// Callback invoked when user changes selection method name in editor
 private void OnChangeSMName()
     // Make sure gen. method type is updated accordingly
     System.Type gmConfig =
     _selectionParams = AbstractSMConfig.GetInstance(gmConfig);
Beispiel #2
        private void SetGenParams()
            // Get reference to the GenerationManager
            GenerationManager gmInstance = FindObjectOfType <GenerationManager>();

            // Get GenerationManager's class type
            Type gmType = typeof(GenerationManager);

            // Class type of the selection method configuration
            Type smType = null;

            // Generation parameters specific for the selection method
            IDictionary <string, object> smConfig = null;

            // Assume no seed strategy for the generation manager's PRNG
            _genSeedStrategy = null;

            // Loop through all generation parameter sets in the current experiment
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> settings in _experiment.GenParamSet[_genParamSet])
                // Check what's the current parameter
                if (settings.Key.Equals("seedStrategy"))
                    // If it's a seed strategy (not exactly a parameter), keep it
                    _genSeedStrategy = settings.Value as Func <int, int>;
                else if (settings.Key.Equals("_selectionMethod"))
                    // If it's the selection method type, keep it, we'll use it later
                    smType = settings.Value as Type;
                else if (settings.Key.Equals("_selectionParams"))
                    // If it's the selection method params, keep them, we'll use them later
                    smConfig = settings.Value as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    // If we get here, it's a regular parameter, set it in the
                    // GenerationManager using reflection

                    FieldInfo gmField = gmType.GetField(
                        BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    if (gmField is null)
                            $"Unknown {nameof(GenerationManager)} field: '{settings.Key}'");
                        gmField.SetValue(gmInstance, settings.Value);

            // If a selection method was specified, configure it
            if (smType != null)
                // Get the existing instance of the current selection method type
                AbstractSMConfig smCfgInstance = AbstractSMConfig.GetInstance(smType);

                // Get reference to the GenerationManager's field specifying the
                // selection method
                FieldInfo gmFieldSmName = gmType.GetField(
                    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                // Get reference to the GenerationManager's field specifying the
                // selection method parameters
                FieldInfo gmFieldSmCfg = gmType.GetField(
                    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                // Update the generation manager with the experiment-specified
                // selection method name

                // Update the generation manager with the experiment-specified
                // selection method configuration
                gmFieldSmCfg.SetValue(gmInstance, smCfgInstance);

                // Are any selection method-specific parameters specified in the
                // experiment?
                if (smConfig != null)
                    // Update the selection method configuration with the
                    // experiment-specified selection method parameters
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> smSettings in smConfig)
                        FieldInfo smField = smType.GetField(
                            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                        if (smField is null)
                                $"Unknown {smCfgInstance.GetType().Name} field: '{smSettings.Key}'");
                            smField.SetValue(smCfgInstance, smSettings.Value);