     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see es.eucm.eadventure.engine.cargador.subparsers.SubParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary <string, string> attrs)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If it is a object tag, create the new object (with its id)
            if (qName.Equals("active-area"))
                int    x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
                string id = null;
                bool   rectangular = true;
                int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool   hasInfluence = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("rectangular"))
                        rectangular = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("width"))
                        width = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("height"))
                        height = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        id = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                descriptions = new List <Description>();

            else if (qName.Equals("point"))
                if (activeArea != null)
                    int x = 0, y = 0;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                            x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                            y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    Vector2 point = new Vector2(x, y);

            // If it is a description tag, create the new description (with its id)
            else if (qName.Equals("description"))
                description = new Description();
                subParser   = new DescriptionsSubParser(description, chapter);
                subParsing  = SUBPARSING_DESCRIPTION;
            else if (qName.Equals("actions"))
                subParser  = new ActionsSubParser(chapter, activeArea);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_ACTIONS;

            // If it is a condition tag, create new conditions and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("condition"))
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                subParser         = new ConditionSubParser(currentConditions, chapter);
                subParsing        = SUBPARSING_CONDITION;

            // If it is a effect tag, create new effects and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                subParser  = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

        // If it is reading an effect or a condition, spread the call
        if (subParsing != SUBPARSING_NONE)
            subParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see es.eucm.eadventure.engine.cargador.subparsers.SubParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary<string, string> attrs)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If it is a object tag, create the new object (with its id)
            if (qName.Equals("active-area"))

                int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
                string id = null;
                bool rectangular = true;
                int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool hasInfluence = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("rectangular"))
                        rectangular = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("width"))
                        width = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("height"))
                        height = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        id = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());


                activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                descriptions = new List<Description>();

            else if (qName.Equals("point"))
                if (activeArea != null)
                    int x = 0, y = 0;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                            x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                            y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    Vector2 point = new Vector2(x, y);

            // If it is a description tag, create the new description (with its id)
            else if (qName.Equals("description"))
                description = new Description();
                subParser = new DescriptionsSubParser(description, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_DESCRIPTION;
            else if (qName.Equals("actions"))
                subParser = new ActionsSubParser(chapter, activeArea);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_ACTIONS;

            // If it is a condition tag, create new conditions and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("condition"))
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                subParser = new ConditionSubParser(currentConditions, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_CONDITION;

            // If it is a effect tag, create new effects and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                subParser = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

        // If it is reading an effect or a condition, spread the call
        if (subParsing != SUBPARSING_NONE)
            subParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            points = element.SelectNodes("point"),
            descriptionss = element.SelectNodes("description"),
            actionss = element.SelectNodes("actions"),
            conditions = element.SelectNodes("condition");
              //effects = element.SelectNodes("effect");

        string tmpArgVal;

        int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
        string id = null;
        bool rectangular = true;
        int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
        bool hasInfluence = false;

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("rectangular");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            rectangular = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("x");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("y");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("width");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            width = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("height");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            height = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            id = tmpArgVal;
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceX");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceY");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

        activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
        if (hasInfluence)
            InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);

        if (element.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

        descriptions = new List<Description>();

        foreach (XmlElement el in descriptionss)
            description = new Description();
            new DescriptionsSubParser_(description, chapter).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in points)
            if (activeArea != null)
                int x_ = 0, y_ = 0;

                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    x_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    y_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

                Vector2 point = new Vector2(x_, y_);

        foreach (XmlElement el in actionss)
            new ActionsSubParser_(chapter, activeArea).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in conditions)
            currentConditions = new Conditions();
            new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(el);
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            points        = element.SelectNodes("point"),
            descriptionss = element.SelectNodes("description"),
            actionss      = element.SelectNodes("actions"),
            conditions    = element.SelectNodes("condition");
        //effects = element.SelectNodes("effect");

        string tmpArgVal;

        int    x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
        string id = null;
        bool   rectangular = true;
        int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
        bool   hasInfluence = false;

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("rectangular");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            rectangular = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("x");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("y");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("width");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            width = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("height");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            height = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            id = tmpArgVal;
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceX");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceY");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

        activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
        if (hasInfluence)
            InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);

        if (element.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

        descriptions = new List <Description>();

        foreach (XmlElement el in descriptionss)
            description = new Description();
            new DescriptionsSubParser_(description, chapter).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in points)
            if (activeArea != null)
                int x_ = 0, y_ = 0;

                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    x_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    y_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

                Vector2 point = new Vector2(x_, y_);

        foreach (XmlElement el in actionss)
            new ActionsSubParser_(chapter, activeArea).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in conditions)
            currentConditions = new Conditions();
            new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(el);