Beispiel #1
 public FallReportVM()
     PredictionAndRealFalls = PredictionAndRealFallsVM.Instance;
     CurrentModel           = new ManageFallReportModel();
     Reports = new ObservableCollection <Report>(CurrentModel.AllFallReports());
     Add     = new AddReportCommand(this);
     Reports.CollectionChanged += FallReports_CollectionChanged;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor, creates the Model and the ICommand for the "sumit" button of the View
 /// </summary>
 public ReportViewModel()
     currentModel                  = new MissleModel();
     addReportCommand              = new AddReportCommand(this);
     currentModel.PropertyChanged += (Property, EventArgs) =>
         if (EventArgs.PropertyName == "locations")
 public TheViewModel()
     CurrentModel   = new Model.Model();
     TheFall        = CurrentModel.CurFall;
     TheReportFall  = CurrentModel.CurRepFall;
     TheUser        = CurrentModel.CurUser;
     AddRepCom      = new AddReportCommand(this);
     AddFallCom     = new AddFallCommand(this);
     RepBtnCom      = new ReportBtnCommand(this);
     FallBtnCom     = new FallBtnCommand(this);
     loadCom        = new loadImageCommand(this);
     AnalysisBtnCom = new GraphsCommand(this);
     MapsBtnCom     = new MapsCommand(this);
Beispiel #4
 public ReportViewModel()
     CurrentModel = new ReportModel();
     addRepCom    = new AddReportCommand(this);