public AdvancedResult <string> Register(string account, string pwd) { AdvancedResult <string> result = new AdvancedResult <string>(); try { AdvancedResult <bool> dr = CheckAccout(account); if (dr.Data) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_PERSON_FOUND; return(result); } AdUser user = new AdUser(); user.UserAccount = account; user.Pwd = pwd; int i = UserAccessor.Instance.Insert(user); if (i > 0) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_SUCCESS; result.Data = SecurityHelper.GetToken(i.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; result.ExMessage = e.ToString(); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 获取当前用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <returns></returns> public AdvancedResult <AdUser> GetUserInfo(string token) { AdvancedResult <AdUser> result = new AdvancedResult <AdUser>(); try { if (!CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Contains(token)) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_PERSON_NOT_LOGIN; } else { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Get(token)); if (userid > 0) { AdUser user = UserAccessor.Instance.Get(userid, string.Empty, string.Empty, StateType.Ignore); result.Error = AppError.ERROR_SUCCESS; result.Data = user; } else { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; } } } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; result.ExMessage = e.ToString(); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 修改指定的数据 /// <param name="e">修改后的数据实体对象</param> /// <para>数据对应的主键必须在实例中设置</para> /// </summary> public void Update(AdUser e) { MySqlConnection oc = ConnectManager.Create(); MySqlCommand _cmdUpdateAdUser = cmdUpdateAdUser.Clone() as MySqlCommand; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Connection = oc; try { if (oc.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { oc.Open(); } _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@AdUserId"].Value = e.AdUserId; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@UserAccount"].Value = e.UserAccount; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@Pwd"].Value = e.Pwd; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@BabyBirthday"].Value = e.BabyBirthday; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@Sex"].Value = e.Sex; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@Qq"].Value = e.Qq; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@Mobile"].Value = e.Mobile; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Parameters["@State"].Value = e.State; _cmdUpdateAdUser.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { oc.Close(); oc.Dispose(); oc = null; _cmdUpdateAdUser.Dispose(); _cmdUpdateAdUser = null; GC.Collect(); } }
public RespResult UpdateBabyAge(int bbage, string token) { RespResult result = new RespResult(); try { if (!CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Contains(token)) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_PERSON_NOT_LOGIN; } else { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Get(token)); if (userid > 0) { AdUser user = UserAccessor.Instance.Get(userid, string.Empty, string.Empty, StateType.Ignore); user.BabyBirthday = DateTime.Now.AddYears(0 - bbage); UserAccessor.Instance.Update(user); result.Error = AppError.ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; } } } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; result.ExMessage = e.ToString(); } return(result); }
public override async void Execute(TelegramBotClient botClient, System.Object message) { CallbackQuery _message = message as CallbackQuery; DataBase db = Singleton.GetInstance().Context; await Task.Run(() => DeleteMessage(botClient, _message)); try { if (IsBan.Ban(botClient, message)) { User user = db.GetUser(_message.From.Id); if (IsNullDataBase.IsNull(botClient, _message, user)) { return; } AdUser adUser = db.GetAdUser(user.ID); adUser.EditingPostTemplateId = -1; db.Save(); InlineKeyboardMarkup answer = InlineButton.GetAdvertising(user); await botClient.EditMessageTextAsync(_message.From.Id, _message.Message.MessageId, "📞Ваша реклама📞", Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.ParseMode.Html, replyMarkup : answer); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log.Logging(ex); } }
public List <AdUser> GetDomainUsers() { List <AdUser> users = new List <AdUser>(); using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "", "CN=Users,DC=yimihaodi,DC=net")) { using (var searcher = new PrincipalSearcher(new UserPrincipal(context))) { var list = searcher.FindAll(); foreach (var result in list) { DirectoryEntry de = result.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry; AdUser adUser = new AdUser { Username = result.SamAccountName, IsEnabled = true }; UserPrincipal userPrincipal = result as UserPrincipal; if (userPrincipal != null) { adUser.IsEnabled = userPrincipal.Enabled.HasValue ? userPrincipal.Enabled.Value : true; } users.Add(adUser); } //Console.WriteLine($"count: {count}"); } } return(users); }
/// <summary> /// RenderTable displays the list of users registered on the Application /// </summary> /// private void RenderTable() { // CRITICAL : Change this connection string to the one where users are actually stored (Needs to be changed : Source) string connectionStringPatrimoine = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Patrimoine"].ConnectionString; // Connect to the Database. using (SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connectionStringPatrimoine)) { string cmdString = "SELECT DISTINCT id, AdresseMail, telephone, NomAffiche FROM [dbo].[AD_CCIT] WHERE CompanyID = @val1"; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) { cmd.Connection = sqlConn; cmd.CommandText = cmdString; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val1", "CCINCA"); sqlConn.Open(); var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <AdUser> datas = new List <AdUser>(); while (dr.Read()) { AdUser adUser = new AdUser { Id = dr["id"].ToString(), AdresseMail = dr["AdresseMail"].ToString(), Telephone = dr["telephone"].ToString(), NomAffiche = dr["NomAffiche"].ToString() }; datas.Add(adUser); } JsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(datas); } } }
internal async void SendMessage(TelegramBotClient botClient, Message _message) { DataBase db = Singleton.GetInstance().Context; User user = db.GetUser(_message.From.Id); if (IsNullDataBase.IsNull(botClient, _message, user)) { return; // - заменить на другую таблицу } AdUser adUser = db.GetAdUser(user.ID); PostTemplate postTemplate = db.GetTempalte(adUser.User.ID, adUser.EditingPostTemplateId); try { AdController.SetContent(botClient, postTemplate, _message, adUser.Order); botClient.DeleteMessage(_message.From.Id, _message.MessageId, "78 - AddPhoto ChainAnaliz"); botClient.DeleteMessage(_message.From.Id, _message.MessageId - 1, "79 - AddPhoto ChainAnaliz"); botClient.SendText(_message.From.Id, "Управление шаблоном\n1. Заполните контент\n2. Введите время постинга.\n3. Выберете чат(ы)\n4. Отправьте на проверку администрации.", user, replyMarkup: InlineButton.ContentKeyboard(postTemplate, true)); user.Chain = (System.Int32)SetChain.MessageUserInBot; db.Save(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log.Logging(ex); } db.Save(); }
public ActiveDirectoryHandlerResults ModifyUser(string identity, AdUser user) { string planName = config.Plans.User.Modify; StartPlanEnvelope pe = GetPlanEnvelope(identity, user); return(CallPlan(planName, pe)); }
public static async Task <User> AddUser(this AppDbContext db, AdUser adUser) { User user = null; if (await adUser.Validate(db)) { user = new User { Email = adUser.UserPrincipalName, FirstName = adUser.GivenName, Guid = adUser.Guid.Value, IsDeleted = false, IsAdmin = false, LastName = adUser.Surname, Sidepanel = "thin", SocketName = $@"{adUser.GetDomainPrefix()}\{adUser.SamAccountName}", Theme = "light-blue", UserName = adUser.SamAccountName.UrlEncode() }; await user.GenerateUniqueUsername(db); await db.Users.AddAsync(user); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(user); }
public ActiveDirectoryHandlerResults ModifyUser(string identity, AdUser user, string domain = null) { string planName = config.Plans.User.Modify; StartPlanEnvelope pe = GetPlanEnvelope(BuildIdentity(domain, identity), user); return(CallPlan(planName, pe)); }
public JsonResult AjaxLogin() { string username = Request["username"]; string password = Request["password"]; string getUserInfo = Request["userinfo"]; AdUser user = null; AdvancedResult <string> response = Login(username, password, ref user); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(getUserInfo)) { return(this.Json(response)); } else { AdvancedResult <UserModel> userResponse = new AdvancedResult <UserModel>(); if (response.Error != AppError.ERROR_SUCCESS) { return(this.Json(response)); } else { userResponse.Error = response.Error; userResponse.ErrorMessage = response.ErrorMessage; userResponse.ExMessage = response.ExMessage; ViewModelBindOption bindoption = new ViewModelBindOption(); userResponse.Data = new UserModel().Bind(user, bindoption); } return(this.Json(userResponse)); } }
public AdvancedResult <string> Login(string account, string pwd) { AdvancedResult <string> result = new AdvancedResult <string>(); try { AdUser user = null; user = UserAccessor.Instance.Get(0, account.Trim(), pwd.Trim(), StateType.Active); if (user != null) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_SUCCESS; result.Data = SecurityHelper.GetToken(user.AdUserId.ToString()); } else { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_LOGIN_FAILED; } } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; result.ExMessage = e.ToString(); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 添加数据 /// <param name="es">数据实体对象数组</param> /// <returns></returns> /// </summary> public int Insert(AdUser e) { MySqlConnection oc = ConnectManager.Create(); MySqlCommand _cmdInsertAdUser = cmdInsertAdUser.Clone() as MySqlCommand; int returnValue = 0; _cmdInsertAdUser.Connection = oc; try { if (oc.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { oc.Open(); } _cmdInsertAdUser.Parameters["@UserAccount"].Value = e.UserAccount; _cmdInsertAdUser.Parameters["@Pwd"].Value = e.Pwd; _cmdInsertAdUser.Parameters["@BabyBirthday"].Value = e.BabyBirthday; _cmdInsertAdUser.Parameters["@Sex"].Value = e.Sex; _cmdInsertAdUser.Parameters["@Qq"].Value = e.Qq; _cmdInsertAdUser.Parameters["@Mobile"].Value = e.Mobile; _cmdInsertAdUser.ExecuteNonQuery(); returnValue = Convert.ToInt32(_cmdInsertAdUser.LastInsertedId); return(returnValue); } finally { oc.Close(); oc.Dispose(); oc = null; _cmdInsertAdUser.Dispose(); _cmdInsertAdUser = null; } }
public override object GetParametersInstance() { ActiveDirectoryHandlerParameters parms = new ActiveDirectoryHandlerParameters(); parms.Users = new List <AdUser>(); AdUser user = new AdUser(); user.Identity = "cn=mfox,ou=FamousActors,dc=sandbox,dc=local"; parms.Users.Add(user); parms.Groups = new List <AdGroup>(); AdGroup group = new AdGroup(); group.Identity = "cn=BackToTheFuture,ou=Movies,dc=sandbox,dc=local"; parms.Groups.Add(group); parms.OrganizationalUnits = new List <AdOrganizationalUnit>(); AdOrganizationalUnit ou = new AdOrganizationalUnit(); ou.Identity = "ou=Movies,dc=sandbox,dc=local"; parms.OrganizationalUnits.Add(ou); parms.SearchRequests = new List <AdSearchRequest>(); AdSearchRequest search = new AdSearchRequest(); search.SearchBase = "ou=Synapse,dc=sandbox,dc=local"; search.Filter = "(objectClass=User)"; search.ReturnAttributes = new List <string>(); search.ReturnAttributes.Add("Name"); search.ReturnAttributes.Add("objectGUID"); parms.SearchRequests.Add(search); return(parms); }
private void ProcessDelete(AdObject obj, bool returnObject = false) { ActiveDirectoryObjectResult result = new ActiveDirectoryObjectResult() { Type = obj.Type, Identity = obj.Identity }; ActiveDirectoryStatus status = new ActiveDirectoryStatus() { Action = config.Action, Status = AdStatusType.Success, Message = "Success", }; try { roleManager.CanPerformActionOrException(requestUser, ActionType.Delete, obj.Identity); switch (obj.Type) { case AdObjectType.User: AdUser user = (AdUser)obj; DirectoryServices.DeleteUser(user.Identity); result.Statuses.Add(status); break; case AdObjectType.Group: AdGroup group = (AdGroup)obj; DirectoryServices.DeleteGroup(group.Identity, isDryRun); result.Statuses.Add(status); break; case AdObjectType.OrganizationalUnit: AdOrganizationalUnit ou = (AdOrganizationalUnit)obj; DirectoryServices.DeleteOrganizationUnit(ou.Identity); result.Statuses.Add(status); break; default: throw new AdException("Action [" + config.Action + "] Not Implemented For Type [" + obj.Type + "]", AdStatusType.NotSupported); } String message = $"{obj.Type} [{obj.Identity}] Deleted."; OnLogMessage("ProcessDelete", message); } catch (AdException ex) { ProcessActiveDirectoryException(result, ex, status.Action); } catch (Exception e) { OnLogMessage("ProcessDelete", e.Message); OnLogMessage("ProcessDelete", e.StackTrace); AdException le = new AdException(e); ProcessActiveDirectoryException(result, le, status.Action); } results.Add(result); }
public void AdUserGetAdAccountGroupsTest() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing [FacebookAds.Object.AdUser]"); AdUser user = new AdUser(id); Console.WriteLine("Calling [FacebookAds.Object.AdUser].GetAdAccountGroups()"); Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", user.GetAdAccountGroups()); }
public static async Task <IEnumerable <int> > GetListIdsAsync(AdUser curUser, DateTime planDate) { TaskTrackerContext db = new TaskTrackerContext(); var list = await db.TaskPlans.Where(x => x.Enabled && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.PlanDate) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(planDate)).Select(x => x.TaskPlanId).ToListAsync(); return(list); }
private async void BotClient_OnUpdate(System.Object sender, Telegram.Bot.Args.UpdateEventArgs e) { DataBase db = Singleton.GetInstance().Context; if (e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery != null) { await BotClient.AnswerPreCheckoutQueryAsync(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.Id); if (e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.InvoicePayload == "Pay is correct") { User user = db.GetUser(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id); user.BanDate = System.DateTime.Now; db.Save(); IsUnBan.ThisUnBan(BotClient, user); await Task.Run(() => SetIncomeChannel(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id, e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.TotalAmount / 100)); } else if (e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.InvoicePayload == "Balance is correct") { AdUser adUser = db.GetAdUser(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id); adUser.Balance += e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.TotalAmount / 100; db.Save(); await Task.Run(() => SetIncomeChannel(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id, e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.TotalAmount / 100)); } else if (e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.InvoicePayload == "PostTemplate is correct") { AdUser adUser = db.GetAdUser(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id); PostTemplate postTemplate = db.GetTempalte(adUser.User.ID, adUser.EditingPostTemplateId); postTemplate.IsPaid = true; System.Object ob = await AdController.AssemblyTemplate(BotClient, postTemplate); if (ob is Message) { Message mes = (Message)ob; System.String text = mes.Text; await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(CommandText.bufferChannelId, text); } else { List <InputMediaBase> inputMedias = (List <InputMediaBase>)ob; await BotClient.SendMediaGroupAsync(CommandText.bufferChannelId, inputMedias); } IsDataTaken.IsCheck(BotClient, e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id, postTemplate.PostTime.ToList()); db.Save(); await Task.Run(() => SetIncomeChannel(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id, e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.TotalAmount / 100, postTemplate)); } else if (e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.InvoicePayload == "Pay Confirm User") { User user = db.GetUser(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id); user.PayConfirm = true; user.PayDate = System.DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1); db.Save(); await Task.Run(() => SetIncomeChannel(e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.From.Id, e.Update.PreCheckoutQuery.TotalAmount / 100)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Database user from an Active Directory User (basic) /// </summary> /// <param name="user">Some user Information from Active Directory</param> /// <param name="isAdmin">The user is an administrator</param> public User(AdUser user, bool isAdmin = false) { Guid = user.Guid; LastName = user.LastName; WillBeThere = false; FirstName = user.FirstName; DrinkId = 1; CoffeeOptionsJson = "[{\"Key\":\"SoyMilk\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"int\",\"Value\":\"0\"}},{\"Key\":\"ExtraShot\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"int\",\"Value\":\"0\"}},{\"Key\":\"Sugar\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"int\",\"Value\":\"0\"}},{\"Key\":\"Vanilla\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"int\",\"Value\":\"0\"}},{\"Key\":\"Hazelnut\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"int\",\"Value\":\"0\"}},{\"Key\":\"Caramel\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"int\",\"Value\":\"0\"}},{\"Key\":\"No Sugar\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"bool\",\"Value\":\"false\"}},{\"Key\":\"Trim\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"bool\",\"Value\":\"false\"}},{\"Key\":\"Marshmallows\",\"Value\":{\"Key\":\"bool\",\"Value\":\"false\"}}]"; }
public void RiseProductPostedEvent(AdUser user, ProductModel product) { AsyncCallback ac = new AsyncCallback(ProductPostedCallBack); if (OnProductPostedEvent != null) { OnProductPostedEvent.BeginInvoke(user, product, ac, null); } }
public static async Task <User> SyncUser(this AdUser adUser, AppDbContext db) { var user = await db.Users .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Guid == adUser.Guid); user = user == null ? await db.AddUser(adUser) : await db.UpdateUser(adUser); return(user); }
//发布宝贝帖子 public AdvancedResult <int> publishBBPost(string title, string qq, string mobile, string bbinfo, bool iswash, double price, int age, ItemType bbType, ItemSort bbSort, SexType sex, string token) { AdvancedResult <int> result = new AdvancedResult <int>(); try { if (!CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Contains(token)) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_PERSON_NOT_LOGIN; } else { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Get(token)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qq) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile)) { AdUser user = UserAccessor.Instance.Get(userid, string.Empty, string.Empty, StateType.Active); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qq)) { user.Qq = qq; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile)) { user.Mobile = mobile; } UserAccessor.Instance.Update(user); } ProProduct pro = new ProProduct(); pro.Title = title.Trim(); pro.BbInfo = bbinfo.Trim(); pro.Price = price; pro.MinAge = (age - 1) < 0 ? 0 : (age - 1); pro.MaxAge = age + 1; pro.ItemType = bbType; pro.Sex = sex; pro.ItemSort = bbSort; pro.CreateId = userid; pro.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; pro.Level = 1; pro.IsWash = iswash; result.Data = ProProductAccessor.Instance.Insert(pro); result.Error = AppError.ERROR_SUCCESS; } } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; result.ExMessage = e.ToString(); } return(result); }
public static async Task <bool> Validate(this AdUser user, AppDbContext db) { var check = await db.Users .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Guid == user.Guid.Value); if (check != null) { throw new Exception("The provided user already has an account"); } return(true); }
public AdUserByEgnViewModel GetUserByEgn(long egn) { AdUser user = this.Context.AdAccounts.Where(u => u.Egn == egn).FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(null); } AdUserByEgnViewModel uv = Mapper.Map <AdUser, AdUserByEgnViewModel>(user); return(uv); }
public XMediusUser(AdUser adUser, List <FaxApiGroup> faxUserGroups, List <FaxApiUser> faxUsers, List <FaxApiNumber> faxNumbers, List <string> blackListedFaxNumbers) { if (adUser == null) { return; } AdUser = adUser; BlackListedFaxNumbers = blackListedFaxNumbers; SetFaxUser(faxUsers); SetFaxUserGroup(faxUserGroups); SetFaxNumber(faxNumbers); AnalyzeUserSyncActions(); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="user">修改用户名,性别,密码,地址,qq,手机</param> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RespResult EditeUserInfo(AdUser user, string token) { RespResult result = new RespResult(); try { if (!CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Contains(token)) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_PERSON_NOT_LOGIN; } else { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(CacheManagerFactory.GetMemoryManager().Get(token)); if (userid > 0) { AdUser olduser = UserAccessor.Instance.Get(userid, string.Empty, string.Empty, StateType.Ignore); if (olduser.UserAccount != user.UserAccount) { AdvancedResult <bool> dr = CheckAccout(user.UserAccount); if (dr.Data) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_PERSON_FOUND; return(result); } } olduser.UserAccount = user.UserAccount; olduser.Sex = user.Sex; olduser.Pwd = user.Pwd; olduser.Province = user.Province; olduser.City = user.City; olduser.County = user.County; olduser.Street = user.Street; olduser.Mobile = user.Mobile; olduser.Qq = user.Qq; UserAccessor.Instance.Update(olduser); result.Error = AppError.ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; } } } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = AppError.ERROR_FAILED; result.ExMessage = e.ToString(); } return(result); }
private static async Task <User> UpdateUser(this AppDbContext db, AdUser adUser) { var user = await db.Users .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Guid == adUser.Guid); user.Email = adUser.UserPrincipalName; user.FirstName = adUser.GivenName; user.LastName = adUser.Surname; user.SocketName = $@"{adUser.GetDomainPrefix()}\{adUser.SamAccountName}"; await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(user); }
private static async Task <TokenUser> ValidateFormsUserInAD(string userName, string password) { ADService adService = new ADService(); AdUser formsUser = adService.AuthenticateUser(userName, password); if (formsUser == null) { throw new WebAuthException("Windows user not found in AD."); } return(new TokenUser { UserName = formsUser.Name }); }
public static PostTemplate CreateTemplate(AdUser user) { DataBase db = Singleton.GetInstance().Context; PostTemplate template = new PostTemplate { AdUser = user, Name = "Шаблон" }; db.AddTemplate(template); db.Save(); return(template); }
protected AdUser GetCurUser() { AdUser curUser = new AdUser(); curUser.User = base.RequestContext.Principal; string sid = null; var wi = (WindowsIdentity)RequestContext.Principal.Identity; if (wi.User != null) { var domain = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain); curUser.Sid = wi.User.Value; } return curUser; }
public void Send(string subject, string message, AdUser from, params AdUser[] to) { var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(config.SmtpServer); var credential = new NetworkCredential(config.UserName, config.Password, config.Domain); var msg = new MailMessage { Subject = subject, Body = message, From = new MailAddress(from.Email) }; to.ToList().ForEach(x=>msg.To.Add(new MailAddress(x.Email))); smtpClient.Host = config.SmtpServer; smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtpClient.Credentials = credential; smtpClient.Send(msg); }
private static AdUser MapUserFromAdResult(SearchResult result) { var user = new AdUser(); //user.Id = (string)result.Properties["samaccountname"][0]; user.FullName = string.Format("{0} {1}", result.Properties["extensionattribute14"][0], result.Properties["extensionattribute13"][0]); user.Department = (string)result.Properties["department"][0]; user.JobPosition = (string)result.Properties["title"][0]; user.Email = (string)result.Properties["mail"][0]; user.Login = (string)result.Properties["samaccountname"][0]; return user; }