Beispiel #1
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
                AddOnEditor_Att addoneditor = (AddOnEditor_Att)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(AddOnEditor_Att));

                BaseAddon      addon     = addoneditor.SelectedAddon;
                AddonComponent component = (AddonComponent)targ;

                if (targ is AddonComponent)
                    component.Addon = null;

                    if (_delete == true)
                    from.SendMessage("That is not an Addon.");
                    from.Target = new Remove_Target(from, _delete);
Beispiel #2
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
                int converted = 0;
                int deleted   = 0;

                if (targ is HouseSign)
                    HouseSign sign = (HouseSign)targ;
                    if (sign.Owner != null)
                        if (sign.Owner is BaseHouse)
                        {                           // don't let staff convert original custom houses to static .. force them to make a copy first
                            if (sign.Owner is HouseFoundation == true && sign.Owner is StaticHouse == false)
                                from.SendMessage(0x22, "Please make a COPY of this house before converting it to static.");
                                from.SendMessage(0x22, "[housegen");
                                //ok, we got what we want :)
                                BaseHouse house = sign.Owner as BaseHouse;

                                //get a copy of the location
                                Point3D location = new Point3D(house.Location.X, house.Location.Y, house.Location.Z);

                                // make a copy of the doors - see comments below
                                // ArrayList Doors = new ArrayList(house.Doors);

                                //Now we need to iterate through the components and place their static equivalent while skipping doors and other fixtures
                                for (int i = 0; i < house.Components.List.Length; i++)
                                    string sz = location.X + house.Components.List[i].GetType().ToString();
                                    if (!IsFixture(house.Components.List[i].m_ItemID))
                                        Point3D itemloc = new Point3D(
                                            location.X + house.Components.List[i].m_OffsetX,
                                            location.Y + house.Components.List[i].m_OffsetY,
                                            location.Z + house.Components.List[i].m_OffsetZ
                                        Static item = new Static((int)(house.Components.List[i].m_ItemID & 0x3FFF));
                                        item.MoveToWorld(itemloc, from.Map);

                                // not adding the doors back because we want players to have to purchase them

                                /*foreach (BaseDoor bd in Doors)
                                 * {
                                 *      if (bd == null)
                                 *              continue;
                                 *      BaseDoor replacement = GetFixtureItem(bd.ItemID) as BaseDoor;
                                 *      if (replacement != null && replacement.Deleted == false)
                                 *      {
                                 *              Point3D itemloc = new Point3D(
                                 *                      location.X + bd.Offset.X,
                                 *                      location.Y + bd.Offset.Y,
                                 *                      location.Z + bd.Offset.Z
                                 *              );
                                 *              replacement.MoveToWorld(itemloc, from.Map);
                                 *      }
                                 * }*/

                                //delete the house
                        from.SendMessage(0x22, "That house sign does not point to a house");
                else if (targ is AddonComponent)
                    //ok, we got what we want :)
                    AddonComponent addon = targ as AddonComponent;

                    // use the players location as the addon's location is whacky
                    Point3D location = new Point3D(from.Location.X, from.Location.Y, from.Location.Z);
                    from.SendMessage("Using your location for the static location.");

                    //Now we need to iterate through the components and place their static equivalent while skipping doors and other fixtures
                    foreach (Item item in addon.Addon.Components)
                        if (item == null || item is AddonComponent == false)

                        AddonComponent ac = item as AddonComponent;

                        if (!IsFixture((short)ac.ItemID))
                            Point3D itemloc = new Point3D(
                                location.X + ac.Offset.X,
                                location.Y + ac.Offset.Y,
                                location.Z + ac.Offset.Z
                            Static sitem = new Static((int)(ac.ItemID & 0x3FFF));
                            sitem.MoveToWorld(itemloc, from.Map);

                    //delete the addon
                    from.SendMessage(0x22, "That is neither a house sign nor an addon");

                from.SendMessage("Conversion complete with {0} tiles converted and {1} deleted.", converted, deleted);