Beispiel #1
        public void canCompareScopes(string greater, string lesser)
            AccessScope greaterScope = AccessScope.parse(greater);
            AccessScope lesserScope  = AccessScope.parse(lesser);

Beispiel #2
        public Credential?resolve(string tokenStr)
            // 1. match the token string to a Token
            var token = default(Token);

            using (var db = serverContext.getDbContext()) {
                token = db.tokens.FirstOrDefault(x => x.content == tokenStr);

            if (token == null)

            // 2. check token validity
            if (DateTime.Now >= token.expires)
                // token is expired.

            // 2. match the token to a user
            using (var db = serverContext.getDbContext()) {
                token = db.tokens.Find(;
                db.Entry(token).Reference(x => x.user).Load();

            // 3. parse token scopes/path
            return(new Credential(token, AccessScope.parse(token.scope)));
        public async Task <(RemoteIdentity, HttpStatusCode)> getAppAuthentication(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res)
            var appId = req.RouteValues.As <string>("appId");
            // check config for app layers
            var appDef = serverContext.config.apps.SingleOrDefault(x => == appId);

            if (appDef == null)
                return(null, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            // load user groups, and aggregate their permissions
            var user            = serverContext.userManager.loadGroups(currentUser);
            var userPermissions = new PermissionResolver(serverContext, user)
            // check if any permission grants app access
            var maybeGrantedScope = default(AccessScope?);

            foreach (var permission in userPermissions)
                var permissionScope = AccessScope.parse(permission.path); // permission: "/Layer" or "/Layer/App"
                foreach (var appDefLayer in appDef.layers)
                    var appScope = new AccessScope(appDefLayer,; // scope: "/Layer/App"
                    if (permissionScope.greaterThan(appScope))
                        maybeGrantedScope = appScope; // the granted scope is the one we authorize

            if (!maybeGrantedScope.HasValue)
                return(null, HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            var grantedScope = maybeGrantedScope.Value;

            // issue a new token for the app
            // TODO: configurable timespan
            var token = serverContext.userManager.issueTokenFor(,
                                                                serverContext.tokenResolver.issue(grantedScope, TimeSpan.FromDays(7)));

            return(new RemoteIdentity(new PublicUser(user), token), HttpStatusCode.Created);
Beispiel #4
 public void canParseScopesFromPath(string path)
     // ensure parsed path matches input path
     Assert.Equal(path, AccessScope.parse(path).path);