public MainWindow()

            //ui_line.Start = new Point(0, 0);
            //ui_line.End = new Point(50, 50);

            actor = new Actor(diagram) { acName = "abc" };
            Activity activity = new Activity(actor) { ActivityName = "ddd", Pos = 100  };

            Actor act = new Actor(diagram) { acName = "cba" };
            Activity activity1 = new Activity(act) { ActivityName = "1231", Pos = 300 };

            Transfer transtar = new Transfer(activity,activity1);

            ui_Diagram.DataContext = diagram;
            //ui_ActorListBox.ItemsSource = diagram.Actors;
            //ui_Transfer.ItemsSource = diagram.Transfer;
Beispiel #2
 public void EditActivity(IDomainContext context, Activity activity)
     var window = new EditActivityWindow();
     window.ViewModel.DomainContext = context;
     window.ViewModel.Activity = activity;
        internal DebugManager(Activity root, string moduleNamePrefix, string typeNamePrefix, string auxiliaryThreadName, bool breakOnStartup, 
            WorkflowInstance host, bool debugStartedAtRoot, bool resetDynamicModule)
            if (resetDynamicModule)
                dynamicModuleManager = null;

            if (dynamicModuleManager == null)
                dynamicModuleManager = new StateManager.DynamicModuleManager(moduleNamePrefix);

            this.stateManager = new StateManager(
                new StateManager.Properties
                        ModuleNamePrefix = moduleNamePrefix,
                        TypeNamePrefix = typeNamePrefix,
                        AuxiliaryThreadName = auxiliaryThreadName,
                        BreakOnStartup = breakOnStartup
                    debugStartedAtRoot, dynamicModuleManager);
            this.states = new Dictionary<object, State>();
            this.runningThreads = new Dictionary<int, Stack<Activity>>();
            this.instrumentationTracker = new InstrumentationTracker(root);
   = host;
Beispiel #4
		public void RequestTransport(CPos destination, Activity afterLandActivity)
			var destPos = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(destination);
			if (destination == CPos.Zero || (self.CenterPosition - destPos).LengthSquared < info.MinDistance.LengthSquared)
				WantsTransport = false; // Be sure to cancel any pending transports

			Destination = destination;
			this.afterLandActivity = afterLandActivity;
			WantsTransport = true;

			if (locked || Reserved)

			// Inform all idle carriers
			var carriers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait<Carryall>()
				.Where(c => !c.Trait.IsBusy && !c.Actor.IsDead && c.Actor.Owner == self.Owner && c.Actor.IsInWorld)
				.OrderBy(p => (self.Location - p.Actor.Location).LengthSquared);

			// Is any carrier able to transport the actor?
			// Any will return once it finds a carrier that returns true.
			carriers.Any(carrier => carrier.Trait.RequestTransportNotify(self));
Beispiel #5
 public void addActivity(Activity act)
     if(LstActivity.Count() < Parameter.DIX)
         System.Console.Write("Le nombre maximum d'activités est déjà atteint");
 static bool IsPublicOrImportedDelegateOrChild(Activity parent, Activity child, out bool isReferencedChild)
     isReferencedChild = false;
     if (child.Parent == parent)
         if (child.HandlerOf == null)
             return child.RelationshipToParent == Activity.RelationshipType.Child || 
                 child.RelationshipToParent == Activity.RelationshipType.ImportedChild;
             return child.HandlerOf.ParentCollectionType == ActivityCollectionType.Public ||
                 child.HandlerOf.ParentCollectionType == ActivityCollectionType.Imports;
     else if (parent.MemberOf != child.MemberOf)
         isReferencedChild = true;
         bool isImport;
         return IsChild(parent, child, out isImport);
         return false;
Beispiel #7
        public override Activity Tick(Actor self)
            if (!target.IsValidFor(self))
                return NextActivity;

            // Move to the next activity only if all ammo pools are depleted and none reload automatically
            // TODO: This should check whether there is ammo left that is actually suitable for the target
            if (ammoPools.All(x => !x.Info.SelfReloads && !x.HasAmmo()))
                return NextActivity;

            if (attackPlane != null)
                attackPlane.DoAttack(self, target);

            if (inner == null)
                if (IsCanceled)
                    return NextActivity;

                // TODO: This should fire each weapon at its maximum range
                if (attackPlane != null && target.IsInRange(self.CenterPosition, attackPlane.Armaments.Select(a => a.Weapon.MinRange).Min()))
                    inner = ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new FlyTimed(ticksUntilTurn, self), new Fly(self, target), new FlyTimed(ticksUntilTurn, self));
                    inner = ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new Fly(self, target), new FlyTimed(ticksUntilTurn, self));

            inner = ActivityUtils.RunActivity(self, inner);

            return this;
        public Job Change(Job job, JobStatus newStatus, Activity activity = null)
            switch (newStatus)
                case JobStatus.Ready:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, new[] {JobStatus.Created},
                        () => _jobMutator.Mutate<StatusChanger>(job, status: newStatus));
                case JobStatus.Running:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, RunnableStatuses, () => _runningTransition.Transit(job));
                case JobStatus.Completed:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, CompletableStatus,
                        () => _endTransition.Transit(job, JobStatus.Completed));
                case JobStatus.Failed:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, FallibleStatuses, () => _failedTransition.Transit(job));
                case JobStatus.WaitingForChildren:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, AwaitableStatus,
                        () => _waitingForChildrenTransition.Transit(job, activity));
                case JobStatus.Poisoned:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, PoisonableStatus,
                        () => _endTransition.Transit(job, JobStatus.Poisoned));
                case JobStatus.Cancelling:
                    return _jobMutator.Mutate<StatusChanger>(job, status: newStatus);
                case JobStatus.Cancelled:
                    return _endTransition.Transit(job, JobStatus.Cancelled);

            return job;
Beispiel #9
        static Activity CreateOrUpdateActivity(Activity activity, string packageName)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating/Updating Activity...");
            bool newlyCreated = false;
            if (activity == null)
                activity = new Activity() { Id = ActivityName };
                newlyCreated = true;

            activity.Instruction = new Instruction()
                Script = "_test\n"
            activity.Parameters = new Parameters()
                InputParameters = {
                        new Parameter() { Name = "HostDwg", LocalFileName = "$(HostDwg)" },
                        new Parameter() { Name = "ProductDb", LocalFileName="dummy.txt"}
                OutputParameters = { new Parameter() { Name = "Result", LocalFileName = "result.pdf" } }
            activity.RequiredEngineVersion = "20.1";
            if (newlyCreated)
                activity.AppPackages.Add(packageName); // reference the custom AppPackage
            return activity;
        public ActivityGroup AnyFailed(Activity next)
            if (next == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("next");

            OnAnyFailed = next;
            return this;
        public ActivityGroup Cancelled(SingleActivity next)
            if (next == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("next");

            OnCancel = next;
            return this;
        public TaskCollection(Activity owner)
            Guard.ThrowExceptionIfNull(owner, "owner");

            this.owner = owner;
            this.tasks = new List<Task>();
Beispiel #13
 public void AddActivity(Activity activ)
     if (LstActivities.Count <= Parameter.MAX_ACTIVITY)
        // case 1: StateMachine -> Default expression of StateMachine's variable -> ...
        // case 2: StateMachine -> InternalState -> ...
        public void ReplaceParentChainWithSource(Activity parentActivity, List<object> parentChain)
            Activity lastActivity = parentChain[parentChain.Count - 1] as Activity;
            StateMachine stateMachine = (StateMachine)parentActivity;

            foreach (Variable variable in stateMachine.Variables)
                if (variable != null && variable.Default == lastActivity)

            if (parentChain.Count > 1)
                // assume lastActivity is InternalState

                // remove InternalState
                parentChain.RemoveAt(parentChain.Count - 1);

                Activity targetActivity = (Activity)parentChain[parentChain.Count - 1];

                // the targetActivity will be available in the path
                parentChain.RemoveAt(parentChain.Count - 1);

                List<object> path = FindRelativePath(stateMachine, targetActivity);

                foreach (object pathObject in path)
Beispiel #15
 public virtual void Queue(Activity activity)
     if (NextActivity != null)
         NextActivity = activity;
Beispiel #16
        public void AddActivity(Activity activity)

            if (this.Activities.Count == 1)
                this.Activities[0].Callback = this.ActivityDone;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a profile updated joined activity object from the more generic database activity object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ProfileUpdatedActivity GenerateProfileUpdatedActivity(Activity activity)

            var cacheKey = string.Concat(CacheKeys.Activity.StartsWith, "GenerateProfileUpdatedActivity-", activity.GetHashCode());
            return _cacheService.CachePerRequest(cacheKey, () =>
                var dataPairs = ActivityBase.UnpackData(activity);

                if (!dataPairs.ContainsKey(ProfileUpdatedActivity.KeyUserId))
                    // Log the problem then skip
                    _loggingService.Error($"A profile updated activity record with id '{activity.Id}' has no user id in its data.");
                    return null;

                var userId = dataPairs[ProfileUpdatedActivity.KeyUserId];
                var user = _context.MembershipUser.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == new Guid(userId));

                if (user == null)
                    // Log the problem then skip
                    _loggingService.Error($"A profile updated activity record with id '{activity.Id}' has a user id '{userId}' that is not found in the user table.");
                    return null;

                return new ProfileUpdatedActivity(activity, user);

        private async void AddToCalendar(Activity tempActivity)
            Appointment appointment = new Appointment();
            //Activity tempActivity = LoadActivityValuesFromControls();

            appointment.Subject = tempActivity.Title;
            appointment.Details = tempActivity.Description;
            appointment.Location = tempActivity.ContextUI;
            appointment.Reminder = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
            appointment.StartTime = ((DateTimeOffset)tempActivity.StartDate).Date;
            string activityAppointmentId = string.Empty; // to powinno być pole aktywności activity.AppointmentId

            if (tempActivity.StartHour != null)
                appointment.StartTime += (TimeSpan)tempActivity.StartHour;

            if (tempActivity.EstimationId != null)
                appointment.Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(LocalDatabaseHelper.ReadItem<Estimation>((int)tempActivity.EstimationId).Duration);

            var rect = new Rect(new Point(Window.Current.Bounds.Width / 2, Window.Current.Bounds.Height / 2), new Size());

            string newAppointmentId;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityAppointmentId))
                newAppointmentId = await AppointmentManager.ShowReplaceAppointmentAsync(activityAppointmentId, appointment, rect, Placement.Default);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newAppointmentId))
                    newAppointmentId = activityAppointmentId;
                newAppointmentId = await AppointmentManager.ShowAddAppointmentAsync(appointment, rect, Placement.Default);

            LocalDatabaseHelper.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE Activity SET AppointmentId = '" + newAppointmentId + "' WHERE Id = " + tempActivity.Id);
            App.PlannedWeekNeedsToBeReloaded = true;
        public CompiledExpressionInvoker(ITextExpression expression, bool isReference, CodeActivityMetadata metadata)
            if (expression == null)
                throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("expression");

            if (metadata == null)
                throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("metadata");

            this.expressionId = -1;
            this.textExpression = expression;
            this.expressionActivity = expression as Activity;
            this.isReference = isReference;
            this.locationReferences = new List<LocationReference>();
            this.metadata = metadata;
            this.accessor = CodeActivityPublicEnvironmentAccessor.Create(this.metadata);

            if (this.expressionActivity == null)
                throw FxTrace.Exception.Argument("expression", SR.ITextExpressionParameterMustBeActivity);

            ActivityWithResult resultActivity = this.expressionActivity as ActivityWithResult;

            this.metadataRoot = metadata.Environment.Root;

Beispiel #20
 public static int GetFrequency(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Random random, int maxFrequency)
     int freq = 0;
     freq = Distribution.GetRandomFrequencyValue(
         0, maxFrequency, random, Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ) );
     return freq;
Beispiel #21
        public static int GetFrequency(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Random random, int maxFrequency, Time startTime, Time endTime)
            bool feasibleFreq = false;
            int freq = 0;
            while ( !feasibleFreq )
                freq = Distribution.GetRandomFrequencyValue(
                    0, maxFrequency, random, Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ) );
                if ( freq == 0 )
                Time duration;
                if ( !Distribution.GetRandomStartTimeFrequency(
                Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ), freq,
                Distribution.TimeOfDayToDistribution( startTime ), Distribution.TimeOfDayToDistribution( endTime ), random, out duration ) )
                    //a bad thing happens here
                else if ( duration != Time.Zero )
                    feasibleFreq = true;

            return freq;
        public Activity GetMatch(Activity updatedChild)

            if (updatedChild != null)
                Activity result = this.matcher.GetMatch(updatedChild);
                if (updatedChild.MemberOf == this.targetActivity.MemberOf)
                    return result;
                else if (result != null)
                    // GetMatch checks that the activities have the same relationship to declaring parent.
                    // But for referenced children, we also need to check whether they have the same relationship 
                    // to referencing parent.
                    // In case of multiple references from the same parent, we'll compare the first one we find.
                    bool updatedIsImport;
                    bool updatedIsReferenced = IsChild(this.TargetActivity, updatedChild, out updatedIsImport);
                    bool updatedIsDelegate = updatedChild.HandlerOf != null;

                    bool originalIsImport;
                    bool originalIsReferenced = IsChild(GetMatch(this.TargetActivity), result, out originalIsImport);
                    bool originalIsDelegate = result.HandlerOf != null;

                    if (updatedIsReferenced && originalIsReferenced && updatedIsImport == originalIsImport && updatedIsDelegate == originalIsDelegate)
                        return result;
            return null;
Beispiel #23
 public static int GetFrequency(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Random random, int maxFrequency, int householdPD, int workPD, GenerationAdjustment[] generationAdjustments)
     int freq = 0;
     freq = Distribution.GetRandomFrequencyValue(
         0, maxFrequency, random, Distribution.GetDistributionID(person, activity), householdPD, workPD, generationAdjustments);
     return freq;
        public void InsertActivityLogTest()
            var log = new Activity(DateTime.Now, "Test", "Test Activity");

            repository.Insert(log, "Contact", 1);
Beispiel #25
 public static Activity NewActivity(this IActivityRepository activityRepository, byte[] streamId, int pattern)
     var id = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"activity_{pattern}");
     var activity = new Activity(streamId, id, new TestActivityBody($"body_{pattern}"), $"author_{pattern}", new DateTime(2000, 1, pattern));
     return activity;
Beispiel #26
 static void benchmarkSystem_JobRemoved(object sender, JobEventArgs e)
     Activity ac = new Activity(e.job, Job.JobState.Failed, System.DateTime.Now.Ticks);
       Console.WriteLine("Job Cancelled: " + e.job);
Beispiel #27
 static void benchmarkSystem_JobTerminated(object sender, JobEventArgs e)
     Activity ac = new Activity(e.job, Job.JobState.Succesfull, System.DateTime.Now.Ticks);
       Console.WriteLine("Job Terminated: " + e.job);
        public void Add(Activity value)
            if (value.Created == null || value.ChallengeID == 0)

            if (value.RowKey == null)
                value.RowKey = value.Created.ToString();

            if (value.PartitionKey == null)
                value.PartitionKey = "Chal" + value.ChallengeID.ToString();

            context.AttachTo(TableName, value, null);


                using (var redisClient = GetRedisClient())
                    IRedisTypedClient<Activity> redis = redisClient.As<Activity>();
                    redis.SetEntry(this.RedisKeyForLatestActivity(value.ChallengeID), value);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Activity repo exception: " + e.ToString());
            } */
Beispiel #29
        private static string _GetPerformance(string interval, Activity mg_old, Activity mg_new)
            Activity mg_dif = mg_new - mg_old;
            if (mg_dif.Score > 0 || mg_dif.Rank != 0)
                string result = @"\u{0}:\u ".FormatWith(interval);

                if (mg_dif.Score > 0)
                    result += @"\c03{0}\c score, ".FormatWith(mg_dif.Score);

                if (mg_dif.Rank > 0)
                    result += @"\c3+{0}\c rank{1};".FormatWith(mg_dif.Rank, mg_dif.Rank > 1 ? "s" : string.Empty);
                else if (mg_dif.Rank < 0)
                    result += @"\c4{0}\c rank{1};".FormatWith(mg_dif.Rank, mg_dif.Rank < -1 ? "s" : string.Empty);

                return result.EndsWithI(", ") ? result.Substring(0, result.Length - 2) + ";" : result;
            return null;
        protected override void Initialize(Activity activity)

            HelpText = DR.GetString(DR.DropExceptionsHere);
            ShowPreview = false;
 public void OnActivityStarted(Activity activity)
     CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity = activity;
Beispiel #32
 public void OnActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState)
     CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity = activity;
 public ResultListAdapter(Activity context)
     : this(context, -1, 0, false)
 public ResultListAdapter(Activity context, float textWeight)
     : this(context, textWeight, 0, false)
Beispiel #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Records incoming and outgoing activities to the Application Insights store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context object for this turn.</param>
        /// <param name="nextTurn">The delegate to call to continue the bot middleware pipeline.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects
        /// or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="ITurnContext"/>
        /// <seealso cref="Bot.Schema.IActivity"/>
        public async Task OnTurnAsync(ITurnContext context, NextDelegate nextTurn, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            context.TurnState.Add(TelemetryLoggerMiddleware.AppInsightsServiceKey, _telemetryClient);

            // log incoming activity at beginning of turn
            if (context.Activity != null)
                var activity = context.Activity;

                // Log the Application Insights Bot Message Received
                _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(BotMsgReceiveEvent, this.FillReceiveEventProperties(activity));

            // hook up onSend pipeline
            context.OnSendActivities(async(ctx, activities, nextSend) =>
                // run full pipeline
                var responses = await nextSend().ConfigureAwait(false);

                foreach (var activity in activities)
                    _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(BotMsgSendEvent, this.FillSendEventProperties(activity));


            // hook up update activity pipeline
            context.OnUpdateActivity(async(ctx, activity, nextUpdate) =>
                // run full pipeline
                var response = await nextUpdate().ConfigureAwait(false);

                _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(BotMsgUpdateEvent, this.FillUpdateEventProperties(activity));


            // hook up delete activity pipeline
            context.OnDeleteActivity(async(ctx, reference, nextDelete) =>
                // run full pipeline
                await nextDelete().ConfigureAwait(false);

                var deleteActivity = new Activity
                    Type = ActivityTypes.MessageDelete,
                    Id   = reference.ActivityId,
                .ApplyConversationReference(reference, isIncoming: false)

                _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(BotMsgDeleteEvent, this.FillDeleteEventProperties(deleteActivity));

            if (nextTurn != null)
                await nextTurn(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #36
        public static BusinessFlow ConvertRallyTestPlanToBF(RallyTestPlan testPlan)
                if (testPlan == null)

                //Create Business Flow
                BusinessFlow busFlow = new BusinessFlow();
                busFlow.Name       = testPlan.Name;
                busFlow.ExternalID = "RallyID=" + testPlan.RallyID;
                busFlow.Status     = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Development;
                busFlow.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
                busFlow.Variables  = new ObservableList <VariableBase>();

                //Create Activities Group + Activities for each TC
                foreach (RallyTestCase tc in testPlan.TestCases)
                    //check if the TC is already exist in repository
                    ActivitiesGroup tcActivsGroup;
                    ActivitiesGroup repoActivsGroup = null;
                    if (repoActivsGroup == null)
                        repoActivsGroup = GingerActivitiesGroupsRepo.Where(x => x.ExternalID != null ? x.ExternalID.Split('|').First().Split('=').Last() == tc.RallyID : false).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (repoActivsGroup != null)
                        tcActivsGroup = (ActivitiesGroup)((ActivitiesGroup)(repoActivsGroup)).CreateInstance();
                        busFlow.ImportActivitiesGroupActivitiesFromRepository(tcActivsGroup, GingerActivitiesRepo, true, true);
                    else // TC not exist in Ginger repository so create new one
                        tcActivsGroup             = new ActivitiesGroup();
                        tcActivsGroup.Name        = tc.Name;
                        tcActivsGroup.Description = tc.Description;
                        tcActivsGroup.ExternalID  = "RallyID=" + tc.RallyID + "|AtsID=" + tc.BTSID;

                    foreach (RallyTestStep step in tc.TestSteps)
                        Activity stepActivity;
                        bool     toAddStepActivity = false;

                        // check if mapped activity exist in repository
                        Activity repoStepActivity = (Activity)GingerActivitiesRepo.Where(x => x.ExternalID != null ? x.ExternalID.Split('|').First().Split('=').Last() == step.RallyIndex : false).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (repoStepActivity != null)
                            //check if it is part of the Activities Group
                            ActivityIdentifiers groupStepActivityIdent = (ActivityIdentifiers)tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Where(x => x.ActivityExternalID == step.RallyIndex).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (groupStepActivityIdent != null)
                                //already in Activities Group so get link to it
                                stepActivity = (Activity)busFlow.Activities.Where(x => x.Guid == groupStepActivityIdent.ActivityGuid).FirstOrDefault();
                            else // not in ActivitiesGroup so get instance from repo
                                stepActivity      = (Activity)repoStepActivity.CreateInstance();
                                toAddStepActivity = true;
                        else //Step not exist in Ginger repository so create new one
                            string strBtsID = string.Empty;
                            stepActivity = new Activity();
                            stepActivity.ActivityName = tc.Name + ">" + step.Name;
                            stepActivity.ExternalID   = "RallyID=" + step.RallyIndex + "|AtsID=" + strBtsID;
                            stepActivity.Description  = StripHTML(step.Description);
                            stepActivity.Expected     = StripHTML(step.ExpectedResult);

                            toAddStepActivity = true;

                        if (toAddStepActivity)
                            // not in group- need to add it
                            busFlow.AddActivity(stepActivity, tcActivsGroup);

                        //pull TC-Step parameters and add them to the Activity level
                        foreach (RallyTestParameter param in tc.Parameters)   // Params taken from TestScriptLevel only!!!! Also exists parameters at TestCase, to check if them should be taken!!!
                            bool?isflowControlParam = null;

                            //determine if the param is Flow Control Param or not based on it value and agreed sign "$$_"
                            if (param.Value.ToString().StartsWith("$$_"))
                                isflowControlParam = false;
                                if (param.Value.ToString().StartsWith("$$_"))
                                    param.Value = param.Value.ToString().Substring(3); //get value without "$$_"
                            else if (param.Value.ToString() != "<Empty>")
                                isflowControlParam = true;

                            //check if already exist param with that name
                            VariableBase stepActivityVar = stepActivity.Variables.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == param.Name.ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (stepActivityVar == null)
                                //#Param not exist so add it
                                if (isflowControlParam == true)
                                    //add it as selection list param
                                    stepActivityVar      = new VariableSelectionList();
                                    stepActivityVar.Name = param.Name;
                                    stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because new flow control param was added
                                    //add as String param
                                    stepActivityVar      = new VariableString();
                                    stepActivityVar.Name = param.Name;
                                    ((VariableString)stepActivityVar).InitialStringValue = param.Value;
                                //#param exist
                                if (isflowControlParam == true)
                                    if (!(stepActivityVar is VariableSelectionList))
                                        //flow control param must be Selection List so transform it
                                        stepActivityVar      = new VariableSelectionList();
                                        stepActivityVar.Name = param.Name;
                                        stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because flow control param was added
                                else if (isflowControlParam == false)
                                    if (stepActivityVar is VariableSelectionList)
                                        //change it to be string variable
                                        stepActivityVar      = new VariableString();
                                        stepActivityVar.Name = param.Name;
                                        ((VariableString)stepActivityVar).InitialStringValue = param.Value;
                                        stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because flow control param was removed

                            //add the variable selected value
                            if (stepActivityVar is VariableSelectionList)
                                OptionalValue stepActivityVarOptionalVar = ((VariableSelectionList)stepActivityVar).OptionalValuesList.Where(x => x.Value == param.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (stepActivityVarOptionalVar == null)
                                    //no such variable value option so add it
                                    stepActivityVarOptionalVar = new OptionalValue(param.Value);
                                    if (isflowControlParam == true)
                                        stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because new param value was added
                                //set the selected value
                                ((VariableSelectionList)stepActivityVar).SelectedValue = stepActivityVarOptionalVar.Value;
                                //try just to set the value
                                    stepActivityVar.Value = param.Value;
                                    if (stepActivityVar is VariableString)
                                        ((VariableString)stepActivityVar).InitialStringValue = param.Value;
                                catch (Exception ex) { Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, $"Method - {MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}, Error - {ex.Message}", ex); }

            catch (Exception ex)
                Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to import Rally test set and convert it into " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow), ex);
 public void OnActivityStopped(Activity activity)
 public void OnActivityResumed(Activity activity)
     CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity = activity;
 public void OnActivityDestroyed(Activity activity)
 public void OnActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState)
Beispiel #41
 public void OnActivityResumed(Activity activity)
 public void OnActivityPaused(Activity activity)
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when the bot deletes a message.
 /// Performs logging of telemetry data using the IBotTelemetryClient.TrackEvent() method.
 /// This event name used is "BotMessageDelete".
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="activity">Current activity sent from user.</param>
 /// <param name="cancellation">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects
 /// or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
 /// <returns>A task that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
 protected virtual async Task OnDeleteActivityAsync(Activity activity, CancellationToken cancellation)
     TelemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryLoggerConstants.BotMsgDeleteEvent, await FillDeleteEventPropertiesAsync(activity).ConfigureAwait(false));
Beispiel #44
 public void OnActivityStarted(Activity activity)
 public LastFaultedBehavior(Activity <TInstance> activity)
     _activity = activity;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the event properties for the BotMessageReceived.
        /// Adheres to the LogPersonalInformation flag to filter Name, Text and Speak properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activity">Last activity sent from user.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalProperties">Additional properties to add to the event.</param>
        /// <returns>A dictionary that is sent as "Properties" to IBotTelemetryClient.TrackEvent method for the BotMessageReceived event.</returns>
        protected Task <Dictionary <string, string> > FillReceiveEventPropertiesAsync(Activity activity, Dictionary <string, string> additionalProperties = null)
            var properties = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { TelemetryConstants.FromIdProperty, activity.From.Id },
                { TelemetryConstants.ConversationNameProperty, activity.Conversation.Name },
                { TelemetryConstants.LocaleProperty, activity.Locale },
                { TelemetryConstants.RecipientIdProperty, activity.Recipient.Id },
                { TelemetryConstants.RecipientNameProperty, activity.Recipient.Name },

            // Use the LogPersonalInformation flag to toggle logging PII data, text and user name are common examples
            if (LogPersonalInformation)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activity.From.Name))
                    properties.Add(TelemetryConstants.FromNameProperty, activity.From.Name);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activity.Text))
                    properties.Add(TelemetryConstants.TextProperty, activity.Text);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activity.Speak))
                    properties.Add(TelemetryConstants.SpeakProperty, activity.Speak);

            // Additional Properties can override "stock" properties.
            if (additionalProperties != null)
                                       .GroupBy(kv => kv.Key)
                                       .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First().Value)));

Beispiel #47
        private void gridGRVs_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            DataRow SelectGRV = gridGRVsView.GetFocusedDataRow();

            if (SelectGRV != null)
                ReceiptID = Convert.ToInt32(SelectGRV["ReceiptID"]);
                PONumber  = Convert.ToString(SelectGRV["PONumber"]);

                txtOrderNo.EditValue = SelectGRV["PONumber"];

                txtInvoiceNo.EditValue = SelectGRV["InvoiceNumber"];
                string space  = "";
                int    length = ((string)SelectGRV["InvoiceNumber"]).Length;
                lcgInvoiceNo.Text = "Invoice No: " + (string)SelectGRV["InvoiceNumber"] + space.PadRight(180 - length) + "GRNF No: " + (string)SelectGRV["RefNo"].ToString();

                lblMode.Text       = (string)SelectGRV["Mode"] ?? "-";
                lblAccount.Text    = (string)SelectGRV["AccountName"] ?? "-";
                lblSubAccount.Text = (string)SelectGRV["SubAccountName"] ?? "-";
                lblActivity.Text   = (string)SelectGRV["ActivityName"] ?? "-";
                lblWarehouse.Text  = (string)SelectGRV["WarehouseName"] ?? "-";

                lblCluster.Text       = (string)SelectGRV["ClusterName"] ?? "-";
                lblReceiptType.Text   = (string)SelectGRV["ReceiveType"] ?? "-";
                lblReceiptStatus.Text = (string)SelectGRV["ReceiveStatus"] ?? "-";
                lblSupplier.Text      = (string)SelectGRV["SupplierName"] ?? "-";
                lblOrderNo.Text       = (string)SelectGRV["PONumber"] ?? "-";

                lblConfirmedBy.Text = SelectGRV["ConfirmedBy"] == DBNull.Value ? "-" : (string)SelectGRV["ConfirmedBy"];

                lblConfirmedDate.Text = SelectGRV["ConfirmedTime"] != DBNull.Value
                    ? Convert.ToDateTime(SelectGRV["ConfirmedTime"]).ToShortDateString()
                    : "-";

                lblReceivedBy.Text  = (string)SelectGRV["ReceivedBy"] ?? "-";
                lblReceiptDate.Text = ((DateTime)SelectGRV["ReceivedTime"]).ToShortDateString() ?? "-";
                lblInsurance.Text   = SelectGRV["InsuranceNumber"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : (string)SelectGRV["InsuranceNumber"] ?? "-";

                txtInsuranceNo.EditValue  = SelectGRV["InsuranceNumber"];
                lblInsurancePolicyNo.Text = SelectGRV["InsuranceNumber"].ToString() ?? "-";
                txtTransfer.EditValue     = SelectGRV["TransitNumber"];
                lblTransferNo.Text        = SelectGRV["TransitNumber"].ToString() ?? "-";
                txtWayBill.EditValue      = SelectGRV["WayBillNumber"];
                lblWayBillNo.Text         = SelectGRV["WayBillNumber"].ToString() ?? "-";
                Activity Activity = new Activity();
                txtActivity.EditValue = Activity.FullActivityName;
                lblActivity.Text      = Activity.FullActivityName ?? "-";

                var logReceiptStatus = new LogReceiptStatus();
                var dtHistory        = logReceiptStatus.GetLogHistory(ReceiptID, "PRC");

                if (dtHistory != null && dtHistory.Count > 0)
                    lblCalcuatedBy.Text    = (string)dtHistory[0]["FullName"];
                    lblCalculatedDate.Text = ((DateTime)dtHistory[0]["Date"]).ToShortDateString();
                    lblCalculatedDate.Text = lblCalcuatedBy.Text = "-";
Beispiel #48
        public void MostrarToast(string mensagem)
            Activity activity = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity;

            Toast.MakeText(Forms.Context, mensagem, ToastLength.Long).Show();
Beispiel #49
        public CusotmListAdapter(Activity _context, List <RecommendModel> _list) : base()
            this.context = _context;

            this.list = _list;
 private static HttpContent CreateContent(Activity activity)
     string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(activity, MessageSerializerSettings.Create());
     return new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
 public SynchronizeCachedDatabase(Activity context, IKp2aApp app, OnFinish finish)
     : base(context, finish)
     _context = context;
     _app     = app;
 public override Task <IActionResult> SendToConversationAsync(string conversationId, Activity activity)
         return(base.SendToConversationAsync(conversationId, activity));
     catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #53
        public static void FindInDictionary(Activity mActivity, DictInfo currentDictionary, string s)
            switch (currentDictionary.internalDict)
            case 0:
                Intent intent = new Intent(currentDictionary.action);
                if (currentDictionary.className != null || Build.VERSION.SdkInt == BuildVersionCodes.Cupcake)
                    intent.SetComponent(new ComponentName(currentDictionary.packageName, currentDictionary.className));
                intent.AddFlags(Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.EclairMr1 ? ActivityFlags.ClearTask : ActivityFlags.NewTask);
                if (s != null)
                    intent.PutExtra(currentDictionary.dataKey, s);
                    intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText, s);
                catch (ActivityNotFoundException e)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Dictionaries FindInDictionary ERROR => " + e.Message);

                    throw new DictionaryException("Dictionary \"" + + "\" is not installed");

            case 1:
                string SEARCH_ACTION    = currentDictionary.action;
                string EXTRA_QUERY      = "EXTRA_QUERY";
                string EXTRA_FULLSCREEN = "EXTRA_FULLSCREEN";

                Intent intent1 = new Intent(SEARCH_ACTION);
                if (s != null)
                    intent1.PutExtra(EXTRA_QUERY, s);     //Search Query
                intent1.PutExtra(EXTRA_FULLSCREEN, true);
                catch (ActivityNotFoundException)
                    throw new DictionaryException("Dictionary \"" + + "\" is not installed");

            case 2:
                // Dictan support
                Intent intent2 = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW");
                // Add custom category to run the Dictan external dispatcher

                // Don't include the dispatcher in activity
                // because it doesn't have any content view.

                intent2.PutExtra(DICTAN_ARTICLE_WORD, s);

                    mActivity.StartActivityForResult(intent2, DICTAN_ARTICLE_REQUEST_CODE);
                catch (ActivityNotFoundException)
                    throw new DictionaryException("Dictionary \"" + + "\" is not installed");

            case 3:
                Intent intent3 = new Intent("aard2.lookup");
                intent3.AddFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask | ActivityFlags.ClearTop);
                intent3.PutExtra(SearchManager.Query, s);
                catch (ActivityNotFoundException)
                    throw new DictionaryException("Dictionary \"" + + "\" is not installed");
Beispiel #54
 public TangoListener(Activity currentActivity)
     _TAG             = typeof(TangoListener).Name;
     mCurrentActivity = currentActivity;
     Log.Info(_TAG, _TAG + " Constructed");
        public override async Task <RecognizerResult> RecognizeAsync(DialogContext dialogContext, Activity activity, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Dictionary <string, string> telemetryProperties = null, Dictionary <string, double> telemetryMetrics = null)
            // Identify matched intents
            var text   = activity.Text ?? string.Empty;
            var locale = activity.Locale ?? "en-us";

            var recognizerResult = new RecognizerResult()
                Text    = text,
                Intents = new Dictionary <string, IntentScore>(),

            // add entities from regexrecgonizer to the entities pool
            var entityPool = new List <Entity>();

            var textEntity = new TextEntity(text);

            textEntity.Properties["start"] = 0;
            textEntity.Properties["end"]   = text.Length;
            textEntity.Properties["score"] = 1.0;


            foreach (var intentPattern in this.Intents)
                var matches = intentPattern.Regex.Matches(text);

                if (matches.Count > 0)
                    // TODO length weighted match and multiple intents
                    var intentKey = intentPattern.Intent.Replace(" ", "_");
                    if (!recognizerResult.Intents.ContainsKey(intentKey))
                        recognizerResult.Intents.Add(intentKey, new IntentScore()
                            Score      = 1.0,
                            Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                { "pattern", intentPattern.Pattern }

                    // Check for named capture groups
                    // only if we have a value and the name is not a number "0"
                    foreach (var groupName in intentPattern.Regex.GetGroupNames().Where(name => name.Length > 1))
                        foreach (var match in matches.Cast <Match>())
                            var group = (Group)match.Groups[groupName];
                            if (group.Success)
                                // add as entity to entity pool
                                Entity entity = new Entity(groupName);
                                entity.Properties["text"]  = group.Value;
                                entity.Properties["start"] = group.Index;
                                entity.Properties["end"]   = group.Index + group.Length;

                    // found

            if (this.Entities != null)
                // process entities using EntityRecognizerSet
                var entitySet   = new EntityRecognizerSet(this.Entities);
                var newEntities = await entitySet.RecognizeEntities(dialogContext, text, locale, entityPool).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (newEntities.Any())

            // map entityPool of Entity objects => RecognizerResult entity format
            recognizerResult.Entities = new JObject();

            foreach (var entityResult in entityPool)
                // add value
                JToken values;
                if (!recognizerResult.Entities.TryGetValue(entityResult.Type, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, out values))
                    values = new JArray();
                    recognizerResult.Entities[entityResult.Type] = values;

                // The Entity type names are not consistent, map everything to camelcase so we can process them cleaner.
                dynamic entity = JObject.FromObject(entityResult);

                // get/create $instance
                JToken instanceRoot;
                if (!recognizerResult.Entities.TryGetValue("$instance", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, out instanceRoot))
                    instanceRoot = new JObject();
                    recognizerResult.Entities["$instance"] = instanceRoot;

                // add instanceData
                JToken instanceData;
                if (!((JObject)instanceRoot).TryGetValue(entityResult.Type, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, out instanceData))
                    instanceData = new JArray();
                    instanceRoot[entityResult.Type] = instanceData;

                dynamic instance = new JObject();
                instance.startIndex = entity.start;
                instance.endIndex   = entity.end;
                instance.score      = (double)1.0;
                instance.text       = entity.text;
                instance.type       = entity.type;
                instance.resolution = entity.resolution;

            // if no match return None intent
            if (!recognizerResult.Intents.Keys.Any())
                recognizerResult.Intents.Add("None", new IntentScore()
                    Score = 1.0

            await dialogContext.Context.TraceActivityAsync(nameof(RegexRecognizer), JObject.FromObject(recognizerResult), "RecognizerResult", "Regex RecognizerResult", cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            this.TrackRecognizerResult(dialogContext, "RegexRecognizerResult", this.FillRecognizerResultTelemetryProperties(recognizerResult, telemetryProperties), telemetryMetrics);

 public static Activity GetInstance()
     if(_instance == null) _instance = new PlantActivity(ActivityType.Plant);
     return _instance;
Beispiel #57
 protected WorkflowInstance(Activity workflowDefinition)
     : this(workflowDefinition, null)
Beispiel #58
 public Dictionaries(Activity activity)
     mActivity         = activity;
     currentDictionary = defaultDictionary();
Beispiel #59
 protected abstract void OnNotifyUnhandledException(Exception exception, Activity source, string sourceInstanceId);
Beispiel #60
 public override void ActivityEnd(uint eventTime, Activity activity, bool offlineMode = false)
     AddExecutionDetailsToLog(eExecutionPhase.End, GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity), string.Format("{0} (ID:{1}, ParentID:{2})", activity.ActivityName, activity.Guid, activity.ExecutionParentGuid), new ActivityReport(activity));