private static List <double[]> TrainWithAdam(Network n, DataSet ds, DataSet dt) { Adam br = new Adam(); //Calling the Train method of the trainer with the desired parameters //n, ds, learningRate: .3, numberOfEpochs: 200, shuffle: false, debug: n.Debug, nestrov:false, momentum:0.9, resilient: false, resilientUpdateAccelerationRate: 0.3, //resilientUpdateSlowDownRate: 0.1, regularization: AA1_MLP.Enums.Regularizations.L2, regularizationRate: 0.001, validationSet: dt, batchSize: 7 AdamParams passedParams = new AdamParams(); = n; passedParams.trainingSet = ds; passedParams.learningRate = 0.09; passedParams.numberOfEpochs = 200; passedParams.shuffle = true; passedParams.debug = n.Debug; passedParams.regularization = Regularizations.None; passedParams.regularizationRate = 0.0001; passedParams.validationSet = dt; passedParams.batchSize = 7; var learningCurve = br.Train(passedParams); return(learningCurve); }
public void Screen(DataSet wholeSet, int k = 0) { //wholeSet.Inputs = wholeSet.Inputs.NormalizeColumns(2) ; // wholeSet.Labels = wholeSet.Labels/10; //standardiing data //x=(x-mean)/std /* for (int idxdataFold = 0; idxdataFold < wholeSet.Inputs.ColumnCount; idxdataFold++) * { * double mean = wholeSet.Inputs.Column(idxdataFold).Average(); * double std = Math.Sqrt((wholeSet.Inputs.Column(idxdataFold) - mean).PointwisePower(2).Sum() / wholeSet.Inputs.Column(idxdataFold).Count); * wholeSet.Inputs.SetColumn(idxdataFold, (wholeSet.Inputs.Column(idxdataFold) - mean) / std); * * * }*/ /* for (int idxdataFold = 0; idxdataFold < wholeSet.Inputs.ColumnCount; idxdataFold++) * { * double min = wholeSet.Inputs.Column(idxdataFold).Min(); * double max = wholeSet.Inputs.Column(idxdataFold).Max(); * double max_min = max - min; * wholeSet.Inputs.SetColumn(idxdataFold, (wholeSet.Inputs.Column(idxdataFold) - min) / max_min); * * }*/ //the training set split int trainSplit = (int)(0.6 * wholeSet.Inputs.RowCount); DataSet TrainDataset = new DataSet( inputs: wholeSet.Inputs.SubMatrix(0, trainSplit, 0, wholeSet.Inputs.ColumnCount), labels: wholeSet.Labels.SubMatrix(0, trainSplit, 0, wholeSet.Labels.ColumnCount)); //the validation set DataSet ValidationSplit = new DataSet( inputs: wholeSet.Inputs.SubMatrix(trainSplit, (wholeSet.Inputs.RowCount - trainSplit) / 2, 0, wholeSet.Inputs.ColumnCount), labels: wholeSet.Labels.SubMatrix(trainSplit, (wholeSet.Inputs.RowCount - trainSplit) / 2, 0, wholeSet.Labels.ColumnCount)); //the hold out set for reporting the MEE of the model on the data DataSet TestDatasetSplit = new DataSet( inputs: wholeSet.Inputs.SubMatrix(trainSplit + (wholeSet.Inputs.RowCount - trainSplit) / 2, (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(wholeSet.Inputs.RowCount - trainSplit) / 2), 0, wholeSet.Inputs.ColumnCount), labels: wholeSet.Labels.SubMatrix(trainSplit + (wholeSet.Inputs.RowCount - trainSplit) / 2, (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(wholeSet.Inputs.RowCount - trainSplit) / 2), 0, wholeSet.Labels.ColumnCount)); Gradientdescent bp = new Gradientdescent(); //will hold a number of possible values for the hidden units to try List <int> PossibleHiddenUnits = new List <int>(); for (int numberOfUnits = 10; numberOfUnits <= 70; numberOfUnits += 10) { PossibleHiddenUnits.Add(numberOfUnits); } //holds different values for the Regularization to try List <double> RegularizationRates = new List <double>() { 0.001, 0.0001 }; //holds different values for the momentum to try for training List <double> Momentums = new List <double>() { 0.5 }; //holds different values for the learning rate to try for training List <double> learningRate = new List <double>() { 0.001, 0.001, 0.0001 }; //these directories will hold the experiments results Directory.CreateDirectory("learningCurves"); Directory.CreateDirectory("scatters"); Directory.CreateDirectory("models"); // a simple resume mechanism, in case the search was interrupted if (!File.Exists("passed.txt")) { File.WriteAllText("passed.txt", "0,0,0,0\n"); } var init = File.ReadLines("passed.txt").Last().Split(','); int vs = int.Parse(init[0]), bs = int.Parse(init[1]), ms = int.Parse(init[2]), us = int.Parse(init[3]); // File.Delete("passed.txt"); for (int v = vs; v < PossibleHiddenUnits.Count; v++) { var hidn = PossibleHiddenUnits[v]; for (int b = bs; b < RegularizationRates.Count; b++) { var reg = RegularizationRates[b]; for (int m = ms; m < Momentums.Count; m++) { var mo = Momentums[m]; for (int u = us; u < learningRate.Count; u++) { var lr = learningRate[u]; string pre = string.Format("hidn{0}_reg{1}_mo{2}_lr{3}", hidn, reg, mo, lr); //building the architecture Network n = new Network(new List <Layer>() { new Layer(new ActivationIdentity(), true, 10), new Layer(new ActivationTanh(), true, hidn), // new Layer(new ActivationLeakyRelu(),true,40), new Layer(new ActivationIdentity(), false, 2), }, false, AA1_MLP.Enums.WeightsInitialization.Xavier); /*try * {*/ /* Gradientdescent br = new Gradientdescent(); * * //Calling the Train method of the trainer with the desired parameters * //n, ds, learningRate: .3, numberOfEpochs: 200, shuffle: false, debug: n.Debug, nestrov:false, momentum:0.9, resilient: false, resilientUpdateAccelerationRate: 0.3, * //resilientUpdateSlowDownRate: 0.1, regularization: AA1_MLP.Enums.RegularizationRates.L2, regularizationRate: 0.001, validationSet: dt, batchSize: 7 * GradientDescentParams passedParams = new GradientDescentParams(); * = n; * passedParams.trainingSet = TrainDataset; * passedParams.learningRate = lr; * passedParams.numberOfEpochs = 10000; * passedParams.shuffle = false; * passedParams.debug = n.Debug; * passedParams.nestrov = true; * passedParams.momentum = mo; * passedParams.resilient = false; * passedParams.resilientUpdateAccelerationRate = 0.3; * passedParams.resilientUpdateSlowDownRate = 0.1; * passedParams.regularization = Regularizations.L2; * passedParams.regularizationRate = reg; * passedParams.validationSet = TestDatasetSplit; * passedParams.batchSize = 50; * passedParams.MEE = true; * * * * var learningCurve = br.Train(passedParams); */ Adam br = new Adam(); //Calling the Train method of the trainer with the desired parameters //n, ds, learningRate: .3, numberOfEpochs: 200, shuffle: false, debug: n.Debug, nestrov:false, momentum:0.9, resilient: false, resilientUpdateAccelerationRate: 0.3, //resilientUpdateSlowDownRate: 0.1, regularization: AA1_MLP.Enums.RegularizationRates.L2, regularizationRate: 0.001, validationSet: dt, batchSize: 7 AdamParams passedParams = new AdamParams(); = n; passedParams.trainingSet = TrainDataset; passedParams.learningRate = lr; passedParams.numberOfEpochs = 10000; passedParams.shuffle = true; passedParams.debug = n.Debug; passedParams.regularization = Regularizations.L2; passedParams.regularizationRate = reg; passedParams.validationSet = TestDatasetSplit; passedParams.batchSize = 50; var learningCurve = br.Train(passedParams); ////the training loop // var learningCurve = bp.Train(n, // TrainDataset, // lr, // 100000, // true, // regularizationRate: reg, // regularization: AA1_MLP.Enums.RegularizationRates.L2, // momentum: mo, // validationSet: TestDatasetSplit, // MEE: true // /* resilient: true, resilientUpdateAccelerationRate: 10, resilientUpdateSlowDownRate: 1, // reduceLearningRate: true, // learningRateReduction: 0.8, // numberOfReductions: 3, // learningRateReductionAfterEpochs: 7500*/ // ); //writing the learning curve data to desk (ugly for memory, but simple) File.WriteAllText("learningCurves/" + pre + "learningCurve.txt", string.Join("\n", learningCurve.Select(s => string.Join(",", s)))); //saving the trained model AA1_MLP.Utilities.ModelManager.SaveNetowrk(n, "models/" + pre + "_model.AA1"); // var n = AA1_MLP.Utilities.ModelManager.LoadNetwork("model.AA1"); double MEE = 0, MSE = 0; var log = ModelManager.TesterCUPRegression(TestDatasetSplit, n, out MEE, out MSE); //reporting the scatter plot of the output against the actual predictions on the held out dataset split File.WriteAllText("scatters/" + pre + "scatter.txt", string.Join("\n", log.Select(s => string.Join(",", s)))); File.AppendAllText("MEEs.txt", pre + ":" + MEE + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(MEE); /* } * catch (Exception e) * { * Console.WriteLine(pre + " Failed!"); * File.AppendAllText("fails.txt", pre + "\n"); * * Console.WriteLine(e.Message); * }*/ us = (u + 1) % learningRate.Count == 0 ? 0 : us; File.AppendAllText("passed.txt", string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}\n", (((u + 1) % learningRate.Count == 0) && ((m + 1) % Momentums.Count == 0) && ((b + 1) % RegularizationRates.Count == 0)) ? v + 1 : v, ((((u + 1) % learningRate.Count == 0) && (m + 1) % Momentums.Count == 0) ? b + 1 : b) % RegularizationRates.Count, ((u + 1) % learningRate.Count == 0 ? m + 1 : m) % Momentums.Count, (u + 1) % learningRate.Count)); } ms = (m + 1) % Momentums.Count == 0 ? 0 : ms; } bs = (b + 1) % RegularizationRates.Count == 0 ? 0 : bs; } } }