATE_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_INVLEVELTRANSLATE_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE.GPIO3V3_EXTATTEN_LUT_MODE)] Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode11_8)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte   spiData1  = 0x0;
            byte   spiData2  = 0x0;
            UInt16 gpio3v3Oe = 0xFF;

            Link.Mykonos.setupGpio3v3(gpio3v3Oe, gpio3v3Mode3_0, gpio3v3Mode7_4, gpio3v3Mode11_8);

            //Check GPIO3v3 direction control bit
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB00); Console.WriteLine("0xB00: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3Oe & 0xFF, spiData1, "GPIO3v3 direction control bit 7-0 not as expected");
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB01); Console.WriteLine("0xB01: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual((gpio3v3Oe >> 8) & 0x0F, spiData1, "GPIO3v3 direction control bit 15-8 not as expected");

            //Check GPIO3v3
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB06); Console.WriteLine("0xB06: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            spiData2 = Link.spiRead(0xB07); Console.WriteLine("0xB07: " + spiData2.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(((((byte)gpio3v3Mode7_4) << 4) | (byte)gpio3v3Mode3_0), spiData1, "GPIO3v3 LSB not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(((byte)gpio3v3Mode11_8 & 0x0F), spiData2, "GPIO3v3 MSB not as expected");

        public static void EnableRxFramerPrbs([Values(Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS31)] Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER prbsorder)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            //reset the device

            //setting SPI channel for 4-wire mode
            Link.spiWrite(0x000, 0x18);

            Link.Mykonos.enableRxFramerPrbs(prbsorder, 1);
            byte PRBSspi = Link.spiRead(0x72);

            if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7)
                Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0x01, "PRBS7 mismatch");
            else if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15)
                Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0x03, "PRBS15 mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0x05, "PRBS31 mismatch");

        public static void CheckGetDeframerFifoInfo()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            byte fifoDepth      = 0x0;
            byte lmcCount       = 0x0;
            byte lmcCountRb     = 0xFF;
            byte FifoDepthRdPtr = 0xFF;
            byte FifoDepthWrPtr = 0xFF;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            Link.Mykonos.getDeframerFifoDepth(ref fifoDepth, ref lmcCount);
            lmcCountRb     = Link.spiRead(0xAC);
            FifoDepthRdPtr = Link.spiRead(0x8D);
            FifoDepthWrPtr = Link.spiRead(0x8E);
            Console.Write("lmcCountRb:" + lmcCountRb);
            Console.Write("FifoDepthRdPtr:" + FifoDepthRdPtr);
            Console.Write("FifoDepthWrPtr:" + FifoDepthWrPtr);
            Assert.AreEqual((((FifoDepthRdPtr + 128) - (FifoDepthWrPtr))) % 128, fifoDepth, "FIFO Depth is not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(lmcCountRb, lmcCount, "LMC Count is not as expected");
Beispiel #10
        public static void EnableTxNCO()
            /* not working yet */
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            string firPath   = @"C:\svn\software\projects\mykonos\Filters\"; //TODO: replace with dynamic
            string txFirFile = firPath + "";

            //Link.Mykonos.programFir(Mykonos.FIR.TX1TX2_FIR, txFirFile);

            //Move to Radio On ARM state

            byte spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x1B0); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x1B0 = " + spiReg.ToString("X"));

            spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x1B3); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x1B3 = " + spiReg.ToString("X"));

            Link.spiWrite(0xC40, 0x80); //enable Tx NCO
            Link.spiWrite(0x9CB, 0x5);  //freq
            Link.spiWrite(0x9CC, 0x5);  //freq
            Link.spiWrite(0x9CD, 0x5);  //freq
            Link.spiWrite(0x9CE, 0x5);  //freq

Beispiel #11
        public static void readEnabledTrackingCals()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            Link.hw.ReceiveTimeout = 0;


            UInt32 calmask = 0x03FF;


            Link.Mykonos.sendArmCommand(0x08, new byte[] { 0x83, 0, 0, 2 }, 4);
            byte[] armData = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            Link.Mykonos.readArmMem(0x20000000, 4, 1, ref armData);

            //armData[1] is the calmask [15:8], and armData[0] is calmask[7:0]
            Debug.WriteLine("Enabled tracking calmask: " + armData[3].ToString("X") + armData[2].ToString("X") + armData[1].ToString("X") + armData[0].ToString("X"));

            Assert.AreEqual(calmask, (UInt32)(((UInt32)(armData[3]) << 24) | ((UInt32)(armData[2]) << 16) | ((UInt32)(armData[1]) << 8) | ((UInt32)(armData[0]))), "Tracking calmask did not match the mask written to ARM memory");

            Link.hw.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;

        public static void CheckSetTx1Atten41_95()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            double atten = 41.95;

            byte   spiData1 = 0x0;
            double readback = 0;

            //Check Tx Attenuation Registers have been Updated
            Console.WriteLine("Test Setup Config Step Size:" + settings.txAttenStepSize.ToString("d"));


            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x96D); Console.WriteLine("Myk: Tx  1 Atten Step Size:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(settings.txAttenStepSize, ((spiData1 & 0x30) >> 5), "Myk: Tx 1 Atten StepSize not as expected");
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x960); Console.WriteLine("Myk Addr: 0x960:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x47, spiData1 & 0xFF, "Myk: Tx  1Attenuation not as expected");
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x961); Console.WriteLine("Myk Addr: 0x961:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x03, spiData1 & 0x03, "Myk: Tx  1Attenuation not as expected");
            Link.Mykonos.getTx1Attenuation(ref readback); Console.WriteLine("Myk: getTx1Attenuation return value:" + readback.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(atten, readback, "Myk: Tx Attenuation readback not as expected");

        public void ArmApiTestInit()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;
            //Start Calibration
            UInt32 calMask = (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TX_BB_FILTER) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.ADC_TUNER) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TIA_3DB_CORNER) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.DC_OFFSET) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.FLASH_CAL) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.PATH_DELAY) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TX_LO_LEAKAGE_INTERNAL) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TX_QEC_INIT) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.LOOPBACK_RX_LO_DELAY) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.LOOPBACK_RX_RX_QEC_INIT) |
                             //(UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.RX_LO_DELAY) |

            settings.calMask = calMask;

            //Call Test Setup

            //Radio Status Via Direct Spi Read
            byte spiData1 = 0x0;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xD40);
            Console.WriteLine("SPI Addr: 0xD40:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x1, (spiData1 & 0x3),
                            "ArmApiFunctional Test Setup: Radio State not READY");
            Console.WriteLine("ArmApiFunctional Test Setup: Complete");
Beispiel #14
        public void DpdApiTestInit()
            settings = new TestSetupConfig();
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;
            //Start Calibration
            UInt32 calMask = (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TX_BB_FILTER) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.ADC_TUNER) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TIA_3DB_CORNER) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.DC_OFFSET) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.FLASH_CAL) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.PATH_DELAY) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TX_LO_LEAKAGE_INTERNAL) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.TX_QEC_INIT) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.LOOPBACK_RX_LO_DELAY) |
                             (UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.LOOPBACK_RX_RX_QEC_INIT) |
                             //(UInt32)(Mykonos.CALMASK.DPD_INIT) |

            settings.calMask = calMask;

            //Call Test Setup

            //Test Setup Ensure now in Init State
            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xD40);

            Console.WriteLine("SPI Addr: 0xD40:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, (spiData1 & 0x3), "Myk: Test Setup Failed  Radio State is Not in INIT STATE");
        public static void CheckSetRadioOffFromInit()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            UInt32 radioState = 0;
            byte   spiData1   = 0x0;

            //Test Setup:
            //Run Init Cals
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xD40);
            Console.WriteLine("SPI Addr: 0xD40:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, (spiData1 & 0x3), "Myk: Test Setup Failed  Radio State is Not in INIT STATE");

            //Call API under test

            //Check Pass Criteria
            //Radio Status Via Direct Spi Read
            //Radio Status Via API
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xD40);
            Console.WriteLine("SPI Addr: 0xD40:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x02, (spiData1 & 0x03), "Myk:  2 Radio Satus not INIT as Expected");

            Link.Mykonos.getRadioState(ref radioState);
            Console.WriteLine("MYKONOS RadioState = " + radioState.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0x3, (radioState & 0x3), "Myk: 3 Radio State is Still Radio ON");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, (radioState & 0x3), "Myk: 4 Radio State not INIT");
            Console.WriteLine("MYKONOS RadioState = " + radioState.ToString("X"));
        public void TestJESDSingleCase()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);


            //Configure Rx & Orx DataPath Settings
            // 2 Rx Channels enabled equates to 4 Converters Represented JESD M = 4
            //Use Lanes 0 & 1 for Rx1&Rx2 Channels
            // 1 Observer Channel from ORX1 Input equates to 2 Converters JESD M = 2
            //Use Lanes 3 & 4 for ORx Channel
            //Use K = 32
            //Calculate F
            Mykonos.RXCHANNEL rxChannels = Mykonos.RXCHANNEL.RX1_RX2;
            byte framerM = 4;
            byte serializerLanesEnabled = 0x03;
            byte framerK = 32;
            byte framerF = (byte)(2 * (int)framerM / ConvertMaskToCount(serializerLanesEnabled));

            byte Obsrxchannels = (byte)Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL_ENABLE.MYK_ORX1;
            byte obsRxframerM  = 2;
            byte obsRxserializerLanesEnabled = 0x0;
            byte obsRxframerK = 32;
            byte obsRxframerF = (byte)(2 * (int)obsRxframerM / ConvertMaskToCount(obsRxserializerLanesEnabled));

            Mykonos.TXCHANNEL txChannels = Mykonos.TXCHANNEL.TX1_TX2;
            byte deframerM       = 4;
            byte desLanesEnabled = 0x0F;
            byte deframerK       = 32;
            byte deframerF       = (byte)(2 * (int)deframerM / ConvertMaskToCount(desLanesEnabled));

            //Update Test settings structure with JESD Test JESD Settings
            JESDTestInit(deframerM, deframerK, desLanesEnabled, framerM, framerK, serializerLanesEnabled, obsRxframerM, obsRxframerK, obsRxserializerLanesEnabled);
            //Call Test Initialisation with Minimum Initialisation for JESD Links
            TestSetup.JESDTestSetupInit(settings, rxChannels, txChannels, Obsrxchannels);

            DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.Now;
            string   text      = "Tx M: " + deframerM + ", Tx K: " + deframerK +
                                 ", Tx lanes: " + string.Format("{0:X}", desLanesEnabled) +
                                 ", Tx F: " + deframerF +
                                 ", Rx M: " + framerM + ", Rx K: " + framerK +
                                 ", Rx lanes: " + string.Format("{0:X}", serializerLanesEnabled) +
                                 ", Rx F: " + framerF +
                                 ", ORx M: " + obsRxframerM + ", ORx K: " + obsRxframerK +
                                 ", ORx lanes: " + string.Format("{0:X}", obsRxserializerLanesEnabled) +
                                 ", ORx F: " + obsRxframerF + "  " + timeStamp.ToString();

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(resFilePath, true))

            //Enable Full JESD Links in the System
        public static void EnableDeframerPrbsChecker([Values(Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS31)] Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER prbsorder)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            //setting SPI channel for 4-wire mode
            Link.spiWrite(0x000, 0x18);

            Link.Mykonos.enableDeframerPrbsChecker(0xF, prbsorder, 1);
            byte PRBSspi = Link.spiRead(0xA5);

            if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7)
                Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0xF1, "PRBS7 mismatch");
            else if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15)
                Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0xF3, "PRBS15 mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0xF5, "PRBS31 mismatch");

Beispiel #18
        public static void ReadAuxAdc()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            Link.hw.ReceiveTimeout = 0;


            UInt16 auxAdcCode = Link.Mykonos.readAuxAdc();

            Debug.WriteLine("AuxADC Code: " + auxAdcCode);

            Link.hw.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;

            Debug.WriteLine("0xBC0: " + Link.spiRead(0xBC0).ToString("X"));
            Debug.WriteLine("0xBC1: " + Link.spiRead(0xBC1).ToString("X"));
            Debug.WriteLine("0xBC2: " + Link.spiRead(0xBC2).ToString("X"));
            Debug.WriteLine("0xBC3: " + Link.spiRead(0xBC3).ToString("X"));
            Debug.WriteLine("0xBC4: " + Link.spiRead(0xBC4).ToString("X"));
            Debug.WriteLine("0xBC5: " + Link.spiRead(0xBC5).ToString("X"));
            Debug.WriteLine("0xBC6: " + Link.spiRead(0xBC6).ToString("X"));
        public static void CheckInitTrackingCals()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            Link.hw.ReceiveTimeout = 0;
            byte   spiData1 = 0x0;
            UInt32 calmask  = 0;

            //Test Setup:
            //Run Init Cals
            //And check INIT
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xD40);
            Console.WriteLine("SPI Addr: 0xD40:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, (spiData1 & 0x3), "Myk: Test Setup Failed  Init Cals not completed");

            //Call API Under Test
            for (int i = 0; i <= 0x3ff; i++)
                Link.hw.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;
                Link.Mykonos.getEnabledTrackingCals(ref calmask);
                //Console.WriteLine("Enabled tracking calmask: " + calmask);

                Assert.AreEqual(i, calmask, "Tracking calmask did not match the mask returned from the function");
        public static void CheckGetPendingTrackingCals()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            UInt32 calmask  = 0;
            byte   spiData1 = 0x0;

            Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL channel = Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_RXOFF;

            //Test Setup:
            //Run Init Cals
            Link.Mykonos.getPendingTrackingCals(ref calmask);
            Console.WriteLine("calmask: " + calmask);
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xD40);
            Console.WriteLine("SPI Addr: 0xD40:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, (spiData1 & 0x3),
                            "Myk: Test Setup Failed  Init Cals not completed");
            //Enable RxQEC and TxQEC tracking cals

            Link.Mykonos.getPendingTrackingCals(ref calmask);

            //Check that those tracking cals are pending
            Assert.AreEqual(calmask, 20485, "incorrect calibrations are pending");
            Console.WriteLine("calmask: " + calmask);

        public static void CheckRxOrxSyncBSelection([Values(0x0, 0x1)] byte RxSyncB, [Values(0x0, 0x1)] byte ORxSyncB)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            byte bankId = 0, deviceId = 0, laneId = 0, M = 0, K = 0, scramble = 0;
            byte externalSysref = 0, serializerLanesEnabled = 0, serializerLaneCrossbar = 0, serializerAmplitude = 0;
            byte preEmphasis = 0, invertLanePolarity = 0, lmfcOffset = 0, newSysrefOnRelink = 0, enableAutoChanXbar = 0;
            byte obsRxSyncbSelectTEST = 0xF, overSample = 0;

            //Use Default JESD Settings Except for SyncB Settings
            settings.mykRxFrmrCfg.obsRxSyncbSelect    = RxSyncB;
            settings.mykObsRxFrmrCfg.obsRxSyncbSelect = ORxSyncB;
            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            Link.Mykonos.init_jesd204bframer(0, ref bankId, ref deviceId, ref laneId, ref M, ref K,
                                             ref scramble, ref externalSysref, ref serializerLanesEnabled, ref serializerLaneCrossbar,
                                             ref serializerAmplitude, ref preEmphasis, ref invertLanePolarity, ref lmfcOffset, ref newSysrefOnRelink,
                                             ref enableAutoChanXbar, ref obsRxSyncbSelectTEST, ref overSample);
            byte RxFramerSyncBSel  = Link.spiRead(0x078);
            byte ORxFramerSyncBSel = Link.spiRead(0xDDF);

            Console.Write((RxFramerSyncBSel & 0x80) >> 7);
            Console.Write((ORxFramerSyncBSel & 0x80) >> 7);
            Assert.AreEqual(RxSyncB, ((RxFramerSyncBSel & 0x80) >> 7), "RxFramerSyncB Missmatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(ORxSyncB, ((ORxFramerSyncBSel & 0x80) >> 7), "ORxFramerSyncB Missmatch");
        public static void CheckSetTxNcoEnable([Values(6000)] int toneFreq1_kHz, [Values(6000)] int toneFreq2_kHz)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            Link.Mykonos.enableTxNco(1, toneFreq1_kHz, toneFreq2_kHz);
            byte  spiData1    = 0x0;
            byte  spiData2    = 0x0;
            Int16 tx1Readback = 0x0;
            Int16 tx2Readback = 0x0;

            //Check Tx NCO is eanbled
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xC40);
            Console.WriteLine("Myk: Tx NCO enable:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x80, ((spiData1 & 0x80)), "Myk: Tx NOC enable not set");

            //Check Frequency Settings are as expected as per register map description
            Int16 tx1NcoTuneWord = (Int16)(((Int64)(toneFreq1_kHz) << 16) / (settings.txProfileData.IqRate_kHz * -1));
            Int16 tx2NcoTuneWord = (Int16)(((Int64)(toneFreq2_kHz) << 16) / (settings.txProfileData.IqRate_kHz * -1));

            spiData1    = Link.spiRead(0x9CB);
            spiData2    = Link.spiRead(0x9CC);
            tx1Readback = (Int16)((Int16)(spiData1 << 8) | (Int16)(spiData2));
            Assert.AreEqual(tx1NcoTuneWord, tx1Readback);
            spiData1    = Link.spiRead(0x9CD);
            spiData2    = Link.spiRead(0x9CE);
            tx2Readback = (Int16)((Int16)(spiData1 << 8) | (Int16)(spiData2));
            Assert.AreEqual(tx2NcoTuneWord, tx2Readback);
        public static void CheckPaProtectionSetup([Values(0x1E, 0x2BC)] int pwrThres, [Values(0x7, 0x2F)] byte attenStepSz, [Values(0x5, 0xF)] byte avgDur, [Values(0x0, 0x1)] byte enStickyFlg, [Values(0x0, 0x1)] byte enTxAttnCtrl)
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte   spiData1 = 0x0;
            ushort spiData2 = 0x0;
            ushort temp     = 0x0;

            Link.Mykonos.SetupPaProtection((ushort)pwrThres, attenStepSz, avgDur, enStickyFlg, enTxAttnCtrl);

            //Check Sticky Flag Enable
            //Check Avg Duration
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x955); Console.WriteLine("PA Cfg 0x955: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(enStickyFlg, ((spiData1 & 0x40) >> 6), "Myk:PA Sticky Err Flg Enable not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(avgDur, ((spiData1 & 0x1e) >> 1), "Myk:PA Avg Duration not as expected");

            //Check Tx Attenuation Step Size
            //Check Tx Attn Ctrl Enable
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x956); Console.WriteLine("PA Cfg 0x956: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(attenStepSz, ((spiData1 & 0xFE) >> 1), "Myk:PA Tx Attenuation Step Size not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(enTxAttnCtrl, (spiData1 & 0x1), "Myk:PA Tx Attn Ctrl Enable not as expected");

            //Check PA Protection Threshold
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x957); Console.WriteLine("PA Cfg 0x957: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            spiData2 = Link.spiRead(0x958); Console.WriteLine("PA Cfg 0x958: " + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            temp     = (ushort)(((spiData2 & 0x1F) << 8) | (ushort)(spiData1));
            Assert.AreEqual(pwrThres, temp, "Myk: PA Protection Threshold not as expected");

        public static void CheckClearPaProtectionError()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
Beispiel #25
        public static void MykonosCheckDeviceRev()
            byte[] readarmData = new byte[] { };

            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            byte spiData1 = 0x0;

            byte devRev = 0x0;

            //Test Setup:
            //Run Init Cals
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xD40);
            Console.WriteLine("SPI Addr: 0xD40:" + spiData1.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, (spiData1 & 0x3), "Myk: Test Setup Failed  Init Cals not completed");
            //Check Device Revision value
            Link.Mykonos.getDeviceRev(ref devRev);
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(devRev, 0, "Device Revision is less than 1");
            Assert.Less(devRev, 4, "Device Revision is more than 3");
            spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x004);
            //Check if the function returns the same value as the register
            Assert.AreEqual(spiData1, devRev, "Function return value not the same as register value");

Beispiel #26
        public static void MykonosReadTIA3dbCorner()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            //Just for debug -read TIA 3dB corner
            byte   spiReg    = 0;
            double rx1TiaCap = 480; //fF
            double rx2TiaCap = 480; //fF

            spiReg     = Link.spiRead(0x224); Debug.WriteLine("0xRCAL code = " + spiReg.ToString("X"));
            spiReg     = Link.spiRead(0x693); Debug.WriteLine("0x693 = " + spiReg.ToString("X"));
            rx1TiaCap += ((spiReg & 0x3F) * 10);
            spiReg     = Link.spiRead(0x694); Debug.WriteLine("0x694 = " + spiReg.ToString("X"));
            rx1TiaCap += ((spiReg & 0x1F) * 320);
            Console.WriteLine("Rx1 TIA 3dB corner = " + (1 / (2 * System.Math.PI * 1100 * rx1TiaCap * System.Math.Pow(10, -9))) + " MHz");

            spiReg     = Link.spiRead(0x695); Debug.WriteLine("0x695 = " + spiReg.ToString("X"));
            rx2TiaCap += ((spiReg & 0x3F) * 10);
            spiReg     = Link.spiRead(0x696); Debug.WriteLine("0x696 = " + spiReg.ToString("X"));
            rx2TiaCap += ((spiReg & 0x1F) * 320);
            Console.WriteLine("Rx1 TIA 3dB corner = " + (1 / (2 * System.Math.PI * 1100 * rx2TiaCap * System.Math.Pow(10, -9))) + " MHz");

Beispiel #27
        public static void MykonosCheckFPGAFramerLink()
            //TODO: Possible convert these to SPI Writes
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            UInt32 fpgaReg = 0;

            //Check Tx DeFramer -FPGA JESD Link
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x418);
            Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x418 = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x428);
            Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x428[4 TxSYNCb] = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x42C);
            Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x42C = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x430);
            Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x430 = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x434);
            Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x434 = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x438);
            Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x438 = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x43C);
            Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x43C = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));
            fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x428);
            Debug.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x428[4 TxSYNCb] = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X"));

            Assert.AreEqual(0x01, ((fpgaReg >> 4) & 1), "TxSYNCb low");

Beispiel #28
        public static void MykonosCheckRxFramerLink()
            //TODO: Possible convert these to SPI Writes
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);

            byte status = Link.Mykonos.readRxFramerStatus();

            Console.WriteLine("Framer Status: " + status.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x20, (status & 0x20), "SYSREF not received by Mykonos Rx Framer IP");

            status = Link.Mykonos.readOrxFramerStatus();
            Console.WriteLine("ObsRx Framer Status: " + status.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x20, (status & 0x20), "SYSREF not received by Mykonos ObsRx Framer IP");

            UInt32 syncStatus = Link.FpgaMykonos.readSyncbStatus();

            Console.WriteLine("SYNC Status: " + syncStatus.ToString("X"));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x02, (syncStatus & 0x2), "RXSYNBC not asserted, Rx JESD204 Link down.");

Beispiel #29
        public static void SetOrxGain()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            Link.Mykonos.setObsRxManualGain(Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_RX1, 240);

Beispiel #30
        public static void LoadSnifferGainTable()
            AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance;

            Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port);
            Link.Mykonos.programRxGainTable(@"..\..\..\..\mykonos_resources\SnifferRxGainTable_default.csv", Mykonos.RXGAIN_TABLE.SNRX_GT);
