Beispiel #1
    //Fire a water projectile where the player is aiming, slows down the player it collides with.
    public static Active Soak(PlayerScript owner)
        Active returnActive = new Active(20.0f, 5.0f);
        returnActive.ActiveClassification = Active.ActiveType.Soak;

        //Instantiate the projectile here.
        returnActive.PrepareProjectiles(1, owner);

        return returnActive;
Beispiel #2
    //Create a rectangular strip oriented with the player's beam that speeds up any objects that cross it.
    public static Active Slipstream(PlayerScript owner)
        Active returnActive = new Active(20.0f, 5.0f);
        returnActive.ActiveClassification = Active.ActiveType.SlipGel;

        returnActive.PrepareProjectiles(3, owner);

        return returnActive;
Beispiel #3
    //Create a rectangular strip along the player's beam that slows down objects that cross it.
    public static Active Slowstream(PlayerScript owner)
        Active returnActive = new Active(20.0f, 5.0f);
        returnActive.ActiveClassification = Active.ActiveType.SlowGel;

        //Instantiate the Slowstream object here.
        returnActive.PrepareProjectiles(3, owner);

        return returnActive;
Beispiel #4
    //Create a zone at the end of the player's beam, zone pulls in objs.
    public static Active GravityField(PlayerScript owner)
        Active returnActive = new Active(20.0f, 5.0f);

        returnActive.ActiveClassification = Active.ActiveType.GravField;

        //float distance = 1.0f;

        //Instantiate a Gravity Field Zone object here.

        //TODO: Replace with a projectile, travels a short distance before spawning a grav field.
        returnActive.PrepareProjectiles(1, owner);

        Vector3 objectPos = owner.gameObject.transform.position + (owner.PlayerBeam.transform.right *  distance);
        GameObject gravField = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Actives/GravField"), objectPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        gravField.transform.FindChild("GravField_Anim").GetComponent<GravFieldScript>().GravFieldActive = returnActive; //Tie necessary Active info to the object's script.
        returnActive.Duration.OnTimerComplete += gravField.transform.FindChild("GravField_Anim").GetComponent<GravFieldScript>().Despawn;*/

        return returnActive;