Beispiel #1
	private void UpdateRightActions()
		if (actIdRight >= 0)
			int exeId = actIdRight;
			for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++)
				if (i == 0)
					if (actRetRight == Action.ReturnType.Done)
					{	// is a new action, so Init
						rightActions[actIdRight].Init(owner, targets[0], null, null, gameObject);

					actRetRight = rightActions[actIdRight].Execute(owner, targets[0], null, null, gameObject);

					if (actRetRight == Action.ReturnType.Done)
						if (actIdRight >= rightActions.Count) actRetRight = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

					else if (actRetRight == Action.ReturnType.CallAgain)
						// do nothing. will call again.
						// do not remove

					else if (actRetRight == Action.ReturnType.SkipNext)
						actIdRight += 2;
						actRetRight = Action.ReturnType.Done;
						if (actIdRight >= rightActions.Count) actRetRight = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

					// ---------- note that the following should be last else if tests

					else if (actRetRight <= Action.ReturnType.ExecuteSpecificNext && actRetRight != Action.ReturnType.Exit)
						Debug.LogError("There is no Action (0). Please specify a number higher than (0).");
						actRetRight = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

					else if (actRetRight > Action.ReturnType.ExecuteSpecificNext)
						actIdRight = (int)actRetRight - (int)Action.ReturnType.ExecuteSpecificNext - 1;
						actRetRight = Action.ReturnType.Done;
						if (actIdRight >= rightActions.Count) actRetRight = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

					// ---------- this should not be in else-if since the above code depends on something checking for Exit

					if (actRetRight == Action.ReturnType.Exit)
						actIdRight = -1; // done with all actions

					rightActions[exeId].Execute(owner, targets[i], null, null, gameObject);
Beispiel #2
	/// <summary>call this to use the skill (OnUse actions will run and timers started)</summary>
	public void Use(GameObject owner, List<GameObject> targets, Vector3 skillExeLocation)
		// the skill must be moved to the locatio nfrom where it is executed so that
		// there is some kind of physical location that can be referenced by action
		transform.position = skillExeLocation;

		this.owner = owner;
		this.targets = targets;
		actRetLeft = Action.ReturnType.Done;
		actRetRight = Action.ReturnType.Done;
		timersRunning = true;
		castTimer = castTimeSetting;
		cooldownTimer = cooldownTimeSetting;

		if (onUseActions.Count > 0) actIdLeft = 0; else actIdLeft = -1;
		if (rightActions.Count > 0) actIdRight = 0; else actIdRight = -1;

		leftTarget = null;
		if (targets == null) actIdRight = -1;
		else if (targets.Count == 0) actIdRight = -1;
		else leftTarget = targets[0];
Beispiel #3
	private void UpdateLeftActions()
		// only run actions if id is not -1
		if (actIdLeft >= 0)
			if (actRetLeft == Action.ReturnType.Done)
			{	// is a new action, so Init
				onUseActions[actIdLeft].Init(owner, leftTarget, null, null, gameObject);

			actRetLeft = onUseActions[actIdLeft].Execute(owner, leftTarget, null, null, gameObject);

			if (actRetLeft == Action.ReturnType.Done)
				if (actIdLeft >= onUseActions.Count) actRetLeft = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

			else if (actRetLeft == Action.ReturnType.CallAgain)
				// do nothing. will call again.
				// do not remove

			else if (actRetLeft == Action.ReturnType.SkipNext)
				actIdLeft += 2;
				actRetLeft = Action.ReturnType.Done;
				if (actIdLeft >= onUseActions.Count) actRetLeft = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

			// ---------- note that the following should be last else if tests

			else if (actRetLeft <= Action.ReturnType.ExecuteSpecificNext && actRetLeft != Action.ReturnType.Exit)
				Debug.LogError("There is no Action (0). Please specify a number higher than (0).");
				actRetLeft = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

			else if (actRetLeft > Action.ReturnType.ExecuteSpecificNext)
				actIdLeft = (int)actRetLeft - (int)Action.ReturnType.ExecuteSpecificNext - 1;
				actRetLeft = Action.ReturnType.Done;
				if (actIdLeft >= onUseActions.Count) actRetLeft = Action.ReturnType.Exit;

			// ---------- this should not be in else-if since the above code depends on something checking for Exit

			if (actRetLeft == Action.ReturnType.Exit)
				actIdLeft = -1; // done with all actions