Beispiel #1
    protected override AbstractBehaviour InitScript()
//		if (RingPhone != null)
//			AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (RingPhone,phone.transform.position);
        PhoneDevice phoneDevice = phone.GetComponent <PhoneDevice>();


        this.BName = "AnswerThePhone";

        AbstractBehaviour[] behaviours = new AbstractBehaviour[2];
        GoToBehaviour       behaviour  = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;

        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "Phone";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
//		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move";
        behaviours [0]  = behaviour;

        UseDeviceBehaviour uDBehaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UseDeviceBehaviour)) as UseDeviceBehaviour;

        uDBehaviour.DeviceToUse = phone;
        uDBehaviour.BName       = "Answer";
        behaviours [1]          = uDBehaviour;

//		this.Behaviours = behaviours;
        Sequence sequence = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Sequence)) as Sequence;

        sequence.Behaviours = behaviours;

Beispiel #2
    protected override AbstractBehaviour InitScript()
        this.BName = "Call for bus";

        AbstractBehaviour[] behaviours = new AbstractBehaviour[2];
        GoToBehaviour       behaviour  = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;

        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "Phone";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
//		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move";
        behaviours [0]  = behaviour;

        UseDeviceBehaviour uDBehaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UseDeviceBehaviour)) as UseDeviceBehaviour;

        uDBehaviour.DeviceToUse = phone;
        uDBehaviour.BName       = "Call";
        behaviours [1]          = uDBehaviour;

//		this.Behaviours = behaviours;
        Sequence sequence = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Sequence)) as Sequence;

        sequence.Behaviours = behaviours;

Beispiel #3
        public void RemoveBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour behav)
            AbstractBehaviour beh = SomethingInTheWorld.Find(a => a.BehaviourID == behav.BehaviourID);

            lock (SomethingInTheWorld)
Beispiel #4
 public void AddBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour beh)
     beh.Belongs = this;
     lock (SomethingInTheWorld)
 public DefaultMooshroom(int x, AbstractBehaviour _behaviour, bool _inRain, Rufus _rufus)
     rufus      = _rufus;
     inRain     = _inRain;
     position.X = x;
     behaviour  = _behaviour;
     range      = 35;
Beispiel #6
    protected override AbstractBehaviour InitScript()
        this.BName = "Clean bathroom";

        if (smartHomeServer != null)
            SensorsGUI gui = smartHomeServer.GetComponent <SensorsGUI> ();
            gui.SetDebugText(9, BName);
            gui.BehaviourTreeToShow = this;

        AbstractBehaviour[] behaviours = new AbstractBehaviour[5];
        GoToBehaviour       behaviour  = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;

        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "Bathroom";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
//		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move";
        behaviours [0]  = behaviour;

        behaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;
        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "WC";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
//		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Moveto WC";
        behaviours [1]  = behaviour;

        UseDeviceBehaviour uDBehaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UseDeviceBehaviour)) as UseDeviceBehaviour;

        uDBehaviour.DeviceToUse = toilet;
        uDBehaviour.BName       = "WC use";
        behaviours [2]          = uDBehaviour;

        behaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;
        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "Washbasin";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
//		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Moveto ashbasin";
        behaviours [3]  = behaviour;

        AtomicActivityBehaviour aABehaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(AtomicActivityBehaviour)) as AtomicActivityBehaviour;

        aABehaviour.duration = duration;
        aABehaviour.BName    = "Clean";
        behaviours [4]       = aABehaviour;

//		this.Behaviours = behaviours;
        Sequence sequence = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Sequence)) as Sequence;

        sequence.Behaviours = behaviours;

Beispiel #7
 public RufusModel(string _thumbPath, string _largePath, bool _isActive, AbstractBehaviour _behaviour, int _price, string _title, string _description)
     thumbPath   = _thumbPath;
     largePath   = _largePath;
     behaviour   = _behaviour;
     isActive    = _isActive;
     price       = _price;
     title       = _title;
     description = _description;
Beispiel #8
        public override void init(ContentManager Content)
            content = Content;
            behaviour = GameModel.rufusModels.ElementAt(GameModel.currentRufusID).behaviour;
            //  behaviour = new SuperRufusBehaviour();

            spriteSheetPosition  = new Vector2();
            texture              = Content.Load <Texture2D>(behaviour.tileSheet);
            spriteSheetPositions = Content.Load <Dictionary <string, Rectangle> >(behaviour.tileSheetXML);

            spriteSheet = new SpriteSheet(texture, spriteSheetPositions);
            spriteSheet.addAnimation(new AnimationStruct(AnimationStruct.IDLE, behaviour.idleFrames, 15, null));
            spriteSheet.addAnimation(new AnimationStruct(AnimationStruct.JUMP, behaviour.jumpFrames, 8, endJump));
            spriteSheet.addAnimation(new AnimationStruct(AnimationStruct.FALLING, behaviour.fallingFrames, 10, playIdle));
            spriteSheet.addAnimation(new AnimationStruct(AnimationStruct.DOWN, behaviour.downFrames, 10, playIdle));
            spriteSheet.addAnimation(new AnimationStruct(AnimationStruct.UP, behaviour.upFrames, 10, endJump));
            spriteSheet.addAnimation(new AnimationStruct(AnimationStruct.AIRDYING, behaviour.airdyingFrames, 10, null));
            spriteSheet.addAnimation(new AnimationStruct(AnimationStruct.DIE, behaviour.dieFrames, 8, die, false));

            if (behaviour.centerPosition == null)
                centerPosition = new Vector2(spriteSheet[spriteSheet.currentAnimation.frames.ElementAt(0)].Width / 2, spriteSheet[spriteSheet.currentAnimation.frames.ElementAt(0)].Height / 2);
                centerPosition = behaviour.centerPosition;

            spriteSheetPosition = behaviour.spriteSheetPosition;
            limitBaseY          = 330;
            levelBehaviour      = GameModel.levelsModels.ElementAt(GameModel.currentLevelID).behaviour;
            gravity             = (behaviour.gravity + levelBehaviour.gravity) / 2;
            range               = behaviour.range;
            force               = behaviour.force;
            bounce              = behaviour.bounce;
            ableToJump          = true;
            fallings            = -1;
            combo               = 0;
            isInitialized       = true;
            airDying            = false;
            levelPoints         = 0;
            maxMushComboCounter = 20f;
            mushComboCounter    = 0f;
            isInvencible        = false;
            mushrooms           = 0;
            bloobs              = 0;
            specials            = 0;
            maxCombo            = 0;
            maxJumps            = 0;
        public static void StartUpdateBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour beh)
            Thread thr = new Thread(() =>
                while (!beh.Terminate)

            lock (BehaviourThreads)
                BehaviourThreads.Add(beh, thr);
Beispiel #10
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        showHelp                   = false;
        showElectricityData        = false;
        showElectricityChartPhase1 = false;
        showElectricityChartPhase2 = false;
        showElectricityChartPhase3 = false;
        showDebugText              = false;
        showBehaviourTree          = true;
        debugText                  = new string[10];
        showFPS   = false;
        deltaTime = 0.0f;

        behaviourTreeToShow = null;
        electricityLogger   = GetComponent <ElectricityLogger> ();
Beispiel #11
    protected override AbstractBehaviour InitScript()
        this.BName = "Put Stuff Into Ward Robe";

        AbstractBehaviour[] behaviours = new AbstractBehaviour[4];
        GoToBehaviour       behaviour  = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;

        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "Entrance";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
        //		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move";
        behaviours [0]  = behaviour;

        behaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;
        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "Wardrobe";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
        //		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move";
        behaviours [1]  = behaviour;

        AtomicActivityBehaviour aABehaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(AtomicActivityBehaviour)) as AtomicActivityBehaviour;

        aABehaviour.duration = duration;
        aABehaviour.BName    = "Clean";
        behaviours [2]       = aABehaviour;

        behaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;
        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = "Livingroom";
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
        //		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move";
        behaviours [3]  = behaviour;

//		this.Behaviours = behaviours;
        Sequence sequence = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Sequence)) as Sequence;

        sequence.Behaviours = behaviours;

Beispiel #12
 private void ShowBehaviourTree(int x, int y, int witdh, int heigth)
     if (behaviourTreeToShow != null)
         GUI.Box(new Rect(x, y, witdh, heigth), "Activity Tree");
         AbstractBehaviour current = behaviourTreeToShow;
         int    deltaX             = 8;
         int    deltaY             = 16;
         string indent             = "";
         while (current != null)
             GUI.Label(new Rect(x + deltaX, y + deltaY, witdh - 32, 24), indent + current.BName);
             if (current is Sequence)
                 List <AbstractBehaviour> sub = ((Sequence)current).GetActiveBehaviours();
                 if (sub.Count == 1)
                     current = sub [0];
                     indent += "-";
                     deltaY += 24;
                     current = null;
             else if (current is AbstractScript)
                 current = ((AbstractScript)current).Behaviour;
                 indent += "-";
                 deltaY += 24;
                 current = null;
Beispiel #13
    protected override AbstractBehaviour InitScript()
        this.BName = "Scenario1";

        AbstractBehaviour[] behaviours = new AbstractBehaviour[3];
        GoToBehaviour       behaviour  = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;

        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = roomToGo1;
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
//		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move1";
        behaviours [0]  = behaviour;

        behaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(GoToBehaviour)) as GoToBehaviour;
        behaviour.avatarRigidbody = playerRigidbody;
        behaviour.roomToGo        = roomToGo2;
        behaviour.aStarGameObject = aStar;
//		behaviour.PathInit ();
        behaviour.BName = "Move2";
        behaviours [1]  = behaviour;

        UseDeviceBehaviour uDBehaviour = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UseDeviceBehaviour)) as UseDeviceBehaviour;

        uDBehaviour.DeviceToUse = deviceToUse;
        uDBehaviour.BName       = "Act";
        behaviours [2]          = uDBehaviour;

//		this.Behaviours = behaviours;
        Sequence sequence = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Sequence)) as Sequence;

        sequence.Behaviours = behaviours;

//		this.Run ();
Beispiel #14
 public override void Init()
     behaviour = InitScript();
Beispiel #15
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     behaviour = GetComponent <AbstractBehaviour>();
Beispiel #16
    protected override AbstractBehaviour InitScript()
        this.BName = "Make a dish";

        if (smartHomeServer != null)
            SensorsGUI gui = smartHomeServer.GetComponent <SensorsGUI> ();
            gui.SetDebugText(9, BName);
            gui.BehaviourTreeToShow = this;

        AbstractBehaviour[] behaviours = new AbstractBehaviour[68];
        behaviours[0] = CreateGoToBehaviour("Kitchen");

        behaviours[1] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDishes");

        behaviours[2] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(mug);

        behaviours[3] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDevices");

        behaviours[4] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(mug, 10.31f, 10.54f, 84.84f);

        behaviours[5] = CreateUseDeviceBehaviour(coffeeMachine);

        behaviours[6] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenTools");

        behaviours[7] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(frypan);

        behaviours[8] = CreateGoToBehaviour("Cooker");

        behaviours[9] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(frypan, 38.94f, 16.01f, 105.15f);

        behaviours[10] = CreateUseDeviceBehaviour(cooker);

        behaviours[11] = CreateGoToBehaviour("Refrigerator");

        behaviours[12] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Take Eggs", 5f);

        behaviours[13] = CreateGoToBehaviour("Cooker");

        behaviours[14] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Cook Eggs", 5f);

        behaviours[15] = CreateUseDeviceBehaviour(cooker);

        behaviours[16] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDishes");

        behaviours[17] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(dish);

        behaviours[18] = CreateGoToBehaviour("Cooker");

        behaviours[19] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(dish, 35.476f, 9.867f, 111.679f);

        behaviours[20] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(frypan);

        behaviours[21] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Put Eggs into dish", 4f);

        behaviours[22] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenSink");

        behaviours[23] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(frypan, 40.369f, 7.46f, 93.18f);

        behaviours[24] = CreateGoToBehaviour("Cooker");

        behaviours[25] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(dish);

        behaviours[26] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDishes");

        behaviours[27] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(fork);

        behaviours[28] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDevices");

        behaviours[29] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Take toast", 4f);

        behaviours[30] = CreateGoToBehaviour("DiningTable");

        behaviours[31] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(dish, 25.1f, 11.41f, 40.4f);

        behaviours[32] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(fork, 21.32f, 11.41f, 40.4f);

        behaviours[33] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDevices");

        behaviours[34] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(mug);

        behaviours[35] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Take sugar", 4f);

        behaviours[36] = CreateGoToBehaviour("DiningTable");

        behaviours[37] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(mug, 24.89f, 11.41f, 34.7f);

        behaviours[38] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Watch food", 4f);

        behaviours[39] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(fork);

        behaviours[40] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(dish);

        behaviours[41] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenSink");

        behaviours[42] = CreateUseDeviceBehaviour(sink);

        behaviours[43] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(dish, 40.369f, 7.46f, 93.18f);

        behaviours[44] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(fork, 40.369f, 7.46f, 93.18f);

        behaviours[45] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Do the washing up", 10f);

        behaviours[46] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(fork);

        behaviours[47] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(fork, 38.41f, 10.54f, 97.75f);

        behaviours[48] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(dish);

        behaviours[49] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(dish, 36.91f, 10.54f, 97.75f);

        behaviours[50] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Wash the frypan", 10f);

        behaviours[51] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(frypan);

        behaviours[52] = CreateUseDeviceBehaviour(sink);

        behaviours[53] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenTools");

        behaviours[54] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(frypan, 41.21f, 19.2f, 84.06f);

        behaviours[55] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenSink");

        behaviours[56] = CreateGoToBehaviour("DiningTable");

        behaviours[57] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(mug);

        behaviours[58] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenSink");

        behaviours[59] = CreateUseDeviceBehaviour(sink);

        behaviours[60] = CreateAtomicActivityBehaviour("Wash the mug", 4f);

        behaviours[61] = CreateUseDeviceBehaviour(sink);

        behaviours[62] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(dish);

        behaviours[63] = CreateTakeItemBehaviour(fork);

        behaviours[64] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDishes");

        behaviours[65] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(fork, 19.37021f, 8.851f, 120.51f);

        behaviours[66] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(dish, 22.46242f, 9.782906f, 120.6399f);

        behaviours[67] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(mug, 15.15f, 8.83f, 120.31f);

//		behaviours[31] = CreateGoToBehaviour("KitchenDishes");

//		behaviours[31] = CreatePutItemAtBehaviour(mug, 22.95f, 11.41f, 37.9f);

        Sequence sequence = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Sequence)) as Sequence;

        sequence.Behaviours = behaviours;
Beispiel #17
        internal void update(GameTime gameTime)
            timer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            if (timer >= timecounter)

                DefaultEntity temp;

                Random            rndn           = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                int               acum           = 0;
                AbstractBehaviour levelBehaviour = GameModel.levelsModels.ElementAt(GameModel.currentLevelID).behaviour;
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    float rnd = rndn.Next(0, 35);
                    if (acumSpecial <= 0)
                        temp = null;
                        RufusModel tempModel = GameModel.getStarByFrequency();
                        if (tempModel != null)
                            if (tempModel.behaviour is SimpleStarBehaviour)
                                temp            = new Star(10);
                                temp.position.X = colID[acum] * 80;
                                temp.position.Y = lineID[acum] * 60;
                            else if (tempModel.behaviour is MagneticStarBehaviour || tempModel.behaviour is RainStarBehaviour || tempModel.behaviour is TimeStarBehaviour)
                                temp            = new DefaultMooshroom(0, tempModel.behaviour, false, rufus);
                                temp.position.X = colID[acum] * 80;
                                temp.position.Y = lineID[acum] * 60;
                        acumSpecial = (int)(10 + rndn.NextDouble() * 40);
                    else if (rnd < 4 + levelBehaviour.frequency)
                        LevelBehaviour tempBehaviour = levelBehaviour as LevelBehaviour;

                        if (tempBehaviour.enemy == 1)
                            temp = new Bomb1(colID[acum] * 80, (int)((float)rndn.NextDouble() * 30 - 30f));
                        else if (tempBehaviour.enemy == 2)
                            temp = new BerryBomb(colID[acum] * 80, (int)((float)rndn.NextDouble() * 30 - 30f));
                        else if (tempBehaviour.enemy == 3)
                            temp = new JackO(colID[acum] * 80, (int)((float)rndn.NextDouble() * 30 - 30f));
                        else if (tempBehaviour.enemy == 4)
                            temp = new Hells(colID[acum] * 80, (int)((float)rndn.NextDouble() * 30 - 30f));
                        else if (tempBehaviour.enemy == 5)
                            temp = new CloudEye(colID[acum] * 80, (int)((float)rndn.NextDouble() * 30 - 30f));
                        else if (tempBehaviour.enemy == 6)
                            temp = new Goomba(colID[acum] * 80, (int)((float)rndn.NextDouble() * 30 - 30f));
                            temp = new Bomb1(colID[acum] * 80, (int)((float)rndn.NextDouble() * 30 - 30f));

                        temp.position.Y = -60;
                    else if (rnd < 7 + levelBehaviour.frequency)
                        RufusModel tempModel = GameModel.getBolinhaByFrequency();
                        if (tempModel != null)
                            if (tempModel.behaviour is GreenBolinhaBehaviour)
                                temp            = new Bolinha(colID[acum] * 80);
                                temp.position.Y = -50;
                            else if (tempModel.behaviour is RedBolinhaBehaviour)
                                temp = new BolinhaVermelha(colID[acum] * 80);
                            else if (tempModel.behaviour is JumpBolinhaBehaviour)
                                temp = new BolinhaPulante(colID[acum] * 80);
                                temp            = new BolinhaQuicante(colID[acum] * 80);
                                temp.position.Y = -50;
                            temp = null;
                    //else if (rnd < 8 + levelBehaviour.frequency)
                    //    temp = null;
                    //    RufusModel tempModel = GameModel.getStarByFrequency();
                    //    if (tempModel != null)
                    //    {
                    //        if (tempModel.behaviour is SimpleStarBehaviour)
                    //        {
                    //            temp = new Star(10);
                    //            temp.position.X = colID[acum] * 80;
                    //            temp.position.Y = lineID[acum] * 60;
                    //        }
                    //        else if (tempModel.behaviour is MagneticStarBehaviour || tempModel.behaviour is RainStarBehaviour || tempModel.behaviour is TimeStarBehaviour)
                    //        {
                    //            temp = new DefaultMooshroom(0, tempModel.behaviour, false, rufus);
                    //            temp.position.X = colID[acum] * 80;
                    //            temp.position.Y = lineID[acum] * 60;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                        // temp = new DefaultMooshroom(0, GameModel.itensModels.ElementAt(1).behaviour);
                        temp = new DefaultMooshroom(0, GameModel.getMushroomByFrequency().behaviour, false, rufus);

                        temp.position.X = colID[acum] * 80;
                        temp.position.Y = lineID[acum] * 60;

                    if (temp != null)

                    timer = 0f;

Beispiel #18
 private void Start()
     behaviour = GetComponent <AbstractBehaviour>();