/// <summary> /// An Enabled Ad types is option to increase application performance by initializing only those ad types that will be used. /// <para>For example: .withEnabledAdTypes(AdFlags.Banner, AdFlags.Interstitial)</para> /// <para>Changes in current session only.</para> /// <para>Ad types can be enabled manually after initialize by <see cref="IMediationManager.SetEnableAd(AdType, bool)"/></para> /// </summary> public CASInitSettings WithEnabledAdTypes(params AdFlags[] adTypes) { allowedAdFlags = AdFlags.None; for (int i = 0; i < adTypes.Length; i++) { allowedAdFlags |= adTypes[i]; } return(this); }
public static IMediationManager Initialize( string managerID, AdFlags enableAd = AdFlags.Everything, bool testAdMode = false, InitCompleteAction initCompleteAction = null) { return(BuildManager() .WithManagerId(managerID) .WithEnabledAdTypes(enableAd) .WithTestAdMode(testAdMode) .WithInitListener(initCompleteAction) .Initialize()); }
public static IMediationManager InitializeFromResources( int managerIndex = 0, AdFlags enableAd = AdFlags.Everything, InitCompleteAction initCompleteAction = null) { var builder = BuildManager() .WithInitListener(initCompleteAction); builder.WithEnabledAdTypes(enableAd & builder.allowedAdFlags); if (managerIndex > 0) { builder.WithManagerIdAtIndex(managerIndex); } return(builder.Initialize()); }
public void SetEnableAd(AdType adType, bool enabled) { if (enabled) { enabledTypes |= GetFlag(adType); if (adType == AdType.Banner) { viewFactory.LoadCreatedViews(); } else { LoadAd(adType); } return; } enabledTypes &= ~GetFlag(adType); }
public static Texture GetFormatIcon(AdFlags format, bool active) { int iconIndex; switch (format) { case AdFlags.Banner: iconIndex = 0; break; case AdFlags.Interstitial: iconIndex = 1; break; case AdFlags.Rewarded: iconIndex = 2; break; case AdFlags.Native: iconIndex = 3; break; case AdFlags.MediumRectangle: iconIndex = 4; break; default: return(null); } return(formatIcons[active ? iconIndex : iconIndex + 5]); }
private bool DrawAdFlagToggle(AdFlags flag) { var flagInt = ( int )flag; var enabled = (allowedAdFlagsProp.intValue & flagInt) == flagInt; var icon = HelpStyles.GetFormatIcon(flag, enabled); var content = HelpStyles.GetContent("", icon, "Use " + flag.ToString() + " placement"); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(flag == AdFlags.Native); if (flag == AdFlags.Native) { if (enabled) { allowedAdFlagsProp.intValue = allowedAdFlagsProp.intValue ^ flagInt; enabled = false; } content.tooltip = "Native ads coming soon"; } if (icon == null) { content.text = content.tooltip; content.tooltip = ""; } if (enabled != GUILayout.Toggle(enabled, content, "button", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false), GUILayout.MinWidth(45))) { enabled = !enabled; if (enabled) { allowedAdFlagsProp.intValue = allowedAdFlagsProp.intValue | flagInt; } else { allowedAdFlagsProp.intValue = allowedAdFlagsProp.intValue ^ flagInt; } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); return(enabled); }