Beispiel #1
        public AddOfferPage()
            AddOfferViewModel viewModel = new AddOfferViewModel();

            BindingContext = viewModel;
        public async Task <Offer> AddOffer(AddOfferViewModel offer)
            var newOffer = new Offer()
                Id                   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ShipmentNumber       = GenerateRunningNo(),
                Currency             = offer.Currency,
                DeliveryDateTime     = offer.DeliveryDateTime,
                DeliveryLocationName = offer.DeliveryLocationName,
                LoadDetail1          = offer.LoadDetail1,
                LoadDetail2          = offer.LoadDetail2,
                LoadDetail3          = offer.LoadDetail3,
                PickupDateTime       = offer.PickupDateTime,
                PickupLocationName   = offer.PickupLocationName,
                Price                = offer.Price,
                VehicleBuildUp       = offer.VehicleBuildUp,
                VehicleSize          = offer.VehicleSize


            if (await _context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0)

Beispiel #3
 public MainPageViewModel()
     SearchViewModel = new SearchViewModel();
     NewestOffersViewModel = new NewestOffersViewModel();
     AddOfferViewModel = new AddOfferViewModel();
     AccountViewModel = new AccountViewModel();
Beispiel #4
        public ActionResult AddOffer(AddOfferViewModel vm)
            List <Offer> offers = Manager.Instance.GetAllOffers();

            return(View("Index", offers));
Beispiel #5
        public ActionResult AddOffer()
            Offer             o  = new Offer();
            var               lm = GetDropDrown();
            AddOfferViewModel vm = new AddOfferViewModel
                Offer        = o,
                ListStatuses = lm

            return(View("AddOffer", vm));
Beispiel #6
        async void addOffer_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     title       = titleEntry.Text;
            string     description = descriptionEntry.Text;
            int        categoryId  = Convert.ToInt32(((Category)CategoryBinder.SelectedItem).CategoryID);
            int        quantity    = Convert.ToInt32(quantityEntry.Text);
            string     price       = priceEntry.Text;
            OfferState state       = (OfferState)StateBinder.SelectedItem;

            var offerItem = new Models.BindingModels.OfferBindingModel
                Title            = title,
                Description      = description,
                CategoryID       = categoryId,
                InStockOriginaly = quantity,
                Price            = price,
                UserID           = Session.user.UserID,
                OfferState       = state

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleEntry.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptionEntry.Text))
                await DisplayAlert("Enter data", "Enter valid data", "Ok");
                    OfferItem response = await AddOfferViewModel.AddOfferAsync(offerItem);

                    if (response != null)
                        output.Text = "Oferta dodana pomyślnie!";
                catch (AggregateException err)
                    foreach (var errInner in err.InnerExceptions)
                        Debug.WriteLine(errInner); //this will call ToString() on the inner execption and get you message, stacktrace and you could perhaps drill down further into the inner exception of it if necessary
Beispiel #7
 public ActionResult AddOffer()
     if ((string)Session["userCode"] == "vendor")
         int VendorId           = (int)Session["VendorId"];
         var d                  = (from c in entity.Vendors where c.VendorId == VendorId select c).FirstOrDefault();
         AddOfferViewModel aovm = new AddOfferViewModel();
         aovm.CountryId     = Convert.ToInt32(d.CountryId);
         aovm.CityId        = Convert.ToInt32(d.CityId);
         aovm.VendorId      = Convert.ToInt32(d.VendorId);
         aovm.OfferTypeList = new SelectList(entity.OfferTypes, "OfferTypeId", "OfferTypeName");
         Session["message"] = "please log in to add your offer.";
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
        public async Task <ActionResult> AddOffer(AddOfferViewModel offer)
            if (offer.PickupDateTime >= offer.DeliveryDateTime)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Pickup date time should be earlier than delivery date time"));

            if (!_vehicleSize.Contains(offer.VehicleSize))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Vehicle size only accept 1TON, 3TON, 5TON or 10TON"));

            if (!_vehicleBuildUp.Contains(offer.VehicleBuildUp))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Vehicle build up only accept Hardbox truck, Canvas truck or Open truck"));

            if (!_states.Contains(offer.PickupLocationName))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Pickup location only allow states in Peninsula Malaysia"));

            if (!_states.Contains(offer.DeliveryLocationName))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Delivery location only allow states in Peninsula Malaysia"));

            var result = await _offerService.AddOffer(offer);

            if (result != null)
                return(new CreatedAtRouteResult("GetOfferByShipNumber", new { shipmentNumber = result.ShipmentNumber }));

            return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Problem adding the offer"));
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(OfferViewModel Offer, List <OfferProductViewModel> Products, List <OfferPackageViewModel> Packages)
                AddOfferViewModel model = new AddOfferViewModel();
                model.Offer             = Offer;
                model.Products          = Products;
                model.Packages          = Packages;
                model.Offer.Description = model.Offer.Description ?? "";

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)

                if (model.Products == null && model.Packages == null)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Please select products or packages to add"));

                List <OfferProductViewModel> offer_products = new List <OfferProductViewModel>();
                List <OfferPackageViewModel> offer_packages = new List <OfferPackageViewModel>();

                if (model.Products != null)
                    offer_products = model.Products.Where(x => x.IsChecked).ToList();

                if (model.Packages != null)
                    offer_packages = model.Packages.Where(x => x.IsChecked).ToList();

                if (offer_packages.Count == 0 && offer_products.Count == 0)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Please select products or packages to add"));

                MultipartFormDataContent content;

                bool FileAttached          = (Request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session["AddOfferImage"] != null);
                bool ImageDeletedOnEdit    = false;
                var  imgDeleteSessionValue = Request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session["ImageDeletedOnEdit"];
                if (imgDeleteSessionValue != null)
                    ImageDeletedOnEdit = Convert.ToBoolean(imgDeleteSessionValue);

                byte[] fileData  = null;
                var    ImageFile = (HttpPostedFileWrapper)Request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session["AddOfferImage"];
                if (FileAttached)
                    using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(ImageFile.InputStream))
                        fileData = binaryReader.ReadBytes(ImageFile.ContentLength);

                ByteArrayContent fileContent;
                JObject          response;
                bool             firstCall = true;
                callAgain : content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                if (FileAttached)
                    fileContent = new ByteArrayContent(fileData);
                    fileContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
                        FileName = ImageFile.FileName

                if (model.Offer.Id > 0)
                    content.Add(new StringContent(model.Offer.Id.ToString()), "Id");

                content.Add(new StringContent(model.Offer.Name), "Name");
                content.Add(new StringContent(model.Offer.Store_Id.ToString()), "Store_Id");
                content.Add(new StringContent(model.Offer.ValidFrom.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")), "ValidFrom");
                content.Add(new StringContent(model.Offer.ValidTo.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")), "ValidTo");
                content.Add(new StringContent(model.Offer.Description), "Description");
                content.Add(new StringContent(Convert.ToString(ImageDeletedOnEdit)), "ImageDeletedOnEdit");

                var offerProducts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(offer_products);

                var offerPackages = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(offer_packages);

                var bufferProduct      = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(offerProducts);
                var byteContentProduct = new ByteArrayContent(bufferProduct);
                byteContentProduct.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
                content.Add(byteContentProduct, "offer_products");

                var bufferPackages      = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(offerPackages);
                var byteContentPackages = new ByteArrayContent(bufferPackages);
                byteContentPackages.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
                content.Add(byteContentPackages, "offer_packages");

                response = await ApiCall.CallApi("api/Admin/AddOffer", User, isMultipart : true, multipartContent : content);

                if (firstCall && response.ToString().Contains("UnAuthorized"))
                    firstCall = false;
                    goto callAgain;
                else if (response.ToString().Contains("UnAuthorized"))
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "UnAuthorized Error"));

                if (response is Error)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, (response as Error).ErrorMessage));
                    if (model.Offer.Id > 0)
                        TempData["SuccessMessage"] = "The offer has been updated successfully.";
                        TempData["SuccessMessage"] = "The offer has been added successfully.";

                    return(Json(new { success = true, responseText = "Success" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(Utility.LogError(ex), "Internal Server Error"));
Beispiel #10
        public ActionResult AddOffer(AddOfferViewModel aovm, HttpPostedFileBase AddPicture)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    bool result = ol.CheckVendorIdInOffer(aovm.VendorId);
                    if (result == true)
                        result = ol.CheckTypeId(aovm.VendorId, aovm.OfferTypeId);
                        if (result == true)
                            result = ol.CheckOverlap(aovm.OfferStartTime, aovm.OfferStopTime, aovm.VendorId, aovm.OfferTypeId);
                            if (result == true)
                                TempData["Success"] = "At the same time you can't two offers of same type.";
                                aovm.OfferTypeList  = new SelectList(entity.OfferTypes, "OfferTypeId", "OfferTypeName");
                    result = ol.CheckNameExistance(aovm.OfferName, aovm.VendorId);
                    if (result == true)
                        TempData["Success"] = "You have a same Offer in your List please check that";
                        aovm.OfferTypeList  = new SelectList(entity.OfferTypes, "OfferTypeId", "OfferTypeName");
                    Offer offer = new Offer();
                    offer.OfferName = aovm.OfferName;
                    offer.VendorId  = aovm.VendorId;

                    offer.CountryId      = aovm.CountryId;
                    offer.CityId         = aovm.CityId;
                    offer.OfferTypeId    = aovm.OfferTypeId;
                    offer.OfferPrice     = aovm.OfferPrice;
                    offer.OfferStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(aovm.OfferStartTime);
                    offer.OfferStopTime  = Convert.ToDateTime(aovm.OfferStopTime);
                    if (aovm.OfferDetail != null)
                        offer.OfferDetail = aovm.OfferDetail;
                        offer.OfferDetail = "Not given yet.";
                    offer.OfferStatus       = true;
                    offer.OfferAdminsPermit = true;

                    offer.OfferDateOfAccountCreation = DateTime.Now;

                    Vendor vendor = (from c in entity.Vendors where c.VendorId == aovm.VendorId select c).FirstOrDefault();
                    vendor.VendorOfferStatus = true;

                    if (entity.SaveChanges() > 0)
                        var p = (from c in entity.Offers where c.OfferName == aovm.OfferName && c.CountryId == aovm.CountryId && c.CityId == aovm.CityId select new { c.OfferId, c.CountryId, c.CityId }).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (AddPicture != null)
                            OfferAlbum pa = new OfferAlbum();
                            pa.OfferAlbumName        = "Profile Picture";
                            pa.OfferId               = p.OfferId;
                            pa.AlbumTypeId           = 1;
                            pa.CityId                = p.CityId;
                            pa.CountryId             = p.CountryId;
                            pa.VendorId              = aovm.VendorId;
                            pa.OfferAlbumAdminPermit = true;
                            pa.OfferAlbumPrivacy     = true;
                            pa.OfferAlbumDateOfAdded = DateTime.Now;
                            OfferPicture pp = new OfferPicture();
                            pp.OfferPictureData = new byte[AddPicture.ContentLength];
                            AddPicture.InputStream.Read(pp.OfferPictureData, 0, AddPicture.ContentLength);
                            pp.OfferId = p.OfferId;
                            var albumId = (from c in entity.OfferAlbums where c.OfferId == p.OfferId && c.AlbumTypeId == 1 select c.OfferAlbumId).Single();
                            int AlbumId = Convert.ToInt32(albumId);
                            pp.OfferAlbumId            = AlbumId;
                            pp.AlbumTypeId             = 1;
                            pp.OfferPictureAdminPermit = true;
                            pp.CountryId               = p.CountryId;
                            pp.CityId                  = p.CityId;
                            pp.VendorId                = aovm.VendorId;
                            pp.OfferPicturePrivacy     = true;
                            pp.OfferPictureDateOfAdded = DateTime.Now;
                            if (entity.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                Offer o         = (from c in entity.Offers where c.OfferId == p.OfferId select c).FirstOrDefault();
                                int   pictureId = (from c in entity.OfferPictures
                                                   where c.OfferId == p.OfferId && c.AlbumTypeId == 1
                                                   orderby c.OfferPictureId descending
                                                   select c.OfferPictureId).First();
                                o.OfferProfilePicId = pictureId;
                        TempData["Success"] = "Added Successfully";
                        int VendorId = (int)Session["VendorId"];
                        var d        = (from c in entity.Vendors where c.VendorId == VendorId select c).FirstOrDefault();

                        aovm.CountryId     = Convert.ToInt32(d.CountryId);
                        aovm.CityId        = Convert.ToInt32(d.CityId);
                        aovm.VendorId      = Convert.ToInt32(d.VendorId);
                        aovm.OfferTypeList = new SelectList(entity.OfferTypes, "OfferTypeId", "OfferTypeName");

                        aovm.OfferTypeList  = new SelectList(entity.OfferTypes, "OfferTypeId", "OfferTypeName");
                        TempData["Success"] = "Error not Saved";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(View("Error", new HandleErrorInfo(ex, "Offer", "AddOffer")));
                aovm.OfferTypeList = new SelectList(entity.OfferTypes, "OfferTypeId", "OfferTypeName");