protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
            string controllerName = filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString().ToLower();
            string actionName     = filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString().ToLower();
            var    admin          = PersonalFramework.Service.AdminLoginHelper.CurrentUser();

            var log = new ActionLog();

            log.ActionContent = "";
            log.CreateTime    = DateTime.Now;
            log.IP            = IPHelper.GetClientIp();
            log.Location      = controllerName + "/" + actionName;
            log.RequestData   = Request.Form.ToString();
            log.Platform      = "后台";
            log.Source        = Request.HttpMethod;
            log.RequestUrl    = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            if (admin != null)
                log.UID      = admin.ID;
                log.UserName = admin.AdminName;

            if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                ViewBag.FormUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
        public void SetupEvents()
            if (_client.LoginState != LoginState.LoggedIn)

            _client.Ready += OnReady;

            ActionLog log = new ActionLog();

            _client.MessageUpdated      += OnMessageEdited;
            _client.UserJoined          += log.AnnounceUserJoined;
            _client.UserLeft            += log.AnnounceUserLeft;
            _client.UserBanned          += log.AnnounceUserBanned;
            _client.UserUnbanned        += log.AnnounceUserUnbanned;
            _client.MessageDeleted      += log.AnnounceMessageDeleted;
            _client.MessagesBulkDeleted += log.AnnounceBulkDelete;
            _client.GuildMemberUpdated  += log.AnnounceGuildMemberUpdated;
            _client.ChannelCreated      += log.AnnounceChannelCreated;
            _client.ChannelDestroyed    += log.AnnounceChannelDestroyed;
            _client.ChannelUpdated      += log.AnnounceChannelUpdated;
            _client.RoleCreated         += log.AnnounceRoleCreated;
            _client.RoleDeleted         += log.AnnounceRoleDeleted;
            _client.RoleUpdated         += log.AnnounceRoleUpdated;
            _client.JoinedGuild         += log.OnGuildJoin;
Beispiel #3
        public SaveResult Create(POSs pos, int userId, string userName)
            bool isExists = FiiiPayDB.DB.Queryable <POSs>().Where(t => t.Sn == pos.Sn).First() == null;

            if (pos != null && isExists)
                pos.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                pos.Status    = false;
                var  posId       = FiiiPayDB.POSDb.InsertReturnIdentity(pos);
                bool saveSuccess = posId > 0;
                if (saveSuccess)
                    ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog();
                    actionLog.IPAddress  = GetClientIPAddress();
                    actionLog.AccountId  = userId;
                    actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(POSBLL).FullName + ".Create";
                    actionLog.Username   = userName;
                    actionLog.LogContent = "Create POS " + posId;
                    new ActionLogBLL().Create(actionLog);
                return(new SaveResult(saveSuccess));
            return(new SaveResult(false));
    void IActionFilter.OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        // TODO: Add your acction filter's tasks here
        // Log Action Filter Call
        DomainModels db = new DomainModels();

<<<<<<< HEAD

>>>>>>> 6bef4ea7199f182f1dcc5a1156a157494ff9f29c
        //var result = (ApoliceCreationViewModel)filterContext.ActionParameters[ParameterName];
        /*var context = new UsersContext();
        var username = filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
        var user = context.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == username);
        user.RandomString = "Random1";

        ActionLog log = new ActionLog()
            Controller = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName,
            Action = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName,
            IP = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress,
            DateTime = filterContext.HttpContext.Timestamp,
            //Message = "" + username +" injected string " + user.RandomString
Beispiel #5
        public void UploadToServer(ActionLog log)
            var list    = new List <ActionLog>();
            var request = WebRequest.Create(_path);

            request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;
            using (WebResponse tmpRes = request.GetResponse())
                using (Stream tmpStream = tmpRes.GetResponseStream())
                    using (TextReader tmpReader = new StreamReader(tmpStream))
                        string fileContents = tmpReader.ReadToEnd();
                        list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ActionLog> >(fileContents);
            request        = WebRequest.Create(_path);
            request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
            var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list));

            using (var str = request.GetRequestStream())
                str.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            request = null;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will update a given specific menu item into the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
 /// <param name="menuItem">the specific menu item</param>
 public static void UpdateSpecificMenuSettingForUser(User user, MenuItem menuItem)
     #region ActionLog
     //the main log display
     String logAction  = $"S-a actualizat starea setari {menuItem.MenuDisplay} pentru utilizatorul {user.DisplayName}";
     String logCommand = $"UPDATE settings.meniu_utilizator SET activ = {menuItem.IsActive} " +
                         $"WHERE utilizator_id = {user.ID} AND inregistrare_meniu = {menuItem.MenuItemID}";
     //the local element IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the update command for the query
     String queryCommand = "UPDATE settings.meniu_utilizator SET activ = :p_activ " +
                           "WHERE utilizator_id = :p_user_id AND inregistrare_meniu = :p_record_id";
     //we instantiate the query parameter
     NpgsqlParameter[] queryParameters =
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_user_id",   user.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_record_id", menuItem.MenuItemID),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_activ",     menuItem.IsActive)
     //if we are unable to connect to the server we abandon execution
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //else we call the execution of the procedure
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(queryCommand, queryParameters);
     //we also log the current action
     ActionLog.LogAction(logAction, IP, user, logCommand, PgSqlConnection);
     //lets have happy functions without forgetting to close the
Beispiel #7
        public JsonResult Delete(int id)
                // find deleted user
                var deletedUser = db.Users.Where(u => u.UserId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (deletedUser != null)
                    if (String.Compare(deletedUser.Username, "admin", true) == 0)
                        return(Json(new { Error = 1, Message = "Tài khoản " + deletedUser.Username + " là tài khoản hệ thống. Bạn không thể xóa tài khoản này." }));

                    // remove user roles

                    // delete user

                    // Write action log
                    string actionLogData = "username="******"REMOTE_ADDR"]);

                return(Json(new { Error = 0, Message = "Delete user success!!!" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { Error = 1, Message = ex.Message }));
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will generate the Initial Settings for the user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
 public static void GenerateInitialUserSettings(User user)
     #region ActionLog
     //we format the log action for the element
     String logAction = $"S-au generat setarile initiale pentru utilizatorul {user.DisplayName}";
     //we generate the log Command
     String logCommand = "INSERT INTO setari_utilizatori(utilizator_id, setare_id, valoare_setare) " +
                         $"SELECT {user.ID}, id, valoare_initiala FROM setari";
     //we generate the Computer IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we write the sqlQuery
     String QueryCommand = "INSERT INTO settings.setari_utilizatori(utilizator_id, setare_id, valoare_setare) " +
                           "SELECT :p_user_id, id, valoare_initiala FROM settings.setari";
     //we instantiate the query parameter
     NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_user_id", user.ID);
     //if we are unable to connect to the server we abandon execution
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //else we call the execution of the procedure
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);
     //and log the action
     ActionLog.LogAction(logAction, IP, user, logCommand, PgSqlConnection);
     //and as always never forget to close the connection
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will update a solitary setting with the new setting value for a given user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
 /// <param name="setting">the setting</param>
 public static void UpdateSettingValueForUser(User user, Setting setting)
     #region Log Action
     //the specific log action
     String logAction = $"Actualizat valoarea setarii {setting.SettingDisplay} pentru utilizatorul {user.DisplayName}";
     //we generate the log Command
     String logCommand = "UPDATE setari_utilizatori " +
                         $"SET valoare_setare = {setting.GetStringValue} " +
                         $"WHERE utilizator_id = {user.ID} AND setare_id = {setting.ID}";
     //we generate the Computer IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the update command for a single setting
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE settings.setari_utilizatori " +
                           "SET valoare_setare = :p_value " +
                           "WHERE utilizator_id = :p_user_id AND setare_id = :p_setting_id";
     //the query parameters for a single setting
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_value", setting.GetStringValue),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_user_id", user.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_setting_id", setting.ID)
     //if we are unable to connect to the server we abandon execution
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //else we call the execution of the procedure
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //we will log the multi-insert
     ActionLog.LogAction(logAction, IP, user, logCommand, PgSqlConnection);
     //and as always never forget to close the connection
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add a new bank account to a given seller by piggy-backing on an already active connection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccount">the bank account controller</param>
 /// <param name="posgreSqlConnection">the active connection</param>
 public static void AddNewBankAccountForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, BankAccount bankAccount, PostgreSqlConnection posgreSqlConnection)
     #region ActionLog
     //we generate the log Action
     String LogAction = $"Adaugat un nou cont bancar la banca {bankAccount.Bank} pentru societatea {seller.Name}";
     //we also generate the command
     String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                         $"VALUES({seller.ID}, {bankAccount.Account}, {bankAccount.Bank}) " +
                         "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                         $"DO UPDATE SET banca= {bankAccount.Bank} RETURNING id";
     //and get the instance IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we generate the query command string
     String QueryCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                           "VALUES(:p_seller_id, :p_account, :p_bank) " +
                           "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                           "DO UPDATE SET banca= :p_bank, activ = true " +
                           "RETURNING id";
     //and then set the parameters for the query
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_account", bankAccount.Account),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_bank", bankAccount.Bank)
     //we execute the command returning the ID over an already active connection
     bankAccount.ID = (Int32)posgreSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //and log the command
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will update a bank account
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bankAccount">the given bank account</param>
 public static void UpdateBankAccountByAccount(BankAccount bankAccount)
     #region ActionLog
     //we initialy generate the action log and command
     String LogAction  = $"S-a actualizat contul bancar cu ID: {bankAccount.ID}";
     String LogCommand = "UPDATE seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori " +
                         $"SET banca = {bankAccount.Bank} " +
                         $"WHERE cont = {bankAccount.Account}";
     //before retrieving the ip of the current instance
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we generate the query command
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori " +
                           "SET banca = :p_bank, activ = true " +
                           "WHERE cont = :p_account";
     //and set the query parameters.
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_account", bankAccount.Account),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_bank", bankAccount.Bank)
     //before checking if we can open the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //we execute the non-query
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //and log the action
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //before closing the connection
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>Activate an item in database</summary>
        /// <param name="itemId">Item identifier</param>
        /// <param name="userId">Identifier of user that performs action</param>
        /// <param name="userDescription">User description for trace purposses</param>
        /// <param name="itemName">Item name</param>
        /// <param name="instanceName">Name of actual instance</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">String connection to database</param>
        /// <returns>Result of action</returns>
        public static ActionResult Active(long itemId, long userId, string userDescription, string itemName, string instanceName, string connectionString)
            var    res   = ActionResult.NoAction;
            string query = SqlServerWrapper.ActiveQuery(itemId, userId, itemName, instanceName);

            using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query))
                using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    cmd.Connection = cnn;
                        ActionLog.Trace(itemName + "_", itemId, "ACTIVE", instanceName, userDescription);
                    catch (Exception ex)

Beispiel #13
        /*/// <summary>
         * /// Updates item data in database
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="itemBuilder">Item instance</param>
         * /// <param name="fromImport">Indicates if update is from import (not required)</param>
         * /// <returns>Result of action</returns>
         * public static ActionResult Update(ItemBuilder itemBuilder,long userId, bool fromImport = false)
         * {
         *  return Update(itemBuilder, Basics.ActualInstance.Config.ConnectionString, userId, fromImport);
         * }*/

        /// <summary>Updates item data in database</summary>
        /// <param name="itemBuilder">Item instance</param>
        /// <param name="instanceName">Name of instance</param>
        /// <param name="userId">User identifier</param>
        /// <param name="fromImport">Indicates if update is from import (not required)</param>
        /// <returns>Result of action</returns>
        public static ActionResult Update(ItemBuilder itemBuilder, string instanceName, long userId, bool fromImport = false)
            var res = ActionResult.NoAction;

            if (itemBuilder == null)
                res.SetFail("No itemBuilder defined");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceName))
                res.SetFail("No instance specified");

            string query = SqlServerWrapper.UpdateQuery(itemBuilder, userId);

            using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))

                    var instance = CustomerFramework.Load(instanceName);
                    using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(instance.Config.ConnectionString))
                        var old = Read.ById(itemBuilder.Id, itemBuilder.Definition, instanceName);
                        cmd.Connection = cnn;
                        string differences = ItemBuilder.Differences(old, itemBuilder);
                        if (res.Success)
                            var user = ApplicationUser.GetById(userId, instance.Config.ConnectionString);
                            ActionLog.Trace(itemBuilder.ItemName + "_", itemBuilder.Id, differences, itemBuilder.ItemName, user.TraceDescription);
                            res.ReturnValue = "UPDATE";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExceptionManager.LogException(ex as Exception, "Update:" + query);
                    res.SetFail(query + "<br />" + ex);
                    if (cmd.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

        /// <summary>
        /// Logs the user action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="theAction">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="isGranted">if set to <c>true</c> [is granted].</param>
        public void LogUserAction(string userId, string theAction, bool isGranted)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(theAction))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theAction");
                using (
                    var dbContext = (PitalyticsEntities)dbContextFactory.GetDbContext())
                    var actionLog = new ActionLog
                        Action    = theAction,
                        Granted   = isGranted,
                        LogDate   = DateTime.Now,
                        UserEmail = userId,
                        DateStamp = DateTime.Now


            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception($"LogUserAction - {e.Message} , {(e.InnerException != null ? e.InnerException.Message : "")}");
Beispiel #15
        public LogEditForm(EditFormMode mode, ActionLog actionLog)
            : base(mode, actionLog)
            CheckHelper.ArgumentWithinCondition(mode == EditFormMode.View, "Form is readonly.");

Beispiel #16
 public static void AddActionLog(ActionLog log)
     lock (actionLogLock)
Beispiel #17
        public void SetUp()
            this.logger = new ActionLog();
            GlobalConstants.ActionLog = this.logger;

   = new CombatEngine(Mock.Of <IRollable>(
                                               roller => roller.RollSuccesses(
                                                   It.IsAny <int>(),
                                                   It.IsIn <int>(7)) == 1 &&
                                                   It.IsAny <int>(),
                                                   It.IsNotIn(7)) == 2));
            this.statisticHandler    = new EntityStatisticHandler();
            this.skillHandler        = new EntitySkillHandler();
            this.derivedValueHandler = new DerivedValueHandler(this.statisticHandler, this.skillHandler);
            this.abilityHandler      = new AbilityHandler();

            this.materialHandler = new MaterialHandler();

            this.objectIconHandler = new ObjectIconHandler(new RNG());

            this.itemHandler = new LiveItemHandler(new RNG());

            GlobalConstants.GameManager = Mock.Of <IGameManager>(
                manager => manager.ItemHandler == this.itemHandler &&
                manager.ObjectIconHandler == this.objectIconHandler);

            this.needHandler = new NeedHandler();
Beispiel #18
        void IActionFilter.OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
            HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;

            if (ctx.Session["User"] == null)
                filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Login/Index");
            var sessionEntity = ctx.Session["User"] as SessionEntity;

            using (YCEntities ycDb = new YCEntities())
                ActionLog log = new ActionLog()
                    ControllerName = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName,
                    Action         = string.Concat(filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName, " (Logged By: Custom Action Filter)"),
                    IPAddress      = GetLocalIPAddress(),
                    CreatedDate    = filterContext.HttpContext.Timestamp,
                    UserId         = sessionEntity.UserID
Beispiel #19
        public void CreateActionLogTest_AssertFalse()
            var actionLogRepo = GetActionLogRepo("ActionLog_ProdTestDb", "ActionLog_ArchTestDb");
            var sourceRepo    = GetSourceRepo("ActionLog_ProdTestDb");
            var typeRepo      = GetTypeRepo("ActionLog_ProdTestDb");
            var stateRepo     = GetStateRepo("ActionLog_ProdTestDb");
            var eventRepo     = GetEventRepo("ActionLog_ProdTestDb", "ActionLog_ArchTestDb");

            var checkType = CheckType.Mock();

            var state = State.Mock();

            var source = Source.Mock(checkType, state);

            var @event = Event.Mock(checkType, state, source);


            var result = actionLogRepo.CreateActionLog(ActionLog.Mock(@event, state));

            Assert.False(result == null, "ID should not be null");
 /// <summary>
 /// update a given seller by id
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 public static void UpdateSellerByID(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     #region ActionLog
     //the log action detailing the event
     String LogAction = $"S-au actualizat datele societatii cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
     //the formatted log command
     //for safety reasons it does not contain the image
     String LogCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                         $"SET denumire = {seller.Name}, " +
                         $"nr_registru_comert = {seller.CommercialRegistryNumber}, " +
                         $"capital_social = {seller.JointStock}, " +
                         $"sediul = {seller.Headquarters}, " +
                         $"punct_lucru = {seller.WorkPoint}, " +
                         $"telefon = {seller.Phone}, " +
                         $"email = {seller.Email}, " +
                         $"WHERE id = {seller.ID}";
     //the ip of the instance user
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the query update command string
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                           "SET denumire = :p_name, " +
                           "nr_registru_comert = :p_registry, " +
                           "capital_social = :p_joint_stock, " +
                           "sediul = :p_headquarters, " +
                           "punct_lucru = :p_adress, " +
                           "telefon = :p_phone, " +
                           "email = :p_email, " +
                           "sigla = :p_logo" +
                           "WHERE id = :p_seller_id";
     //the complete list of query parameters
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_name", seller.Name),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_registry", seller.CommercialRegistryNumber),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_joint_stock", seller.JointStock),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_headquarters", seller.Headquarters),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_adress", seller.WorkPoint),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_phone", seller.Phone),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_email", seller.Email),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter()
             ParameterName = "p_logo",
             NpgsqlDbType  = NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bytea,
             Value         = seller.Logo.LogoBase
     //we check the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //and execute the non-query
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //then also log the action on the same query
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //then close the connection
Beispiel #21
        public static bool RunAction(string appName, string actionName)
            var success = false;
            var app     = GetApp(appName);

            if (app != null)
                var action    = app.Actions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ActionName == actionName);
                var actionLog = new ActionLog(action.ActionName);
                actionLog.StartRunDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                string actionMessage;
                    success = action.Execute(out actionMessage);
                catch (Exception e)
                    actionMessage = e.Message;

                actionLog.Success    = success;
                actionLog.EndRunDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                actionLog.LogMessage = actionMessage;
                ActionLogRepository.SaveActionLog(appName, actionLog);
Beispiel #22
        public ActionResult ReportFinance()
            // Write action log
            ActionLog.WriteLog(ActionLog.VIEW_BOAT_REPORT, "", User.Identity.Name, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]);

 /// <summary>
 /// update the seller with the given logo
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="logo">the given logo</param>
 /// <param name="seller">the seller</param>
 public static void AddLogoToSeller(Logo logo, ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     #region Action Log
     //the log action detailing the event
     String LogAction = $"S-a adaugat/modificat logo-ul la societatea cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
     //the query formatted command
     String LogCommand = $"UPDATE seller.furnizori SET sigla = {logo.LogoBase.Take(10)} WHERE id = {seller.ID}";
     //the IP of the user instance
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the update command
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori SET sigla = :p_logo WHERE id = :p_seller_id";
     //the command parameters
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter()
             ParameterName = "p_logo",
             NpgsqlDbType  = NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bytea,
             Value         = logo.LogoBase
     //we check the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //and execute the update command
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //before logging the command
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //and closing the connection
        public void InvalidActionLogValuesShouldReturnBadRequest()
            var controller = GetFunctionalEventController("ActionLog", "ActionLog");
            var result     = controller.CreateActionLog(ActionLog.Mock(Event.Mock(CheckType.Mock(), State.Mock(), Source.Mock(CheckType.Mock(), State.Mock())), State.Mock()), Event.Mock(CheckType.Mock(), State.Mock(), Source.Mock(CheckType.Mock(), State.Mock())).Id);

            Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(result);
Beispiel #25
        public ActionLog Edit(ActionLog entry)
            ActionLog entity = null;

            if (entry.Id > 0)
                entity = repository.Get(entry.Id);

                if (entity != null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("entry not found!");

            entity.Name             = entry.Name;
            entity.Alias            = entry.Alias;
            entity.Data             = entry.Data;
            entity.DateCreate       = entry.DateCreate;
            entity.DateUpdate       = entry.DateUpdate;
            entity.EntityName       = entry.EntityName;
            entity.InnerReferralUrl = entry.InnerReferralUrl;
            entity.IsActive         = entry.IsActive;
            entity.IsDelete         = entry.IsDelete;


Beispiel #26
        public bool SetToInactive(int activityID)
            bizMessage biz = new bizMessage();

                enGageDataContext db = new enGageDataContext();
                Activity          ea = db.Activities.Single(act => act.ActivityID == activityID);

                ea.Inactive   = true;
                ea.ModifiedBy = bizUser.GetCurrentUserName();
                ea.Modified   = DateTime.Now;

                ActionLog al = new ActionLog();
                al.ID         = activityID;
                al.TableName  = "Activity";
                al.Action     = "Inactivate";
                al.Detail     = "";
                al.ActionDate = DateTime.Now;
                al.ActionedBy = bizUser.GetCurrentUserName();


                this.MSGS.AddMessage(biz.GetMessageText("UpdateSuccess"), Enums.enMsgType.OK);
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.MSGS.AddMessage(biz.GetMessageText("Exception"), Enums.enMsgType.Err);
Beispiel #27
        protected void Run(Player Owner, GameEvent gameEvent, GameEventArgs eventArgs)
            NotifySkillUse(new List <Player>());
            int answer;

            if (Game.CurrentGame.UiProxies[Owner].AskForMultipleChoice(
                    new MultipleChoicePrompt(Prompt.SkillUseYewNoPrompt, new BaGuaZhen.BaGuaZhenSkill()), Prompt.YesNoChoices, out answer) &&
                answer == 1)
                ReadOnlyCard c = Game.CurrentGame.Judge(Owner, null, new Card()
                    Type = new BaGuaZhen()
                }, (judgeResultCard) => { return(judgeResultCard.SuitColor == SuitColorType.Red); });
                if (c.SuitColor == SuitColorType.Red)
                    eventArgs.Cards = new List <Card>();
                    eventArgs.Skill = new CardWrapper(Owner, new Shan(), false);
                    ActionLog log = new ActionLog();
                    log.Source      = Owner;
                    log.SkillAction = new BaGuaZhen().EquipmentSkill;
                    log.GameAction  = GameAction.None;
                    throw new TriggerResultException(TriggerResult.Success);
Beispiel #28
 private void Start()
     player    = Player.instance;
     inventory = Inventory.instance;
     action    = ActionLog.instance;
     rockHP    = 20;
Beispiel #29
        public JsonResult Delete(int id)
                var deletedBarge = db.Barges.Where(b => b.BargeId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (deletedBarge != null)
                    // barge existed in any orders?
                    var order = db.Orders.Where(o => o.BargeId == deletedBarge.BargeId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (order != null)
                        return(Json(new { Error = 1, Message = "Xóa sà lan thất bại! Bạn không thể xóa sà lan đã được lập chuyến." }));

                    // delete barge

                    // write action log
                    var log_data = "id=" + deletedBarge.BargeId +
                                   ", code=" + deletedBarge.BargeCode +
                                   ", v1=" + deletedBarge.VolumeRevenue +
                                   ", v2=" + deletedBarge.VolumePurchaseFillingSand +
                                   ", v3=" + deletedBarge.VolumePurchaseGoldSand;
                    ActionLog.WriteLog(ActionLog.DELETE_BARGE_INFO, log_data, User.Identity.Name, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
                return(Json(new { Error = 0, Message = "Xóa sà làn " + deletedBarge.BargeCode + " thành công!" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { Error = 1, Message = ex.Message }));
Beispiel #30
        public ActionResult Add(AddBoatViewModel model)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // create new boat info
                    var newBoat = new Boat();
                    newBoat.BoatCode   = model.BoatCode;
                    newBoat.BoatOwner  = model.BoatOwner;
                    newBoat.BoatVolume = model.BoatVolume;

                    // save boat info

                    // Write action log
                    string actionLogData = "boat:" + newBoat.BoatId + ", boatCode:" + newBoat.BoatCode;
                    ActionLog.WriteLog(ActionLog.ADD_BOAT_INFO, actionLogData, User.Identity.Name, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]);


                // invalid boat info
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Thông tin Ghe không hợp lệ!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // error
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);

Beispiel #31
        public SaveResult <int> Create(Currency cur, List <PriceInfos> list, int userId, string userName)
            Currency tmp = FoundationDB.DB.Queryable <Currency>().Where(t => t.Name.Equals(cur.Name)).First();

            if (tmp != null)
                return(new SaveResult <int>(false, "The name already exists.", tmp.ID));

            if (cur.IsFixedPrice)

            // Create ActionLog
            ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog();

            actionLog.IPAddress  = GetClientIPAddress();
            actionLog.AccountId  = userId;
            actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Create";
            actionLog.Username   = userName;
            actionLog.LogContent = "Create Currency " + cur.ID;
            ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL();

            return(new SaveResult <int>(true, FoundationDB.CurrencyDb.InsertReturnIdentity(cur)));
Beispiel #32
        public ActionLog ToBase()
            ActionLog log = new ActionLog();

            log.UserId = this.UserId;
            log.TableName = this.TableName;
            log.FullTableName = this.FullTableName;
            log.On = this.On;
            log.ActionTypeId = this.ActionTypeId;
            log.TableNameBg = this.TableNameBg;

            foreach (var propLog in this.LogProperties)

            return log;
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal List<ActionLog> getActionLog(int days)
            NMOOracleDatabase database = new NMOOracleDatabase(dbConn);
            string spname = "PKG_MM_LOGS.GET_ACTION_LOGS";
            NMOParameterDirection pin = NMOParameterDirection.Input;
            NMOParameterDirection pout = NMOParameterDirection.Output;
            using (var conn = new OracleConnection(dbConn))
            using (var command = new OracleCommand(spname, conn)
                CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                NMOOracleParameter[] parameters = new NMOOracleParameter[2];
                parameters[0] = new NMOOracleParameter();
                parameters[0].ParameterName = "P_ACTIONDATE";
                parameters[0].OracleDbType = NMOOracleDbType.Date;
                parameters[0].Direction = pin;// NMOParameterDirection.Input;
                parameters[0].Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(days);
                parameters[1] = new NMOOracleParameter();
                parameters[1].ParameterName = "P_ACTIONDATE";
                parameters[1].OracleDbType = NMOOracleDbType.RefCursor;
                parameters[1].Direction = pout;// NMOParameterDirection.Output;

                // conn.Open();
                DataSet ds = dbmm.GetDataSet(spname, parameters);
                List<ActionLog> actionLogList = new List<ActionLog>();
                IEnumerable<DataRow> zz = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable();
                //List<ActionLog> rows = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Cast<ActionLog>().ToList();
                foreach (DataRow dr in zz)
                    ActionLog al = new ActionLog();
                    al.action_id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ACTION_ID"]);
                    al.action_note = dr["ACTION_NOTE"].ToString();
                    al.action_type = dr["ACTION_TYPE"].ToString();

                    DateTime dtCreated = DateTime.Parse(dr["DT_CREATED"].ToString());
                    al.dt_created = dtCreated.ToString("yyy/M/dd HHmm");
                //    al.dt_created = dr["DT_CREATED"].ToString();
                    al.user_id = dr["USER_ID"].ToString();
                    al.actionBy = dr["ACTIONBY"].ToString();
                    al.actionFor = dr["ACTIONFOR"].ToString();
                    al.midnId = dr["MIDN_ID"].ToString();

                return actionLogList;
Beispiel #34
 public ValidateState(string[] referenceLines, string[] resultLines)
     Reference   = new ActionLog ("Reference", referenceLines);
     Result      = new ActionLog ("Result", resultLines);
Beispiel #35
        public static long SendComment(long comment_id_parent, string content, Account commenter, Account receiver, string objectType, long objectID, string target_link, string target_object_name, int objecttypeID, string userAgent, string status, string UserHostName, bool for_group)
            long commentID = 0;
            if (for_group)

                AccountCollection listReceiver = new AccountCollection();
                CommentCollection listOldComment = CommentDA.SelectByPerformOnObjectID(objectID);
                if (receiver.ID != commenter.ID)
                foreach (Comment cm in listOldComment)
                    if (cm.AccountID != commenter.ID && cm.AccountID != receiver.ID)
                        Account a = AccountDA.SelectByID(cm.AccountID);
                        if (a != null && (listReceiver.Find(l=>l.ID == a.ID)==null))

                content = content.Replace("\n", "<br />");

                Comment c = new Comment();

                c.AccountID = commenter.ID;
                c.Author_IP = UserHostName;
                c.Content = content;
                c.ObjID = objectID;
                c.ObjectType = objectType;
                c.ObjectType = objectType;
                c.Agent = userAgent;
                c.Status = status;
                c.ReceiverID = receiver.ID; //owner
                c.ReceiverUsername = receiver.Username;
                c.ParentID = comment_id_parent;
                c.Target_link = target_link;
                c.Target_object_name = target_object_name;
                c.Username = commenter.Username;

                commentID = CommentDA.Insert(c);
                List<long> emailed_accounts = new List<long>();
                //Account commenter = AccountDA.SelectByID(senderID);//((Account)S-ession["Account"]);
                string emailcontent = commenter.Username + " đã viết lời bình luận  <b>" + target_object_name + "</b><br/> "
                                     + "<br/><br/> \"" + c.Content + "\" <br/><br/>"
                                     + "Bạn có thể xem chi tiết và trả lời bằng cách sử dụng link dưới đây: <br/> <a href='" + target_link + " '> " + target_link + "</a>"
                                     + "<br/>" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                foreach (Account r in listReceiver)
                    //ActionLogDA.Add(receiver.ID, receiver.Username,

                    //       objecttypeID,
                    //        objectID,
                    //        "viết bình luận <a href='" + target_link + "'>" + target_object_name + "</a> của nhóm <a href='" + target_link + "'>" + team.Name + "</a>"
                    //        , r.ID
                    //        , ""
                    //        , ""
                    //        , ""//Request.RawUrl
                    //        , c.ObjectID.ToString() + "+" + ObjectTypeID.Goal.ToString()

                    //        );

                    ActionLog acl = new ActionLog();
                    acl.AuthorID = commentID;
                    acl.Date = DateTime.Now;
                    acl.TargetAccount = r.ID;
                    acl.PerformOnObjectID = objectID;
                    acl.Username = r.Username;
                    acl.Href = " viết bình luận trên <a href='" + target_link + "' target='_blank'>" + target_object_name + "</a>";
                    acl.XCommentID = c.ObjID + "+" + objectType;
                    acl.ShortDescription = "Bạn <a href='" + LinkBuilder.getLinkProfile(commenter) + "' target='_blank'>" + commenter.Username + "</a> vừa" + acl.Href;
                    acl.ToUser = r.Username;



                    //notify to
                    if (commenter.ID != r.ID)
                        //SendMail.sendMail(emailcontent, commenter.Username + " viết lời bình luận  " + target_object_name, commenter.Email, commenter.FirstName + " " + commenter.LastName, r.Email, r.FirstName + " " + r.LastName, email_type.goal_comment, r.ID);
                        SendMail.SendNotification(emailcontent, commenter.Username + " viết lời bình luận  " + target_object_name, commenter.Email, commenter.FullName, r.Email, r.FullName, email_type.goal_comment, r.ID);


            return commentID;