Beispiel #1
        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Logged In", (int)UserActionEnum.LoggedIn);

            //declare the collection of users
            UserStore <IdentityUser> userStore = new UserStore <IdentityUser>();

            //declare the user manager
            UserManager <IdentityUser> manager = new UserManager <IdentityUser>(userStore);

            //try to find the user
            IdentityUser user = manager.Find(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);

            if (user == null)
                lblMessage.Text = "Username or Password is incorrect";
                //authenticate user
                var authenticationManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
                var userIdentity          = manager.CreateIdentity(user, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);

                Session["UserId"] = user.Id;
Beispiel #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Contact Us", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);

            // Dynamically change contact and hours fields
            Contact data = db.Contacts.Where(u => u.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();

            // Mobile Hours
            hours3.InnerHtml = "<p><b>Monday: </b>" + data.Monday + "</p>"
                               + "\n<p><b>Tuesday: </b>" + data.Tuesday + "</p>\n<p><b>Wednesday: </b>" + data.Wednesday + "</p>"
                               + "\n<p><b>Thursday: </b>" + data.Thursday + "</p>\n<p><b>Friday: </b>" + data.Friday + "</p>"
                               + "\n<p><b>Saturday: </b>" + data.Saturday + "</p>\n<p><b>Sunday: </b>" + data.Sunday + "</p>";

            // Set tooltips
            tt1.Title = data.Sunday;
            tt2.Title = data.Monday;
            tt3.Title = data.Tuesday;
            tt4.Title = data.Wednesday;
            tt5.Title = data.Thursday;
            tt6.Title = data.Friday;
            tt7.Title = data.Saturday;

            // Contact info
            contact3.InnerHtml = "<h3 style='font-weight: 400;'>" + data.Company + "</h3>\n"
                                 + "<h5>" + data.Address + "</h5>\n<h5 class='call'><b>Telephone: </b>"
                                 + "<a href='tel:" + data.Telephone + "'>" + data.Telephone + "</a></h5>\n"
                                 + "<h5 class='callOff'><b>Telephone: </b>" + data.Telephone + "</h5>\n"
                                 + "<h5><b>Fax: </b>" + data.Fax + "</h5>\n"
                                 + "<h5><b>Email: </b><a href='mailto:" + data.Email + "' class='mail'>" + data.Email + "</a></h5>";
Beispiel #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Dashboard", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);
            if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && Session["UserId"] != null)
                if (!Page.User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
                    pnlUserManager.Visible      = false;
                    pnlSlideShowManager.Visible = false;
                    pnlFeedbackManager.Visible  = false;
                    pnlActivityTracker.Visible  = false;
                    pnlFitBitMonitor.Visible    = false;
                    pnlProgramsManager.Visible  = false;

                // Grab current user Id
                string userId = Session["UserId"].ToString();

                // Query the db and grab the data using the Id
                HPSUser user = db.HPSUsers.Where(u => u.UserId == userId).SingleOrDefault();

                // Display first name in the dashboard h1 tag
                welcome.InnerText = "Welcome " + user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName + "!";
        private static void CloseScope(HttpContextBase context)
            var scope = context?.Items[ITEM_KEY] as ActivityScope;

            if (scope == null)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scope.ParentId))
                context.Response.AddHeader(CorrelationIdHttpHeader, scope.Id);

            var parentId = scope.ParentId;

            context.Response.AddHeader(CorrelationIdHttpHeader, scope.Id);

            var parent = ActivityTracker.Find(parentId);

            if (parent == null)

            context.Response.AddHeader(CorrelationParentIdHttpHeader, scope.ParentId);
Beispiel #5
        public void TestAverage()
            var clock = new MemoryClock();

            var activityTracker = new ActivityTracker <MyCounters>(clock, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            var collection      = new CounterCollection <MyCounters>();

            // Initial rates are (total: 0, ratePerSecond: 0)
            Dictionary <MyCounters, (long total, double ratePerSecond)> rates = activityTracker.GetRates();

            rates[MyCounters.Value1].Should().Be((0, 0));
            rates[MyCounters.Value2].Should().Be((0, 0));

            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value1, 1);
            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value2, 2);

            rates = activityTracker.GetRates();

            // Totals should be changed, but the rates are still 0. We don't have enough data.
            rates[MyCounters.Value1].Should().Be((1, 0));
            rates[MyCounters.Value2].Should().Be((2, 0));

            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value1, 1);
            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value2, 2);

            rates = activityTracker.GetRates();
            rates[MyCounters.Value1].Should().Be((2, 1));
            rates[MyCounters.Value2].Should().Be((4, 2));

            // Moving the time to the end of the window
            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value1, 2);
            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value2, 4);

            rates = activityTracker.GetRates();
            rates[MyCounters.Value1].Should().Be((4, 0.3));
            rates[MyCounters.Value2].Should().Be((8, 0.6));

            // Move even further, should have only one record in the window.
            rates = activityTracker.GetRates();
            rates[MyCounters.Value1].Should().Be((4, 0));
            rates[MyCounters.Value2].Should().Be((8, 0));

            clock.AddSeconds(2); // 5 seconds since the last snapshot
            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value1, 5);
            collection.AddToCounter(MyCounters.Value2, 10);

            rates = activityTracker.GetRates();
            rates[MyCounters.Value1].Should().Be((9, 1));
            rates[MyCounters.Value2].Should().Be((18, 2));
        public void Test_AreTitlesNearlyEqual_Email()
            string common;
            string a = "Inbox - [email protected] (2* messages) - Postbox";
            string b = "Inbox - [email protected] (** messages) - Postbox";

            Assert.AreEqual(true, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual(a, b, 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual(b, common);
Beispiel #7
        // Update Contact & Hours Information
        protected void btnSaveAdminSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Administrator Settings Changed", (int)UserActionEnum.Updated);

            // Clear error label
            lblAdminSettingsErrors.Text = "";

            // Load Administrator Settings Modal Data To Update it
            Contact info = db.Contacts.Find(1);

            // Contact Information
            info.Address   = txtAddress.Text;
            info.Company   = txtCompany.Text;
            info.Email     = txtEmail.Text;
            info.Fax       = txtFax.Text;
            info.Telephone = txtTelephone.Text;

            // Office Hours
            info.Monday    = txtMonday.Text;
            info.Tuesday   = txtTuesday.Text;
            info.Wednesday = txtWednesday.Text;
            info.Thursday  = txtThursday.Text;
            info.Friday    = txtFriday.Text;
            info.Saturday  = txtSaturday.Text;
            info.Sunday    = txtSunday.Text;

            // Banner Message
            info.BannerMessage = txtBanner.Text;
            info.BannerColor   = colorPicker.Attributes["value"];

                // Change the entry state
                db.Entry(info).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                // Save to DB

                // Create a notification for the database
                string[] role = { "Everyone" };
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Information Updated", "Contact Info and Hours Changed", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                // To add new info to page
            catch (DataException dx)
                // Display error to user and log it.
                lblAdminSettingsErrors.Text = "The changes you made failed to save, please try again.\nIf the problem persists contact the administrator.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnSaveAdminSettings_Click", dx, "Admin Settings Information change failed to save in db", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblAdminSettingsErrors.Text = "The changes you made failed to save, please try again.\nIf the problem persists contact the administrator.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnSaveAdminSettings_Click", ex, "Admin Settings Information failed to update", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Beispiel #8
 public MiBand(DeviceInformation Device)
     activityTracker = new ActivityTracker();
     Authenticated   = false;
     ready           = false;
     Debug.WriteLine("[miband] objeto creado");
     this.device = Device;
     //bleDevice = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync(device.Id);
     //bleDevice.ConnectionStatus == BluetoothConnectionStatus.Connected;
        public WebServiceActivity(WebServiceActivityConfig config, 
            ActivityTracker tracker,
            IEnumerable<IWebServiceExtender> extenders)
            _config = config;
            _tracker = tracker;
            _extenders = extenders;

            _config.BaseUrl = _config.BaseUrl.TrimEnd('/');
            _config.BaseUrl += "/";
Beispiel #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Home", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);

            if (Session["login"] != null)
                // Open the login modal
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "loginModal", "$('#mdlLogin').modal('show');", true);
                Session["login"] = null;
Beispiel #11
        protected void btnContactSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Sent Contact Email", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);

            // Create an info object to dynamically set email address
            Contact info = db.Contacts.Find(1);

            using (MailMessage mm =
                       new MailMessage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Email"], info.Email))
                mm.Subject    = txtContactSubject.Text;
                mm.Body       = "Reply Address: " + txtContactEmail.Text + "\n\n" + tarContactMessage.InnerText;
                mm.IsBodyHtml = false;
                SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
                smtp.Host      = "";
                smtp.EnableSsl = true;

                NetworkCredential NetworkCred =
                    new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Email"],

                smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                smtp.Credentials           = NetworkCred;
                smtp.Port = 587;

                    // Clear error label
                    lblContactFormErrors.Text = "";

                    // try sending email

                    // Create a notification for the database
                    string[] role = { "Administrator" };
                    NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Contact Email Sent", "Subject: " + txtContactSubject.Text, DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                    // Alert user of success
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alert", "alert('Your email has been successfully sent. We will get back to you as soon as possible.');", true);
                catch (SmtpException se)
                    lblContactFormErrors.Text += "Email failed to send try again. You may have reached your daily limit. "
                                                 + "If the problem persists contact your administrator.";

                    LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnContactSend_Click", se, "Contact email failed to send.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblContactFormErrors.Text += " An error occured try again. If the problem persists contact your administrator.<br>";
                    LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnContactSend_Click", ex, "Error caused Contact email to fail.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Beispiel #12
        public void Simple()
            ServiceStack.Redis.RedisClient cli = new ServiceStack.Redis.RedisClient();
            var c1   = cli.As <UserLight>();
            var set1 = c1.Sets["set1"];

            //set1.Add(new UserLight() { Id = DateTime.Now.Ticks, UserName = "******", LastSeen = DateTime.Now });

            var s = "activity-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-hh-mm-ss");

            var users = ActivityTracker.GetActiveUsers();
Beispiel #13
 // GET: Home
 public ActionResult Index()
     if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
         var activeUsers = ActivityTracker.GetActiveUsers();
         return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
Beispiel #14
        protected void btnMinutes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Viewed the Minutes Fitbit Data", (int)UserActionEnum.Clicked);
            // Get button that was clicked
            HtmlButton edit = (HtmlButton)sender;

            // Get id from button
            int dayCount = Convert.ToInt32(edit.Attributes["data-id"]);

            // Morph graph to appropriate day count
            DrawChart(this.Page, dayCount, "Minutes");
Beispiel #15
        public UiViewsModule(ActivityTracker tracker)
            : base(BaseUrl)
            _tracker                       = tracker;
            Get["/"]                       = _ => View["views/status.sshtml"];
            Get["/status"]                 = _ => View["views/status.sshtml"];
            Get["/activity"]               = _ => View["views/activity.sshtml"];
            Get["/gallery"]                = _ => View["views/gallery.sshtml"];
            Get["/configure"]              = _ => View["views/configure.sshtml"];
            Get["/about"]                  = _ => View["views/about.sshtml"];
            Get["/tools/diagnostics"]      = _ => View["views/diagnostics.sshtml"];
            Get["/tools/sendnotification"] = _ =>
                var siteInfo = _tracker.StartEvent;

                var config = Container.Resolve <WebServiceActivityConfig>();

                var notification = new NotificationEvent
                    AgentId                = siteInfo.AgentId,
                    CheckId                = "CheckId",
                    CriticalFailure        = false,
                    CriticalFailureDetails = null,
                    Data           = "JSON Serialised copy of this...",
                    MinuteBucket   = AnalyticsBaseline.MinuteBucket,
                    HourBucket     = AnalyticsBaseline.HourBucket,
                    DayBucket      = AnalyticsBaseline.DayBucket,
                    DisplayUnit    = "",
                    EventType      = "",
                    GeneratedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Latitude       = "",
                    Longitude      = "",
                    Message        = "Message",
                    Properties     = new Properties {
                        { "SomeProperty", "SomeValue" }
                    Result      = false,
                    ResultCount = 0,
                    SiteId      = siteInfo.SiteId,
                    State       = MessageStateTypes.NotSet,
                    Tags        = new List <string> {
                    Version = Guid.Empty
                var keys = config.ApiKeys != null?config.ApiKeys.ToArray() : new string[0];

                var model = new SendNotificationModel(notification, keys);
                return(View["views/sendnotification.sshtml", model]);
Beispiel #16
        public static void DownloadFile(int id)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Downloaded a File", (int)UserActionEnum.Downloaded);
            // Get the file from the database
            var file = db.HPSFiles.Select(s => s)
                       .Where(f => f.Id == id)

            // Turn data into byte array
            fileToBeDownloaded = file.FileData;
            fileContentType    = file.FileContentType;
            fileName           = file.FileName;
Beispiel #17
        protected void btnUploadData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Added Their Fitbit Data to the DB", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);
            // Upload fitbit data

            // Repopulate goals

            // Redraw the initial chart
            DrawChart(this.Page, 7, "Steps");
        public void VerifyConsecutiveActivitiesAndSingleStatPerActivity()
            var activityTracker = new ActivityTracker();

            AddAction(activityTracker, "jump", 100);
            AddAction(activityTracker, "run", 75);
            AddAction(activityTracker, "jump", 200);
            var jsonStats = activityTracker.GetStats();
            var stats     = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <IEnumerable <ActivityStat> >(jsonStats, jsonOptions);
            //.Single will throw an exception if there is more than one
            var jumpStat = stats.Single(s => s.Action == "jump");
            var runStat  = stats.Single(s => s.Action == "run");

            Assert.Equal(150, jumpStat.Avg);
            Assert.Equal(75, runStat.Avg);
Beispiel #19
        public UiViewsModule(ActivityTracker tracker)
            : base(BaseUrl)
            _tracker = tracker;
            Get["/"] = _ => View["views/status.sshtml"];
            Get["/status"] = _ => View["views/status.sshtml"];
            Get["/activity"] = _ => View["views/activity.sshtml"];
            Get["/gallery"] = _ => View["views/gallery.sshtml"];
            Get["/configure"] = _ => View["views/configure.sshtml"];
            Get["/about"] = _ => View["views/about.sshtml"];
            Get["/tools/diagnostics"] = _ => View["views/diagnostics.sshtml"];
            Get["/tools/sendnotification"] = _ =>
                var siteInfo = _tracker.StartEvent;

                var config = Container.Resolve<WebServiceActivityConfig>();

                var notification = new NotificationEvent
                    AgentId = siteInfo.AgentId,
                    CheckId = "CheckId",
                    CriticalFailure = false,
                    CriticalFailureDetails = null,
                    Data = "JSON Serialised copy of this...",
                    MinuteBucket = AnalyticsBaseline.MinuteBucket,
                    HourBucket = AnalyticsBaseline.HourBucket,
                    DayBucket = AnalyticsBaseline.DayBucket,
                    DisplayUnit = "",
                    EventType = "",
                    GeneratedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Latitude = "",
                    Longitude = "",
                    Message = "Message",
                    Properties = new Properties { {"SomeProperty", "SomeValue"} },
                    Result = false,
                    ResultCount = 0,
                    SiteId = siteInfo.SiteId,
                    State = MessageStateTypes.NotSet,
                    Tags = new List<string> {"SomeTag"},
                    Version = Guid.Empty
                var keys = config.ApiKeys != null ? config.ApiKeys.ToArray() : new string[0];
                var model = new SendNotificationModel(notification, keys);
                return View["views/sendnotification.sshtml", model];
Beispiel #20
        protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Uploaded a File", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);
            UploadFile.Upload(NewFile, ddlUploadFileFolder, lblCRUDMessage);

            // Repopulate the notifications table
            Table  table  = (Table)Master.FindControl("tblNotifications");
            string userId = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();

            TableBuilder.BuildNotificationTable(userId, table);

            // Rebuild folders

            // Rebuild modals to go with folders for CRUD
Beispiel #21
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("User Manager", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);

            if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && Session["UserId"] != null && Page.User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
                // Get the user id thats currently logged in
                userId = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();
                user   = db.HPSUsers.Select(u => u)
                         .Where(uid => uid.UserId == userId)
        public void VerifyAddActionReturnsErrorWithInvalidData()
            var activityTracker        = new ActivityTracker();
            var nullResult             = activityTracker.AddAction(null);
            var emptyResult            = activityTracker.AddAction("");
            var invalidJsonResult      = activityTracker.AddAction("action is jump and time is 100");
            var unexpectedJsonResult   = activityTracker.AddAction(@"""action"": ""jump"", ""timeToComplete"": 100");
            var negativeTimeJsonResult = activityTracker.AddAction(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Activity()
                Action = "jump", Time = -50

Beispiel #23
        protected void btnRemoveAllGoals_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Removed ALL Their Fitbit Goals", (int)UserActionEnum.Deleted);
            // Get userId from session
            string userId = Session["UserId"].ToString();

                // Remove all related goal records
                db.MinuteGoals.RemoveRange(db.MinuteGoals.Where(c => c.UserId == userId));
                db.DistanceGoals.RemoveRange(db.DistanceGoals.Where(c => c.UserId == userId));
                db.StepGoals.RemoveRange(db.StepGoals.Where(c => c.UserId == userId));

                // Show message to user
                lblCRUDMessage.Text     = "All goals have been removed.";
                lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = "text-success";
            catch (DataException dx)
                lblCRUDMessage.Text     = "Unable to remove Goals at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = "text-danger";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("FitBitManager.aspx.cs", "btnRemoveAllGoals_Click", dx, User.Identity.Name + " tried to remove all of their Goals.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblCRUDMessage.Text     = "Unable to remove Goals at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = "text-danger";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("FitBitManager.aspx.cs", "btnRemoveAllGoals_Click", ex, User.Identity.Name + " tried to remove all of their Goals.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");

            // Reload step, minutes, and distance data

            // Redraw the initial graph
            DrawChart(this.Page, 7, "Steps");

            // Build tables for viewing all goals
            TableBuilder.BuildStepGoalsTable(tblStepGoals, userId);
            TableBuilder.BuildDistanceGoalsTable(tblDistanceGoals, userId);
            TableBuilder.BuildMinuteGoalsTable(tblMinuteGoals, userId);
Beispiel #24
        public static void DeleteMinuteGoal(int id)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Deleted a Minutes Goal", (int)UserActionEnum.Deleted);
            // Get the user id thats currently logged in
            string userId = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();
            var    user   = db.HPSUsers.Select(u => u)
                            .Where(uid => uid.UserId == userId)

                // Get the distance goal to be deleted
                MinuteGoal minuteGoal = db.MinuteGoals.Find(id);

                // Save changes

                // Set the notification
                notificationMessage = "Minute Goal was successfully deleted.";
                notificationStyle   = "text-success";
                notification        = true;
            catch (DataException dx)
                // Set the notification
                notificationMessage = "Minute Goal could not be deleted at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                notificationStyle   = "text-danger";
                notification        = true;

                // Write error to log file Log File Writer
                LogFile.WriteToFile("FitBitManager.aspx.cs", "DeleteMinuteGoal", dx, user.AspNetUser.UserName + " tried to delete a Minute Goal.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Set the notification
                notificationMessage = "Minute Goal could not be deleted at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                notificationStyle   = "text-danger";
                notification        = true;

                // Write error to log file Log File Writer
                LogFile.WriteToFile("FitBitManager.aspx.cs", "DeleteMinuteGoal", ex, user.AspNetUser.UserName + " tried to delete a Minute Goal.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
        public void Test_AreTitlesNearlyEqual()
            string common;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual("Inbox (58) out", "Inbox (58) out", 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual("Inbox (58) out", common);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual("aaaaa", "aaa", 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual("aaa**", common);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual("Inbox (58) out", "Inbox (89) out", 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual("Inbox (**) out", common);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual("Inbox (58) out", "Inbox (893) out", 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual("Inbox (***) out", common);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual("Inbox (583) out", "Inbox (89) out", 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual("Inbox (***) out", common);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual("Inbox (5832) out", "Inbox (89) out", 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual("", common);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ActivityTracker.AreTitlesNearlyEqual("Inbox (*) out", "Inbox (89) out", 3, out common));
            Assert.AreEqual("Inbox (**) out", common);
        public void VerifyParallelActivitiesAndSingleStatPerActivity()
            var activityTracker = new ActivityTracker();
            var actions         = new List <Activity>()
                new Activity()
                    Action = "jump", Time = 100
                new Activity()
                    Action = "run", Time = 75
                new Activity()
                    Action = "jump", Time = 200
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            //adapted from
            foreach (var action in actions)
                Task t = Task.Run(() =>
                    //serializes to camelCase by default

            var jsonStats = activityTracker.GetStats();
            var stats     = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <IEnumerable <ActivityStat> >(jsonStats, jsonOptions);
            //.Single will throw exception if there is more than one
            var jumpStat = stats.Single(s => s.Action == "jump");
            var runStat  = stats.Single(s => s.Action == "run");

            Assert.Equal(150, jumpStat.Avg);
            Assert.Equal(75, runStat.Avg);
Beispiel #27
        protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Searched For User", (int)UserActionEnum.Clicked);
            db = new HPSDB();

            // Get the creation dates
            DateTime startDate = (txtSearchStartDate.Text != String.Empty) ? Convert.ToDateTime(txtSearchStartDate.Text) : DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime endDate   = (txtSearchStartDate.Text != String.Empty) ? Convert.ToDateTime(txtSearchEndDate.Text) : DateTime.MaxValue;

            // Get the normal textboxes
            string firstName = (txtSearchFirstName.Text != String.Empty) ? txtSearchFirstName.Text : String.Empty;
            string lastName  = (txtSearchLastName.Text != String.Empty) ? txtSearchLastName.Text : String.Empty;
            string email     = (txtSearchEmail.Text != String.Empty) ? txtSearchEmail.Text : String.Empty;
            string username  = (txtSearchUserName.Text != String.Empty) ? txtSearchUserName.Text : String.Empty;
            string role      = (ddlSearchUserRole.SelectedValue != "-1") ? ddlSearchUserRole.SelectedValue : String.Empty;

            // Search based on criteria
            var users = db.HPSUsers
                        .Where(f => f.FirstName.Contains(firstName))
                        .Where(l => l.LastName.Contains(lastName))
                        .Where(em => em.AspNetUser.Email.Contains(email))
                        .Where(u => u.AspNetUser.UserName.Contains(username))
                        .Where(s => s.CreatedOn >= startDate && s.CreatedOn <= endDate)
                        .Where(a => a.RoleName.Contains(role))

            if (users.Any())
                // Build the results table
                TableBuilder.BuildUsersTable(tblUsers, users, false);
                lblNoResults.Visible = true;
                lblNoResults.Text    = "No results found.";

            // Show the panel
            pnlSearchResults.Visible = true;
Beispiel #28
        public NotificationModule(IWebServiceReceiverStrategy receiverStrategy,
                                  ActivityTracker tracker)
            : base(BaseUrl)
            _tracker          = tracker;
            _receiverStrategy = receiverStrategy;

            Post["/notify"] = request =>
                var message = this.Bind <NotificationEvent>();
                message.GeneratedOnUtc = message.GeneratedOnUtc.ToUniversalTime();
                message.State          = MessageStateTypes.Delivered;
                message.ReceivedOnUtc  = DateTime.UtcNow;

                Logger.Info("Received Notification ({0}) {1}", message.EventType, message.Id);

                return(Response.AsJson(new { Message = "Success" }, HttpStatusCode.Accepted));

            Get["/artifact/{NotificationId}"] = _ =>
                var restRequest = this.Bind <HealthCheckArtifact>();
                var artifact    = ArtifactManager.Get(restRequest.Name, restRequest.NotificationId);
                var response    = Response.FromStream(artifact, restRequest.ContentType);
                response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename=wolfpack-{0}.txt", restRequest.NotificationId));

            Get["/start"] = _ => Response.AsJson(new StatusResponse
                Info   = _tracker.StartEvent,
                Status = "Running"

            Get["/list"] = _ => Response.AsJson(_tracker.Notifications.ToList());
Beispiel #29
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Programs", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);

            // Build the first visible carousel
            if (!IsPostBack)
                CarouselBuilder.BuildCarousel(plCollectiveKitchen, (int)SlideShowEnums.CollectiveKitchen, "CollectiveKitchenCarousel");

        public NotificationModule(IWebServiceReceiverStrategy receiverStrategy,
            ActivityTracker tracker)
            : base(BaseUrl)
            _tracker = tracker;
            _receiverStrategy = receiverStrategy;

            Post["/notify"] = request =>
                var message = this.Bind<NotificationEvent>();
                message.GeneratedOnUtc = message.GeneratedOnUtc.ToUniversalTime();
                message.State = MessageStateTypes.Delivered;
                message.ReceivedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                Logger.Info("Received Notification ({0}) {1}", message.EventType, message.Id);

                return Response.AsJson(new { Message = "Success" }, HttpStatusCode.Accepted);

            Get["/artifact/{NotificationId}"] = _ =>
                var restRequest = this.Bind<HealthCheckArtifact>();
                var artifact = ArtifactManager.Get(restRequest.Name, restRequest.NotificationId);
                var response = Response.FromStream(artifact, restRequest.ContentType);
                response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename=wolfpack-{0}.txt", restRequest.NotificationId));
                return response;

            Get["/start"] = _ => Response.AsJson(new StatusResponse
                Info = _tracker.StartEvent,
                Status = "Running"

            Get["/list"] = _ => Response.AsJson(_tracker.Notifications.ToList());
 static ActivityTrackerError AddAction(ActivityTracker tracker, string action, int timeInSeconds)
     return(tracker.AddAction($@"{{""action"": ""{action}"", ""time"": {timeInSeconds} }}"));
Beispiel #32
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ActivityTracker.Track("About Us", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);
Beispiel #33
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ActivityTracker.Track("Education And Research", (int)UserActionEnum.Navigated);