Beispiel #1
        // Retrieve the time of the activity. The value may be container in the short description.
        // If this information is not availlable, an exception wil be thrown.
        public static TimeSpan extractActivityTime(ActivityShort activity)
            string description = activity.StatShortString;
            string hString     = "0";
            string mString     = "0";
            string sString     = "0";
            var    match       = Regex.Match(description, "([0-9]{1,2})h ([0-9]{1,2})m ([0-9]{1,2})s");

            if (match.Success)
                hString = match.Groups[1].Value;
                mString = match.Groups[2].Value;
                sString = match.Groups[3].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(description, "([0-9]{1,2})h ([0-9]{1,2})m");
                if (match.Success)
                    hString = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    mString = match.Groups[2].Value;
                    match = Regex.Match(description, "([0-9]{1,2})m ([0-9]{1,2})s");
                    if (match.Success)
                        mString = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        sString = match.Groups[2].Value;
                        match = Regex.Match(description, "([0-9]{1,2})s");
                        if (match.Success)
                            sString = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            // no time information availlable
                            throw new TimeSpanNotFoundException(description);
            TimeSpan ret = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(hString), int.Parse(mString), int.Parse(sString));

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract all points from the gpx file and fill an XElement which could be integrate in the kml file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activity"></param>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="kml"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XElement readGpx(ActivityShort activity, Stream stream, XNamespace kml)
            XDocument gpxDoc = XDocument.Load(stream);

            XNamespace    ns        = "{}";
            var           gpxElt    = gpxDoc.Root;
            var           trkptElts = gpxElt.Element($"{ns}trk").Element($"{ns}trkseg").Elements();
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (XElement element in trkptElts)
                // Console.WriteLine($" {element}");
                var lat = element.Attribute("lat").Value;
                var lon = element.Attribute("lon").Value;
                var ele = element.Element($"{ns}ele").Value;
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(" ");

            var kmlGpxDocument = new XElement(kml + "Document"
                                              , new XElement(kml + "name", activity.ActivityTitle)
                                              , new XElement(kml + "Style", new XAttribute("id", "lineStyle")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "LineStyle",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "color", "80ffac59"),
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "width", "6")
                                              , new XElement(kml + "Placemark"
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "name", "Path")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "visibility", "0")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "styleUrl", "#lineStyle")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "LineString",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "tessellate", "1"),
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "coordinates", sb.ToString())

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a gpx file in kml.
        /// Estimate the timestamp of each point, depending on the activity start and its duration.
        /// This make the timeline navigation in Google-Earth possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activity"></param>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="kml"></param>
        /// <param name="gx"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>//
        public static XElement convertToKmlWithTime(ActivityShort activity, Stream stream, XNamespace kml, XNamespace gx)
            XDocument gpxDoc = XDocument.Load(stream);

            XNamespace ns        = "{}";
            var        gpxElt    = gpxDoc.Root;
            var        trkptElts = gpxElt.Element($"{ns}trk").Element($"{ns}trkseg").Elements();

            List <XElement> whenList  = new List <XElement>();
            List <XElement> coordList = new List <XElement>();

            // start time of the activity
            var startTime = activity.ActivityDate;
            // end time of the activity
            var activityTime = Utils.extractActivityTime(activity);
            var endTime      = activity.ActivityDate.Add(activityTime);

            int pointCount = trkptElts.Count();
            // double deltaTimeMs = (activityTime.Milliseconds);
            int currentPointIndex = 1;

            foreach (XElement element in trkptElts)
                // Console.WriteLine($" {element}");
                var lat = element.Attribute("lat").Value;
                var lon = element.Attribute("lon").Value;
                var ele = element.Element($"{ns}ele").Value;

                // 2020-02-09T11:45:03Z
                var      whenPoint = startTime.AddSeconds(((double)activityTime.TotalSeconds) * ((double)currentPointIndex / (double)pointCount));
                XElement whendElt  = new XElement(kml + "when", whenPoint.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"));

                XElement coordElt = new XElement(gx + "coord", $"{lon} {lat} {ele}");

            var kmlGpxDocument = new XElement(kml + "Document"
                                              , new XElement(kml + "name", activity.ActivityTitle)
                                              , new XElement(kml + "Style", new XAttribute("id", "multiTrack_h")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "IconStyle",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "scale", "1.2"),
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "Icon",
                                                                                         new XElement(kml + "href", "")))
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "LineStyle",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "color", "99ffac59"),
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "width", "8")
                                              , new XElement(kml + "StyleMap", new XAttribute("id", "multiTrack")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "Pair",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "key", "normal"),
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "styleUrl", "#multiTrack_n")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "Pair",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "key", "highlight"),
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "styleUrl", "#multiTrack_h")
                                              , new XElement(kml + "Style", new XAttribute("id", "multiTrack_n")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "IconStyle",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "Icon",
                                                                                         new XElement(kml + "href", "")))
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "LineStyle",
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "color", "99ffac59"),
                                                                            new XElement(kml + "width", "6")
                                              , new XElement(kml + "Placemark"
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "name", activity.ActivityTitle)
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "visibility", "0")
                                                             , new XElement(kml + "styleUrl", "#multiTrack")
                                                             , new XElement(gx + "Track",

Beispiel #4
        private static XElement handleGpxStream(Stream stream, ExportType exportType, ActivityShort activity)
            XElement GpxToKmlElt;

            switch (exportType)
            case ExportType.HeatMap:
                // for heatmap without time.
                GpxToKmlElt = readGpx(activity, stream, kml);

            case ExportType.TimeMap:
                // for heatmap with time.
                GpxToKmlElt = convertToKmlWithTime(activity, stream, kml, gx);

                throw new System.InvalidOperationException($"Export type not supported {exportType}");
        static internal int ReadActivitiesForAthlete(StravaXApi stravaXApi, string[] args)
            int ret = -1;

            Console.WriteLine("Read athlete activities with Strava-X-API.");

            String AthleteId = null;
            var    p         = new OptionSet()
                { "a|athleteid=", v => { AthleteId = v; } },

            if (AthleteId == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("missing athlete id");

                List <ActivityShort> ActivitiesList = new List <ActivityShort>();

                DateTime FirstActivityDate = stravaXApi.getActivityRange(AthleteId);
                System.Console.WriteLine($"First activity at {FirstActivityDate.Year}/{FirstActivityDate.Month}");

                int      FromYear  = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FROM_YEAR"));
                int      FromMonth = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FROM_MONTH"));
                int      ToYear    = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TO_YEAR"));
                int      ToMonth   = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TO_MONTH"));
                DateTime now       = DateTime.Now;
                for (int year = FromYear; year <= ToYear; year++)
                    for (int month = 01; month <= 12; month++)
                        if ((year <= FromYear && month < FromMonth) ||  (year >= ToYear && month > ToMonth))
                        List <ActivityShort> ActivitiesMonthList;
                            ActivitiesMonthList = stravaXApi.getActivities(AthleteId, $"{year:D4}", $"{month:D2}");
                        catch (StaleElementReferenceException)
                            // Wait and try again.
                            ActivitiesMonthList = stravaXApi.getActivities(AthleteId, $"{year:D4}", $"{month:D2}");
                        using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext())
                            foreach (ActivityShort ActivityShort in ActivitiesList)
                                if (db.ActivityShortDB.Find(ActivityShort.ActivityId) == null)
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Enterred Activities: {db.ActivityShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.ActivityId).Count()}");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"{ActivityShort.ActivityId} allready in database");
                            Console.WriteLine($"total read = {ActivitiesList.Count}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"total stored = {db.ActivityShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.ActivityId).Count()}");
                ret = 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                ret = 1;
Beispiel #6
        private List <ActivityShort> _getActivities(String AthleteId, String Year, String Month)
            String url = $"{AthleteId}#interval_type?chart_type=miles&interval_type=month&interval={Year}{Month}&year_offset=0";

            logger.LogInformation($"open {url}");
            DateTime CrawlDate = DateTime.Now;
            // Should wait for element.
            // Thread.Sleep(2000);
            IWait <IWebDriver> wait = new OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI.WebDriverWait(BrowserDriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.00));

            wait.Until(driver1 => ((IJavaScriptExecutor)BrowserDriver).ExecuteScript("return document.readyState").Equals("complete"));

            if (ScreenshotsMonthActivities)
                if (!Directory.Exists("./screenshots"))
                    DirectoryInfo DirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory("./screenshots");
                    logger.LogInformation($"directory for screenshots created at {DirInfo.FullName}");
                if (!Directory.Exists($"./screenshots/{AthleteId}"))
                    DirectoryInfo DirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory($"./screenshots/{AthleteId}");

            // Find all activity icons in thos page
            var Elts = BrowserDriver.FindElements(By.XPath("//div[@class='entry-type-icon']"));

            logger.LogDebug($"Elts count={Elts.Count} for {Year}/{Month}");

            List <ActivityShort> ActivitiesList = new List <ActivityShort>();

            foreach (IWebElement Elt in Elts)
                    // locate the div for activity number
                    var ActivityNumberElt = Elt.FindElement(By.XPath("./../../.."));
                    var ActivityId        = ActivityNumberElt.GetAttribute("id");

                    // for activitty with picture we have to search on step higher
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ActivityId))
                        ActivityNumberElt = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath("./.."));
                        ActivityId        = ActivityNumberElt.GetAttribute("id");
                    ActivityId = ActivityId.Substring("Activity-".Length);
                    // activity title
                    var ActivityTitleElt = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath(".//strong/a"));
                    var ActivityTitle    = ActivityTitleElt.Text;

                    // activity thumbnails images
                    var           ActivityImageElts      = ActivityNumberElt.FindElements(By.XPath(".//img[@alt='Photo']"));
                    List <String> ActivityThumbnailsList = new List <String>();
                    foreach (IWebElement ActivityImageElt in ActivityImageElts)
                        string imageUrl = ActivityImageElt.GetAttribute("src");
                        logger.LogDebug($"Activity {ActivityId} url {imageUrl}");
                        if (DownloadThumbnailsActivities)
                            System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
                            string[]             pathElts  = imageUrl.Split('/');
                            string localFileName           = $"./screenshots/{AthleteId}_{Year}_{Month}_{ActivityId}_{pathElts[pathElts.Length-1]}.png";
                            webClient.DownloadFile(imageUrl, localFileName);

                    // activity big images
                    var           ActivityBigImageElts = ActivityNumberElt.FindElements(By.XPath(".//li[@str-type='photo']"));
                    List <String> ActivityImagesList   = new List <String>();
                    foreach (IWebElement ActivityImageElt in ActivityBigImageElts)
                        string imageUrl = ActivityImageElt.GetAttribute("str-target-url");
                        logger.LogDebug($"Activity {ActivityId} url {imageUrl}");
                        if (DownloadImagesActivities)
                            System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
                            string[]             pathElts  = imageUrl.Split('/');
                            string localFileName           = $"./screenshots/{AthleteId}_{Year}_{Month}_{ActivityId}_{pathElts[pathElts.Length-1]}.png";
                            webClient.DownloadFile(imageUrl, localFileName);

                    // Locate activity time information
                    string        ActivityTimeString = "";
                    IWebElement   ActivityTimeElt;
                    string        AthleteIdInGroup  = AthleteId;
                    List <String> GroupActivityList = new List <String>();
                    List <String> GroupAthleteList  = new List <String>();
                        if (ActivityNumberElt.TagName == "li")
                            // because of group activities I need to go to parents higher.
                            ActivityTimeElt = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath("./../..//time[@class='timestamp']"));
                            // find out which Athlete Id
                            var AthleteIdInGroupElt = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath(".//a[contains(@href,'/athletes/')]"));
                            AthleteIdInGroup = AthleteIdInGroupElt.GetAttribute("href");
                            AthleteIdInGroup = AthleteIdInGroup.Substring(AthleteIdInGroup.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
                            logger.LogDebug($"Groupped activity : Activity {ActivityId} Athlete {AthleteIdInGroup}");

                            // for group activities we are creating groups
                            var GroupActivityElts = ActivityNumberElt.FindElements(By.XPath("./../../..//li[@class='entity-details feed-entry']"));
                            foreach (IWebElement GroupActivityElt in GroupActivityElts)
                                string GroupActivityString = GroupActivityElt.GetAttribute("id");
                                GroupActivityString = GroupActivityString.Substring("Activity-".Length);
                                if (ActivityId != GroupActivityString)
                                    // in ActivitysGroupElts we have both the original activity and the other activities in the group. We need to filter
                                    // also retrieve the athlete id for the activity
                                    string GroupAthleteUrl = GroupActivityElt.FindElement(By.XPath(".//a[@class='avatar-content']")).GetAttribute("href");
                                    string GroupAthleteId  = GroupAthleteUrl.Substring(GroupAthleteUrl.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                                    logger.LogDebug($"Group {ActivityId} with {GroupActivityString} from {GroupAthleteId}");
                            ActivityTimeElt = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath(".//time[@class='timestamp']"));
                        ActivityTimeString = ActivityTimeElt.GetAttribute("datetime");
                    catch (WebDriverException e) {
                        throw new NotFoundException($"can't read activity time {ActivityId} at {url} Err:{e.Message}", e);

                    string ActivityImageMapUrl;
                        IWebElement ImageWithMapElt;
                        if (ActivityNumberElt.TagName == "li")
                            // Image with map for activities with group
                            ImageWithMapElt = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath("./../../div/a/div[contains(@str-type,'map')]/img"));
                            // Image with map for activities without group
                            ImageWithMapElt = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath(".//a[contains(@str-type,'map')]/img"));
                        ActivityImageMapUrl = ImageWithMapElt.GetAttribute("src");
                    catch (WebDriverException) {
                        // activity map is not always present.
                        ActivityImageMapUrl = null;

                    // get stats short description as text
                    string      ActivityStatShort;
                    IWebElement StatShortElt;
                    StatShortElt      = ActivityNumberElt.FindElement(By.XPath(".//ul[contains(@class,'list-stats')]"));
                    ActivityStatShort = StatShortElt.Text;

                    // Retrieve the activity class, with that it's poosible to know the activity type
                    var          ActivityTypeElt = Elt.FindElement(By.XPath("./span/span"));
                    ActivityType ActivityType    = parseActivityType(ActivityTypeElt.GetAttribute("class"));

                    DateTime ActivityTime = DateTime.Parse(ActivityTimeString.Substring(0, ActivityTimeString.Length - 4));
                    logger.LogInformation($"Id={ActivityId} Text={ActivityTitle} Type={ActivityType} Time={ActivityTime}");
                    var ActivityShort = new ActivityShort();
                    ActivityShort.AthleteId              = AthleteId;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityId             = ActivityId;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityTitle          = ActivityTitle;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityType           = ActivityType;
                    ActivityShort.StatShortString        = ActivityStatShort;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityDate           = ActivityTime;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityLastCrawled    = CrawlDate;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityImageMapUrl    = ActivityImageMapUrl;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityThumbnailsList = ActivityThumbnailsList;
                    ActivityShort.ActivityImagesList     = ActivityImagesList;
                    ActivityShort.GroupActivityList      = GroupActivityList;
                    ActivityShort.GroupAthleteList       = GroupAthleteList;

                catch (Exception e) when(e is WebDriverException || e is NotFoundException)
                    if (e is InvalidElementStateException || e is StaleElementReferenceException)
                        // Page seams to be incorrect loaded. Probably need to wait more.
                        throw e;
                    logger.LogInformation($"Skip Activity at {url} Err:{e.Message}");
Beispiel #7
        static public int WriteState(string[] args)
            var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
                .AddFilter("Microsoft", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning)
                .AddFilter("System", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning)
                .AddFilter("Strava.XApi.Tools.DbStats", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug)
                .AddFilter("StravaXApi", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Information)
                .AddProvider(new CustomLoggerProvider());
            var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <StravaXApi>();

            logger.LogDebug("Log Stats");

            bool   doGarbage        = false;
            bool   doAll            = false;
            bool   doListimages     = false;
            bool   doListMaps       = false;
            bool   doActivityList   = false;
            string AthleteId        = null;
            string ActivityTypeStr  = null;
            bool   doAthleteStats   = false;
            string doRenewMonth     = null;
            bool   doQueryCounts    = false;
            bool   doGpxCounts      = false;
            bool   doActivityCounts = false;
            bool   doAthleteCounts  = false;
            bool   doListAthletes   = false;
            var    p = new OptionSet()
                { "g|garbage", v => { doGarbage = true; } },
                { "a|all", v => { doAll = true; } },
                { "act|listactivities", v => { doActivityList = true; } },
                { "li|listimages", v => { doListimages = true; } },
                { "la|listathletes", v => { doListAthletes = true; } },
                { "lm|listmaps", v => { doListMaps = true; } },
                { "aid|athleteid=", v => { AthleteId = v; } },
                { "at|activity_type=", v => { ActivityTypeStr = v; } },
                { "as|athlete-stats", v => { doAthleteStats = true; } },
                { "m|renew-month=", v => { doRenewMonth = v; } },
                { "cath|count-athletes", v => { doAthleteCounts = true; } },
                { "cq|count-queries", v => { doQueryCounts = true; } },
                { "cgpx|count-gpx", v => { doGpxCounts = true; } },
                { "cact|count-activities", v => { doActivityCounts = true; } },


            int ret = -1;

                using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext())
                    // logger.LogInformation($"Queries stored {db.ActivityQueriesDB.Count()}");
                    // logger.LogInformation($"Activities stored {db.ActivityShortDB.Count()}");
                    // var al = db.ActivityShortDB.Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct();
                    // logger.LogInformation($"Athletes {al.Count()} from {db.AthleteShortDB.Count()}");

                     * foreach(var aId in al)
                     * {
                     *  AthleteShort ath = db.AthleteShortDB.Find(aId);
                     *  // for format:
                     *  if (ath != null)
                     *  {
                     *      logger.LogInformation($" Activities:{db.ActivityShortDB.Count(a => a.AthleteId==aId),6} for {ath.AthleteId,9} {ath.AthleteName,-40} {ath.AthleteLocation}");
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      logger.LogInformation($" Activities:{db.ActivityShortDB.Count(a => a.AthleteId==aId),6} for {aId,9}");
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * // output for first query
                     * foreach(ActivityRangeQuery arq in db.ActivityQueriesDB)
                     * {
                     *  logger.LogInformation($"{arq}");
                     *  break;
                     * }
                    if (doListAthletes || doAll)
                        foreach (AthleteShort athlete in db.AthleteShortDB)
                            logger.LogInformation($"Athletes {athlete.AthleteName} {athlete.AthleteId}");

                    if (doAthleteCounts || doAll)
                        // output status count for queries
                        var al = db.ActivityShortDB.Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct();
                        logger.LogInformation($"Athletes {al.Count()} from {db.AthleteShortDB.Count()}");

                    if (doQueryCounts || doAll)
                        // output status count for queries
                        var status = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Select(a => a.Status).Distinct();
                        foreach (var st in status)
                            logger.LogInformation($" {st} {db.ActivityQueriesDB.Count(a => a.Status==st)}");
                    if (doGpxCounts || doAll)
                        // Count GPX Files and sort by activity-Types.
                        string rootPath = "gpx";

                        foreach (string athleteEntry in Directory.GetDirectories(rootPath))
                            var    match        = Regex.Match(athleteEntry, ".*[/]([0-9]+)");
                            string AthleteIdStr = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            // logger.LogInformation($" directory for Athlete {AthleteIdStr} found {athleteEntry}");
                            Hashtable errTable   = new Hashtable();
                            Hashtable trackTable = new Hashtable();

                            foreach (string gpxActivity in Directory.EnumerateFiles(athleteEntry, "*.err"))
                                match = Regex.Match(gpxActivity, $".*[/]([0-9]+)_{AthleteIdStr}.gpx.err");
                                string ActivityIdStr = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                errTable.Add(ActivityIdStr, gpxActivity);

                            foreach (string gpxActivity in Directory.EnumerateFiles(athleteEntry, "*.gpx.gz"))
                                match = Regex.Match(gpxActivity, $".*[/]([0-9]+)_{AthleteIdStr}.gpx.gz");
                                string ActivityIdStr = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                if (errTable.ContainsKey(ActivityIdStr))
                                    logger.LogWarning($"Track for {ActivityIdStr} found, be marked as erroneous");
                                if (trackTable.ContainsKey(ActivityIdStr))
                                    logger.LogWarning($"Track for {ActivityIdStr} already enterred {trackTable[ActivityIdStr]} <-> {gpxActivity}");
                                    trackTable.Add(ActivityIdStr, gpxActivity);

                            foreach (string gpxActivity in Directory.EnumerateFiles(athleteEntry, "*.gpx"))
                                match = Regex.Match(gpxActivity, $".*[/]([0-9]+)_{AthleteIdStr}.gpx");
                                string ActivityIdStr = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                if (errTable.ContainsKey(ActivityIdStr))
                                    logger.LogWarning($"Track for {ActivityIdStr} found, be marked as erroneous");
                                if (trackTable.ContainsKey(ActivityIdStr))
                                    logger.LogWarning($"Track for {ActivityIdStr} already enterred {trackTable[ActivityIdStr]} <-> {gpxActivity}");
                                    logger.LogWarning($"Found GPX without compression: track for {ActivityIdStr} already enterred {gpxActivity}");
                                    trackTable.Add(ActivityIdStr, gpxActivity);

                            Hashtable typeCount = new Hashtable();
                            foreach (string activity_id in trackTable.Keys)
                                ActivityShort activity = db.ActivityShortDB.Find(activity_id);
                                if (activity == null)
                                    // logger.LogWarning($"can't find activity for {activity_id}");
                                int tCount = 0;
                                if (typeCount.ContainsKey(activity.ActivityType))
                                    tCount = (int)typeCount[activity.ActivityType];
                                typeCount.Add(activity.ActivityType, tCount);
                            // var al = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a=>a.AthleteId==AthleteIdStr);
                            // int actCount = al.Count();
                            string keys     = string.Join(",", typeCount.Keys.Cast <ActivityType>().Select(x => $"{x.ToString()} {typeCount[x]}").ToArray());
                            int    actCount = 0;
                            logger.LogInformation($"Athlete {AthleteIdStr}, activities found in DB: {actCount} GPX: {trackTable.Keys.Count} ERR: {errTable.Keys.Count} {keys}");
                    if (doRenewMonth != null)
                        // set all DONE queries for the given month to Created
                        var match = Regex.Match(doRenewMonth, "([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})");

                        int year       = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                        int month      = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value);
                        var statusDone = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Done && a.DateFrom == new DateTime(year, month, 01));
                        foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in statusDone.ToList())
                            arq.Status        = QueryStatus.Created;
                            arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now;
                            arq.Message       = $"reset for {year}/{month} from {QueryStatus.Run} to {QueryStatus.Created}";
                            logger.LogInformation($"query for {year}/{month} with {QueryStatus.Done} {arq.AthleteId} {arq.Message}");
                        logger.LogInformation($"begin: save changes");
                        logger.LogInformation($"done: save changes");
                    if (doGarbage)
                            var statusError = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Error);
                            foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in statusError.ToList())
                                logger.LogInformation($"query with {QueryStatus.Error} {arq.AthleteId} {arq.Message}");
                            var statusRun = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Run);
                            foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in statusRun.ToList())
                                arq.Status        = QueryStatus.Created;
                                arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now;
                                arq.Message       = $"garbage-reset from {QueryStatus.Run} to {QueryStatus.Created}";
                                logger.LogInformation($"Reset {arq.AthleteId} {arq.DateFrom} {arq.Message}");
                            var statusReserved = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Reserved);
                            foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in statusReserved.ToList())
                                arq.Status        = QueryStatus.Created;
                                arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now;
                                arq.Message       = $"garbage-reset from {QueryStatus.Reserved} to {QueryStatus.Created}";
                                logger.LogInformation($"Reset {arq.AthleteId} {arq.DateFrom} {arq.Message}");

                    if (doActivityCounts || doAll)
                        // Find out athlete with open queries:
                        var qAthleteCreated = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Created).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct();
                        logger.LogInformation($"{qAthleteCreated.Count()} with {QueryStatus.Created} queries");
                        var qAthleteReserved = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status != QueryStatus.Reserved).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct();
                        logger.LogInformation($"{qAthleteCreated.Count()} without {QueryStatus.Reserved} queries");
                        logger.LogInformation($"{qAthleteCreated.Intersect(qAthleteReserved).Count()} with {QueryStatus.Created} and without {QueryStatus.Reserved} queries");
                        List <string> AthleteIdList = qAthleteCreated.Intersect(qAthleteReserved).Take(10).ToList();
                        logger.LogInformation($"{AthleteIdList.Count()} athletes from this list:");
                        foreach (string aId in AthleteIdList)
                            logger.LogInformation($" AthleteId={aId}");
                        if (AthleteIdList.Count() > 0)
                            // retrieve one random athlete
                            string aid = AthleteIdList.ElementAt(new Random().Next(AthleteIdList.Count));
                            logger.LogInformation($"retrieve activity for athlete {aid}");
                            // 5 first queries for this athlete
                            IList <ActivityRangeQuery> q0 = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == aid && a.Status == QueryStatus.Created).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateFrom).Take(10).ToList();
                            foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in q0)
                                logger.LogInformation($" query={arq}");
                                var ActivitiesInRange = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == arq.AthleteId && ((a.ActivityDate >= arq.DateFrom) && (a.ActivityDate <= arq.DateTo)));
                                logger.LogInformation($"     find {ActivitiesInRange.Count()} activities in it.");

                    if (doAll)
                        // find activities in a QueryRange
                        foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Done).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateFrom).Take(10))
                            var ActivitiesInRange = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == arq.AthleteId && ((a.ActivityDate >= arq.DateFrom) && (a.ActivityDate <= arq.DateTo)));
                            logger.LogInformation($" find {ActivitiesInRange.Count()} in range {arq}");

                    if (doAll)
                        // retrieve queries type for athlete
                        string aId    = "2754335";
                        var    qsList = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == aId).Select(aId => aId.Status).Distinct().ToList();
                        logger.LogInformation($" athl {aId}");
                        foreach (QueryStatus qs in qsList)
                            logger.LogInformation($" query {qs} count {db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId==aId && a.Status==qs).Count()}");
                        // IList<ActivityRangeQuery> q0 = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId==aId && a.Status==QueryStatus.Created).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateFrom).Take(6).ToList();
                    if (doAll)
                        string aId    = "26319532";
                        var    qsList = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == aId).Select(aId => aId.Status).Distinct().ToList();
                        logger.LogInformation($" athl {aId}");
                        foreach (QueryStatus qs in qsList)
                            logger.LogInformation($" query {qs} count {db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId==aId && a.Status==qs).Count()}");
                    if (doAll || doListimages)
                        List <ActivityShort> activitiesWithImages = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.ActivityImagesListAsString.Length > 0 && a.ActivityType == ActivityType.BackcountrySki).ToList();
                        logger.LogInformation($" activity count:{activitiesWithImages.Count()}");
                        int imageCount = 0;
                        foreach (ActivityShort activity in activitiesWithImages)
                            List <string> images = activity.ActivityImagesList;
                            imageCount += images.Count();
                            logger.LogInformation($"activity {activity.ActivityTitle}");
                            foreach (string imageUrl in images)
                                logger.LogInformation($" url:{imageUrl}");
                        logger.LogInformation($" images {imageCount}");
                    if (doAll || doListMaps)
                        List <ActivityShort> activitiesWithImages = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.ActivityImagesListAsString.Length > 0 && a.ActivityType == ActivityType.BackcountrySki).ToList();
                        logger.LogInformation($" activity count:{activitiesWithImages.Count()}");
                        int imageCount = 0;
                        foreach (ActivityShort activity in activitiesWithImages)
                            string ImageMapUrl = activity.ActivityImageMapUrl;
                            if (ImageMapUrl == null)
                            logger.LogInformation($"activity {activity.ActivityTitle} {ImageMapUrl}");
                            WebClient webClient      = new WebClient();
                            string    outputDir      = $"maps/{activity.AthleteId}";
                            string    outputFilename = $"{activity.ActivityId}.png";
                            logger.LogWarning($"NOT IMPLEMENTED");
                        logger.LogInformation($" images {imageCount}/{activitiesWithImages}");

                    if (doAll || doAthleteStats)
                        IList <AthleteShort> AllAthletes = db.AthleteShortDB.ToList();
                        logger.LogInformation($" athletes {AllAthletes.Count()}");
                        logger.LogInformation($" first: [{AllAthletes.First()}] last: [{AllAthletes.Last()}]");
                        int AthleteCount = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct().Count();
                        logger.LogInformation($"athletes in queries {AthleteCount}");
                        int PrivateAthleteCount = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Done && a.Message.Contains("private")).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct().Count();
                        logger.LogInformation($"  private {PrivateAthleteCount}");
                        int CreatedAthleteCount = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Created).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct().Count();
                        logger.LogInformation($"  {QueryStatus.Created} {CreatedAthleteCount}");
                    if (doAll || doActivityList)
                        List <ActivityShort>       activities;
                        IQueryable <ActivityShort> dbs = db.ActivityShortDB.OrderByDescending(b => b.ActivityDate);
                        if (ActivityTypeStr != null)
                            ActivityType ActivityType = (ActivityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActivityType), ActivityTypeStr);
                            dbs = dbs.Where(a => a.ActivityType == ActivityType);
                        if (AthleteId != null)
                            dbs = dbs.Where(a => a.AthleteId == AthleteId);

                        activities = dbs.ToList();
                        logger.LogInformation($"List activities for {(AthleteId==null?"all athletes":AthleteId)}/{(ActivityTypeStr==null?"all types":ActivityTypeStr)} :{activities.Count()}");

                         * if (activities.Count>0 && doActivityList)
                         * {
                         *  foreach(ActivityShort activity in activities)
                         *  {
                         *      logger.LogInformation($" {activity}");
                         *  }
                         * }

                     * {
                     *  // opened queries with activities
                     *  int i=0;
                     *  int nbAthletes=db.AthleteShortDB.Count();
                     *  foreach(AthleteShort athlete in db.AthleteShortDB)
                     *  {
                     *      i++;
                     *      // logger.LogInformation($"retrieve activity for athlete {athlete.AthleteId}");
                     *      // 5 first queries for this athlete
                     *      IList<ActivityRangeQuery> q0 = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId==athlete.AthleteId && a.Status==QueryStatus.Created).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateFrom).Take(5).ToList();
                     *      int activitiesWithCreatedQueriesCount=0;
                     *      foreach(ActivityRangeQuery arq in q0)
                     *      {
                     *          var ActivitiesInRange = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a=>a.AthleteId==arq.AthleteId && ((a.ActivityDate>=arq.DateFrom)&&(a.ActivityDate<=arq.DateTo)));
                     *          activitiesWithCreatedQueriesCount+=ActivitiesInRange.Count();
                     *      }
                     *      if (activitiesWithCreatedQueriesCount>0)
                     *      {
                     *          logger.LogInformation($" athlete {athlete.AthleteId} as {activitiesWithCreatedQueriesCount} activities with created queries queries:{q0.Count()} activites{db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a=>a.AthleteId==athlete.AthleteId).Count()}.");
                     *      }
                     *      if (i%10==0)
                     *      {
                     *          logger.LogInformation($"{i}/{nbAthletes}");
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * // output activity count for activity type
                     * logger.LogInformation($"Activity types Σ :{db.ActivityShortDB.Count()}");
                     * var ActivityTypes = db.ActivityShortDB.Select(a => a.ActivityType).Distinct();
                     * foreach(var aType in ActivityTypes)
                     * {
                     *  logger.LogInformation($" {aType,18} {db.ActivityShortDB.Count(a => a.ActivityType==aType),6}");
                     * }

                     * // output athletes with ski activities and their ski activity count
                     * logger.LogInformation($"All athletes with {ActivityType.BackcountrySki}");
                     * var Activity4Type = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.ActivityType==ActivityType.BackcountrySki).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct();
                     * foreach(var A4Type in Activity4Type)
                     * {
                     *  var count = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.ActivityType==ActivityType.BackcountrySki).Where(a => a.AthleteId==A4Type).Count();
                     *  var athlete = db.AthleteShortDB.Find(A4Type);
                     *  logger.LogInformation($" {athlete?.AthleteName,30} : {A4Type,8} ({count})");
                     * }

                     * // output athletes with run activities and their run activity count
                     * logger.LogInformation($"All athletes with {ActivityType.Run}");
                     * Activity4Type = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.ActivityType==ActivityType.Run).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct();
                     * foreach(var A4Type in Activity4Type)
                     * {
                     *  var count = db.ActivityShortDB.Where(a => a.ActivityType==ActivityType.Run).Where(a => a.AthleteId==A4Type).Count();
                     *  var athlete = db.AthleteShortDB.Find(A4Type);
                     *  logger.LogInformation($" {athlete?.AthleteName,30} : {A4Type,8} ({count})");
                     * }
                ret = 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                ret = 1;